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Unit . Electric Circuits Contents Sl | Topic | Page No. 1. Basics... Steady State AC Analysis... Resonance and Locus Diagrams.. Network Theorems. aoc Transients and Steady State Response... ‘Two Port Network and Network Functions ‘Magnetically Coupled Circuits, Network Topology/Graph Theory & Filters wmwmus71 Three-Phase Circuits. Basics wt Al resistances in figure are 1.9 each. The value ofcurrent Tis & 12 13 1 2 (a) 3g (o) 754 4 8 © =A (A [1992 : 1 Mark] Allresistances inthe crcuttin figure are of Rohs ‘each. The switch is inialy open. What happens tothe lamp's intensity when the switchs closed? = = she (@) Increases (©) Decreases (6) Remains same (@) Answer depends on the value of R [1992 : 1 Mark} Inthe circuit shown in figure, Xis an element which always absorbs power. During a particular operation, it sets up a current of 1 amp in the Girection shown and absorbs a power P,, Its possible that Xcan absorb the same power P, for another current |. Then the value ofthis current is. 14 18 16 W @ @-VTa)ames (>) (8+ V74) amps (© Samps (6) None of these [1996 : 1 Mark] ‘practical curont source is usualy presented by (@) a resistance in serias with an ideal current source (0) resistance in paralle! with an ideal current source. (© aresistance in parallel with an dea! votage (@) none of these [1907 A10V battery with an internal resistance of 1 2s Connected across a nor-linear load whose VI characteristic is given by 71 = V? + 2. The current delivered by the battery is A [1997 : 2 Marks) 1 Mark] ‘The value of Eand forthe circuit shown in figure, 0 eerne W AAG sone AL ° 40 [1997 : 2 Marks) ‘The voltage and current waveforms for an element {are shown in figure. The circuit element is, and its value is 0 [1997 : 2 Marks] 1.8. For the circuit shown in figure, the capacttance: measured between terminals Band Ywillbe c Ce ® c.+($) © a(S) © G3) 30,420, [1999 = 1 Mark} 1.9. When a resistor Ris connecteti to a curent source, itcongumes a power of 18 W. When the same is connected to voltage source having the same magnitude as the current source, the power absorbed by Ris 4.5 W. The magnitude of tho ‘current source and the value of Rare (@) JiBAandia (b) 3Aand20 (©) 1Aand 180 (d) BAand05Q [1999 : 2 Marks] 1.10 When a periodic triangular voltage of peak amplitude 1 V and frequency 0.5 Hz's applied to a parallel combination of 1 Q resistance and 1 F capacitance, the current through the voltage source has waveform © TUL eM © UL @ Su [1999 : 2 Marks} 4.11 The circuit shown inthe figure is equivalent to a load of Cr | 108 2 ta forms gy Sots (©) 4 ohms (@) 2chms fo000 + Marks! 112 1.14 Two incandescent light bulbs of 40 W and 60 W ratings are connectedin series across the mains. Then (@) the bulbs together coneume 100 W. (©) the bulbs together consume 50 W. (6) the 60 W bulb glows brighter. (@) the 40 W bulb glows brighter. [2001 : 1 Mark] Consider the star network shown in figure. The resistance betwoen terminals A and Bwith terminal Copen is 6 2. between terminals Band C with terminal Aopenis 11.0, and between terminals C and A with terminal B open is 9. Then Ra fe Re (@) Ry=40,Fy=20,Ro=52 (0) Ry= 20, Ry= 42, Ao=72 (©) Ry=30,Ry= 30, Ro= 40 (0) Fy=50,Ry=10,R,=100 [2001 : 2 Marks) ‘A segment ofa circuit is shown in figure Vq=5V, Vo= 4 sin2t. Tho voltage V, is given by (@) 3-8cos2t (b) S2sin2t (o) 16sin2t —(@)_ 16 cos 2 (2003 : 1 Mark] Figure shows the waveform of the current passing through an inductorofresisiance 1 Qandinductance 2H. The energy absorbedby the inductorinthe fist four seconds is dl a 4% (@ 1445 (®) 984 (©) 1324 (@ 1685 [2008 : 1 Mark] 41.16 Infigure, the potential itferonce between points Pand Qis 2a © 20 p 40 >| ° tov “yw sa | oo (@ 12v (@ 10v @ ~v @ av [2003 : 2 Marks] 1.17 Infigure, the value of Ris ea 0A 5A ov 4ov (@ 10a (o) 180 ©) 240 @ 120 [2003 : 2 Marks} 1.18 In figure, the value of the source vottage is wo vy, $2 pan 1 on & ° @ rv () 24v © xv (@) aay 1.19 In figure, the value of resistance Rin Qis yo aK 100¥ 10a ® @ 10 () ox @ 4 [2004 : 2 Marks) 1.20 In figure, RR, and R, are 20, 10 and 10 respectively. The resistances R, Rand Fin Qo ‘anequivalent star-connection are be he (@) 25,55 — (b) 5,25,5 () 5.5.25 (0) 25,5.25 [2004 : 2 Marks} 1.21 Therms value of the current in a wire which carries adc. currentof 10 Aand a sinusoidal alternating current of peak value 20 Ais, ses iA a) wraen (oe: 2 Man 1.22 intotgee guonbolw be aueo! is BA z wu (a) 259 (b) 5.09 (o) 759 (@) 1009 [2005 : 1 Mark} 1.28 A3V de supply wit an intemal resistance of20 supplies a passive non-linear resistance characterized by thereat Vg = fe. Te power dissipate in he non near resistance is (a) 1.0W (b) 15W () 25W (@) 30W 1.24 Assuming ideal elements in the circuit shown below, the voltage V,, willbe 20 (@ -3v ( 3v () ov @ sv [2008 : 2 Marks} 1.25 Inthe circuit shown inthe figure, the value of the current willbe given by Mat (a) 031A (b) 1.254. (©) 1.758 (@) 25a [2008 : 2 Marks} 1.28 The current through the 2 kA resistance in the circuit shown is, tka g 140 4 Siti al raat ev (@) Oma (©) 1mA (©) 2ma (@) 6mA [2009 : 1 Mark] 1.27 How many 200 W/220 V incandescent 1 amps Connected in series would consume the same total power as. single 100 W220 V incandescent lamp? (@) notpossible (b) 4 3 @ 2 [2009 : 1 Mark 1.28 The equivalent capacitance of the input loop of the circuit shown is ar ta 10 F 44 i) scour EO SE 00 uF (@) eye (0) 100uF (© our) AF [2009 : 2 Marks} 1.29 For the circuit shown, find out the current flowing through the 2 resistance. Also identity the changes to be made to double the current through the 2 0 resistance, wx4vQ nea gro (@ GA: Putv, =20V) (©) 2A Puv,=8V) (©) GA: Put () (7A;Put [2009 : 2 Marks] 41.30 As shown in the figure, @ 1 © resistance is Connected across a source that has a load line V+ = 100. The current through the resistance is 'Soue | sa (©) 508 (®) 2008 [2010 : 1 Mark] (a) 258 (©) 100A 1.31 ifthe electrical circuit of figure (b) isan equivalent of the coupied tank system of figure (a), then (a) A, Bare resistances and C, Dcapacitances (©) A Care resistances and 8, Dcapacitances (¢) A Bare capacitances and C, Dresistances (6) A Care capacitances and B, Dresistances [2010 : 1 Mark] 1.32 the 1202 resistor draws a current of 1 Aas shown in the figure, the value of resistance Ris Wir Wi @ Ewa tev fa) 4a (b) 62 (c) 82 @) 6a [2010 : 2 Marks} 1.88 If Va Vp=6V. then Vo~ Vpis: “jv @ sv ©) 2v @ sv (@ 6v [2012 : 2 Marks} 1.34 Inthe circuit shown below, the current through the inductoris, 2 @ yA aA iba a ( 0A [2012 : 4 *Mark] 1.38 Three capacitors C,, C, and C, whose values are 1OWF 5 uF, and 2 uF respectively, have breakdown voltages of 10 V, 5 Vand 2 V respectively. For the interconnection shown below, the maximum safe voltage in votts that can be applied across the combination, and the corresponding total charge in UC stored in the effective capacitance across the terminals are, respectively a cy oe | Ly 3 (@) 28and36 (©) 28and32 (©) 7and 119 (@) 7and 80 [2013 : 2 Marks} 1.36 Consider a delta connection of resistors and its ‘equivalent star connection as shown below. If al ‘elements of the delta connection are scaled by a factor k, k> 0, the elements of the corresponding star equivalent wil be scaled by a factor of Re Fe my R Fe @e (©) tk (o) k @) Jk [2013 : 1 Mark) 1.87 The three circuit elements shown in the figure are partofanelectric circuit. The total power absorbed. by the three circuit elements in watts is wa | 8A s00v [2014 : 1 Mark, Set-1] 1.98 An incandescent lamp is marked 40 W, 240 V. i resistance atrcom temperature (26°C)is 120, and temperature coofcient ofresistanca is 45x 10°C, then its ‘ON’ state flament temperature in °C is approximately [2014 : 2 Marks, Set-1] 138 nnotgu, nova tet Rie (25¢!) ohms, where J is the current in amperes. The current fis _. [2014 : 2 Marks, Set-1] 1.40 The power delivered by the current source, inthe figure, is (2014: 2 Marks, Set-3] 1.41 The voltages developed across the 3 9 and 2.0 resistors shown in the figure are 6 V and 2 V respectively, with the polarity as marked. What is the power (in Watt) delivered by the § V voltage source? @ 5 ©) 7 () 10 @ 14 1.42 In the given circuit, the parameter k is positive, land the power dissipated in the 2.0 resistor is. 125 W. The value of k i 20 sa Yo toa av 5A hv eee [2018 : 2 Marks, Set-1] 1.43 The current (in Ampere)in the 2 Q resistor of the civen network is 10 eae | aes 12 [2015 : 1 Mark, Set-2] 6Q 2a 1.44 Ry and Agare the input resistances of circuits as shown below. The circuits extend infinitely in the direction shown. Which one of the following statements is TRUE? zo 2020 soZ aE 0B —- (@) Ay=F (© Ry< Fe (b) Ry=Rg=0 (@) Fy= Ry +R) [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-1) 1.45 In the portion of a circuit shown, if the heat generated in 5 Q resistance i¢ 10 calories por second, then heat generated by the 4.2 resistance, in calories per second, 40 6a 1.46 In the given circuit, the current supplied by the battery, in ampere, is Ww [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-1) 1.47 Inthe circuit shown below, the node voltage V,is v. sa 0) : } @vv [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-1} 1.48 Inthe cicuit shown below, the voltage and current sources are ideal. The voltage (V,,) across the current source, in votts. is, w@ o@® @o ©» 0 © 2» [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-2), 1.49 The equivalent resistance between the terminals Aand Bis a. a Ce te a 1.50 The power suppiedby the 25 Vsourceinthe figure ‘shown below is. Ww. 1 eas ual E® (2017: 1 Mark, Set-1] 1.81 The equivalent impedance Z, fr the infiitetadéer ‘ircult shown in the figure is a 4 i : Sec iee ema» feo Qnsa wa [2018 : 2 Marks] 1.82 The current /tlowing inthe circuit shown below in amperes (round off to one decimal place) is [2019 1 Mark) 11 @ 12 © 13 © 14 © 15 (15) 16 G) 17 @ 18 © 19 () 1.10) 1.11 ©) 1420) 143 ©) 144) 118) 1.16) 1.17 1.18 1A19(0) 1.20 @) 1.21) 1.220) 1.23 (@) 1.24@ 1.250) 1.26 @) 1.27 1.28(2) 1.290) 1.300) 1.31) 1.92) 1.93 @ 1.94 1.95 1.38 (0) 1.87 (890) 1.38 (2470.44") 1.39 (10) 140 @) 1.41 @) 1.42 05) 143) 1.44 1.45 (2) 1.46 (0S) 1.47 (11.42) 1.48 () 1.49 @) 1.50 (250) 1.51 @) 1.52 (1.4) _ Steady State AC Analysis 2.1. Inthe given circuit, the voltage V, has a phase angle of with respect to V, Me yaa loa L__@ 1 [1904 : 2 Marks} 2.2 In the circuit shown in figure, ammoter A, roads 12Aand A, reads 9A, A, willread A, A A Ay [1995 : 1 Mari) 2.8 Energy stored in capacitor over a cycle, when excited by an a.c. source is (@) the same as that due to a dic, source of ‘equivalent magnitude. (©) haif of that due to a dc. source of equivalent magnitude, (©) z210. (@) none of the above [1997 : 1 Mark] 2.4 Therms value ofa half wave rected symmetrical square wave current of 2 is @) Yaa (0) 1A 1 © BR @) VBA [1999 : 1 Mark] 2.5 Current /,/,and /,meet ata junction (node) in a circult. All currents are marked as entering the node. IH, = -8sin(a) mAand J, = 8 costa!) mA, then /, will be 26 27 28 (a) 10 cos(at + 96.87°)mA (b) 14 cos(ot+ 96.87°)mA (6) 14 sin(ot + 38.87°) mA (0) “10 costat + 36.87") mA [1999 : 2 Marks] In figure, the admittance values of the elements in Siomons are Yq = 0.5 + 10, ¥, = 0~j1.5, Yo = 0 + j0.3 respectively. The value of fas a phasor when the voltage E across the elements is 1020" Vis 1® wE vB vor extov (@ 15+j05 — () 5-/18 () 054/18 (d) 5-2 [2004 : 2 Marks) ‘The RMS value of the voltage i) = 3 + 4c0s (31) (@ Ji7v 7 ( sv () (@+23)V [2005 : 1 Mark] The AL circuit ofthe figure is fed trom a constant magnitude, variable frequency sinusoidal voltage SOUICE Vy, At 100 Hz, the Rand L elements each have a voltage drop Ups: Il the frequency of the source is changed to 50 Hz, then new voltage drop across Ris of 6 ea 0 dm ei [2005 : 2 Marks} 2.9. Anenergymeter connected o an immersion heater (tesistive) operating on an AC 290 V, 60 Hz, AC single phase source reads 2.3 units (kWh) in “1 hour. The healer is removed from the supply ‘and now connected toa 400 V peakto peak square wave source of 150 Hz. The power in kW dissipated by the heater willbe @ 3478 @) 1.739 © 1540 @ 0870 [2006 : 2 Marks] 2.10 Thermsvaluect the current the cuit shown blows 1F aw —t— 10 wh 40 domoy 1 1 @ 4 A @ 3A o (IA ( BA (201 2.41 The voltage applied to a circuit is 400V3 cost00n!) vot andthe cuit crews Mark) current of 1042 sin(t00xt-+n/4) amperes. ‘Taking the voltage as the reference phasor, the phasor representation of the currentin amperes is (@ waz- to) 102-5 ©) 102% () 108e4% 4 4 2011 : 1 Mark] ‘common Data for Questions (2.12and 2.13): ‘An RLC circuit with relevant datas given below. Ing BCRIGA 2.42 The power dissipated in the resistor Ris @ o5w ) 1W © Yaw (@) 2w [2011 : 2 Marks} 2.19. The current /cinthe figure above is 1 @ 2A ©) -izgA 1 () +A @) 4 © 4g (a) 424 [2011 : 2 Marks} 2.14 The average power delivered to an impedance (4-/2) by acurtent$ cos(100.xt + 100) Ais (a) 442W () SOW (©) 625W (@) 125W [2012 : 1 Mark] ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions (2.15 and.2.16): In the circuit shown, the three voltmeter readings are 22, Vs = 136. 2.18 The power factor of the load is (@) 045 (©) 050 (c) 055 (@) 060 [2012:2Marks} 2.16 If R, = 52, the approximate power consumption inthe load i (a) 700W (o) 750W (c) 800W (@ Bs0w [2012 : 2 Marks] 2.17 The total power dissipated in the circuit, shown in the figure, is 1 KW. ‘The voltmeter, across the load, reads 200 V. The value of X, is 12014 ; 2 Marks, Set-2) 2.18 The voltage (V) and current (A) across a load are as follows, V{) = 100 sin(et 0) = 10 sin(ot- 60°) + 2sin(Sap + 5 sin(Sa, ‘The average power consumed by the load, in W, is [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-2] 2.49 A resistance and a coil are connected in series, and supplied from a single phase, 100 V, 50 Hz ‘ac source as shown in the figure below. The rms values of plausible voltages across the resistance (Vq)and coil) respectively, in volts, are (a) 65,35 (o) 50,50 (o) 60,90 (@) 60,80 [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-2] 2.20 In he circuit shown below, the supply voltage is 10 sin (10001) volts. The peak value of the steady slate current through the 1.2 resistor inamperes, +0-8n (10000 [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-1] 2.21 Inthe figure, the voltages are v,(0)= 100 cost coc w+) anc st)= 10029 ot») Steady State AC Analysis 21 0) 2.2 (15) 23 (c) 24 () 2.10(b) 2.11 (b) 2.12 (b) 2.13 (d) 2.18 (250) 2.19 (*) 2.20 (1) 2.21 (c) Com 25 (0) 2.14 (0) 2.22 (10) The circuit is in sinusoidal steady-state, and Acc ol. P,P, and P, are the average power ‘outputs. Which one of the folowing statements is true? (a) P=P,=P,=0 (0) P,<0,P,>0,P,>0 (©) P,<0,P,>0,P,<0 (@) P,>0,F,<0,P,>0 [2018 : 1 Mark] 2.22 The voltage across the circuit in the figure and the current through it, are given by the folowing expressions (N= 5~ 10 cos(at + 60") V A) =5 + Xcostat) A where, @ = 100 x radian’s. Ifthe average power delivered to the circuit is zero, then the value of Min ampere) is_(upto 2 decimal places). 0 wo lctical [2018 : 2 Marks} 2.23 A0.1 uF capacitor charged to 100 Vis discharged through a 1 kO resistor. The time in ms (round off to two decimal) requited for the voltage across the capacitor to drop to 1 Vis [2019 : 2 Marks} 26 (0) 27 (a) 2.15 (@) 2.16 (0) 2.28 (0.46) 28 (©) 29 () 2.17 (17.332) Resonance and Locus Diagrams 8.1. Thefolloning circuit shown in figure resonates at au ar i pe Lig @ las (©) 08 radis0e © Sradisec—(@) trade [1998 : 1 Merk) 3.2. Atresonance, the given parallel cuit constituted byaniron-cored colland a capacitor behaves ike Ri 5 d prance ag (@ anopen-circuit (0) ashort-circut (0) @ pure resistor of value R (0) apure resistor of value much higher than R. [1994 : 1 Mark] 8.3. A series R-L-C circuit has the following parameter values: R= 10.2, L = 0.01 H, C= 100 me, The Q-factor ofthe circuit at resonance is_ [1995 : 1 Mark] 3.4 Acoil(which can be modeled asa series AL. circu) has been designed for high Q-perlormance at a fated voltage and a specified trequency. If the frequency of operation is doubled and the coils operated at the same rated voltage then the (actor and the active power P consumed by the coil willbe affected as folows (@) Pis doubled, Qis halved (©) Pishalved, Qis doubled (©) Premains constant, 0 is doubled (@) P decreased 4 times, Q is doubled 3.5 A sinusoidal source of voltage Vand frequency fF is connected to a series circuit of variable resistance Rand a fixed reactance X. The locus of the tip of the current phasor / as Ris varied fom 0 to = is, (a) a semicircle with a diameter of IX, (0) a straight line with a slope of FX. (6) aneliipse wih Vas major axis, (4) acircle of radius A/X and origin at (0, 72) [1998 : 4 Mark] 3.6 A circuit with a resistor, inductor and capacitor in series Is resonant at f, Hz. If all the component values are now doubled, the new resonant frequency is @ 2% (©) sill 6 & @% @ 4 [1998 : 1 Mark] 3.7 A fixed capacitor of reactance -/0.02 @ is connected in parallol across a series combination of a fixed inductor of reactance j0.01 @ and a variable resistance RAs Ris varied from zero to infinity, the locus diagram of the admittance of this R-L-C circut will be (@) a semi-circle of diameter /100 and center at zero. (0) a semi-circle of diameter /50 and center at 210. (c) astraight line inclined at an angie, (2) astraight tine parallel to the x-axis, [1999 : 2 Marks) 3.8 A series R-L-C circuit when excited by a 10 V sinusoidal voltage source of variable frequency, exhibits resonance at 100 Hz and has a 3 dB bandwidth of Hz. The voltage across the inductor Latresonance is (a) 10v (b) 10v2v 10 Op () 200v 3.9. Thecurrentin he circuit shown in figure is 1) ma ,20v_ 104) 200 sone F: (a 5A () 108 (o) 158 (@ 25a [1999 : 1 Mark} 9.10. Inaseries RLC circuitat resonance, the magnitude of the voltage developed across the capacitor (a) Is always zero. (©) cannever be greater than the input voltage. (6) can be greater than the input voltage, however itis 90" out of phase with the input voltage (@) can be greater than the input voltage, and is in phase with the input voltage. [200 Mark} 8.41 Inthe circuit shown in figure, what value of C will ‘cause a unity power factor atthe ac source? ay 3 any, c \z=s020070 (@) 68.1nF (©) 165yF (©) 0681 pF (@) 681 pF [2002 : 2 Marks) 3.12 A seties PLC circuit has R= 500; L = 100 pH land C = 1 pF. The lower half power frequency of the circuits (a) 30.552 (&) 9.055 kz (o) S1.92kH2 (@) 1.92kH2 [2002 : 2 Marks) 3.13 Inthe circuit of figure, the magnitudes of V, and Vato twice that of Vz Given that, f= 50 He, the inductance of the col is [aoeered sar “gu (@) 214mH ——() 590 (©) 318mH — (@):1.32H 8.14 The value of Zin figure which is mest appropriate to cause parallel resonance at 500 Hz is (a) 125.00mH —(b) 90420nF (©) 20uF (@) 005 ur [2004 : 1 Mark) 3.15 The circuit shown in the figure is energized by a sinusoidal voltage source V, ata frequency which ‘causes resonance with a current of LL ‘The phasor diagram which is applicable to this circuttis © % @ ono = 9 Marks! 3.16 TheR-L-C series circuit shown s supplied froma variable frequency votage source. The admittance- locus of the FLL-C network at terminals AB for increasing frequency wis ital 7H fy @ Re o Re © @ f ) io 8.17 In the figure given below all phasors are with reference to the potential at point "O-. The locus of vollage phasor Vas Ris varied trom zero to infinity is shown by [2007 : 2 Marks) 3.18 3.19 3.20 val veo é fv [2007 : 2 Marks} Loais ot Ye The resonant frequency for the given circuit wll be es (@) trade (b) rads (€) Sradis (0) Aradis [2008 : 2 Marks} ‘Two magnetically uncoupled inductive cols have Qfactors q, and g, at the chosen operating ‘frequency. Their respective resistances are, and R,. When connected in series, their effective (factor at the same operating frequency is nla} RA) =) [2013 : 2 Marks) (8) a+ % series ALCcircuitis observed at wo frequencies. Ata, = 1 kradls, we note that source voltage V,= 10020°V results ina current, =0.03231°A, 3.2 (@) R= 50.0; L = 25 mH; (0) R= 500: oR (@) R250; SmH; C= 50 uF [2014 : 2 Marks, Set-3] ‘An inductor is connected in parallel with a capacitor as shown in the figure. AAs the frequency of current i is increased, the impedance (2) ofthe network varies as @ ) fev wv, apace © pecasteereaa, ane : o ——— [2015 : 4 Mark, Set-1) 8.22 Thecircuit betowis excted by a sinusoidal source, The value of Rin , for which the admittance Of the circuit becomes a pure conductance at ell frequencies is wow oR pi oun A [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-1] In the balanced 3-phase, 50 Hz, circuit shown below, the value of inductance (L) is 10 mH. The value ofthe capacitance (C) for which all the line Ccurtents are zero, in millfarads, is 3.23 [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-2] 8.24 The voltage 1) across the terminals @ and b ‘shownin the figure, isa sinusoidal voltage having frequency w= 100,agian/s. When the inductor current itis in phase with the votage 4p, the magnitude of the impedance 2 (in @) seen between the terminals a and bis___(upto 2 decimal places) mo 100 nF = 100.0 2 [2018 : 2 Marks} 3.25 ADC voltage source is connected to. series L-C Circuit by turning on the switch Sat time t= 0 as, shown in the figure, Assume (0) = 0, 40) = 0. Which one ofthe following circular loci represents, the plot of (0 versus 49? fo tH + © (09 sv ones Mo FE “0 9 0) [2018 : 2 Marks] @ Ny 3.1 (b) 32 d 3.3 (0092) 3 3.9 (a) 3.10 () 3.11 @ 3120) 3.13 (©) 38.18 (c) 3.19 (c) 9.20 (6) 3.21 (D) 3.22 (14.14) @ 35 @ 3 (@ 37 @ 38 @ 3.14 (2) 3.15 (a) 3.16 (6) 3.17 @) 3.23 (803) 3.24 (60) 3.25 (b) Network Theorems 4.1. Inthe following circut, (9) under steady state is 3a 2H om (@) 200 ©) 5 (©) 7.07 sine (@) 7.07 sin(t— 45°) [1993 1 Mark] 4.2. Superposition princiole is not applicable to a network containing time-varying resistors (Trua/False), [1994 4.3 For the circuit shown in figure, The Norton equivalent source current value is... A and its resistance is.....Ohms 1 Mark] 20 zs 3a we [1997 : 2 Marks} 4.4 Viewed from the terminals A and 8, the following Circult shown in figure can be reduced to an equivalent circuit of @ single voltage source in series with a single resistor with the following parameters. et (2) 10 volt source in series with 10 2 resistor. (©) 7 volt source in series with 2.4.8 resistor. (©) 15 volt source in series with 2.4 9 resistor. (@) 1 vott source in series with 10 2 resistor. [1998 : 2 Marks} 4.5 In the figure, Z, = 102-60°, Z, = 10260", Z,= 5023.13". Thevenin impedance seen from Xs zy 4 Se (2) 56.66.245" (b) 60.2007 © 2" =) _ 34.4. 205° [2003 : 1 Mari] 4.6 Two ac sources foed a common variable resistive oad as shown in figure. Under the maximum power transter condition, the power absorbed by the load resistance Fis sa Ba ca aa 1250W (2) 625W [2003 : 2 Marks) (a) 2200w ©) (©) 1000W 4.7 _ Inthe given figure, the Thevenin’s equivalent pair (voltage, impedance), as seen at the terminals PQ. given by +415 @ 2V50) — &) (2v,75a) © @Vv59) (a) (4,750) [2005 : 2 Marks) 4.8 Inthe figure the current sources 1 0A, R= 19, the impedances are Z,=~/0, and Z, = 2/8 The ‘Thevenin equivalent looking int the circuit across xis (a) SV2Z0°V,(14+ 2) 2 (0) 2245°v, (1-29 (©) 22a5rV. (149 () V2za5°V, (1+ ) 2 [2006 : 1 Mark 4.9. The Thevenin's equivalent ofa circuit operating at rad/s, has Vj_ = 3712-15." V and 1238-06670. At this requency, the minimal realization of the Thevenin's impedance wil have {@) resistor and a capacitor and an inductor {0} resistoranda capacitor (@) resistor and aninductor (@) capacitor and an inductor [2008 : 1 Mark] ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions (4.10and 4.11): 2K & @ ga 4.10 For the circuit given above, the Thevenin’s resistance across the terminals A and Bis (@) 05 ka (o) 02 ko (©) 1ko @ onKa [2009 : 2 Marks] 4.11 Forthe circuit given above, the Thevenin’s voltage ‘across the terminals A and Bis (@ 125V (@) 025V @iv ( 05v [2009 : 2 Marks} 4.12 Inthe circuit given below, the value of Frequited {or the transfer of maximum power to the load having a resistance of 3 is, () 30 (a) intiity [2011 ; 1 Mark 4.18 The impedance looking into nodes 1 and 2in the given circuttis| (@) zero 62 (@) 500 (©) 5ko (®) 1000 (@) 101ka (2012: 1 Mark] 4.14 Assuming both the voltage sources are in phase, the value of A for which maximum power is transferred from circu Ato circuit Bis, &) 140 @ 280 [2012 : 2 Marks] @ 08a © 20 4.15 A source v(t) = V.cos100.xt has an internal impedance of (4 + 8). Ifa purely resistive load connected to this source has to extract the maximurn power out of the source, its value in should be (@) 3 &) 4 os (9) 7 — (2013: 1 Mark] 4.16 In the circuit shown below, if the source voltage V, = 100253.13*V then the Thevenin’s equivalent voltage in Volts as seen by the load resistance Ris (@) 100z00V (©) 800z0°v (©) sooze0rv (@) 100260" [2013 : 2 Marks) 4.17 Assuming an ideal transformer, the Thevenin’s equivalent volage and impedance as seen from the terminals x and yor the circuit in figure are 10 TH @) 2sin(w9,40 (&) 1 sin(o, 10 (©) 1sin(w), 2 () 2sin(w),0.50 [2014 : 1 Mark, Set-2} 4.18 A non-ideal voltage source V, has an internal impedance of Z, If purely resistive load is to ‘be chosen that maximizes the power transterred tothe load, its values must be fo (b) real partof 2, (©) magnitude of Z, (4) complex conjugate of Z, [2014 : 1 Mark, Set-3} 4.19. The Norton's equivalent source in amperes as seen into the terminals Xand Yis__ 2sv cape ae sa sa sa 4.20 The voltage across the capacitor, as shown in the figure, is expressed as: Va = A, sin(a,t-6,) + A, sinfa,t-0,) a0 tH vio 1. 2a snror Hl 10 sist ‘The values of A, and A, respectively, are (a) 2.0and1.98 (b) 20and4.20 (©) 25and3.50 (d) §02nd6.40 [2014 : 2 Marks, Set-2] 4.21 Forthe given circuit, the Thevenin equivalentis to be determined. The Thevenin voltage, Vig (in Vt), seen from terminal ABis___ ss i 3 ee 20 . (2018 1 Mark, Set 4..22 The circuit shown in the figure has two sources. Connected in series. The instantaneous voltage ‘ofthe AC source (in Vot)is given by Mf) = 12 sint. the circuits in steady state. then the rms value ofthe current (in Ampere) flowing in the circuit is [2018 : 2 Marks, Set-1) 4.23 Ina linear two-port network, when 10 Vis applied to Pott 1, a current of 4 A flows through Port 2 When it is short-circuited. When § Vis applied to Port 1, a current of 1.25 A flows through a 1.0 resistance connected across Port 2. When 3 Vis applied to Port 1, the current in Ampere) through. ‘a2@2resistance connected across Port 2is_ 4.24 Inthe creuit shown below the axiium power @ -15v ©) -05v taefered he renter le (©) o5V @ 15v [2017 : 2 Marks, Set-2) 4.27 Forthe given 2:portnetwork, the value oftranster “on impedance Z,, in ohms is. a [2017 : 2 Marks, Set-1) ceca al ea rceeiee 4.25 Inthe circuit shown below, the value of capacitor 20 CCrequired for maximum power to be transferred f ae Saree [2017 : 1 Mark, Set-2} 4.28 The current flowing in the crcult shown below in ampere is an =r0sinc000 (a) 10F (o) tHe = (©) 1m (a) 10m See ON a ON OY (2017: 2 Mark, Sat Lal [2019 : 2 Marks] 4.26 For the network given in figure below, the Thevenin’s voltage Vani A 41 42° 43 G4) 44 48 4 (b) 4.10 (b) 5 429 408 411 412@) ow AMO KO LO “re 190) 4200) 421 @2q422 (10) 428 wosD 425 426) 427 © 428% @) 47 @ 48 Transients and Steady State Response 5.1 The time constant of the network shown in figure oO ia (@ 2Ac () 3AC Ac 2RC oF @ 3 (1992 : 1 Mark} 5.2 Inthe series RC circuit shown in figure the vollage ‘across C stars increasing when the de source is ‘switched ON. The rate ofincrease of votage across C at the instant just after the switch is closed (e,, at = 0") willbe oy (@) ze0 (0) ey @ fe (@) RC [1996 5.3. The wi characteristic as seen from the terminal Pair (A, B) of the network of Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. (2). If an inductance of value 6 mH is connected across the terminal ~ pair (A, 8), the time constant of the system will be Ger 1 Mark] ae Fo) wor ne eY 5.4 55 56 87 (@) Spsec (0) 12psec (©) 32sec (@) unknown, untess the actual network is specitiod [1996 : 1 Mark) An ideal voltage source will charge an ideal ‘capacitor (@) Ininfinite time (© instantaneously (©) exponentially (©) none of nese [1997 : 1 Mark) {Inthe circult shown in figure, itis desired to have ® constant direct current 1() through the ideal inductor L. The nature of the voltage source 4f) must be % va je (@) constant votage (0) linearly increasing voage (c) anideal impulse (@) exponentially increasing voltage [1998 ‘A rectangular voltage pulse of magnitude Vand duration Tis applied to a series combination of resistance A and capacitance C. The maximum voltage developed across the capacitors © ofreol-Z] vr © Fe ov 1 Mari) (@ ves [1999 : 2 Marks] A voltage wavetorm 4) = 12 is applied across 1 Hinductor for 20, with initial curent through itbeing zero, The current through the inductor for 120s given by 58 59 5.10 (@ tet © re (&) 2ar @ 48 [2000 : 1 Mark] A.unit step voltage is applied at "= 0 to a series AL circuit with zera intial conditions. (@) tis possible forthe current to be oscillatory. (©) The voltage across the resistor at t = 0° is 20r0. (6) The energy stored in inductor in the steady state ia zero. (@) The resistor current eventually fais to 2er0. [2001 : 1 Mark) Consider the circuit shown in figure. If the frequency of the source is 50 Hz, then a value of {, which results in a transient free response is 5a ooiH (oe — 88 saxon (@) Oms (©) 178ms (©) 271ms (@) 291 ms [2002 : 2 Marks} ‘An 11 V pulse of 10 us duration is applied to the Circuit shownin figure. Assuming that the capacitor is completely discharged prior to applying the pulse, the peak value of the capacitor voltage is wa eal tora Ett ous @ "Vv ©) 55v (© 622v (@ 096v [2002 : 2 Marks} Inthe circuit shown in figure, the switch Sis closed atime (t= 0). The voltage across the inductor at te 0nis a ae w@ ag Be ge @ 2v © 4v &) av (@) 8V (2003: 2Marks) 5.12 In figure, the capacitor initially has a charge of 410 Coulomb. The currentin the crcult one second after the switch Sis closed wil be to, i 20 100 v “ose (@ 14748 (©) 185A (©) 4008 (@) 500A [2004 : 2 Marks} 5.13 Inthe figure given, forthe initial capacitor voltage Js zero. The switch is closed at t= 0, The final steady-state voltage across the capacitor is i Loa (@ 20v ®) tov © 5v (® ov [2005 : 1 Mark) 5.14 The circuit shown in the figure isin steady state, when the switch is closed at f= 0. Assuming that the inductance is ideal, the current through the Inductor at = 0° equals = som : t=0 (@ oa (©) 054 (1A (@ 2A [2008 : 2 Marks) ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions(5.15 and5.1 A coll of inductance 10 H and resistance 40 9 is, ‘connected as shown in the figure. After the switch Shas been in contact with point 1 for a very long time, it is ‘moved to point 2 at, 5.15 I, at (= 0°, the voltage across the coil is 120 V, the value of resistance Ris, 5.16 8.17 5.18 5.19 (00 (®) 200 (© 402 (@ e029 [2008 : 2 Marks} For the value of resistance obtained in (a), the time taken for 95% of the stored energy to be dissipated is close to (@) 0.10sec ——(b) 0.1500 (©) 050sec —():1.0see [2005 : 2 Marks] An ideal capacitors charged to a voltage V and connected at ¢ = 0 across an ideal inductor L. (The circuit now consists of a capacitor and Inductor alone). we let @ = ic + the voltage: ‘across the capacitor at time 1> 0's given by @% ©) Yacos (ay) © Yysinfosh ——(@) ye cosas) [2006 : 2 Marks) Inthe ccuitshownin the figure, the curent source 1= 1A, the voltage source V = 5 VP, RIM b=b H.C,=G, ccurrens (in A through Fi and the voltage source Vrespectivey willbe RR aaa om 4 6 gb H Jn Ek @ia ©) 54 @ 52 (@) 5.4 2008: 2 Marks} In the figure, transformer T, has two secondaries, allthroe windings having the same number of tus and with polarities as indicated. One secondary is shorted by a 10 0 resistor R, and the other by a 15 mF capacitor. The switch SW is opened (t= 0) when the capacitor is charged to § V with the lot plate as positive. At(t=0*) the voltage V, and current /, 26 6.20 5.21 (a) -25V,008 (0) very large vottage, very large current (0) 50V,058 (@) -50V,-054 [2007 : 2 Marks} Inthe circuit shown in figure. Switch SW, i nally closed and SW, is open. The inductor Lcarriesa ‘current of 10.4 and the capacitor charged to 10 with polartes as indicated, SW, is closed at = 0 land SW, is opened at f= 0. The current through C and the voltage across L at (t= 0*) is 8m, 100 @ S5A45V (0) 55A,45V © 4A55A () 45A,55V [2007 : 2 Marks} The time constant for the given circuit will be I we oT sad Qs (a) 19s 6) () 4s (@) 98 [2008: 2 Marks) ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions (5.22 and 5.23): ‘The current i(0 sketched in the figure flows through a intialy uncharged 0.3 nF capacitor. Koma 5.22 The charge storedin the capacitor at = 5 us. wil be (@) 80 (©) 100. (©) 13nc (@) 160C [2008 : 2 Marks} 5.28. The capacitor charged upto'5 ps, asper the current profile given in the igure, is connected across an inductor of 0.6 mH. Then the value of voltage ‘across the capacitor after 1 us will approximately be (a) 188 &) 235 (©) -235V —@) ~308V [2008 : 2 Marks) 6.24 Inthe figure shown, all elaments used are ideal Fortime t< 0, S, remained closed and $, open. ‘At t= 0, 5, ie opened and S, is closed. I the voltage V4, across the capacitor at f= O° is zero, the voltage across the capacitor combination ra naan os v swe geo [2010 : 1 Mark] 6.28 The L-C circuit shown in the figure has an mand a capacitance C= 10 pF 8.27 5.28 ‘The intial current through the inductors zero, while the inital capacstor voltage is 100 V. The switch is closed at =O. The current’ through the circuits, (a) S.cost5 x 10° A (b) Ssin(10*9A (©) 10.co9(5 « 10° 9.8 (@) 10sin( 108A [2010 : 2 Marks} In the following figure, C, and C, are ideal capacitors, C, has been charged to 12V before the ideal switch Sis closed at t= 0. The current it for al tis (@) 220 (©) astep function (©) anexponentially decaying function (6) animpuise function [2012 : 1 Mark) ‘A combination of 1 uF capacitor with an initial voltage v{0) =-2Vin series witha 100 resistor Js connected to a 20 mAideal de current source by operating both switches at = is as shown in the figure. Which ofthe folowing graphs shown in the options approximates the voltage v, across the current source over the next few seconds? ve Me 1000 @ - oe © a oe. al a 5.29 The switch SW shown in the circuit Is Kept at postion t foralong duration. At t= 0°, the switch 's meved to poston 2 Assuming | Ve1>1 Vp the voltage v,( across the capacitors eS sy Vogt ~ 290) — Voy Vd = Veg PP 6 Hy (©) vel) = Vea Va) (1 — 829) — Voy (8) Vl) = (Vea Yosh = PO) + Voy 12014 57 Mark, Set-2t 5.30 Aseries Al circuits excked at t= Oby closing « switch as shown inthe igure. Assuming zero nial conditions, the value of Sf att= 0" is ie ty % © oo @ Mark, Set-2) 5.31 In the citcuit shown, switch $, has been closed {or a long time. At tene t= 0 switch S; is closed. [At f= 0, the ate of change of curert ihyough the inductor, in amperes por second, is % I iL ‘os eee [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-1] [RIES Transtonts'ana steady state Resiionse §.82 In the circuit shown beiow, the initial capactor voltage is 4 ¥; Switch 5, is closed at f= 0. The ‘charge (in x0) lost by the capacitor rom f= 25 8 100 ps is, [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-2} 15.83 The swiich in the igure below was cloeed tor a Jong time. Inis = 0. The currentin the Inductor of 2H for #2 0,6 oa Pr sov “f a6 tT 2H Peed oe) @ 250" — ®) Set fe) 25 eos () 560% (2017 : 2 Marks, Set-1} 5.94 Tho inital charge in the 1 F capacitar present in the circuit shown is Zero. The energy in joules transferred from the DG source until steady state condition 19 reached equals Give the answer upto one decimal place) [2017 : 1 Mark, Set-2) ae 51) 52 @) 53 (@ 54 © 55 () 56 (a) 57 @) 5.8 () 6.9 (6) 5.100) 8.11) 5AZG@) 1B) 5.14) 5.15 ©) 5.16%) 5.7) 5.18 5.19) 5.20) 5.21 ©) 5.22) 523d) 5.26 () 5.25) 5.26) 5.27 5.28) 5.29 () 5.30 (0) 5.31 @) 5.32 (699x10% 5.33 (@) 6.94 (100) Two Port Network and Network 61 62 63 64 65 Na two portnetworkis reciprocal hen we have, withthe usual notation, tho following relationship (2) yy Pay ©) he (c) yy (8) PsP Poe [1994 1 Mark) For the two-port network shown in figure, the admittance matrixis [1997 : 2 Marks} A two-port device is defined by the following pair of equations: 1=2y,+ ypandip= vy vy ssrpatanowantos [5 25] ache » 2 off 14 eft: [2000 : 2 Marks} A passive two-port network is in a steady state, ‘Compared to its input, the steady state output can never offer (@) higher voltage (©) greater power (0) lowerimpedance (@) better regulation (2001: 1 Mark] Atwo-port network, shown in figure, is deseribeo by the following equations Ty Yun + Yoo Ep Ta Yon E+ Yao Ee 66 67 420 20 The admittance parameters, ¥,.. Yi. Yp, and Yo, for the network shown are (@) 0.5 mho, 1 mho, 2 mho and 1 mho respectively, © drat amg respectivoly (©) 0.5 mho, 0.5 mho, 1.5 mho and 2 mho respectively nto ant Into 2 oho -Smho 3 2 (9 ~ZMa-F rho, Smo and Zmho respectively [2002 : 2 Marks} The h-parameters for a two-port network are cso [T-fe Ale] For the two-port network shown in figure, the value of hz is given by 4 Ae 20 2a, _I (a) 0.125 (©) 0625 ©) 0.167 (@ 025 [2008 : 2 Marks} The Zmatrix of a 2-port network is given by (0.9 02) 02 06, 68 69 6.10 The element ¥,, of the corresponding Y matrix of the same network is given by @ 12 () 04 © 04 @) 18 [2004 : 2 Marks) For the two port network shown in the figure the zmatrix is given by 4 24 [2005 : 1 Mark) “Twonotworks are connectedin cascade as shown inthe figure. With the usual notations the equivalent A.B, Cand D constants are obtained. Given that, C= 0.025245", the value of Z, is (@ 10230°0 @19 (&) 402-05" @ og [2008 : 2 Marks) ‘The parameters ofthe circuit shown inthe figure are R= 1 MQ, Ry= 100, A= 108VIV ITV, = THY, the output voltage, input impedance and outout impedance respectively are (@) 1%, 10 () 140,100 ()1V.06% (6) 10V.=, 100 [2006 : 2 Marks} 6.11. Theparameter type and the matiirepresentation of the relevant two port parameters that describe the citcuitshown are 4 4 % % ws spear [2 10) (©) rpararetes [} ] (©) parameters, C al ©) zparaeo O14 [2006 : 2 Marks} 6.12 Thetwo-port network Pshownin he figure has port 1 and 2, denoted by terminals (2, b) and (c. of), respectively. It has an impedance matrix Z with parameters denoted by Z,. A 1 resistor is ‘connected in series withthe network at port 1 as shown inthe figure. The impedance matrix ofthe ‘modified two-port network (shown as a dashed box) 2a 2) 22) 22, [2010 : 2 Marks} Common Data for Questions (6.13 and 6.1 With 10V de connected at port A in the linear onreciprocal two-part network shown below, the following were observed: () 1@connected at port B draws a current of 3A () 25 Qconnected at por Baraws a curentof2 A A " 8 6.13 For the same network wih 6 V de connected at ort A, 1 connected at port B draws 7/3. it 8V dc is connected to port A, the open-circuit voltage at port Bis (a) 6v () av ) 7v @ av [2012 : 2 Marks] 6.14 With 10 Vde connected at port A, the current drawn by 7 0 connected at port Bis @ 3a & 3a (1A @ 3A [2012 : 2 Marks) 6.15 The driving point impedance Z{s) for the circuit shown below is tH 4H 2s) ie 1 584057 41 st+2s? 44 OS (ee eth @ 38th Fie Fie (2014: 1 Mark, Set-3] 6.16 The zparameters of the two port network shown inthe figure are z,, = 400, 2, = 600, 2,, = 800 ‘and 2,2 = 100 @. The average power dalivered to A, = 209, in watts, is__. 617 6.18 wa 1, h av % Izy | “se [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-2) ‘The driving point input impedance seen trom the Source Vf the circuit shown below, inQ, is__. 20 2a ae ve oa Pav, Faa [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-2) ‘Two passive two-port networks are connected in cascade as shown in figure. A voltage source is connected at port 1. JES 2 a. Given, AWM, + Bly I, = O,Vp+ Diy = AM, + Bly OMy+ Defy Ay. By, Cy, Dy, Ay, By, Cy and Dy are the jralized circuit constants. If the Thevenin equivalent circuit at port 3 consists ofa voltage source V, and an impedance Z,, connected in series, then ) Vat, 7, ABB p AA” "Aa +BCe 0 Wea rage 2 ee 8 erga ro Se (0 era ae 2 Reet 6.19 In the two-port network shown, the hi, parameter 7 a 19 oly AWw—Le -0) in ohms is (up to 2 decimal places). 61 ©) 63 &) 64 © 65 0) 66 () 67 () 68 fd) 69 ) 6.10( 6.11(0) 6.12 (0) 6.13 (0) 6.14 (0) 6.15 (a) 6.16 (3555) 6.17 (20) 6.18 () 6.19 (0.5) Magnetically Coupled Circuits, Network _ Topology/Graph Theory & Filters 7.1 The equivalent inductance seen atterminals A-B a IP QUE 18 ne H a a an NN gen 1 : - @ 9H ( 21H bi © 11H (@ 6H [1998 : 2 Marks] [1992 : 2 Marks) 7.6 The impedance seen by the source in the circuit 7.2. Figure shows a dc resistive network andis graph Hiphileesenede is drawn a side. A ‘proper tree" chosen for analysing the network il not contain the edges: Fle erp Q0e @ (054 +0313) ohms (©) (42) ohms (© (454-/1.69) ohms a q (d) (4+ j2) ohms (@) abbo,ad (0) ab, be, ca Peooo2 Manis (0) ab, (A) ac, bd, ad 7.7 Given two coupled inductors L, and L, their [1994 : 1 Mark] ‘mutual inductance Msatisties 7.3. Two identical cols of negligible resistance when © mare motte connectedin series across a 200, 60 Hz source z draws @ current of 10 A, When the terminals of Ooms ws MSE ‘one of the coils are reversed, then current drawn i ate (MS sate [2001 : 1 Mark] 74 75 | 8A. The coefficient of coupling between the ‘wo coils is [1997 : 2 Marks) [A major advantage of active fiters is that they canbe realized without using (@) op-amps (©) inductors (6) resistors (@) cepacitors [1997 : 1 Mark) ‘The effective inductance ofthe circuit across the terminals A, Bin the figure shown below is 7.8. In the circuit shown in figure Its found that the input ac voltage (vy) and current / are in phase. M Jog eo is the mutual inductance between the two cols. ‘The value of Kand the dot polarity ofthe coil PLO ‘The coupling coetficientis K: 79 7.10 er aa [reo Ba uy pa ao (2) K= 0.25 and dot at P (6) K= 0.25 and ot at @ (@) K=05 and det at Q (2002: 2 Marks} ‘The graph of an electrical network has Nnodes land B branches, The number of links L with respect to the choice of a tre, is given by (a) B-N+1 (b) B+N (c) N-B+1 (6) N-28-1 [2002 : 1 Mark) Airst order, low pass iter is given with R= 50.2 and C= 5 uF Whats the frequency at which the {gain of the voltage transfer function of the fiter is 0257 (@) 492kHe (©) 2.46kH2 (b) 0.49kH2 (@) 24.6kr2 [2002 : 2 Marks} The matrix A given below is the node incidence matrix of a network. The columns correspond to branches ofthe network while the rows correspond to nodes. Let V1vj¥» "vel" denote the vector of branch voltages while = [i ig)" thatof branch currents. The vector E = [¢, @ @ @" denotes the vector of node voltages relative to @ common round. Which ofthe following statements is rue? (@) The equations: V,- V, + V, = 0, Vy + V,~ Vy = 0 are KVL equations for the network for some loops (b) The equations: V,- V, - Ve = 0, V+ Ve~ Vg = 0 are KVL equations for the network for some loops (0) E=AV (d) AV=0are KVL equations forthe network 7.12 The number of chords in the graph of the given circuit willbe 980- aA @ 16 () 4 @ 6 (2008 : 1 Mark} 7.18 The folowing arrangement consists of an idea! transformer and an attenuator which attenuates by @ factor of 08, An ac voltage Via, = 100 Vis applied across WXto get an open circuit voltage Vyey Bross ¥Z. Next, an ac votage Vizq= 100V is applied across YZ get an pen circu voltage Vino 961088 WA. Then, Viz Vos Var Vaz respectively, 4425 Sie 3 x 22 125 80 100 4 80 © 755 709) 355 84 Fo 100, 100 20 |, 89 ota Omi [2013 2 Marks) 7.14 Twoidentical coupled inductors are connected in series. The measured inductances for the two possible series connections are 380 WH and 240 UH. Their mutual inductance in pHi, [2014 : 1 Mark, Set-2] 7.18 Find the transformer ratios @ and b such that tho impedance Z,)isresistve andequals 25 2when the network is excited witha since wave vatage ‘of angular frequency of 6000 rai. Cat0yF Lata ol a al ie ee @ © os, 10, 0 (b) a=20, os 7.16 Two identical cols each having inductance L are placed together on the same core. If an overall inductance of al is obtained by interconnecting these two cols, the minimum value of ais, [2015 : 2 Marks, Set-2] 7.47 The graph associated with an electrical network has 7 branches and § nodes. The number of independent KCL equations and the number of independent KVL equations, respectively, are (@) 2ands (©) Sand2 (©) Sand (@) 4ana3 [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-2} 7.18 Ian ideal transformer has an inductive load element at port 2 as shown in the figure below, the equivalent inductance at port 1 is. [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-1] 7.19 The following figure shows the connection of an ideal transformer with primary to secondary turns fatio of 1 : 100. The applied primary voltage is 100 ¥ (rms), 50 Hz, AC. The rms value of the ‘current J in ampere, is X2A 5 ig Re BoKD “oJ [2016 : 1 Mark, Set-2) 7.20 The graph of a network has 8 nodes and 5 independent loops. The number of branches of the graph is @u (bo) 12 © 13 @ 4 [2018 1 Mark] 7.21, Theline currents ofa three-phase four wire system are square waves with amplitude of 100 A, The three currents are phase shied by 120° wish respect to each other. The rms value of neutral Carents (208 @) OA (© 1008 Ba [2019 : 2 Marks} 7.4 (@) 7.2 (0) 7.3 (19) 74 ) 75 © 7.10 (0) 7.11 (0) 7.12 (a) 7.13) 7.14 (5) 7.4910 7.20 (0) 7.21 (c) 7.15 (b) 7.16) 7.47 (@) 7.18 (>) Three-Phase Circuits 8.1 Using Thevenin equivalent circuit, determine the rms value of the voltage across the 100 ohm resistor after the switch is closed in the S-phase circuit shown in figure. Ry o£ 400 V3 Phase balanced source [1992 : 2 Marks) 8.2 A set of 3 equal resistors, each of value F,, connected in star across AYB of given figure consumes the same power as the unbalanced detta connected load shown, The value of Fis a. Re- 400v 38 v BO be [1994 : 2 Marks) 8.3. Forthe three-phase circuit shown inthe figure the ratio ofthe currents Fly: Igis given by te R, sot ee eee 8.2 (100) 8.3 (a) 84 (b) 85 (0) 8.1 (1185) (@) tet: v3 by 1:1:2 @1:1:0 1:4: 872 [2005 : 2 Marks} 8.4 A two-phase load draws the following phase current These currents are balanced i, is equal to @ ©) % o§-*) @ (Fe) (2012: 1 Mark] 8.5 The line A to neutral vollage is 10215° V for a balanced three-phase star connected load with phase sequence ABC. The voltage of line B with respect to line Ais given by (@) 10V32106° V (b) 102105°V (6) 103-78" V (6) —10V3.290°V [2014 : 1 Mark, Set-3} 86 In the given network V, = 10020° V, Vp= 1002-120°V, Vs = 100.4+120°V. The phasor current i (in Amper0) is a My “9 1 (@ 173.22-69 (©) 100.02-60" (b) 173.2120" {d) 100.0120" (2015: 2 Marks, Set2]

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