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Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Annamalai university, Annamalai Nagar - 608 002

Technology is impacting the construction industry like never
before. From cloud-based collaboration and the development of digital twins
to robots, super-materials, wearable tech, pollution-eating buildings, and
even artificial intelligence (AI) an incredible array of developments are helping
to improve a sector that shapes how every human being on Earth is able to
live their lives.

Emerging construction technology isn’t just a fad or a fun new toy. There
are real, practical applications and benefits to modernizing your current

Construction companies want to remain competitive and not be left

behind, they are finding ways to integrate new approaches into their strategy
and workflow.
These cutting-edge technologies in construction are drastically changing
how the industry operates and how future projects will be performed. 
Recent Technology Trends in Construction and Civil
 Building Information Modelling (BIM)
 Cloud and Mobile Technology
 Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
 Virtual Reality
 Augmented Reality
 3D Printing
 Artificial Intelligence
 Robotics
 Exoskeletons
 The Connected Jobsite
 Autonomous Vehicles
 Advanced Materials
 The Intelligent Built Environment
 Machine Learning
 Prefabrications
 Predictive Analytics
 Construction Software and Data Ecosystem
 Self healing Concrete
 Advance Uses of GPS
 New Effective Scanning Solutions
 Timber Constructions
 Wearable Technology
 Smart Building
 Modular Construction and 3D Printed Dwellings
 Smart Buildings
 Connected Homes
 Home Analytics


 Increased prefabrication, modularization, and eco-friendliness. BIM is

similar to CAD (computer-aided design), but not exactly the same. It is

software for 3D design to digitally model what will be built.
 But it’s capabilities don’t stop there: “It doesn’t just create a visually
appealing 3D model of the building, it also creates numerous layers of
metadata and renders them within a collaborative workflow,” writes It captures things in a way that paper just can’t.
 30 to 35% of builders are currently using BIM/CAD software. The use
of BIM provides space for better collaboration because each person and
expertise area can add their piece to the same model, instead of
breaking out onto multiple versions of a 2D paper drawing. One of the
top trending construction technology in 2021.
 This way, the model evolves immediately as people contribute,
streamlining the process and increasing efficiency. BIM also helps with
problem-solving in the design and planning stages of a project, by
automating clash detection and providing a more complete picture of
the project.


Mobile technology isn’t just for games anymore. Apps are
becoming more of the norm in actual construction. The increased portability of
tablets and smartphones allows for greater communication and the ability to
work from anywhere.
Integrating this type of technology into your current processes can be much
simpler and require a smaller upfront investment while still providing major
benefits and boosting productivity in your day to day processes.
 Mobile technology can help to save time and keep the project moving
forward faster by providing real-time monitoring, updates, and making
information available between the job site and the office.
 Companies can easily access the latest revisions to plans or report a
problem to the project manager off-site. One of the best emerging
trends in civil engineering.
 Just a few years ago most people either didn’t know or couldn’t explain
what a cloud operating system was. Today, this is no longer the case. In
fact, most mobile devices can leverage cloud technology from
anywhere, at any time.
 There are many great advantages to this, including storing almost
limitless amounts of information that you can then share instantly with
the touch of a button. This is much less expensive too – about one-tenth
of what sharing old technologies costs.
 Since the cloud-based business phone system is accessible from
anywhere you have an internet connection you can expect it to become
a mandatory part of the construction industry in the future, especially if
you want to remain competitive.


 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – also known as “drones” – are set

to become increasingly common on construction projects throughout

 From undertaking inspections ensuring that operatives are kept out of
harm’s way, to surveying vast areas of land in just a few minutes, the
continued rise of UAVs will considerably improve safety and productivity
in construction.
 Matured from one around feasibility to consider the steps needed for a
successful implementation – with safety, approvals, privacy, the need
for suitable legislation, and the urgent demand for specialist skillsets all
on the agenda.
 Drones are the most widely used emerging construction technology.
They can conduct site surveys more quickly and accurately than a crew
on the ground and are cheaper than aerial imaging. Their high-
resolution cameras and the data collected can create interactive 3D or
topographical maps and models and take volume measurements.
 Another benefit of using drones is the ability to inspect hard to reach
places such as bridges or around tall buildings, and to do it safely. You
can also use them to monitor progress on a job site and see how people
are working.
 Many construction sites are already heavily dependent on the use
of drones. These drones are very beneficial in that they save a lot of
time. For instance, surveyors can survey an entire site in just a few
minutes, whereas in the past it’d take them several weeks or months.
 Obviously, this will also save construction companies a lot of money.
As drone technology continues rapidly developing in its accuracy and
precision of its readings, even less human involvement will be
 In the past, many companies were hesitant to use drones because they
still needed a controller, but today as the technology grows much more
efficient, more construction companies are willingly and openly
embracing this technology.
 You can also read about How Drones are Changing the Construction

 Virtual reality (VR) technology is often used in conjunction with BIM to
help better understand complex projects. Think of the potential: you
create a building design with BIM and then are able to use VR to
actually walk around it. Pretty cool, right?
 This will give your team, or the client, an even more realistic idea of
what the project will look like once completed. Having a more complete
grasp on the project before it begins gives you the opportunity to avoid
big changes and expensive change orders mid-way through. One of the
best emerging trends in construction and civil engineering.
 While virtual reality (VR) has traditionally enabled project teams and
stakeholders to step inside their proposed schemes before construction
works commence, the technology is finding countless new applications
across the industry as in 2021.

 Construction World says that although virtual reality has been an

emerging trend over the past few years, it’s quickly growing outdated –
especially when compared to augmented reality uses and benefits.
 This is the ability to visualize the real world through a camera lens. It’s
something that’s bound to open many new opportunities for the
construction industry even though it’ll come with a cost.
 For those companies who can afford to start using it now, it’ll
revolutionize how they project and build things. This is a trend that will
grow much bigger in the next few years.
 One of the best emerging trends in civil engineering. In fact, many
people believe that instead of using safety goggles, we’ll start planning
and plotting sites before we even break ground. Augmented
Reality(AR) will play a huge role in construction. 


 3D printing as a construction technology has the potential to change

material sourcing. For prefabrication, materials for a project can be
printed and then transported to the job site, ready for use immediately.
This can allow companies to get materials faster and streamline the
process by removing extra steps in the middle.
 According to the U.K. Green Building Council, around 15% of materials
delivered to construction sites end up in landfills, and the American
Institute of Architects believe that building-related waste makes up
between 25% to 40% of America’s solid-waste stream, reports Fortune.
With 3D printing it will even be possible to print materials right on site,
reducing waste and further saving on transportation and storage costs.

7. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

 The construction industry is already seeing the implementation

of artificial intelligence on the job site with the use of robotics for tasks
like bricklaying and autonomous equipment that can operate and
complete tasks without the need for human interaction. One of the best
emerging trends in civil engineering.
 AI can benefit construction projects through increased safety, improving
workflows, and getting jobs done faster and better. It can also identify
when information or pieces are missing and ask questions, and use the
data it collects.

8. Robotics:
 Rapidly moving from science fiction to reality, robots are beginning to
enter construction in a number of areas.
 From autonomous rovers that can increase the efficiency and detail of
site inspections to mechanical arms that automate highly repetitive
tasks like brick-laying and tying rebar, the robotic revolution looks set to
gather significant pace in 2021. One of the best emerging trends in civil
 Robotics is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. Industries like
healthcare are already investing a lot of money in them. As these robots
grow even more precise and accurate, they’ll become a commanding
force in the construction industry.
 In the beginning, the cost of robotics will be high, but it will still be well
worth it to at least pay attention to this technology. Eventually, we may
witness robots being able to do things like lay bricks and tie rebar, we
may even see them complete most of the current man-operated
construction projects in the coming years.

9. Exoskeleton:

 Exoskeletons are wearable devices that work in tandem with the user.

The opposite of an exoskeleton device would be an autonomous robot
that works instead of the operator.
 Exoskeletons are placed on the user’s body and act as amplifiers that
augment, reinforce or restore human performance.

 Originally developed for military use and for patient mobility and
rehabilitation, exoskeletons are now beginning to appear on
construction sites.

 Helping to protect workers from manual handling injuries and the risk of
hand-arm vibration, these mechanical suits that “augment” with human
operatives can also deliver considerable gains in productivity.
 Already being rapidly adopted across manufacturing, live trials on
construction sites in the past year have generated results that look set
to drive the development and uptake of exoskeletons in the construction
sector during 2019.

10. The connected Jobsite:

 Connected jobsites use cloud technology to make information about

almost every aspect of their operation available to all the relevant
parties, regardless of whether those parties are on-site or elsewhere.
 From putting design information streamed from a single point of truth
into the palms of operatives, to information by geolocation, remote site
monitoring, personnel location tracking, live mark-ups, and the
seamless transfer of as-built information connected job sites improve
communication, productivity, and safety for everyone involved in a
project. One of the best emerging trends in civil engineering. One of the
best construction technology.

 With the intuitive technology supporting these sites advancing and now
more widely available than ever before, connected job sites are only
expected to become more commonplace in 2019.

 Meanwhile, developments continue to be made in connecting people

and consolidating systems through digital mapping engines that contain
and visualize construction data.
 Mapping design and construction data onto a real-world job site, Atlas
uses geo-location to present project information from multiple systems
relevant to your physical location, making traditional folder structures
obsolete and streamlining any access-critical process like snagging,
inspections, and more.

11. Autonomous Vehicles:

 While autonomous vehicles continue to make headlines in the

consumer space, their adoption in the construction sector looks set to
take notable strides forward in 2019.
 As with the field of robotics, the automation of construction plant –
particularly in relation to highly repetitive tasks – could greatly improve
productivity, whilst creating a safer work environment and helping to
address the industry’s shortfall in labor. One of the best emerging trends
in civil engineering.
 At their Electric Site in Sweden, Volvo Construction Equipment trialed

electric autonomous vehicles in conjunction with electric human-

operated excavators to deliver a 40% improvement in efficiency as
compared to a traditional set-up.
 Other concept vehicles under development by the manufacturer include
semi-autonomous electric excavators that can learn the careful
movements required to achieve grading or highly accurate leveling.
 The combined use of autonomous technology and electric power
enables work to take place around the clock without the need for breaks
or the disruptive noise levels that traditionally prevent such working.
 Meanwhile, Volvo’s Trucks business has made progress in developing a

concept fleet of fully autonomous electric vehicles that can help combat
pollution, noise, and congestion in our cities by reducing emissions,
planning optimum routes, and responding to real-time traffic situations.

12. Advanced Materials:

 With growing awareness of the impact that construction has on our

environment, technological advances are bringing numerous new
material innovations to the fore.
 The recycling of hard-to-dispose-of waste products has seen a
significant increase, particularly in relation to plastics. Recent
developments have seen the incorporation of waste plastic
into roadways and even its use as a material for 3D printing new
building components or structures. One of the best emerging trends in
civil engineering.
 CO2 is another by-product being re-purposed in an effort to reduce the
carbon footprint of the industry.
 At this project in Atlanta, CO2 was injected into the concrete mix used in
the building’s structure.
 This carbon dioxide becomes trapped inside the concrete as it cures
while chemical reactions within the mix form limestone nanoparticles,
that increase the overall compressive strength of the final material.
 Staying with one of the construction’s most popular materials, “self-
healing concrete” is mixed with calcite-precipitating bacteria. These
bacteria germinate when water enters the cracks in decaying concrete,
filling the emerging air gaps.
 Other areas to watch include the continued rise of “kinetic paving” that
harvests energy from the footsteps of pedestrians to generate
electricity, “4D-printed structures” that have the ability to re-shape or
self-assemble over time by virtue of how different elements of their
composition respond in differing conditions and “smog-eating buildings”
coated in photo-catalytic titanium dioxide that reacts with light to
neutralize pollutants in the air of some of the world’s most congested

13. The Intelligent Built Environment:

 The construction industry shapes our world, affects how almost every

person on earth is able to live their lives, and enables the majority of
other businesses and service sectors to operate.
 In that context, ensuring that the built environment is operating as
effectively as possible is of critical importance to the sustainability and
successful development of the human race. One of the best emerging
trends in civil engineering.
 By harnessing the data from the digitally enabled built assets we are
now creating, our homes, offices, and in turn cities can all be operated
in a smarter, more efficient, useful, and environmentally friendly way.
 Furthermore, the data arising can be used to assess trends and to
inform the design of future buildings, infrastructure projects, and even
large-scale city-wide master-plans. Best Construction technology to look
for in 2021.
 With the effective development of our urban environments on the
agenda of countless governments and authorities around the world, we
expect to see the importance of this area increase significantly in 2019.

14. Machine Learning:

 Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve

automatically through experience. It is considered as a subset of
artificial intelligence Machine learning is an application of artificial
intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn
and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
 Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs
that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.
 The use of Machine learning in construction useful to improve safety,
productivity, quality, and other essential measures. Machine learning
improvises the design and planning, allowing the men on the team to
spend their time refining their expertise and creativity.

15. Prefabrication:

 Prefabrication is hardly a new innovation in itself. The construction

industry has been using prefabrication in various applications for
decades. However, new technologies are making the benefits of
prefabrication easier to access and change the way the construction
industry integrates prefab into the process.
 For instance, ManufactOn provides a mobile technology that provides
complete visibility into the prefabrication process, so that anyone
involved in the project can see what is being manufactured, where it is
the process, and when it will be delivered. New integration with BIM 360
Docs will make it possible to view that information in one workflow from
beginning to end of the design and build process.

16. Predictive Analytics:

 Predictive analytics is about to make risk management much easier. In

2017, BIM 360 Project IQ ran beta tests with leading-edge companies to
see how much we could help them manage their risk through the use of
predictive analytics.
 Project IQ analyzes data from subcontractors, materials suppliers,
design plans, and the site itself to analyze risk factors based on
historical data. It provides a dashboard where GCs can identify which
elements of their project are the highest risk and need attention and
allows them to drill down to see the reasons for the risk assessment.
Project IQ learns both from past data and from how the GC interacts
with the information it provides, in order to continuously provide better
and more accurate risk assessments.
17. Construction software and data ecosystem:

 Real-time collaboration software is already regarded as an essential

component of the entire building process. Nevertheless, its impact on
the sector is expected to increase substantially in the near future. It
goes without saying that data has played an integral role in this
paradigm shift in construction.

18. Self-healing concrete:

 Many of the industry’s experts believe we’ll start seeing self-healing

concrete being used on roads, buildings, and homes.
 Since concrete is the most widely produced and consumed material in
the construction industry (being used to create buildings, roads, and
bridges) many believe that by 2030 we’ll be using about 5 billion metric
tons per year.
 Part of this is due to the urban boom that’s being experienced in China
and India today. Currently, the United States already makes up 8% of
the total global emissions in this area – a number that’s also slated to

19. Advanced uses for GPS:

 Construction World says while GPS tracking solutions aren’t

anything new, they’re now being used in more creative and
resourceful ways including:
 Surveying has been dramatically improved because crews no
longer need to use traditional surveying equipment. Data for
prospective project sites can be quickly and accurately collected.
 Project managers are also using GPS in fleet management.
Today, each of their vehicles is equipped with a device that is
trackable via both computers and smartphones. This lets
everyone know where vehicles always are.
 It’s easier to find lost or stolen equipment because managers can
now generate maps that pinpoint the exact location of any of
these items.

20. New effective scanning solutions:

 Scanning is now creating many cost-effective solutions over the

past few years. These have helped the construction industry fully
understand in what stages certain projects are.

21. Timber Construction:

 Sustainability and environmental benefits will increase in timber

buildings. It is as robust as other materials, but we are
constrained as far as the height we can go.
 Timber buildings are sustainable; they have excellent benefits to
our feelings of well-being. In fact, it contributes to our health and
happiness. Being inside a timber building makes people work
better in the average workday. They become more collaborative,
communicate more, and are in a better mood.

22. Wearable technology:

 While many people may think this is only common sense, it shouldn’t go
unmentioned that wearable technology (e.g. Fitbit’s, 3D glasses, Google
Glass, armbands that can communicate with coaches on the sidelines)
will become an emerging trend that’s useful in keeping workers safe.
 This will help keep workers from constantly looking down at their
instructions because now they can talk to one another via this
technology. Additionally, it can help track where workers are if there’s
an accident. This is bound to become mandatory at some point in the
future. Construction technology of the future.
 This will have considerable benefits in terms of OH&S. While wearable
tech is being used in some places, it may not be really big until beyond
2019. Things are moving pretty quickly though.

23. Smart Buildings:

I think we will see a rise in “smarts within a building” next year. Smarter
buildings equate to better lighting control, better energy efficiency, and proper
air-conditioning control. We might start using some higher performance
glazing so as not to introduce so much solar load inside the building.
24. Modular Construction and 3D Printed Dwellings:

Modular construction is on the rise, but it faces a PR problem—people don’t

necessarily find it appealing. One modular home looks the same as another.
3D-printed dwellings, however, are growing in popularity in the Netherlands.

25. Smart Homes:

In the past few years, we have seen hundreds of IoT (internet of

things) devices designed specifically for homes to make them smarter and
friendlier. One of the best construction technology to watch. Voice assistants,
such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home, can help you play music, ask
questions, make calls, and control pretty much all lights and appliances in
your home. Being a form of AI, these devices will continually self-improve,
learn more about our needs, and connect to more devices at home.

26. Connected Homes:

Just like computers/servers connected in a network to form the internet, solar-

powered homes will form an interconnected cell-powered network, thus
generating and managing power and energy more efficiently. Builders will
need to employ IT and networking engineers to design and set up the
infrastructure for the technology that will power smart homes and cities. One
of the emerging trends in construction technology.
27. Home Analytics:

 If you have a website, you most likely have analytics set up to measure
and monitor traffic and user behavior on your site. In the near future, we
will start to see more applications of analytics in residential and
commercial buildings. This way we will get real-time insights into the
amount of traffic and behavior of visitors, allowing the smart building to
make adjustments to its features.
 That could include turning off lights where there are no people, adjusting
temperatures, closing shutters for the facades that are facing the sun, or
opening lanes for the carpark exits instead of just one when everyone is
leaving the office for home. One of the best emerging trends in civil


 No doubt,  2021 is expected to be a breakthrough year for

the construction industry. A data-driven sector with an emphasis on

collaboration and real-time communication is hopefully around the
corner. Only then, construction stakeholders can hope for higher
productivity rates and fewer painful project delays.
 The construction industry is under a significant paradigm shift. The
experts believe we can expect to see the most noteworthy trends in the
construction industry next year.

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