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Analysis of Municipal Solid waste Collection System HAULED CONTAINER SYSTEMS (HCS) Storage Containers are * Hauled, Emptied and Returned ¢ Conventional /Exchange Container Mode For Sources of high generation rate Low container handling time Reduced unsanitary conditions Flexibility in container size/shape Less Scope for Mechanisation (Filling/Compaction) Single Collector Driver ¢ Low container Utilisation Pickup loaded contalnor Deposit empty container Drv fa nowt container Container location \ Truck tom ispach station ~ Dopinmng of a aly rout, Truck to “> vispateh station ‘ond ol daly rout, Haulloaded 7 connor Schematic of operational sequence for hauled container system: (a) Conventional mode Deposit empty container Container { {rom previous iozation and location /| pick up loaded container oe Truck with \ empty container | from dispatch 7% 9 — beginni sally r0 Haul toaded container from Schematic of operational sequence tor hauled container system: (b) Exchange Container mode STATIONERY CONTAINER SYSTEM (SCS) e Storage containers remain at point of generation e Manual/Mechanical loading/compaction into Collection Vehicle Increased container utilisation Not suitable for heavy industrial wastes/Rubbish Labour intensive Possiblity to use satellite collection vehicle ee ANALYSIS OF COLLECTION SYSTEMS | * PICK UP (P) © HAUL (h) « HCS « SCS « HCS « SCS e AT SITE (s) ao © OFF ROUTE (W) Ee HCS : Analysis Mes Chest ti Sek h (hitrip) —_(hitrip) (hitrip) —(hitrip) T ios = Total haul time per collection trip Phos & $ are relatively constant h = a Be DEER tote (2) (hitrip) (h/trip) (h/km) (km/trip) a&b are empirical constants derived from analysis of haul speed & distance — average round trip haul distance Load contents rom containers} at pickup location into callection vehicle Solid wastes pickup ‘ovation Drive to next pickup location Ne: L 4 fon —\ / wc) ety Emply calecion \___ Gollection route — vehicle trom dispatch station — baginning of f, 7 y) Drive toaded collection vonicle ion whoro vohiclo ning 7) cf next collgction route ( rotuen to dispatch tation — 9pd of route ——_Transtor station, MAF, or disposal sito Schematic of operational sequence for stationary container system ANALYSIS OF COLLECTION SYSTEMS e PICK UP -HCS Time spent driving to the next container after an empty container has been deposited, time spent in picking up the loaded container and the time required to redeposit the container after its contents have been emptied (P hes) e PICK UP -SCS Time spent loading the collection vehicle from First to Last Container (Pscs) eee HCS ~ Analysis eee (Contd..) e From (1) & (2), Tits = Pre + +8 + +x saseseree (3) Now Phos = pe + uc + dbc cevceceneee (Q) (hitrip) (hvtrip) —(hitrip) (hitrip) WhEGL oe ‘|pc = time required to pickup loaded container (h/trip) luc = time required to unload empty container (h/trip) dbc = time required to drive between container locations (h/trip) ~ HCS = Analysis (Contd..) If Ny=No. of trips / day He length of work (in hours) / day W = off-route factor (0:1 to 0.4) 0.15 (typ.) Ny = [ H(eW) = (45) (Tyog | (5) t,— time of travel from garage to I* container (hours) t,— time of travel from last container to garage (hours) Determine haul - speed constants ‘a’ & ‘b' and round ~ trip haul time for a disposal site located 11 km away. Use the following data. Round trip - ~ distance (x) 3.0 | 7.5 | 12 _(krv/trip) Aug. haul speed (y) 25.5 | 42 | 48 (km/hr) h =a+bx = haul time = distance / speed =x/y Travel time f (h=x/y) | 0.12 | 0.18 | 0.25 | 0.33 | 0.4 | 0.48 | 0.56 (h/trip) 2 f h =a+bx Round trip distance (x) = 2x 11 =22km Round haultime _=a+22b-=. (hitrip) SCS - Analysis Mechanically Loaded Collection Vehicle Tscs = Peos +S + @ +bX (7) (hitrip)—(ivttip) (trip) (ivtip) Aven) (ernripy P, C, (uc) + (n, ~ 1) dbe (8) where, C, =no. of containers emptied / trip uc = avg. unloading time per stationary container n, = ho. of pickup locations / trip dbc = avg. time spent to drive between container locations CQ SwreiGiess tien bit (9) v = Volume of collection vehicle = Compaction ratio c= Container volume f.= Weighted container utilization factor SCS — Analysis (Contd..) Number of trips that can be made by a vehicle per day Ng=H[E(4-—W)~ (ty + te) / Tscs svssrectrs (10) Number of trips required pet day Ng = Vg/ Vere Bie ie ee (11) Vg = average daily quantity of waste collected v = Volume of collection vehicle r = Compaction ratio HCS - Analysis (Contd..) Also, Number of trips required per day (or week) V, (6) V4 = average quantity of waste to be collected (m3/d) c = average container size (m*/trip) f = weighted average container utilization factor Nyc, + Nyc, + Note: Number of trips required = Number of containers collected Stationary Container Systems e Manually Loaded Side Loaders Rear Loaders e Mechanically Loaded Front Loaders Side Loaders Grapple Loaded Analysis of a hauled container system. Solid waste from a new industrial park is to be colledted in large containers (drop boxes), some of which will be used in conjunction with stationary compactors. Based on traffic studies at similar parks, it is estimated that the average time to drive from the garage to the first container location (t,) and from the last container (t,) to the garage each day will be 15 and 20 min, respectively, If the average time required to drive between containers is 6 min and the one-way distance to the disposal site is 15.5 km(Speed Limit = 55 km/h), determine the number of containers that can be emptied per day, based on an 8-h workday. Assume the off-route factor, w, is equal to 0.15. Use pe + uc = 0.4 hitrip Solution: 1, Determine the pickup time per trip Pas. = pe + uc + dbe > Use pe + uc = 0.4 h/trip dbe . =0.1.h/trip (given) Paes (0.4 + 0.4) h/trip = (0.4 + 0.1) h/trip = 0.5 h/trip SCS — Manually Loaded Vehicle | | | H = [ (ty + ty) + Na ) | iq a W): lf H & Nd are known or fixed , Tycs & hence, P,., can be determined. And Np = 60 Pegs - 1/ ty where, Nj = number of pickup locations / trip 60 = conversion factor from h to min Ps, = pickup time / trip (h / trip) n = number of collectors ty = pickup time’/ pickup: location (collection-min/location) SCS - Manually Loaded Vehicle dbc + kjC, + kz (PRH) oT 0.72 + 0.18 C, + 0.014 (PRH) C, = average no. of containers / pickup location PRH = rear of house pickup location (%) Then proper size of collection vehicle (m*/trip) v= V,N,/r V, = Volume of solid wastes collected / pickup location N, = No. of pickup locations / trip rt = compaction ratio Solution: 4. Determine the actual length of the workday. 5 trips/d = [H(1 - 0.15) - 0.58]/(1.21 h/trip) H = 7.80 h (essentially 8 h) Comment: Where fractional equipment and labor requirements are obtained, the use of large containers and reduced collection frequency should be investigated. If it is assumed that no off-route activities occur during times t, and t,, then theoretically 5.21 trips/d could be made. Again, only 5 tips/d would be made in an actual operation. If, however, the number of trips per day that could be made were 5.8, for example, if may be cost-effective to pay the driver for the overtime and make 6 trips/d Example :Design of residential collection system: Design a solid waste curb collection system to service a residential area with 1000 single-family dwellings. | Two manually loaded collection systems are to be evaluated. The first involves the use of a side-loaded collection vehicle with a one person crew; the second involves the use of a rear-loaded collection vehicle with a two- person crew. Determine the size of collection vehicle required and compare the labor requirements for each collection system. Solution: 2. Determine the time per trip | Thes = (Phos +S + a + bx) Pics = 0.5 h/trip (from Step 1) s = 0.133 h/trip a = 0.016 h/trip b = 0.018 h/trip Tres = [0.5 + 0.133 + 0.016 + 0.018(31)] h/trip = 1.21 h/trip Solution: © : 3. Determine the number of trips that can be made per day i Ng =DH(1- W) = (ty +t) 1 Tacs Use H = 8 h (given) x Ww. = 0.15 (assumed) t; = 0.25 h (given) | t, =. 0.33h (given) Tres = 1.21 h/trip Ng = [8(1 = 0.15) - (0.25 + 0.33) ] / (1.21 h/trip) = (6.8 - 0.58) / (1.21 h/trip) = 5.14 trips/d Use Ny= 5.0 trips/d ae Solution: | 1, Determine the time available for the pickup operation. Ho [ty # th) + Ny(Pacg #8 # a+ BAY] (1 WY Pog = TH(1~ W) - (ty + t)]/Nd - (5 + a + bx) = [ (8 h/day)(1- 0.15) - (0.3 h/day + 0.4 h/day)] / (2 trips/day) - [0.10 h/trip + 0.016 h/trip + (0.018 h/mi) (35 mi/trip) J = (3.05 - 0.75) h/trip = 2.30 h/trip Solution: ° ee 2. Determine the pickup time required per pickup location a. One-person crew t, = 0.92 min/location (see Table 8.6) b. Two-person crew ty. 3.0.72 +0.18 (Cn) = 0.72 + 0.18 (3.5) = 1.35 collector-min/location Example :Design of residential collection system: ssume the following data are applicable: 1. Average number of residents per service = 3.5 | 2.Solid waste generation rate per capita | = 2.5 lb/capita . d | 3. Density of solid Wastes (at containers) = 200 lb/yd3 4. Containers Per service = two 32-gal containers plus 1.5 cardboard contain ers (20 gal on average) 5. Collection frequency = once per week Example :Design of residential collection sys aut: 6. Collection vehicle compaction ratio, r= 2.5 : 7. Round-trip haul distance, h = 35 mi 8. Nominal length of workday, H’= 8h 9. Trips per day, Ny =2 10. Travel time to first pickup location, t,=0.3h 11. Travel time from last pickup location, t, = 0.4 h 12. Off-route factor, W = 0.15 13. Haul-time constants: a = 0.016 h/trip and b = 0.018 mi/h 14. At-site time per trip, s = 0.10 h/trip Solution: 5. Determine the required truck volume (a) One person crew v =V,N,/r = (0.306 yd?/location)(150 locations/trip)/2.5 = 18.4 yd3/trip (use an 18 yd? collection vehicle) (b) Two-person crew v =V,N,/r = (0.306 yd?/location)(204 locations/trip)/2.5 = 25.0 yd3/trip (use an 25 yd? collection vehicle or nearest standard size, if available) Solution: 6. Determine the number of trips required per week. (a) One person crew Ny = (1000 locations) (1/wk) / 150 locations/trip) = 6.67 trips/wk (b) Two-person crew Nw = (1000 locations) (1/wk) / 204 locations/trip) = 4.90 trips/wk Solution: 3. Determine the number of pickup locations from which wastes can be collected. (a) One person crew N = 60 P,..n/t, = (60 min/h)(2.30 h/trip)(1 collector)/ (0.92 collector-min/location) = 150 locations/trip (b) Two-person crew Np = 60.P..n/t, = (60 min/h)(2:30 h/trip)(2 collector)/ (1.35:collector-min/location) = 204 locations/trip Pp Solution: 4, Determine the volume of wastes generated per pickup location per week. Volume per week per location = (2.5 lb/person/day) (3.5 persons/pickup location) (7 days. / wk) / (200 lb/yd3)(1/wk) = 0.306 yd3/location Example - Comparison between the hauled container and stationary container system A private solid waste collector wishes to locate a} MRF near a commercial area. The collector would like to use a hauled container system but fears that the haul costs might be prohibitive. What is the maximum distance away from the commercial area that the MRF can be located so that the weekly costs of the hauled container system do not exceed those of a stationary container system? Assume that one collector-driver will be used with each system and that the following data are applicable. For the purpose of this example assume the travel times t, and t, are included in the off-route factor. : Hauled container system (a) Quantity of solid wastes = 300 m?/wk (b) Container size = 8 m3 / trip (c) Container utilization factor = 0.67 (d) Container pickup time = 0.033 h/trip (e) Container unloading time = 0.033 h/trip (f) Haul-time constants: a = 0.022 h/trip and b = 0.022 h/km (g) At-site time = 0.053 h/trip (h) Overhead costs = Rs 400/wk (i) Operational costs = Rs15/h of operation > ry Solution: oe? 7. Determine the labour requirements. Note that éven though a partial trip is computed, a full trip will have to be made to the location where the contents of the collection vehicle will be unloaded. (a) One person crew 1.0 collector{(6.67 trips/wk)(2.3 h/trip) + (7 trips/wk)[0.10 h/trip + 0.016 h/trip + (0.018 h/mi) (35 mi/trip)]} / (1 - 0.15)(8 h/day) = 3.02 collector-day/wk Solution: 7. (b) Two person crew 2.0 collectors { (4.9 trips/wk)(2.3 h/trip) + (5 trips/wk)[0.10 h/trip + 0.016 h/trip + (0.018 h/mi) (35 mi/trip)] } / (1 - 0.15)(8 h/day) = 4.41 collector-day/wk Comments: As determined in this problem, the labor requirements for the one-person crew are approximately 25 percent less than corresponding requirements for the two-person collection crew. The results of this example illustrate why the trend in collection is towards the use of curb collection with one collector-driver and collection vehicles that are either manually or mechanically loaded. Solution: 1. Hauled container system (a) Determine the number of trips per week, Ny. =Vy/ ef = (300 m3/wk) / 8 m3/trip)(0.67) = 56.0 trips/wk (b) Estimate the average pickup time for the hauled container system Pacs = pe + uc + dbc = pe + uc + a’ + b’x’ = 0.033 h/trip + 0.033 h/trip + 0.060 h/trip + (0.067 h/km) (0.1 km/trip) = 0.133 h/trip Solution: (c) Estimate the time required per week, T,,| a5 a function of the round-trip haul distance, using the following expression:- Ty = Ny (Phos #5 + a +bx) / [H(1 - W)] = (56 trips/wk) [ 0.133 h/trip + 0.053 h/trip + 0.022 h/trip + (0.022 h/km)(x)]/ [(8 h/d) (1 - 0.15)] = [1.71 + (0.181/km)(x)]d/wk (d) Determine the weekly operational cost as a function of the round-trip haul distance | Operational cost | = (Rs15/h)(8 h/d)[1.71 +(0.181/km)(x)] d/iwk = [205.20 + (21.7/km}(x)] Rs/wk 2. Stationary Container System (a) Quantity of solid wastes = 300 m3/wk (b) Container size = 8 m3 / location (c) Container utilization factor = 0.67 (d) Collection vehicle capacity = 30 m3/trip (e). Collection vehicle compaction ratio = 2 (f) Container unloading time = 0.05 h/container (g) Haul-time constants: a = 0.022 h/trip and b = 0.022 h/km (h) At-site time = 0.10 h/trip (i) Overhead costs = Rs750/wk (j) Operational costs = Rs20/h of operation 3. Location characteristics Average distance between container locations = 100 m= 0.1 km Constants for estimating driving time between container locations for both the hauled container and stationary container systems are a’ = 0.060 h/trip and. b’ = 0.067 h/km Solution: sete ote $s 2. Stationery container system (d) Determine the time required per week, Ty, ‘as a function of the round-trip haul distance using the following expression. The term T, represents the integer number of trips made to the location where the contents of the collection vehicle will be unloaded. The numerical value of T,, is obtained by rounding up the value of N,, to an integer value. Tues) L(Nw) Pics * by (S++ Bx)] / THC = W) J = { (5 trips/wk) (1.22 h/trip) + (5 trips/wk) x [0.10 h/trip + 0.022 h/trip + (0.022 h/km)(x)]}} / [(8 h/d)(1 - 0.15)] = [0.99 + (0.016/km)(x)] d/wk ~ Solution: 2. Stationery container system (ec) Determine the weekly operational costs as a function of the round-trip haul distance. Operational cost = (R520 h)(8 h/d) x (0.99 + 0.016/km)(x)] d/wk = [158.40 + (2.56/km)(x)] Rs/wk Solution: 2. Stationery container system (a) Determine the number of containers emptied per trip, C, = vr/cf = (30 m3/trip) (2)/(8 m3/container) (0.67) = 11.19 containers/trip = 11 containers/trip Solution: 2, Stationery container system (b) Estimate the pickup time per container Pos = C,(uc) + (n, - 1)(dbc) = Ct(uc) + (mp - 1) (a’ + b’x’) = (11 containers/trip)(0.050 h/container) + (11 - 1 locations/trip) [(0.06 h/locations) + (0.067 h/km) (0.1 km/location)] = 1.22 h/trip (c) Number of trips required per week N w= Vw/vr = (300 m3 /wk (30 m/tripy2 = 5 trips/wk ee COLLECTION CREW SAFETY Busy roads and heavy traffic Rough and sharp edged containers e Injury from loading machinery e Back injury from heavy containers e Bites by wild or stray animals feed on wastes e Dangers from Household hazardous wastes e Herbicides/Pesticides/Batteries/Solvents/Chemicals e Provide Training and Safety devices Implements Coir Brush ™ Rake 120 Ltrs MGB Shovel Solution: 3. Comparison of systems (a)Determine the maximum round-trip haul distance at which the cost for hauled container systems equals the cost for the stationary container systems by equating the total costs for the two systems and solving for x. Rs400/wk + [205.20 + (21.7/km)(x)] Rs/wk = Rs 750/wk + [158.40 + (2.56/km(x)] Rs/wk (19.1/km)(x) = 303.20 x = 15.9 km(one-way distance ~ 8.0 km) Crew size. « Crew size selection will be affected by the amount of waste per stop, number and location of collection points, type of storage containers, haul time to unloading point, wage rates, labor preference, and management. e In hijh-density population areas, the larger quantity | of waste at a given stop makes larger trucks with three-man crews economically competitive with smaller crew sizes. ————— eee eee eeoe ene oe ° COLLECTION ROUTES AND SCHEDULES e Equal and consistent servicing of all streets e Routes should not be fragmented/overlapped Equalised work load per route e Start close to garage e Lean hour collection for heavy traffic streets Start at upper end and work down e Minimise left turns e Large quantities first Heuristic Routing ° e For certain block configurations within the route, specific routing patterns should be applied. Example: One-Way Main Street with Two-Way Arterial Streets COLLECTION SYSTEM -MONITORING e Collection Crew Total quantity and number of loads hauled * Total distance and travel time e Amount delivered to each disposal /transfer facility » Waiting time at sites Vehicle operational problems that need attention e Transfer Station e Waste quantity/vehicle origins/delivery times e Track Performance e Work load/costs/Changes in wastes/Crew Performance/Change in service needs e Solid Waste Collection Routing | * ¢ Route established by Trial and error » Computer » Heuristic methods (common sense) e Steps Define collection area Assign disposal sites if more than one Establish daily collection zones - collection area divided into sections for daily service established based on compacted velume « Ba‘ance daily vehicle assignments (districting) e Route vehicles within daily districts Location maps with pertinent info; sources, volume, containers Laycut preliminary routes Cartography....for workers/Light as well as Heavy vahicias ad end streets can be es on the street ley intersect, since they can cted by passing down that WwW |! ‘ Both Sides of the Street Collection ie Wy! Collection Calculations Cont'd N= SF/XW Where: N = number of vehicles required S = total number of customers served per week F = collection frequency X = number of customers truck can serve per day W > =__ number of work days per week Hauled C ntainer System Drive between Containers n-l Disposal Site Benchmarking of Municipal Public Cleansing Services ¢ Level of-collection coverage © Service delivery consistent with the operation plan: frequency, day, time and planned route ¢ Level street cleansing Coverage and maintainance of predetermined Street cleansing leve . Capacity of collection vehicles . Time per trip of collection vehicles Collection Personnel: attendance, use of uniform and safety gear, communication with the public, salvaging of materials from refuse ¢ Petition and acceptance of tips Observance of working safety regulations ¢ Observance of preventative maintenance regulations of collection vehicles ¥ : * Appearance of collection vehicles: cleanliness and general condition. Analysis of Collection Systems Alternative Approach Y= at+b+c(d)+e+fig Where: Y =~ total collection time a = garage to route time b = actual time collecting waste c = number of trips to disposal site d = time to drive fully loaded truck to disposal facility, unload and return to collection area € = time to drive to garage at the end of the trip f+g = off route time, usually a fraction of Y Data e Total collection time (Y): 8 hours e Off route time (f +G): 1.6 hours . Time to drive to and from the garage (a + e): 30 min e Time to drive to and from disposal facility (round trip): 12 minutes Time to unload a the disposal facility: 11 min Time to pick up container: 5 min Time to unload container: 5 min Time between containers: 4min Question What are the number of trips per day required vs. the number of trips per day possible by one truck? Number of trips/day [c] required is equal to the number of containers. Estimating Number of Residences Served per Truck A typical side-loaded compactor truck has a capacity of 30 m3. Estimate the maximum number of residences it can serve per week. It can make 3 trips per day, 4 days per week. (The fifth day is reserved for special collections, holidays, etc.) Assume each residence contains 3.5 people. Per capita waste generation rate is 0.6 kg/day. Compacted waste density is 700 kg/m3. Problem 1: Description e Determine the number of hauled container trucks required to serve a shopping center producing 113 m3 of waste per day. Containers are picked up daily and are 9 m$ each and are 70% full. Use the data on the following slide. Step 2: Solve for c ae e Use this equation: Yeat+b+c(d)+erfrtg ¢ bisa function of which variables? e Answer is given in next slic 2s Step 2: Solve for c Y=a+b+c(d)+e+f+g a+e=30min b ae up + put down) x c + drive between time x (c- b=14c-4 d =drive to disposal site + time at site » d=11+12 f+ = 1.6 (60) ogee ee Step 1: Calculate the number of containers filled per day esecce cece « Think about the relationships among the and make this calculation e Answer is given in next slide Step 1: Calculate the number of containers filled per day ec0ecce eoc0ace Daily Volume 113 m “ld Container Volume x Utilization “9. “S/eontainer x 0.7 = 17.9 containers/day = 18 trips/day Data Total number of locations = 50,000 Waste generation per location = 20 Ib/week Waste specific weight = 177 Ib/yd* Compaction ratio = 2.5 Collection time = 1 min/location Total collection time = 8 hours, 5 days per week Disposal time (total) = 31 min/trip Time to and from garage (total) = 20 min/day Off route time = 15% of total collection time Number of trips/day possible = 2 Step 1: Calculate time required per week as a function of N © Use this equation: Yeatb+c(d)+e+f+g e bis a function of the number of locations each truck visits times the collection time per location e Answer is given in next slide Step 2: Cont’d 480 = 30 + 14c-— 44+ 23c+ 96 c= 9.7 c~ 10 trips/day possible But 18 trips/day are needed So 2 trucks must be used Problem 2: Description Calculate the truck volume (v) and the number of trucks (N) you would recommend to serve a residential community using a manually loaded compactor. Use data from the following slide. Step 2: Solve for N Yea+b+c(d)+e+f+g 2400 = 100 + 2 (31)(5) + 360 + 50,000/N N = 31 trucks needed Step 3: Calculate minimum —_| 3%: truck: volume required Rs e Truck volume is equalto volume/trip e Calculate the required volume/trip Step 1: Calculate time required per week : Y=a+b+c(d)+e+f+g Y = 8(5)(60) min/wk = 2400 min/wk a+e=5 x 20 min/wk = 100 min/wk b =no. loc x pickups/wk x time/loc b = 50,000 x 1 min/week/N trucks c=2X 5 trips/day per truck d= 31 min/trip f+g = 2400 x 0.15 = 360 Step 2: Solve for N i e Answer is given in next slide Data Number of days/week = 5 Length of work day = 8 hours Off route time = 15% of the day Time to and from garage = 15 min each Pickup time per location (satellite vehicle) = 0.6 min Average time to drive to and from compactor = 5 min Compactor volume = 30 m? e Compaction ratio = 3 Step 1: Calculate the number | :::: of satellite vehicle trips ; e Hint: Calculate the number of locations per trip the vehicle can make Step 3: Calculate minimum truck volume required Vol/trip = vol/wk / trips/week ()(2.5) = (50,000l0c / wk)(20Ib/ loc) (177lb/ yd*)(10trips / wk / truck) ltrucks) v~ 10 yd3 Problem 3 Acommunity of 1000 homes stores their waste containers along alleys located in back of all of their homes. A satellite vehicle with a 2-m capacity picks up the waste and delivers it toa mechanically: loaded compactor truck that moves along a main artery as the satellite vehicle collects wastes. Calculate the number of trips per week the satellite vehicle makes to the compactor truck and the time per week required to collect all of the waste. How many trips does the compactor make to the disposal site? | Step2: Calculate the time per week to collect waste Yea+bs+c(d) +e+f +9 a+e = 30 min/day x 5 days/week b = time/loc x loc/week b = (0.6)(1000) = 600 min C = 100 trips D=5 minstrip Y = 150 + 600 + (5)(100) + 360 Y = 1610 min/week Step 3: Calculate the number of compactor trips eae = [vollwkY/{vehicle vol) compaction ratio) Tiipdiwk 2 (200 mMweya0 x8 mero}. Trips /wk = 509 BS ce Cannot make a partial trip, so..: Tripsiwk = 3 Step 1: Calculate the number of satellite vehicle trips [vol/trip}/[vol/loc] = loc/trip 2 m%/trip/0.2 m/loc = 10 loc/trip [Number of location|/[week/locttrip] = trips/week 1000 loc/wk/10 loc/trip = 100 trips/week eo0e Step 2: Calculate the time per week to collect waste © ececce ecece e Use equation below, based on time per week: Yzea+b+c(d)+e+f+g

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