Callyn Naidoo - Assignment Information System 511

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Callyn Naidoo
Systems 511

Question One :.......................................................................................................................................4
Question Two :..................................................................................................................................5
Question Three :............................................................................................................................6
1) Power down when not in use....................................................................................................6
2) Make use of power saving features...........................................................................................6
3) Buy energy efficient hardware...................................................................................................6
4) Use a laptop...............................................................................................................................6
5) Recycle responsibly...................................................................................................................6
6) Go digital...................................................................................................................................6
7) Don’t buy new, upgrade and maintain......................................................................................7
Lower Energy Bills.............................................................................................................................9
Less Waste.........................................................................................................................................9
Reduce Office Expense......................................................................................................................9
Improve Workplace Productivity......................................................................................................9
Trickle Down Effect of Green IT........................................................................................................9
Save Money Across the Board........................................................................................................10
Tax Benefits.....................................................................................................................................10

Question One :
An acceptable use policy (AUP), AUP is a set of rules applied by the owner, creator or
administrator of a network, website, or service, that restrict the way in which the network,
website or system may be used and sets guidelines as to how it should be used. AUP are an
integral part of the framework of information security polices, it iis often common practice
to ask new member of an organization to sign an AUP before they are given access to its
information systems. For reasons , an AUP must be concise and clear, while at the same
time covering the most important points about what users are , and are not allowed to so
with the IT systems of an organization. It should refer users to more comprehensive security
policy where relevant. It should also, and very notably, define what sanctions will applied if
a user breaks the AUP, compliance with this policy should , as usual, be measured by regular
audits. One of the companies that use AUP is Telkom, place for Uncapped LTE packages
where the line speed will be throttled once the user reaches 250GB. ... The company has
now increased the softcap to 300GB per month (effective immediately), and once a users
hits that amount, the line will be throttled down. Richfield also has an AUP The Internet
provides access to a wide range of material. ... It is the expectation that all Richfield School
District staff will be responsible for monitoring and supervising all users of information
technology resources, including the Internet
These two AUPs have two very different jobs because they are two different organizations
and they perform different tasks , Telkom is a ISP , Richfield is an educational institution. By
comparing the two a more better AUP could be formed for the use at Richfield , Since learns
will require the use of the internet they will need an uncapped line , but the internet is full
of dangers , by blocking out non trusted websites would help these keep dangers software
away. [ CITATION Dav19 \l 7177 ]

Question Two :
Deadlock is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are
effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs
ceasing to function. Starvation is the name given to the indefinite postponement of a
process because it requires some resource before it can run, but the resource, though
available for allocation, is never allocated to this process, processes hand on resources to
other processes without control. The difference between starvation and deadlock ,
starvation occurs when one or more threads in your program are blocked from gaining
access to resource and , as a result, cannot make progress where as deadlock is the ultimate
form of starvation and occurs when two or more threads are waiting on a condition that
cannot be satisfied.[ CITATION Rou05 \l 7177 ][ CITATION Tan18 \l 7177 ]
Deadlocking can be avoid by the following :
- Mutual Exclusion : Resources such as reading-only files do not lead to deadlock but
resources, such as printers and taped drives, requires exclusive access by single
- Hold and Wait : In this condition processes must be prevented from holding one or
more resources while simultaneously waiting for one or more others.
- No Preemption : Preemption of process resource allocation can avoid the condition
deadlocks, where ever possible
- Circular Wait : Circular wait can be avoided if we number all resources, and require
that processes request resources only in strictly increasing (or decreasing) order.
[ CITATION Sag18 \l 7177 ]

Deadlock can exist if 4 conditions hold simultaneously :

- Mutual exclusion : At least one process must be held in a non-sharable mode.
- Hold and wait : there must be a process holding one resource and waiting for
- No preemption : resources cannot be preemted.
- Circular wait : There must ecist a set of processes [ CITATION Joh17 \l 7177 ]

Question Three :

Going green starts with smart purchasing and usage practices. Because IT accounts for a
disproportionate amount of the total energy consumption of a typical business, energy-
efficient computing directly impacts the bottom line.

Essential tips for green computing :

1) Power down when not in use

Seems obvious but many of us leave computers powered up for long periods when not in
use. Computer displays in particular use a large amount of energy so if you’re not using the
computer for a while press the power button to shut it off until required, you can do this
even if the computer is working on something. Remember that a screensaver doesn’t save
power. Same goes for your computer itself, you don’t have to shut it down completely if you
don’t want to reboot, just use sleep or hibernation mode. That will save energy but restore
the system to its current state when you need it again.
2) Make use of power saving features
All computers include power saving options. Using these features you can command your
computer to perform various energy-saving tasks automatically, including shutting off
unused hard disks, powering off a monitor after a certain time or even placing the computer
into sleep mode after a set period inactivity. These are especially useful on laptops to help
retain battery life.
3) Buy energy efficient hardware
If you don’t need super-fast computing power then look out for energy efficient
components when buying a new computer, such as green hard drives and low-energy
processors. While performance is slower they can use significantly less power. In particular
buying an energy efficient power supply unit for a desktop PC can help the environment and
save money, they’re often quieter too.
4) Use a laptop
Laptops are far better for the environment than desktop computers as they have
components which require less power. If you don’t need a desktop computer consider
buying a laptop instead, or if you have both use the laptop whenever possible.
5) Recycle responsibly
Computer hardware is packed with all kinds of material which can be hazardous to the
environment so make sure you dispose of old components properly. Don’t just throw
broken technology in the bin, take the time to track down local recycling schemes. There
may be companies which can extract the valuable rare metals, or charities which may repair
or restore items. You may even be able to sell some things yourself on eBay to make a little
extra cash. If nothing else you should check with your local authorities to find out what
facilities they offer for safely disposing of old computing equipment.
6) Go digital
Advances in technology mean our reliance on physical items has been greatly reduced. You
don’t need to buy a CD when music can be legally purchased from Amazon, iTunes or many
other sources. And rather than printing documents and photos make use of email and
instant messaging to send documents, or gadgets such as digital photo frames to display
pictures without paper.

7) Don’t buy new, upgrade and maintain

Computer running a little slow? It happens after a while, like people they get a bit sluggish in
old age. However that doesn’t mean you have to buy a whole new system, simple upgrades
such as extra RAM, a new hard drive or a new processor can have a major impact and give
your system a new lease of life. Most laptops can be upgraded as well, not just desktop
systems. It may not even need new parts, clearing out old files are reinstalling the operating
system can improve performance without costing any money. [ CITATION Mac18 \l 7177 ]

Video conferencing has been used commercially since the 1970s (wiki) and is designed to
service groups, rather than individuals through a simultaneous audio and video connection.
Each participant needs access to the internet as well as a webcam, screen (whether this is a
computer, or via a plasma screen), a microphone and set of speakers. Although this may
sound like a lot of costly IT investment before you even start, most new computers and
laptops have a lot of this equipment built in to them as standard.

Video conferencing is now used more and more in the business world for presentations,
training, board meetings etc. However, what are the real benefits to businesses and will
they ever completely replace face to face meetings?

Reasons why video conferencing is a green alternative :

- Video conferencing saves time : There is no denying that, when it’s necessary to
gather delegates from around the city, the country, or even the world, video
conferencing saves a huge amount of time in travel. Meetings can start promptly
without being delayed due to the late arrivals of trains or planes, or the impact of
traffic or bad weather. In addition, staff lose only a minimum amount of time from
their working day ensuring they’re more productive. This is crucial for many
companies, particularly SMEs, where having an employee out of the office for a day
can have a huge implications to work load and deliverables.
- Video conferencing saves money : Using video conferencing cuts this amount
drastically, allowing delegates from around the globe to meet quickly and easily with
minimal cost to the business. Indeed, this amount can be as low as just the cost of
your internet connection thanks to Skype, and other web based services, making the
service more cost effective yet.
- Video conferencing is better for the environment : It goes without saying that, with
delegates not travelling to meetings, holding a video conference is far more
environmentally friendly, particularly if there is substantial travel involved such as
going overseas. Keeping the corporate carbon footprint down is becoming more and
more important to businesses and therefore video conferencing helps avoid
unnecessary travel whilst not jeopardising crucial business opportunities.

- Video conferencing enhances business relationships : Establishing relationships

between colleagues, clients and suppliers are crucial to running a successful business
and face to face meetings are the best way to facilitate this. However, when these
are not possible, holding a ‘face to face’ video conference can be an effective
alternative to meeting in person. Giving people the opportunity to present, catch up
or simply brainstorm in front of each other is a great way to promote effective
working and maintain business relationships already in place. [ CITATION Ken17 \l
7177 ]

Benefits of green computing :

1. Environmental Sustainability – Green IT ensures the diversity and productiveness of the

biological systems since it reduces negative impact of the processes through green use,
design, disposal and green manufacturing.

2. Better Resource Utilization – Green computing is a powerful approach to utilize resources

such as office space, data centers, computers, heat, light, electrical power etc. in an
environmental friendly way.

3. Cost Saving – Since you’re utilizing resources efficiently through green computing, there is
a significant saving in the total operational costs.

4. Improved Corporate and Social Image – Green computing is a big hand for the businesses
to improve their corporate image by meeting compliance and regulatory requirements. It
also a good way to meet sustainability demands of the customers and employees.

Ways that green computing helps business :

Lower Energy Bills

The most obvious benefit of green computing is lowering energy bills. Green information
technology practices can help you to lower your overall power usage. Determining the
number of computers, printers, phones and other electronic devices in your workplace, how
they’re used and how much energy they consumer is the first step in the Green IT practice.
Using the aforementioned-information, you can do away with non-essential items which will
help you to reduce your overall power usage. This will ultimately result in lower energy bills.

Less Waste

Many companies pay money to get rid of the waste in their workplace. green information
technology involves moving to a paperless system. By moving to a paperless system, you can
minimize waste significantly in your workplace. This in turn will help you to reduce your
company’s carbon footprint and save money.

Reduce Office Expense

You can minimize your general office supply expenses by utilizing more green IT in your
business. Paper is an expense that most people are aware of but there are few other
expenses that you need to consider. By transitioning to a digital platform, you can reduce
expenditure on pens, markers, paperclips and more. How much do your business spend on
these items each year? I’m guessing it’s in the thousands. If you save money on these
expenditures, then the best thing that you can do is move to a digital and green IT system.
Also, when you move to a digital platform, the storage required for the aforementioned-
items is reduced, which makes room for other equipment and needs.

Improve Workplace Productivity

Increased productivity is another benefit of employing eco-friendly technology. For

example, compared to sifting through a filing cabinet, finding digital documents on the
Cloud is an easier and faster way of locating the documents you want. Mobile technology
and messaging systems are positively impacting how people perform their jobs. Infact, some
companies have reported a 25% increase in productivity after moving to a digital platform.
Depending on the type of services the company renders, this increase in productivity could
lead to an increase in revenue.

Trickle Down Effect of Green IT

The majority of the data centers consume thousand times more power than office space of
equal size.  Additionally, IT equipment accounts for a major proportion of all energy
consumed by businesses. So, the trickle-down effect of transitioning to Green IT impacts the
cost of business operations on so many levels. Some companies experience a return of
investment of a green IT initiative in three to six months. However, there are cases where
the impact is almost immediate. Keep in mind that I’ve explained the trickle- down effect of

Green IT without even touching the cost-saving potential of virtualization and virtualization
is just one aspect of Green information technology.

Save Money Across the Board

If you want to save money across the board then, moving to green IT can do you a world of
good. You can utilize the savings you achieve through green IT in other aspects of your
business to generate even more revenue. For instance, you can use the money saved in
energy bills to improve your marketing efforts or products features. Or, you can reinvest
that money to further improve your business such as investing more in social media or
hiring additional staff.

Tax Benefits

Finally, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy tax benefits after making the switch to
Green IT. Depending on what technology you implement, your green devices could help you
get a tax break. For instance, by installing solar panels at their workplace, many businesses
are enjoying tax savings of as much as 30% and this is just one scenario where switching to
green IT results in tax savings.

In addition to being an environmentally friendly practice, green information technology can

help your business to save money and grow. The aforementioned-information reveals
exactly how.[ CITATION Ann10 \l 7177 ]

Andrew, T. (2018, December 15). Starvation (computer science). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Jeniffer, M. (2018, March 22). Tips to creen computing. Retrieved from divi:

Khillar, S. (2018, June 5). Difference Between Deadlock and Starvation in Operating System OS.
Retrieved from Difference

Kinnaman, D. (2019, januray 20). Acceptable Use Policy. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Norman-Butler, A. (2010, December 13). Is Video conferencing a viable business solution. Retrieved

Rouse, M. (2005, September 14). Deadlock. Retrieved from

Sorensen, K. (2017, july 20). 3 ways to energize your business with green computing . Retrieved from

Swall, J. (2017, june 10). What is a Deadlock. Retrieved from Tutorials:

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