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Abdullah Marfadi Thank God today was my exam and I had only 5 Q mistakes. Some questions
repeated of
Previous questions for some doctors
My advice
1 -reading of Qassim and UQU 
2 - read previous questions doctors because of repeated questions ,in the files followed by Group
3 – SCFHS a reference sources like 
current medical diagnosis and treatment , The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics and
not the net 

4 - God willing, down questions as soon as

And you very much wish you success

5-my exam was in 15/5/2013

Patient complaint of light-headedness , tachycardia , -1

diarrhea , relieve by laying down , history of gastrointestinal
surgery before 2 month ,what is the ur provisional
dumping syndrome-2
villous adenoma-3
cronhn's disease-4

After spontaneous delivery , and complete placenta delivery , -2

patient has heavy bleeding no response to , bimanual
massage , oxytocine and methergine second step
bilateral iliac artery ligation-2
utrine pack-3
injection PGF alpha-3
years constructer worker complain of fatigue, loss of 3-32
appetite and itching , diagnosis
GI disease-3
PATIENT work in dusty environmental , has red eyes ,itching -4
, no trauma no mucopurulent , to relive has symptoms
tobramycine eye drop-1
acyclovier drop-2
trifluridine drop-3
olopatatidin drop-4
Patient has sudden Rt eye pain ,red with dilated pupil , -5
cloudy cornea and increased IOP , left eye by examination
has cupping disc , and normal IOP, diagnosis
a- Rt glaucoma , left glaucoma
b- Rt uvitis and Lf retinal degeneration disease
c-Rt conjunctivitis and left reflex symptoms

female has burning sensation in vulva , after examination -6

there was vesicle dew drop and tender and swelling in of
the vulva, diagnosis
herpis simplex-1
post herpetic virus-2
years old has vesicular and macular rash in palate and 7-3
posterior pharynx ,no gingival lesion diagnosis
c-aphtus ulcer

long scenario 20 years female , amenorrhea , obese , oily skin, -8

high prolactin and high estrogen , normal LH, normal
FSH ,normal TSH
idiopathic hyper prolactinemia-1
hypothylamic –pituitary-2
exercise induce amenorrhea-3

cachexic patient, metabolism -9

increased amino acid for synthesis protein-1
build fat for preserve organ-2
muscle no effected -3
PATEINT in cold month , when used heater in his room , -10
complain of red eye itching , tearing anther things are
normal, ur advice
humidified room-3
years old nursing home , PPT was positive before one 11-73
year now the PPT less then 5 and no pulmonary symptoms ,
normal x-ray , ur advice
INH weekly for 6 month-1
no treatment-2
INH daily for 9 month-3
INH and rifampicin and ethambutol for one year-4

12-16years old female amenorrhea , has normal breast size and

contour only has protrusion around nipple ,scanty hair in
axilla and pubic normal secondary .
testosterone more then 350 ng/dl
complete androgenic syndrome-1
asherman syndrome-2
turner syndrome-3
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome-4

long scenario Patient has HTN recurrent attack of gouts 3-4 -13
per year , BUN and creatine are high , treatment

Infant has erythemic rash around perineal area , not satellite -14
frequint change diaper and barrier cream-1

clear scenario about schizophrenia -15

Q about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-16

)sudden death(

long scenario about croup disease-17

long scenario patient 20 years old complain of bone and joint pain -18
,bleeding ,recurrent infection
)positive myloperoxidase and prominent blast cell(
myeloblastic leukemia -1
chronic myelogenous leukemia-2
mylodysplastic syndromes-3

patient, 2 years complain of fatigue , sleepless , self esteem, -19

minor depression -1
major depression-3

Long scenario Female has previous history of ovarian -20

cancer , came to u complain of jaundice . after investigation
patient has obstruction jaundice without ascites ,treatment
liver biopsy-1
liver tube drainage-3

years patient , alcoholic has recurrent attack of epigastric pain 21-50

,vomiting and vague fullness, high amylase
liver cirrhosis-1
pseudocyt of pancreas-2
peptic ulcer-3

years male complain of sever shoulder pain , stiffness, 60 -22

tender, fatigue, fever and hip pain , ESR is high diagnosis
a-autoimmune disease
c-inflammatory tissue disease and giant cell arteritis
long scenario about crohn's disease , patient has fistula in- -23
ano , next step
sitz bath and analgesic-2
medical treatment before fistulotomy-3
follow up only-4

years old has asthma , used peak flow meter daily in the 9 -24
morning , glucosteroids orally + short b-agonist
persistent mild asthma-1
moderate asthma-2
moderate persistent asthma-3
sever asthma-4

years old has flu , cough , fever and in the buccal mucosa 25-3
there are gray , white lesions opposite to 2nd
molars ,diagnosis
rubeola -1
rubella -2
cheken pox-2

, years old has asthma used beclomethasone inhalation 26-6

the main side effect
.esophagel reflex d-1
Growth retardation-3
patien has eating disorder for weight regain to prevent heart -27
a-4 to5 pounds/week
b-3-4 pounds/week
c-2-3 pounds/week
d-1-2 pounds/week

diabetic patient came to ur clinic for Routine examination , by -28

ophthalmoscope there is vitreous hemorrhage what ur action
refear to ophthalmology-3
multiple appointment-4

female 55 years has history of breast cancer underwent for operation -29
before several month . now has bone pain and diagnosed as
vit D supplement-2
regular exercise-3

patient has acute closed-angle glaucoma which of the -30

following contraindication
laser iridotomy-3
long scenario female 20 years amenorrhea ,hair growth , -31
obesity , high LH , treatment
as cushing syndrome-1
as addison's-2
as cystic ovary-3

which of the following drugs of TB cause vertigo-32


heart burn and nasal congestion side effect of -33

theophylline -1
beclomethasine inhalation-2

patient 90 years present with problem in memory and visuospatial abilities -34
pathophysiology is
tangled protein-1
lewy bodies-2
dead neuron cell-3
36- Patient with severe depression and now he shows some
improvement with therapy , the risk of suicide now is:
a) No risk
b) become greater
c) Become lower
d) No change
37- Patient complaint of loss of association and
cirumstantionciality , neologism and flight of idea the defect
Form -1
quality -3
long scenario female G6P6 complain of frequency ,urgency-38
micturation , after examination and investigation, patient
has cystocele ,weak pelvic muscle , treatment
kegal exercise-1

long scenario female 25 years , use low-dose of-39

contraceptive came to u complain of amenorrhea
,fatigue, weakness, nausea , by examination cervics was
cyanotic and uterus large , diagnosis
side effect of oral contraceptive -1
early pregnancy-2
ovarin failure-3

which of the following drug not used by WHO for leprosy-40

colchicine -2
 clofazimine -3


adult male complain of buttock pain , lower backpain -41

and stiffness specially in early morning which improve
with activity and during day ,diagnosis
rheumatoid arthritis-1
anklosing arthritis-3

aerobic exercises is-42

decreased HDL-1
NO effect on central obesity-2
increased metabolic rate-3
infant has muscle wasting and subcutaneous loss and loss of-43
weight , diagnosis
nutritional dwarfism-1

case about self breast examination(picture) -44

need to mirror-1

patient brought to emergency, without pulse , BP 80/60 and-45

ECG finding

torsades de point -2

female planning to become pregnant , she received varicella vaccine , -46

what ur advice
no contraindication-1
routinely used -2
after 1-3 safe to became pregnant -3

after car accident , patient brought to ER , the GCS was -47

a-open eye spontaneous, localized pain and confusion
b- open eye spontaneous, obey order , confusion
c- open eye to pain , localized pain, confusion
patient has genetic colorectal cancer , which of the following -48
Reduce the risk of cancer
folic acid-1
vit. D-2

long scenario 20 years female, complain of amenorrhea -49

,obesity ,hair growth in her face , after investigation ,the
blood glucose and LH was high, diagnosis
cushing disease -1
Cystic ovary-2
-GTT 3

female complain of infertility , investigation done ,every -50

things is normal only FH and LH is high , treatment
a-gonadotropin releasing hormone
b- danazol

patient 60 years old complain of sever sudden headache by -51

examination patient has neck stiffness, and decreased level of

which of the following drug case small pupil-52

adult patient complain of urgency ,frequency dysuria , -53
hematuria, leukocyte esterase is positive
carcenoma of bladder-1
renal colic-2

These questions that I can remember. The rest of the 17

questions I can not mention them and, of course, was difficult

don't forget to pray

‫تمنياتي لكم بتوفيق‬

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