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Alhamdulillah. Praise the presence of Allah SWT as alway. Thanks to his gift of faith

and health, the writer is finally able to complete a paper on "Material Development". Do not

forget to pray and greetings poured out to our prophet Rasulullah SAW whose intercession us

will look forward to in the future.

The writing of this paper is made to fulfill the course assignments. The writer would

like to thank those who have supported and helped complete the paper. Hopefully, this paper can

be of benefit to readers.

With humility, the writer apologizes if there are a sentences mismatch and mistakes.

However, the writer is open to criticism and suggestions from readers for the sake of perfection

of the paper.

05 Maret 2021


TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................... iv

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1

Background ................................................................................................................................. 1

Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 1

DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................ 2

I. Basic Concepts of Developing English Teaching Materials............................................... 2

II. Scientific Approach in the Development of English Teaching Materials........................... 2
III. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as an Approach to Developing English Teaching 4
IV. Materials.............................................................................................................................5

CLOSING.................................................................................................................................... 14

Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 14

BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................... 15


Learning foreign languages today is one of the main subjects and especially important in the world of
education in Indonesia. Foreign language learning is very necessary considering the present is a period
of globalization that is direct or indirect the use of foreign languages in communicating more and more
popular, along with the development of technology and science, hence the foreign language skills,
especially English, are very high to support various kinds of needs to communicate for the sake of
improve the quality and reliability of education in Indonesia. Various kinds of methods and methods
have been proposed by the educators seem to explain that to achieve goals and objectives in the
context of the lessons delivered, it takes a way that is considered most relevant and the most up-to-date
in the teaching and learning process. Language English is a subject that has become one of the main
subjects in the world of education in Indonesia, and to teach material English, it takes several ways or
customized methods with the conditions and situations of the students themselves. Learning English is
currently a mandatory material on subjects at the junior high school level in Indonesia. Therefore it
takes an active role by teachers / educators in activities and the process of teaching and learning English
at the junior high school level. Because of levels SMP is the beginning of students learning English so all
the basics of English must be taught correctly and well as a reference for students in learning English

In a modern world full of challenges and competition strictly speaking, everyone is advised not only to
have that level of education high, but it also requires special skills that we commonly call skills. Wrong
one skill that is most needed at this time is English. In accordance with the the explanation above,
English is a global language, then for that want to be one step ahead of the average person, need to
even have to master English (Pattymahu, 2012). The ability to speak English is one of the abilities very
important for students. English is one of the subjects in the UN (National Examination). English lessons
are also one thing which is important for continuing education to higher education. Therefore, early
learning should be done to make it easier access to more comprehensive English learning.

The Ministry of National Education determines the importance of language lessons English with three
objectives, including developing skills communicate in English, either in spoken or written form, that is
includes the ability to listen (listening), speak (speaking), reading (reading), and writing (writing), raise
awareness about the nature of language and the importance of English as a foreign language as a tool
major learning and developing an understanding of interrelationships between languages and cultures
and broadens cultural horizons for students to have insight across cultures and can immerse oneself in
cultural diversity (Sidiknas, 2000). The Ministry of National Education also stipulates that the ability that
must be possessed by Indonesian students is to understand and reveal information, thoughts, feelings,
and develop knowledge knowledge, technology, and culture using English (Sidiknas, 2003).


This paper aims to discuss the Basic Concepts of the Development of English Teaching.

I. Basic Concepts of Developing English Teaching Materials

In general, people assume that teaching materials are always associated with textbook lessons. However
Tomlinson (1998) warns that books text lessons are only one of them. Teaching materials are anything
that can used by teachers and students to facilitate learning. Therefore Teaching materials can be in the
form of dictionaries, tapes, videos, worksheets, etc. Tiwari (2008) teaching material is a tool to achieve
goals learning that helps teachers prepare assignments, classes, and guide students in the learning
process. Teaching materials also make an impression in students there is a sense of achieving something
because the purpose in the material is more specific and immediate achievement can be felt (Richards
and Schmidt, 2002: 339). In addition, Choudhury (1998: 154) states that teaching materials function as a
binder of the entire learning process because it is packaged as a day system, teaching materials can be
used as a control to avoid the elements missing or unnecessary repetition. It must be realized that
developing teaching materials is designing activities or learning experiences (learning experience). When
the developer an activity, it refers to the principles of learning correct. Every activity should apply at
least one principle, for example the principle of expediency, collaboration, or diversity, but that would
be better if one activity can apply several principles. In other words, activity not only impart knowledge,
but to transform knowledge becomes competence.

II. Scientific Approach in the Development of English Teaching Materials

The learning process can be matched with a scientific process, therefore the 2013 Curriculum mandates
the essence of the scientific approach in learning. The scientific approach includes constructivist inquiry
learning. Learning objectives with a scientific approach include the development of the domains of
attitudes, knowledge, and skills that are elaborated for each educational unit. The three domains of
competence have different psychological acquisition (process) trajectories. Attitude is obtained through
activities: accepting, implementing, appreciating, living, and practicing. Knowledge is obtained through
activities: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Meanwhile, skills
are acquired through activities: observing, questioning, reasoning, presenting, and creating
(Permendikbud No. 65 of 2013). The scientific approach is believed to be the golden step for the
development and development of students' attitudes, skills and knowledge. In an approach or work
process that meets scientific criteria, scientists prioritize inductive reasoning rather than deductive
reasoning. Deductive reasoning looks at general phenomena and then draws specific conclusions. On
the other hand, inductive reasoning looks at specific phenomena or situations to then draw conclusions
as a whole. In fact, inductive reasoning puts specific evidence into broader idea relations. The scientific
method generally places unique phenomena with specific and detailed studies to then formulate
general conclusions. The scientific method refers to the techniques of investigating one or more
phenomena or symptoms, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and combining previous knowledge.
To be called scientific, the method of inquiry must be based on evidence from observable, empirical, and
measurable objects with specific principles of reasoning. The scientific method generally includes a
series of data collection activities through observation or experimentation, processing information or
data, analyzing, then formulating, and testing hypotheses.

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