Drgroups Jan 5-6

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January 5 and 6, 2021

1. mother Rh negative and baby positive what is the alloimmunization causes what
A. Thin placenta
B. Edema for baby
Other recall: Mother took anti-D in the 26th week, does she need to take it again?

2. Which of the following indicates Worse prognosis of Schizophrenia

A) Onset at adolescence
B) Family Hx

3. Which of the following indicates compensated of shock?

A) Anuria
B) Confusion
C) Hypotension
D) pale peripheries

4. Infant Mortality Rate has decreased to 4.28 in 2020 in Saudi Arabia. Which of the following
figures involved in this?
A) Number of women in childbirths age
B) Number of deaths in Saudi Arabia in 2020
C) children who died in 2020 and not completed their first year

5. Patient did hernia surgery years ago. He has Cirrhosis with progressive ascites. Hernia is
present now with cough test. What to do:
A) Lap Hernia with Mesh
B) Control of ascites first

OB/Gyne question:
6. Fetus with Cystic hygroma. What to do
A) Amniocentesis
B) Chorionic Villous Sampling
All choices around mode of sampling (i forget the others)

7. Baby product of illegal pregnancy, abandoned by his mother. Pediatric surgeon says baby has
to do Hernia surgery. What to do
A) Inform the case to police
B) inform the case to social worker
C) inform the case to health ethics committee
D) Do the surgery without consent
Answer :

8. Pelvic Fracture with injury to membranous part of urethra. Blood seen in external meatus.
What is the most appropriate action.
A) Cystoscopy
B) Folly’s Catheter
C) Suprapubic catheter
D) CT pelvis
Answer :

9. Patient with Anterior chest trauma with bruising in sternum. Patient vitally stable, clear
cardiac and respiratory exam, except for Pounding pulse.
ECG: Arrhythmia
X-ray: Sternal Fracture.
Echo: Normal
What is the Diagnosis
A) Pneumothorax
B) Cardiac contusion
C) Cardiac Tamponade
D) Ventricular rupture (not sure if this was the choice or not)
Answer :

10. Lymph Node swelling, and was clear lymphatic fluid in this swelling. What to do:
A) Surgery
B) Sclerotherapy
C) Radiotherapy
D) chemotherapy??
(This question is not formulated right, but this is main and whole needed information in this
Answer :

11. What causes AOM in children :

A- bacterial
B- viral
Answer :
12. Safety OR by WHO ?
Before induction , before skin incision, before living OR room ??

13. Folic acid in SCA ?

5 mg in whole pregnant

14. Folic acid ( no risk factor mentioned in a medical free lady )

( no 0.4 or 0.8 in options ) only higher doses ( 1 mg was the lowest )

15. long scenario and the end they said in the blood film there is spherocytes , Hb was 9
What is the TX ?
A) hydroxyurea
B) transfusion
Answer :

16. 40s female with heavy bleeding came to ER , what to do ?

A) D&C
B) mefenamic acid ??
D) hysterectomy
Answer :

17. 40 or 30s with dysmenorrhea and Heavy menstruation, on exam normal, US pic similar to
I choose fibroid
Answer :

18. 30 s yo male with Lung nodule, no symptoms no wt loss nothing, what makes you think it’s
malignant ?
A) high serum calcium
B) size more than 2.5 cm
C) Pt age
Answer :

19. male in his 40s on the maximum dose of PPI (written like this), still has symptoms, did scope
which was normal, what is next step?
A) 24 ph monitoring
B) manometry
Answer :
20. female in her 20 or 30s ( that was a very long scenario) dx with cough variant of asthma
based on methacholine challenge test, and on SABA, SOB slightly improved with TX but still has
frequent throat clearing , what to do ?
I choose give PPI
( can’t remember the rest sorry, but I thought they are hinting for GERD as it causes this )

21. toxoplasmosis in HIV Pt TX ?

A) sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine

22. invasive aspergillosis TX ?

A) Voriconazole

23. most common genotype of hepatitis?

A) 4

24. anti psychotic medication cause obesity?

A) Olanzapin

25. An 18 or 25 yo F. worried about cervical cancer. She took her first dose of HPV vaccine 3
months ago. What’s the best thing to do at this visit today?
A) Schedule app after 3 months
B) No need to do anything at this visit
C) Give 2nd dose at this visit
D) Repeat 1st dose
Answer :

26. Screening for pregnant for asymptomatic bacteriuria according to U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force (USPSTF)
A) 12 weeks
B) 20 weeks
C) 26 weeks
D) 32 weeks
Answer :

27. Post hiatal hernia repair, when can she get pregnant?
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 12 months
Answer :
28. Patient take fat soluble vitamin supplementation where is the lesion?
A) terminal ilium
B) mid jejunum
C) descending colon
D) transverse colon
Answer :

29. 2 or 3 yo with swelling behind the ear, and FNA showed was clear lymphatic fluid. What to
A) Surgery
B) Sclerotherapy
C) Radiotherapy
D) chemotherapy

30. Female had previous ectopic pregnancy want to conceive:

A) early detection of pregnancy
B) folic acid therapy

31. 42 yo hx of molar pregnancy 2 years ago, she wants to conceive. What to do regarding her
A) early follow up in pregnancy
B) contraception she shouldn’t get pregnant

32. female postpartum 2 weeks , she is breastfeeding, what contraception method ?

B) medroxyprogesterone acetate

33. Pt intrapartum, after delivery of the baby she has 800 ml vaginal bleeding, what type of
bleeding ?
A) 1ry hemorrhage
B) 2ry hemorrhage

34. female GA 31 presented with cervical dilatation, no contractions, what to give ?

A) dexa & tocolytic
B) dexa & ampicillin & erythromycin
35. Pt 40s with hx of PE 3 years ago, what is the most effective contraception method:
A) condom
D) transdermal patch

36. Pt 30s with irregular period for 6 month, she uses pills to get the menstruation , he has hx of
infertility for 2 years , underwent many investigations:
TSH normal
Prolactin normal
Progesterone and estorgen were low
FSH, LH are high
What to give for fertility:
B) ovulation induction with clomiphene ??
C) ovulation induction with Gonadotropins

37. A child with pica, hepatosplenomegaly and failure to thrive. Coming from a low
socioeconomic status family. HGB 8, Lead 2, PT high, PTT, INR, What’s the most appropriate
A) Vitamin K
B) D-penicillamine
C) Iron supplements

38. Pt had abdominal pain and they gave all the labs of iron studies they were normal, also the
gave a report of knee X-ray which had dense metaphyseal bands ( lines I forgot the name )

39. When to diagnose pedia as hypertension

A) bp > 120/80
B) bp > 150/…
C) >90% depends age and sex
D) >95% depends age and sex

40. When to do urine test for pregnant

A) 10 (12)
B) 15
C) 20
41. Case of stroke and complains of weakness in the arm, leg, and face. Where’s the damage?
A) Middle cerebral artery
B) Anterior cerebral artery (only lower limb)
C) Mid basilar artery

42. Old age male pt with s/s of urine drippling and back pain. Labs showed high PSA, what is the
A) Prostatic cancer

43. You have a limited stock of flu vaccines, who are your priority to receive it?
A) School kids
B) Pregnant ladies
C) Isolated hypertensive patients
D) IDA kids

44. Which muscles of the pelvic floor are affected in urinary incontinence?
A) Detrosal

Notes: Detrosal ( urge incontinence)

45. RTA pt with multiple mandibular fractures with severe bleeding, unconscious, no vitals
mentioned. How would you manage his airway?
A) Laryngeal mask
B) Orotracheal
C) Nasotracheal
D) Cricothyrotomy

46. Pt with increased intracranial pressure, next step in mx:

A) Elevate the head of the bed
B) Mannitol

47. Cardiac pt on anticoagulant asking about method of contraception

B) Progesterone only
48. Camping in the community to educate people about health determents is considered as?
A) Health education
B) Active surveillance

49. Camping in the community to decrease risk of hypertension is considered as?

A) Primary
B) Primordial
C) Secondary
D) Tertiary

50. Women c/o pain before menses and resolves in the third day of menses, how do you
A) by clinical symptoms

51. 45 yo female came for colonoscopy screening:

Till her that screening start at 50 of age
- Low risk 50 - High risk 10 years younger

52. year old woman known case of DM and knee osteoarthritis ,She has been using NSAID to
relieve her pain. She developed HTN, Na normal, K below borderline. What do think the cause
of HTN ?
A) Essential hypertension
B) pheochromocytoma
C) NSAID induced HTN
D) Primary hyperaldosteronism

53. 17 year old female, medically free, gymnast in her class, developed
breasts later and never menstruated, on examination she is tanner stage 5
but no menstruation, diagnosis?
A) hypothalamic hypogonadism
B) imperforate hymen
C) gonadal agenesis
D) testicular feminization

54. 18 years old girl unmarried ask the dr for screening for PAP smear
A) At 21 year
B) When sexually active
55. Pt know with Uncontrolled seizure want to conceive
A) Review medication
B) Folic acid

56. 16 years presented to ER after multiple generalized tonic clonic seizure what is the
management “no fever”?
A) diazepam
B) phenytoin

57. Pt with knife injury in the hand reached a tendon and nerve
A) primary repair for structure
B) Debridement with primary closure
C) Debridement with secondary closure

58. Old patient had severe progressive memory loss and unable to identify his siblings :
A. Alzheimer disease
B. Multi- dementia
(Incomplete, mostly A )

59. Sigmoid resection what is the highest rate of the histopathology to be malignant:
A. Villous
B. Tubulovillous

60. peanut inhalation where will you expect it to be ?

A) Rt bronchi

61. blackish green amniotic fluid what’s the most common fetal complications?
A) Meconium Aspiration

62. Vegetarian pregnant lady asking if her diet affect the baby:
A) Iron
B) B6
C) B12
D) Vitamin D
63. pt have HTN, heavy bleeding and anemia what contraceptive she can use?
A) tube ligation
B) IUD mirena
C) condom

64. Child 9 months introduced to solid food late, still breast feed. What will you give:
A) Iron
B) Vit D

65. neck injury in zone 3, CTA show’s vessel injury what’s your next step
A) ligation
B) primary suture
C) embolization

66. Family physician have approved FDA drug for something and Share holders To community
A) conflict of interest
B) neglected something

67. foul smelling watery diarrhea, green in color, what is the causative organism?
A) shigella
B) salmonella
C) Rota

68. Woman takes OCP with strong androgenic progestin found out she is pregnant what do you
expect to find in female fetus
A) External genitalia masculine ( virilization)
B) Feminine
C) Adrenache
D) No effect

69. child hypoglycemia & seizure & metabolic acidosis & characteristics smell & positive ketone
A) Phenylketonuria
B) maple syrup urine disease
70. Surgery safety checklist:
A) Before anesthesia, before skin incision, before leave OR.
B) before admission, before anesthesia, before discharge
C) before OR, during operation, at recovery room

71. Pt sustained injury to the left chest now there is sucking wound between 3rd and 4th ICS
how will you manage :
A) Chest tube
B) three sides dressing
C) analgesics

72. Pt had previous ectopic pregnancy. The percentage of recurrence?

A) 5%
B) 10%
C) 30%
D) 50%

73. clinical pic of opioid toxicity, asking about the antidote?

A) Naloxone

74. 14 y/o boy ingested bottle of acetaminophen tablets brought by his parents 20 hour later,
asking about which stage of toxicity?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

75. which type of RTA comes with Hyperkalemia?

A) RTA type 1
B) RTA type 2
C) RTA type 3
D) RTA type 4

76. elderly with dysuria, and difficulty in urination, PSA high, ALP high, what is the diagnosis?
A) Urinary bladder ca
B) Prostatic ca
77. Risk factor for esophageal ca?
A) esophageal stricture
B) Barrett's esophagus

78. A mother brought her 4 years old child cause he frequently wakes up in the middle of the
night setting on the bed , eyes opened but unresponsive for 2-3 min then he go back to sleep ,
in the morning he doesn’t remember what happened?
A) nightmares
B) night terror
C) night walking
D) epilepsy

79. Full term baby will be discharge from hospital what will you give him?

80. Patient with renal failure presents with low calcium, high alkaline phosphatase, and high
PTH. What is the best form of vitamin D to give this patient?
A) Calcitriol
B) Vitamin D2
C) Vitamin D3

81. Pt came 3 days after roux-Y surgery complaining of fever chill and left shoulder pain, best
diagnostic investigation?
A) CT with contrast
B) Endoscopy
C) Laparoscopy
D) exploratory laparotomy

82. 35 year old lady presents with left nipple bloody discharge, diagnosed as Intraductal
papilloma, how will you treat her?
A) duct excision
B) observation
C) mastectomy
83. child with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The pediatrician deemed he needs intubation. Both
parents don’t want intubation as they had a son with the same illness who died. What do you
A) call child protection
B) Search the internet for solutions of similar cases
C) Discuss with hospital ethics committee
D) Ignore both parents and intubate the child as this is an emergency

84. What treatment will you give for moderate asthma?

C) LABA + Inhaled corticosteroids
D) LABA + Anticholinergic

85. pt came with his shoulder flat, his arm adducted and internally rotated, what is the
A) Anterior dislocation
B) Inferior dislocation
C) Posterior dislocation

86. Tof character

A) Lvh
B) Vsd
C) Pda

87. Women heavy bleeding ,anemia. What contraception

A) IUD marina
B) Condom

88. Father have cancer with ....

A) Double effect

89. Hypothyroidism in thyroxin, need to elective surgery

A) Stop thyroxin than do surgery
B) Throxin preced surgery
90. Old baby on breast feeding,
A) Iron deficiency anemia

91. Child pulled from house on fire

A) carbon monoxide

92. Patient want to take hormonal therapy, but you are sure that it is not suitable for her, and
she decided to complain against you, what is your action?
A) Don’t give it to her (refuse)
B) give her
C) refer he

93. What causes AOM in children :

A) bacterial
B) viral

94. Picture of stroke but with lower limb paresis :

A) MCA stroke
B) ACA stroke
C) basilar artery stroke

95. 17 years with history of right iliac fossa pain rebound tenderness +ve guarding. What is the
investigation next :
A) laproscopy
C) CT scan

96. A 63 years old women presents to the Primary Care Physician with haematuria. She reports
having had a throat infection 2 weeks ago, for what her doctor prescribed penicillin V for 10
days. On the physical exam she has 150/90 blood pressure, her eyelids and both her ankles are
swollen. What is the treatment she must receive now?
A) Prednisone
B) Furosemide
C) Hydrochlorothiazide
D) Ondansetron
97. 7 yo female last pregnancy 15 years ago, amenorrhea for 7 months, negative
pregnancy test, wishes to get pregnant, what is the most appropriate investigation:
B) Hysterosalpiogram
C) Endometrial sampling

98. Young Patient presented with migratory polyarthritis and subcutaneous nodules. What will

confirm diagnosis?

A) High ESR
B) High CRP
C) blood culture
D) ASO titer


99. Nurse work in pulmonary clinic C/O with fever, productive cough. She is not responding to
AB (Xray show opacity left upper lobe)
A) Streptococcus pneumoniae
B) Hemophilus pneumonia
C) Mycobacte

100. 18 Y has ALL. 17 days after chemo he develops fever around 38.7 C. No focus of infection
found. Labs shows: low WBC 0.6 (normal was 4-10x..), Neutrophil level 60% (normal 40-60%),
i’m not sure if he has low platelets as well, what you’ll do:
A) Blood urine... culture and paracetamol
B) Blood, urine,... culture and PO Abx
C) Blood, urine,... culture and IV Abx

101. An 18 or 25 yo F. Worried about cervical cancer. She took her first dose of HPV vaccine 3
months ago. What the best thing to do at this visit today?
A) Schedule app after 3 months
B) No need to do anything at this visit
C) Give 2nd dose at this visit
D) Repeat 1st dose

102. mother concerning about her child he is wetting his bed which muscle is poor
A) rectus
B) pelvic floor
C) detrusor
103. Female had previous ectopic pregnancy want to conceive
A) early detection of pregnancy
B) folic acid therapy

104. A celiac patient with skin rash. What is the most likely associated diagnosis?
A) Psoriasis
B) Dermatitis herpetiforms

105. A pregnant lady came for. Antenatal screening. All within normal except for Zero Rubella
antibody titers. What’s the next thing to do?
A) Give MMR at this visit
B) Schedule app after 3 months for .......

106. Newborn after CS have respiratory symptoms , CXR shows fluid in the horizontal fissure ,
what’s the dx
B) acute distress syndrome
C) meconium aspiration

107. 7 years old came with his mother she complains he is irritable easily and picky in his food.
He drinks 3 glass of raw cow milk daily and heats red meat. His mother says that his brother has
the same issue. What is the dx
A) iron def
B) thalassemia a trait

108. 8Y old boy. Mother complained of poor training to bath room which muscles is the target
in therapy!
A) Perianal
B) pelvic floor
C) Rectus muscle
D) Detrusor

109. Victim of RTA came with pelvic fracture and there’s blood in the meatus, next step?
110. Victim in RTA who did Ureteroscope urethrogram and found injury in the bulbar what do
you want to do next?
A) pubic catheter
B) Foley catheter

111. pt dm2 on lifestyle modification what medication give ?

A) sulfonylureas
B) biguanides
C) ddp4 inhib

112. Patient after RTA was conscious GCS 15 then suddenly collapsed u see a temporal fracture
what caused his loss of consciousness?
A) subdural hematoma
B) epidural hematoma
C) fracture base of the skull

113. Surgeon manipulated data?

A) Fabrication
B) Falsification

114. Pedia with systolic murmur and palpable liver

A) cystic fibrosis
B) pda
C) vs

115. The MOH is organizing campaigns, lectures, and health education in order to teach the
public about the dangers of obesity and it’s associated complications. What kind of prevention
is this?
A) Tertiary
B) Secondary
C) Primary
D) Primordial

116. child came with potential toxic dose of paracetamol. The physician requests an
“Acetaminophen level”. The lab technician calls to report results. He says: “two” stops and
pauses and then says: ”one, three”. The nurse mistakenly writes it as “2.13” while the real
result was “213”. The patient went into irreversible liver damage, What was wrong here?
A. ................
B. Poor communication
C. Nurse who failed to repeat the result and double check she got the accurate result.
D. Lab technician who didn’t repeat or double check that the nurse heard him and recorded

117. A case of HUS. What’s the diagnostic culture test?!

A. Blood
B. Urine
D. Stool

118. Typical Parkinson case, where is the lesion:

A) Substantia nigra

119. Pregnant known of a sickle cell anemia, you want to give her folic acid, what is the right
prescription for her?
A) 5 mg folic acid till 12 week
B) 5 mg folic acid till she gave birth
C) 5 μg folic acid till 12 week folic acid till 12 week
D) 5 μg folic acid till 12 week folic acid till she gave birth

120. Moderate persistant asthma, what to add :


121. Patient with acute migraine What is the treatment?

A) Triptan

122. 64 y/o k/c of diabetes, hypertension and previous history of stroke

calculate CHADS2 VASc score:

123. Which of the following is true in necrotizing pancreatitis.

A) increased lipolysis
B) Hypoglycemia
C) Decreased gluconeogenesis

124. Cervical incompetence indication :

A) Cervical length < 5mm
125. Surgery safety checklist:
A) Before induction of anesthesia, Before skin incision and Before patient leaves operating

126. couple asking about surrogacy and you are not sure:
A) give another appointment and read about it.

127. 20 year old married female, when to do pap smear

A) Now
B) After 1 year

128. 2 vaginal discharge questions asking about treatment

129. threatened abortion

A) Bed rest

130. 17 year old with change in behavior before every menstrual cycle that
lasts for 3 days

131. What is the diagnosis COPD

A) increase TLC, decrease FEV1/FEVC <0.7, decrease VC.

132. patient post total thyroidectomy developed neck swelling and difficulty breathing 12 hour
after surgery. most appropriate

133. 75 year old male with ((( back pain ))) and urinary symptoms (obstructive) ,Alkaline
phosphatase high and (((PSA 80))) what is the most likely Dx
B) prostatic cancer

134. Pregnant came with PROM 4 weeks ago and she came with low BP and
low hb
A) admit SICU under the OB CARE
B) RRt and multi specialty
C) observation
135. When to do urine test for pregnant:
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20

136. Patient with diarrhea did colonoscopy and found erosion extended to the splenic flexure.
What's the management?
A) Mesalamine suppositories
B) Mesalamine oral and suppository o Mesalamine enema
C) Mesalamine oral and enema

137. Fishy odor vaginal discharge, what is the Tx?

A) Metronidazole

138. A child with night bed wetting although he was fully trained since he became 6 y/o. Labs
showed nitrite. What is the Dx?

139. Early miscarriage due to?

A) chromosomal abnormalities

140. When to decide to place a cerclage for 2nd trimester abortions?

A) If cervix less than 25 mm

141. Recommendation that at which age if you present A peanut and eggs to the child will
decrease production of allergy? Age in month
A) 10
B) 14
C) 20
D) 24

142. Pseudogout crystal:

A) Calcium oxalate
B) Calcium pyrophosphate
143. Case with frequency and urgency, most appropriate inv :
A) Urine analysis
B) Urodynamic
C) Uroflowmetry

144. Baby 8 weeks old was otherwise fine is coming today with fever, wheezy chest, tachypnea
and cough for 4 days. He was otherwise well apart from pansystolic murmur. CXR revealed
increased bronchovasculalr markings and increased heart size. What’s your immediate action:
A) IV Abx
B) Steroids
C) Refer to surgery
D) Medical treatment with diuretics

145. pt with fever and chest pain and they mentioned an ECG finding they
ask about which part will be affected
A) Pericardium
B) Myocardium

146. Pediatric patient with sudden scrotal pain o/e the testis was high riding and tender
erythema. What is the diagnosis?
A) Testicular torsion

147. Pediatric patient with lacrimation, miosis , salivation . What is the diagnosis?
A) Organophosphate poising

148. 17 year old female, medically free, gymnast in her class, developed breasts later and never
menstruated, on examination she is tanner stage 5 but no menstruation, diagnosis?
A. hypothalamic hypogonadism
B. imperforate hymen
C. gonadal agenesis
D. testicular feminization

149. 4 y.o child brought by his mom complaining if constipation since birth, his mom started
high fiber food and stool softeners 1 year ago. He has one motion every week. No diarrhea or
any symptoms of soiling. Doing PR examination - empty rectum with good anal tone - on
withdrawing the finger there was gush of stool. How would you manage this case?
A- Increase stool softener dose
B- Refer to surgery
C- Refer to oncology
D- Increase water and high fiber diet

150. Mother brought her child complaining of perianal itching and rice like coming out:
A) strongyloides infection
B) enterobius vermicularis

151. 38wks delivered by cs presented with tachypnea tachycardia?


152. High PTH, Low Ca and pt is k/c of CKD what would you give:
A) Calcitriol
B) Vit D2
C) Vit D3
D) Calcitonin

153. Pt with chlamydia infection what to give

A) Azithromycin
B) Ceftriaxone

154. pt kc liver cirrhosis and ascites came with nonspecific abdominal pain what’s the most
effective management ?
A) Abx > a case of SBP

155. status epilepticus tx with lorazepam and didn’t improve

A) Phenytoin
B) Benzo
C) Phenobarbital

156. Child with history off febrile seizures came to ER complaining of jaundice, vomiting,
drowsy in the history the mother was afraid from the febrile seizure, he gave her child every 4
hours an antipyretic: What’s the cause of the jaundice :
A) paracetamol toxicity
157. UTI with klebsiella pneumonia mid steam culture?
A. Don't treat
B. Repeat future
C. Start AB

158. child hypoglycemia & seizure & metabolic acidosis & characteristics smell & positive
ketone. Diagnosis?
A. Phenylketonuria
B. maple syrup urine disease

159. A year back Hx of trauma and patient is paraplegic came now with SOB and cough
diagnosed as PE with DVT and patient is HD unstable
A. Exoparien
Start with UFH then switch to TPA

160. 2 month baby with fever, cough, fine crackles, on xray puffy infiltration
A) bronchopneumonia
B) cystic fibrosis

161. Man who fell in marathon and came to ER with something like (dark urine or blood) But no
microscopic RBC Dx??
A) Hemorrhagic cyst
B) Rhabdomyolysis

162. Child with leukemia on chemotherapy had contact with other child with chickenpox what
appropriate to do?
A. Give varicella vaccine
B. Oral acyclovir for 7 days
C. Give immunoglobulins
D. Stop chemotherapy for 14 days

163. minimal time for pediatric exercise?

A) 60 min
164. Screening test for a disease in low prevalence area will result in increase in:
A- False negative
B- False positive
C- True negative
D- True positive

Other Questions:
Asthma (management)
Cardio (HF, HTN, AS)
Acute pancreatitis management
Hemorrhoids management
Primary dysmenorrhea
Picture of prolonged p wave
Tumor lysis syndrome and some chemo drugs can cause hypocalcemia
Picture of endometriosis and adhesions with scenario
Pic of: late deceleration, different variability, early deceleration


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