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NIM : 2002126291

1. Which is ……. rock or paper?

a. heavy b. more heavy c. heavier d. heaviest

2. This room is the ………. in my house.

a. more narrow b. narrowest c. narrower d. narrow

3. Last night I saw the …….. thing in my life.

a. most interesting b. interesting c. more interesting d. interested

4. Rocky is my neighbor. He is as …… as his brother.

a. naughthiest b. naughty c. naughtier d. most naughty.

5. She wants a ……… string than this to tie the parcel.

a. longest b. long c. longer d. more long

6. Today’s work isn’t as ……. as it was yesterday.

a. harder b. hard c. hardest d. hardly

7. Who is ……. he or his brother?

a. lazy b. more lazy c. laziest d. lazier

8. Paul is eight years old, Tom is nine, and John is ten. John is the…………
a. oldest b. older c. old d. more old

9. An apple is as ….. as an orange.

a. big b. bigger c. more big d. the biggest

10. The match is very interesting for me to watch. I should say the winning team is the ………
a. good b. gooder c. best d. better
Exercise: Answer the following questions! Complete the dialogue below (for questions number
1 and 2)

Rianty: Do you like meatball? Ester: No, I'm not like it. Rianty: What kind of food do you like?
Ester: I like pizza, spaghetti and sushi. Rianty: I also like it, but I prefer meatball. Meatball is
authentic Indonesian food 11. What kind of food Rianty Like? a. Fried rice b. Pizza c. Meatball
d. Spaghetti
12. The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Expressing satisfaction b. Expressing dissatisfaction c. Expressing like d. Expressing dislike
Yozy : I heard you have gotten low score on English test. Dany : Yes, I abhor the lesson. Yozy :
You should take English course.
13. The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
a. Love b. Hate c. Poor d. Adore
Cathrine: Do you like watching a movie? Nadine: ________________________ Cathrine: What
is your favorite movie? Nadine: My favorite movie is the fast and furious.
14. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I love watching movie b. I dislike watching movie c. I hate watching movie d. It's not my
favorite one
Alex : How do you feel about this omelet? Bram : It is very tasty. I like this food Alex : Me too.
15. From the dialogue we know that ...
a. Alex dislike omelet b. Bram don't like omelet c. Bram loves omelet, while Alex hate it d.
Bram and Alex like omelet

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