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Why is love and justice important in Scripture?

Justice usually has to do with a fair treatment for people. But the Biblical concept of
justice goes beyond fairness and equal treatment. When God – who is just in himself – brought
the universe into being, he made it to be a place of justice. Human beings were made to live
justly in relation to God, to each other, and to creation. So in the Scripture, justice
fundamentally has to do with right and good relationships. It describes conditions – material,
emotional, and spiritual – in which people flourish in right relationships with God and with each
On the other hand, the Scripture teaches that love are grounded in God himself. First,
God is love within himself. Perfect love characterizes the relationships of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. All true forms and acts of love stem from the nature of God’s love within himself.
Then, God is love beyond himself in creation. From the incomparable greatness of his love and
goodness, God decided to make the universe and care for all within it. In imitation of God, we
are to live in love through a right and good enjoyment of and care for ourselves and others.
Because God is one, and because God is both just and loving, justice and love cannot be
essentially inseparable. In God’s character and purposes, they meet and agree. Certainly justice
and love are united in God. Hence, love and justice are the running theme in Scripture and a
central tenet of the Catholic faith commitment.

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