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Submitted by:
Saba tariq

Registration no. :
2020-BSE-061 (Section B)

Submitted to :
Maám Memoona Rehman

17 -Jan-2021



Question no. 1:
Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end.

i. How does the writer say cannibalism may have started?

Answer: Cannibalism started because people of that time were very anxious to become
more powerful, fit and fearless just like animals by eating them.

ii. What magical powers were ginger root and tomatoes popular for?
Answer: Ginger root was well-known to improve memory of a person. Similarly,
tomatoes were also thought to have magical powers. They thought that they have ability
to make a person fall in love with someone. It was also known as love apples.

iii. How does the writer support her claim that it is wrong to think of fish as the best
brain food?
Answer: Fish are not best brain food because researchers are not able to find out that
fish is best among other foods which are also famous for brain health. For example:
Blueberries, Broccoli, Nuts, Dark chocolate, Pomegranate and many other foods are also
considered best for brain and its memory.

iv. Explain the belief about drinking water during a meal.

Answer: There are two different expects about drinking water with meal. Some people
think that drinking water instead of chewing of meal is not a good idea because chewing
result in secretion of more gastric juice which make job of stomach easy. On the other
hand, some people believe that drinking water along with meal make gastric juice to
flow more freely and help to digest meal.

v. What is wrong about drinking orange juice and milk at the same time?
Answer: It is a myth that drinking oranges juice after milk or vice versa result in
indigestion. Acid in the orange juice make the milk curdle and which is difficult to digest.
But the fact is milk is firstly curdled in stomach during its digestion.

vi. Why is the idea regarding proteins and carbohydrates wrong?

Answer: It is believed that carbohydrates and proteins should not be taken at the same
time. But milk which is very good for bones also have both protein and carbohydrates.
Similarly, bread which we intake on regular basis also rich in both. So, it is completely a
wrong concept that carbohydrates and proteins should not be taken at same time.

vii. Suggest a suitable title.

Answer: “Foolish myths about different foods”
Question no. 4:
Write a summary of the following passage.

Life is not a fantasy or fiction as shown to us on television or in stories but in reality, it is a

group of hardships and struggles that a person does to live a better life. Life is a name of joy and
misery and it is compulsory to live with all the ups and downs of life. A virtual world like
television show people an imaginary world where life is free of tensions, you just have to grow
up and lead a beautiful life. But in reality, to live a beautiful life there is a lot of hardship and
difficult paths that a person had to pass to reach his destination. With the passage of time, a
person learns how to take a lesson from their dreadful past and hope for a better future. Life
teaches us to learn and live but people who do not learn from their mistakes are useless and there
is no good future for them.

Question no. 2:
“Cable and Internet, Useful or Destructive?”

“We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in giant brain”
-Stephen Hawking

Today’s world is a modernized world where everything is directly or indirectly connected to the
internet which in turn connected to the cables. Cable TV or cable networks are sources of
providing television programs or the internet through coaxial cables and fiber optics cables.
Whereas, the Internet is a group of computers connected through a network that has access to
transfer data and information. Moreover, it also has access to communicate with one another.
Like all other things of the universe, it also has both positive and ugly sides. But keeping the
positive side ahead there are many advantages of cable and the internet. It is in the hand of the
user to take which side positive or negative? But if we see its positive impact it makes life much

Life has become very easy and faster due to the revolution of cable and internet
technology. It makes the life of a person more convenient and faster than ever before. Through
cable and the internet, we can keep in touch with any person around the globe. Nowadays people
can even do their businesses online. Through cable tv and internet searching, we also get to know
about various expects of the world and various cultural practices in different parts of the world.
The Internet makes the world a global village. It is developing day by day, providing more and
new opportunities and facilities to its users. Keeping user privacy keeps the information and data
of its user secure.
The advantages of the internet and cable are not limited to communication but also
research work. The first advantage that makes people convenient is to communicate virtually
with any person in any part of the world through electronic mail, or other means just by one click
even without coming out of bed. E-mails made it very easy to deliver messages in seconds
instead of post letters which take several days to send a message from one part of the world to
another. Through emails or another medium of communication, we can also send pictures,
videos, and documents to one another. It benefits a lot to businesses which allow businessman or
seller to communicate with their costumer all over the world. Now group chats and video calls
allow people to chat in real-time. The Internet enables us to develop global friendships to express
our views and to learn about various cultures.

The Internet and cables are efficient to get and to transfer information. It is the fastest way
to get up to date about recent issues. It provides us information about endless things. It is a flood
of information that keeps flowing without any end. Different search engines provide different
information about different or the same things. These engines give us millions of websites on our
searched things in just milliseconds. We can get to known about anything just by typing our
concern. It has information on every subject of life that comes under this universe including laws
and trade fairs, diseases, chemicals, the atom bomb, science and technology, and even about its
own (internet). Even students can now learn online and can research their theories and get
solutions to their problems through the internet. It is better than books because books provide
limited information whereas the internet is a mountain of different information.

Internet and cable are the worlds of varied options. The Internet allows freedom of speech
too much extent. Through social media, we can express our views or outlook on any issue or a
thing. It plays an important role by making something trending and catches the eye of authorities
regarding any issue. It is also the source of entertainment for people in their luxury time. People
play games or stalk other celebrities’ profiles on social media. Through this, we can also promote
products, drama, or films. Online gaming is very famous in today’s world. People are earning
money by playing online games. The Internet is also an electronic store. We can purchase
anything at our doorstep in a few minutes without going anywhere.

In short, the Internet is one of the best inventions of technology. It makes our lives
comfortable, smooth, speedy, to some extent easy, calm, challenging, and unchallenging at the
same time. It makes life unchallenging because everything is at our fingertips. But as access to
information increases it challenge people to learn more and more. We cannot even imagine our
life without it. A person should always give more importance to the positive side of anything not
only to the internet. Through this, we can easily earn our living and gain information to increase
our knowledge. It is a blast of information for those who use it safely but a curse for those who
took bad advantages from it.
Question no. 3:
“Dances with wolves”

Here a story of three bosom buddies which were very close to each other since their childhood
met their fat for their greed. Greed is rightly a curse as it results in destruction and devastation
but nothing else. So, these three buddies went to the same school and same university but to
different colleges, but this separation did not result in disconnection between them. After doing
their master’s degree in business administration they decided to start their own business. They
were very much excited and anxious to do something productive. They decided to divide shares
and profits equally between themselves. Then after few months planning, they start their own
small business of clothing . Due to their endless efforts and hardships they succeed in their
objectives. Their business earns a lot of money in short passage of time. They all were happy for
their work and enjoying a high-profile life. There business become a very well-known brand
.But as the profit increases, so does the greed in the hearts of two of them. They started to think
that decrease in number of partners result in increase of profit instead of knowing that “ittefaq
me barkat hai”. They started to keep things private and secret from one another. Third friend
who was very sincere with them did not even think in his dreams that his best and loyal friends
can do this to him. Due to their minds and heart separation, business share’s starts to decline
constantly . Both of greedy friends start to run the company for their own use without any
discussion. Loyal friend asked them many times why they signed this contract and for how many
rupees but every time they present a new excuse and false huge money. He believes them blindly
even without using his own common sense why they are hiding things. But in real they signed
new contracts for just few rupees. As the time passes business profit fell so down which urge
loyal friend to ask them question where money of signed contract’s is going. When they think
that it is now out of their hands to hide things they started to tell lies about the cancellation of
contracts and unavailability of employees. They started to deceive their loyal friend by asking
him to borrow money to again run up the business. He just came into their tactics and gave
money which they secretly save and again result in destruction of business profit. It was very
shocking for loyal friend to just loss all his money in few days. Now just for the greed they
started to make black money without telling their third friend and keeping it secret from him.
They started planning how to get rid of loyal friend because it was very difficult to hide black
money by working in same place. They suggested him to take his business share of what is left
and to start a new business. They told him to come out of this devastation because he has a
family to feed. He came into their strategy and worryingly took his share of only 10 lacs rupees
because according to him only 30 lacs were left in bank account but in reality, they were saving
it secretly because they do not want to share it with any third person. Loyal friend just steps out
of business and started his own small business to feed his family. But as he came out, his
previous business started to flourish again. He went to congratulate them for their again success
again and request them to borrow back his money which he gave for business. But his friends
show their real colors and refuse to give back his money. This time he released that he was fool
played by his best friends. Business was not in the debt but make in debt in his eyes. He was
angry and sad at the same time that what his best fellows has done to him. After few years, he
lives a happy life. One day he saw a breaking news, that owners of well-known clothing brand
are arrested on the account of black company. It was too shocking for him to listen that those
owners were his own best friends. He comes to know that how his friends betray him and
country just for the lust of money. He gets to know that his own friends deceive him. The lesson
of the story is that we should not trust anyone blindly. There are many peoples around us who
are clever just like wolves, in a face of friends who play with our feelings are emotions just for
their needs.

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