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Internet a collection of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging information

a project started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969 as both an

Arpanet experiment in reliable networking and a means to link DoD and military
research contractors, including many universities doing military-funded

a communication standard that enables traffic to be routed from one network

Internet protocol (IP)
to another as needed

Transmission control the widely used transport-layer protocol that most internet applications use
protocol (TCP) with IP

Backbone one of the internet's high-speed, long-distance communications links

Uniform resource locator

an assigned address on the internet for each computer

Internet service provider

any company that provides internet access to people or organizations

a collection of tens of millions of server computers that work together as one

world wide web in an internet service using hyperlink technology to provide information to
billions of users

highlighted text or graphics in a web document that, when clicked, opens a

new web page or section of the same page containing related content

web client software such as internet explorer, firefox, and safari used to view
Web browser
web pages

Hypertext markup language

the standard page description language for web pages

codes that let the web browser know how to format text - as a heading, as a
HTML tags list, or as body text - and whether images, sound, and other elements should
be inserted

Extensible markup the markup language for web documents containing structured information,
language (XML) including words, pictures, and other elements

Cascading style sheet a file or portion of an HTML file that defines the visual appearance of content
(CSS) in a web page

the web as a computing platform that supports software applications and the
Web 2.0
sharing of information between users

Rich internet application software that has the functionality and complexity of traditional application
software, but does not require local installation and runs in a web browser

an object-oriented programming language from sun Microsystems based on

C++ that allows small programs to be embedded within an HTML document

standards and tools that streamline and simplify communication among web
Web services
sites for business and personal purposes

a valuable tool that enables you to find information on the web by specifying
Search engine
works that are key to a topic of interest, known as keywords

a method that allows two or more people to communicate online using the
Instant messaging

a protocol that describes a file transfer process between a host and a remote
File transfer protocol (FTP)
computer and allows users to copy files from one computer to another

a web site that people can create and use to write about their observations,
Web log (blog)
experiences, and feelings on a wide range of topics

a facility that enables two or more people to engage in interactive

Chat room
conversations over the internet

a method for transferring multimedia files over the internet so that the data
content streaming stream of voice and pictures plays more or less continuously without a break,
or very few of them; enables user to browse large files in real time

software tool that searches the web for information such as products and

Web auction an internet site that matches buyers and sellers

an internal corporate network built using internet and world wide web
intranet standards and technologies; used by employees to gain access to corporate

a network based on web technologies that links selected resources of a

company's intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other business partners

Virtual private network

a secure connection between two points on the internet

the process by which VPNs transfer information by encapsulating traffic in IP

packets over the internet

Telecommunications any material substance that carries an electronic signal and serves as an
medium interface between a sending device and a receiving device
Telecommunications a set of rules that governs the exchange of information over a
protocol communications medium

Synchronous a form of communications where the receiver gets the message

communications instantaneously, when it is sent

Asynchronous a form of communications where the receiver gets the message after some
communications delay - sometimes hours or days after the message is sent

Simplex channel a communications channel that can transmit data in only one direction

a communications channel that can transmit data in either directions, but not
Half-duplex channel

a communications channel that permits data transmission in both directions

Full-duplex channel
at the same time (like two simplex-channels)

the rate at which data is exchanged over a telecommunications channel,

Channel bandwidth
usually measured in bits per second

a telecommunications system in which a very high rate of data exchange is

Broadband communications

Near field communications a very short-range wireless connectivity technology designed for cell phones
(NFC) and credit cards

a wireless communications specification that describes how cell phones,

Bluetooth computers, etc, can be interconnected over distances of 10-30 ft at a rate of
about 2Mbps

a wireless communications technology that transmits large amounts of digital

ultra wideband (UWB) data over short distances of up to 30 ft using a wide spectrum of frequency
bands and very low power

a wireless communications technology that operates at a frequency of 300

Infrared transmission GHz and above that requires line-of-sight transmission and operates over
short distances - such as a few yards

a way to route communications between network nodes by allowing for

Wireless mesh continuous connections and reconfiguration around blocked paths by
"hopping" from node to node until a connection can be established

Worldwide interoperability
the common name for a set of IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area
for microwave access
network standards that support different types of communications access

Digital signal a signal that represents bits

a variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude so that any small
Analog signal
fluctuations in the signal are meaningful

the communications media, devices, and software needed to connect two or

Computer network
more computer systems or devices

Personal area network a network that supports the interconnection of information technology within a
(PAN) range of 33 ft or so

a network that connects computer systems and devices within a small area,
Local area network (LAN)
such as an office, home, or several floors in a building

Metropolitan area network a telecommunications network that connects users and their devices in a
(MAN) geographical area that spans a campus or city

Wide area network (WAN) a telecommunications network that ties together large geographic regions

processing alternative in which all processing occurs at a single location or

Centralized processing

processing alternative in which processing devices are placed at various

Decentralized processing
remote locations

processing alternative in which computers are placed at remote locations but

Distributed processing
are connected to each other via a network

an architecture in which multiple computer platforms are dedicated to special

Client/server functions such as database management, printing, communications, and
program execution

a telecomm. Hardware device that converts communications signals so they

can be transmitted over the communication media

a device that combines data from multiple data sources into a single output
multiplexer signal that carries multiple channels, thus reducing the number of
communications links needed and therefore, lowering telecommunications

a special-purpose computer that manages communications to and from a

Front-end processor
computer system serving hundreds or even thousands of users

Private branch exchange

a telephone switching exchange that serves a single organization

a telecomm. Device that uses the physical device address in each incoming
Switch message on the network to determine to which output port is should forward
the message to reach another device on the same network
connects one LAN to another LAN using the same telecommunications

forwards data packets across two or more distinct networks toward their
destinations, through a process known as routing

Gateway serves as an entrance to another network

Network operating system systems software that controls the computer systems and devices on a
(NOS) network and allows them to communicate with each other

software that enables a manager on a networked desktop to monitor the use

of individual computers and shared hardware (such as printers), scan for
viruses, and ensure compliance with software licenses

the process of converting an original message into a form that can only be
understood by the intended receiver

Wired equivalent privacy an early attempt at securing wireless communications based on encryption
(WEP) using a 64- or 128-bit key that is not difficult for hackers to crack

Wi-Fi Protected Access

a security protocol that offers significantly improved protection over WEP

Data encryption standard an early data encryption standard developed in the 1970s that uses a 56-bit
(DES) private key algorithm

an extremely strong data encryption standard sponsored by the National

Advanced encryption
Institute of Standards and Technology based on a key size of 128-bits, 192
standard (AES)
bits, or 256 bits

Virtual private network a private network that uses a public network (usually the internet) to connect
(VPN) multiple remote locations

a service that delivers high-speed internet access to homes and small

Digital subscriber line (DSL)
businesses over the existing phone lines of the local telephone network

a collection of technologies and communications protocols that enables your

Voice over internet protocol
voice to be converted into packets of data that can be sent over a data
network such at the internet, a WAN or LAN

technology that enables users to send, receive, and store verbal messages
Voice mail
for and from other people around the world

a communications solution that delivers emergency notifications to users in a

Reverse 911 services
selected geographical area

Voice-to-text service a service that captures voice mail messages, converts them to text, and
sends them to an email account

Electronic document a process that enables the sending and receiving of documents in a digital
distribution form without being printed (although printing is possible)

a work arrangement whereby employees work away from the office using
telecommuting personal computers and networks to communicate via email with other
workers and to pick up and deliver results

a system that combines video and phone call capabilities with data or
document conferencing

an intercompany, application-to-application communication of data in a

Electronic data interchange
standard format, permitting the recipient to perform a standard business
transaction, such as processing purchase orders

systems that give personal computer users access to vast databases and
Public network service
other services, usually for an initial fee plus usage fees

electronic funds transfer a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another
(EFT) without any paper money changing ands

Distance learning the use of telecommunications to extend the classroom

a common work area where authorized project members and colleagues can
shared workspace share documents, issues, models, schedules, spreadsheets, photos, and all
forms of information to keep each other current on the status of projects or
topics of common interest

a technology solution that provides a simple and consistent user experience

unified communications across all types of communications such as instant messaging, fixed and
mobile phone, email, voice mail, and web conferencing

Computer programs - sequences of instructions for the computer

the text that describes that helps the user operate the system. Describes the
Documentation -

the sphere of influence that serves the needs of an individual user. Basically
Personal sphere of
improves the quality and amount of work they can do. This is the information
influence -

Personal productivity
the software that gets all that done.
software -

Workgroup - two or more individuals that work on a project to achieve a common goal

Workgroup sphere of the sphere of influence that affects the workgroup

influence -

Enterprise sphere of this is the sphere of influence that supports the firm in its interaction with the
influence - environment

the set of programs that controls the hardware, and interfaces with the
Operating system -

Kernel - the heart of the operating system which controls the most critical processes

the element of the operating system that allows you to access and command
User interface -
the computer system

Command-based user you gotta type in there what you want the thing to do. There ain't no icons,
interface - graphics, or none of that kinda like old school DOS

Graphical user interface

icons instead of text. Like modern day windows
(GUI) -

Application program
this allows applications to make use of the operating system
interface -

programs that help to perform maintenance or correct problems wit hat

Utility programs -
computer system

Middleware - software that allows different systems to communicate and exchange data

this is kinda what middleware has developed into a people got better at all
this stuff. It basically allows users to interact with systems, and systems to
architecture (SOA) -
interact with other systems. They really go together more or less

one and done stuff. You write it just for you, and it does specifically what you
Proprietary software -
need it to do

stuff that you can buy that does what you need it to do, even though it's not
Off the shelf - custom fitted to every aspect. So you don't have the terminology unique to
your organization necessarily or stuff like that. But it's a whole lot less
expensive, and easier to implement

Application service provider a company that provides software support, and they provide the hardware to
(ASP) - make it happen over a network

a service that allows the folks to subscribe to software online by paying a

Software as a service
monthly fee, or by their amount of usage, or per-use, of however in the world
(SaaS) -
they dream up

Software suite - a collection of single application programs packaged in a bundle (kinda like

software that supports teamwork whether in one location or around the world.
Workgroup application
This encourages teamwork with software called groupware of collaborative
software -

a set of integrated programs that manage a company's vital business

Enterprise resource
operations for an entire multisided global organization. (It basically it's a set of
planning (ERP) Software -
programs that manage stuff like finance and logistics and trash like that

Programming languages - what you use to write a program to tell the computer what to do

rules associated with a programming language. So it dictates the symbols

Syntax -
and stuff and order to convey it to the computer

converts the programmer's code into binary digits that make up machine-
Compiler -

Single-user license - one user can use it, usually only on one computer

Open-source software - freely available to anybody and you can modify it

Shareware and freeware - cannot modify source code, but it is very inexpensive or maybe even free

a group of programs that manipulate the database and provide an interface

Database management
between the database and the user of the database and other application
system (DBMS) -

Database administrator a skilled IS professional who directs all activities related to an organization's
(DBA) - database

a basic building block of information, consisting of uppercase letters,

Character -
lowercase letters, numeric digits, or special symbols

typically a name, number, or combination of characters that describes an

Field -
aspect o a business object or activity

Record - a collection of related data fields

File - a collection of related records

Hierarchy of data - bits, characters, fields, records, files, and databases

a generalized lass of people, places, or things for which data is collected,

Entity -
stored, and maintained

Attribute - a characteristic of an entity

Data item - the specific value of an attribute

Key - a field or set of fields in a record that is used to identify the record

Primary key - a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies the record

Traditional approach to data an approach whereby separate data files are created and stored for each
management - application program

Database approach to data an approach whereby a pool of related data is shared by multiple application
management - programs

a way of organizing data in which the logical database design is altered so

planned data redundancy - that certain data entities are combined, summary totals are carried in the data
records rather than calculated from elemental data, and some data attributes
are repeated in more than one data entity to improve database performance

Data model - a diagram of data entities and their relationships

Enterprise data modeling - data modeling done at the level of the entire enterprise

Entity-relationship (ER) data models that use basic graphical symbols to show the organization of
diagrams - and relationships between data

a database model that describes data in which all data elements are placed
Relational model - in two-dimensional tables, called relations, which are the logical equivalent of

Domain - the allowable values for data attributes

Selecting - manipulating data to eliminate rows according to certain criteria

Projecting - manipulating data to eliminate columns in a table

Joining - manipulating data to combine two roe more tables

data manipulation that combines two or more tables using common data
linking -
attributes to form a new table with only the unique data attributes

the process of looking for and fixing inconsistencies to ensure that data is
Data cleanup -
accurate and complete

Data definition language a collection of instructions and commands used to define and describe data
(DDL) - and relationships in a specific database
Data dictionary - a detailed description of all the data used in the database

a method of dealing with a situation in which two or more people need to

Concurrency control -
access the same record in a database at the same time

Data manipulation language

the commands that are used to manipulate the data in a database
(DML) -

a nontechnical position responsible for defining and implementing consistent

Data administrator -
principles for a variety of data issues

a database that collects business information from many sources in the

Data warehouse - enterprise, covering all aspects of the company's processes, products, and

Data mart - a subset of a data warehouse

an information-analysis tool that involves the automated discovery of patterns

Data mining -
and relationships in a data warehouse

a form of data mining that combines historical data with assumptions about
Predictive analysis - future conditions to predict outcomes of events, such as future product sales
or the probability that a customer will default on a loan

the process of gathering enough of the right information in a timely manner

Business intelligence - and usable form and analyzing it to have a positive impact on business
strategy, tactics, or operations

one aspect of business intelligence limited to information about competitors

Competitive intelligence -
and the ways that knowledge affects strategy, tactics, and operations

the steps an organization takes to protect information sought by "hostile"

Counterintelligence -
intelligence gatherers

a database in which the data can be spread across several smaller

Distributed database -
databases connected via telecommunications devices

Replicated database - a database that holds a duplicate set of frequently used data

Online analytical processing

software that allows users to explore data from a number of perspectives
(OLAP) -

Object-oriented database - a database that stores both data and its processing instructions

Object-oriented database a group of programs that manipulate an object- oriented database and
management system - provide a user interface and connections to other application programs
Object-relational database
management system a DBMS capable of manipulating audio, video, and graphical data

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