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By nN American a Headway LN SU SUS SSeS Re UGS S| SECOND EDITION Liz and John Soars Gps What is on the Student Practice Multi-ROM? The Student Practice Multi ROM has three parts: 1. Interactive grammar, vocabulary, writing, and video activities 2. Audio material from the video section 3. One free oor deng) shtesting 0 practice test, Read below to find out how ta access your test How do | access my online practice test? 6010 0x/ovceng)isitesting «0 and choose a practice test. You will need: © 10 be connected tothe Internet to take the test. * to have an email address to resister) To access your practice test forthe frst time: 1. Put the Mult-ROM into the CO drive of your computer 2. A screen will appear giving you two options. Click the first fone to access your tests What do | do when | get to the website? When you see this screen, follow steps 1-3. If the screen does not appear, follow step 4 1 choose a language from the srop-down ist and click Go. The practice test wil bein English All ther web pages will appear in the language you select here. 2 Gick on the Register ‘now button and fil inthe details. Give an ‘email address and make upa password to use ‘every time you ogi, 3 Glick on Register. Then click on Save registration details. click on ‘My tess log in. You will have one year to use the practice test 4 Ifthe above page does not appear, go to www oxfordenglishtesting com/unlock. You will be asked clck Register now if you are a new user. Fill inthe registration form and enter the unlock code printed on your Multi-ROM. Each ode is unique and looks lke this: 9219¢6-947149-cf7c79-a5143b To access your test in the future, go 10 testing (om and log in using your e-mail and password. American Headway THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED ENGLISH COURSE Se Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Scope and Sequence UNIT Neier hy 1 Hello everybody! Verb ove ge? airs Pm from Toronto. p. 2 Hosa student p. 3 Possessive adjectives ‘my your, is erp 2, po eres ‘Countries ‘Mexico, Japan pe A Using a bilingual dictionary p.6 Everyday objects ‘key, a newspaper p. 6 Plusal nouns bags apples p. 6 Sea Hello and good-bye “Telephone nuibersp. 7 How are you? ‘See you later! p.7 Verb tobe ‘Questions and negatives Whar’ he firstname? p. 8 2 Meeting people pages Family ‘mather, uncle p. 10 ‘Opposite adjectives Can Thaw... ? Siesov' nd p. 9 young 12 How much 2p. 15 Negatives and shor unswers Food and drink stent pe9 ihambunge and fries, Possesie’s tem cafe p14 ‘Dati’ daughter . 10 3 The world of work Pen: Sinole2 Yea Win t help 6 bs make, deliver p20 sa quater afer five easels She work 16 hours a day. p27 Jobs Isha afer soo, Questions and negatives "pio fies planes p22 po Dees he speak Spanish? Fe doesn't speak Spanish or French. p. 18 4 Take it easy! Present Simple 2 wel powers Trorothe gm {forgo out afer work Wy do you ike your bt p25 SESE 5 Where do you live? rene iH 5 1ero's a television. p. 32 page 2 pine How many’ books are there p. 32 Prepositions of place in font of the sofa p. 33 some and any There are some cups, ‘There aren't any gases, p. 34 this, that, these, those “isis he ithe What's i these cabinets? p. 38 Ceca Verbs rel, g0 ou, play p. 25 Leisure activities dancing king p. 26 Rooms living room, kitchen p. ‘Things in the house ‘armchair lamp, cabinets, washing ‘machine p. 32 ‘Whar'sin your bag? bus nike, cell phone, keys p. 35 Places movie theater. cafe p. 39 Social expressions vim sory Excuse me? p. 31 Directions 1 Is there a post office near beret Yes i's over there p. 39 6 Can you speak ba crt "t a. English? Wecan'rvrite p40 page 40 wasivere Where were you yesterday? p. 42 could Teould sw when I wus five. p. 42 ‘was born ‘She was born in England p. 43 ii Scope and Sequence (Countries and languages France, Frenchy. 40, Verbs ‘anslat, check laugh p. 4L Words that souind the same Lopes, know p. 46 ‘Om the phone Directory Assistance pee Gan 1 speak to Jo, please? Fil gether p. 47 anes Pei Ain Coin Svetlana and Tiago p. 5 Introducing yourself p. “The alphabet song p.6 Introducing yourself p. 5 Ane-mail fromthe US.p.12 Talking about you p. 9 ‘An e-mail from the W. ‘Write about your dass p. 12 Your family p. 1b Whereis So-young? p. 12, Seamus MeSporrantheman Asking about a friend or relative Seamus’s day p. 21 Natural writing ‘with twelve jobs! p. 20, pls) Using pronouns p. 94 ‘My favorite season p. 28 Leisure activities p. 26 My favorite season ~ Informal letiers ‘What's your favorite season? Where are they? p. 28 Tova pen pal p. 95 p.2s A quéstionnaize - Do you have ‘healthy lifestyle? p30 ‘What's in your picture? p.33 What’ in Yoshi’ briefcase? p. 35, “The White House p.36 Talking about where you live p. 38 Homes around the world p. 38 Describing whereyou lve inking wont ra bru because p96 Young and talented p. 44 A questionnaire — What can Lucia can't cook p. 41 Formal letters you dot p. 41 “Applying fora job p. 97 What ean computers do? p. Al Role play = interview p. 4 Scope and Sequence ii Ta 7 Then and now page 48 LANGUAGE FOCUS Past Simple 1 Regular verbs ‘She talked to interesting people. p. 48 Invegilar verbs “His fate got a job in New York p. 50 Time expressions Test night esterday morning p57 PTET Verbs ears, tall, study p. 49 verbs se, leave, become p. 50 ‘Words that go together drive aca, ra station p. Sk BEL ‘Whats the date? the first of Apri p. 35 8 A date to remember page 56 Past Simple 2 negatien agp ‘espe’ driv cars 100 yrs ey se ee erpeceis: tr seven 0 doc, on Satuntay, in 2062 Bo Relationships fallin love, get engaged p. 60 ‘Spelling and sient leters answer, ought. 59 Phonetic symbols wark) isan p. $8 Special occasions Thanksgiving Happy Birthday! p61 SES eae ee 9 Food you like! page 62 10 Looking good! pare 70 ‘Count and noncount nouns “apples, apple juice p. 62 like... Td tke? ‘Do you like ten? Weld you like some ‘warp. 63 ‘and some sea, some cake. 4 ‘There isn’t much milk There aren't many eggs p. 4 Present Continuous Tn wearing Blue jeans, Who is smiling? p. 70 Whoseis it? Whose dog 8 this? p. 72 Possessive pronouns ine, yours, hers p. 72 Food and drink ‘chocolate, pizza, cheese, apple juice p. 62 chopsticks, noodles, fh p. 67 Clothes hat coat shirt p. 70 Describing people blonde ir, blue eyes p. 70 Describing feslings ‘bored, worried p. 76 Polit offers and requests Could you pass the sale, lense? Could I have a las of water, lense? ‘Can you give me the recipe? ans Tse the mena? p68 In a clothing store What color are you looking for Can J try it ont p.77 11 Life’s an adventure! — going ‘The weather Making suggestions amen Tin going tbe a soccer player. p. 78 sunny, cloudy Whar should we do? ‘Comparatives and superlatives What's the weather ket p. 84 Ter'sgo swimming! p. 85 ‘The country ischaaper than te ey p.80 Bati Ilan isthe mos expensive resort, pl 12 Have you ever? resent Perfect Past participles At the airport page 86 ceverand never ‘ter, mais, cooked p. 87 check in your luggage ‘Have you ever been to Barcelona? City and country words go to gate 1p. 93 SUITE) Audio Scripts p. 101 iv Scope and Sequence ices She's never baer t9 Pars 9. 8 yetand just We haven't been there yet ‘They just went on a boat ride, p. 88 resent Perfect and Past Simple ‘Maria’ ber to Seoul ‘She went there tee yrs ago. p. 87 31 Grammar Reference p.113 woods, muscu p. 92 Pairwork Activities Student A ».123 Student B p.125 Pons Aan iors ‘Two famous firsts - Amelia ‘The year Iwas bora p. 50 1989 the year Iwasbom p.50 Describing vacation p. 98 COs arhart and Yuri Gagarin p.52 * When did it happent p. SL ‘Where ae the people? p. 54 ‘Three inventions p. 58 Getting information —Famous Three inventions p. 58 Writing about a friend inventions p. 56 How did you twa meet p60 Linking words because, when, Did you know that? p. 38 sui p99 How did you two meet? p. 60, Food around the world p.65 Food you like p62 Role play shopping p. 6 Meal in your county p. 66 ‘My favorite national food p. 68 Filling out forms, Booking a hotel p. 100 “Flying Without Wings” (song Describing person/seene p. 71 Who’sat the wedding? p. 72 Describing people Tyrie) p. 74 Getting information Who's at A song—“Flying Without Wings” Linking words although, bur the wedding? p. 72 pa p.01 My favorite things p. 75 Born free p. 82 Dangerous sports p. 82 Future plans p. 78 Writing a posteard p. 102 Interviews p, 82 World weather p. 84 We've never learned to drive! Cites you have been to p.87 What has Ryan done? p. 88 Writing an e-mail ‘Things you have done p. 88 A honeymoon in Venice p. 88 Saying thank you p. 103, Word List ». 127 Irregular Verbs and Verb Patterns p.133 Phonetic Symbols p. 134 Scope and Sequence v 69 Grammar: am/is/are + Imy/your/bis/her 9 Vocabulary: Countries «Everyday objects * Numbers aU a Tere “ote STARTER 1 Say your names. mat) (1m Tomas. ) 2. Stand up in alphabetical order and say your names. INTRODUCTIONS am/is/are,my/your 1 Read and listen. A Hello. My name's Miguel. What's your name? B Emma, ‘A Where are you from, Emma? B I'm from Toronto, Canada. Listen and repeat. Cnc what's = what is Fm=1am 2. Unit + Hello everybody! = ni, 2. Write the conversation, A Hello. My Lisa. What's name? B Mike, A you from, Mike? B ____from Boston. Where you from? A Boston, too! GBD Listen and check. 3 Stand up! Talk to the students in the class. (Helio! My name's | What's your name? et (Where are you from, Maria? yu tm from —_. ee) 4 Where are the people from? Write the countries from the box. theUS. Canada Mexico 1. This is Miguel. He's from 2. This is Emma, She's from 3. Thisis Lisa and Mike They're from GIBB Listen and repeat. GRAMMAR SPOT she's = she is they're = they are Unit 1 + Hello everybody! 3 Countries, his/her 5 GBB Listen and repeat, | theus. | England France China Spain Russia Australia Korea Iraly| Mexico o> a Konnichi-wal This is Jason, This is Akiko and Miho, deShe'strom Korea, Bates = thay a neo ‘Complete the chart with am, i, and are, This is Ka, This is Pietro and Francesco. 1 ss from Canada, ‘se she/her and he/his, Ge What her name? ce aing) (What's his mame? ? Tason = as Where's she trom? (Wares be trom? ss omen Australia. 4 Unit + Hello everybody! 7 Ask and answer questions about the people. PRACTICE Rea 5 GBD Listen and read about Svetlana. g and writing Talking about you 1 Ask and answer questions with a partner about the students in your class. ate August 0421 (What's his name? My name's Svetlana Mariskova and I'm a teacher. ee) I'm 30. I'm married and | have two children. | live in apartment in Moscow. | want to learn English fo 2 Introduce your partner to the class. ase en Se ae The ls So-young. She's from Seoul, Korea. Listening and pronunciation Listen and put a check (7) next entence you hear. 2 She's from Vietnam, He's from Vietnam. What's her name? What's his name? They're from Japan, They're in Japan Where's she from? Where's he from? 6 Complete the text about Tiago, ‘He's a teacher in Chile. e . Check it | etic My name's Tiago Costa and I'm a student. | 18. 4 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, I'm not married. | have one “and two roles: a |___in a house in Fortaleza, Brazil.|___ to 1. My name —_is Emma. lear English because it's an intemational 2. Where you from? 3. 1_______ from Mexico. 4. “What Daniela.” 5. Lisa and Mike _______ from Boston. 6, This my teacher, name's Richard. 7. Where —_____ he from? 8. This is my sister. _____ name's Miho. GOB Listen and check. 7 Write about you. Then read it to the class, Unit 1» Hello everybody! 5 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Everyday objects 1 Listen to the alphabet song. Say the alphabet as a class. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2 Look at this extract from an English/Spanish dictionary. the pronunciation the word in Spanish the word in English the part of speech (n. = noun) 3. Match the words and pictures. @e Woe | Woe! ‘astamp| an apple | amagezine | a dictionary bag | anorange | a newspaper akey | acamera awatch| atcket a posteard a cell hone GID Listen and repeat 4 4 Ask and answer questions with a partner. 5 Look at the words. When is it a? When is it ar? (Wars bag aticket_—_a cell phone It's an apple. anapple an orange an English dictionary > (How do you spel that? 6 Look at the plural words. = pel APP P two stamps two apples two dictionaries Say the plurals of the other Words in Exercise 3. D>P> Grammar Reference 14 and 15 p. 13 6 Unit | + Hello everybody! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Hello and good-bye ) 3 1 Say the numbers 1-20 around the class. 2 GAUDD Read and listen to the telephone numbers. Read them aloud. 726-6390 seven two six six three nine zero 919-677-1303 nine one nine six seven seven one three zero three 1-800-445-9714 one eight hundred four four five nine seven one four 3 GAD Listen and write the numbers you hear. Practice them, 4 Ask and answer the question with other students. Write a list. My cal phone is (212) 726-6389. What's your phone number? 1. P'mfine, thank you. And you? 2, 1) Thanks, Miguel. See you 3. C0 Not bad, thanks. And you? O I'm OK, thanks. Tater! CO Just fine, thanks. How are the CI Hello, Lisa. I's Mike. 1s 7:00 OK with you, Emma? children? OO Mike! How are you? OO Great! Have a nice day! CO Hii, Anna! It’s me, Charles. 1D Hello. Lisa Jefferson. G Yes. 7:00 is fine. How are you? O They're fine, ‘ : Oi Hello? A A A B B B A A B A GIB Listen again and check. GID In English we stress important words. Listen and repeat. Copy the stress. HO are you? 1m Ok, thanks. Have a ice day! Not bad, thanks. And you? See you later! Just fine, thanks. 6 Practice the conversations with other students. Then practice again using your name and number. Unit 1+ Hello everybody! 7 9 Grammar: am/is/are-questions ‘and negatives « Possessives 9 Vocabulary Faily + Opposites ‘A Everyday English: Ina cafe i STARTER 1 Count from 1-20 around the class. Thirty _}—{_One hundred.) 2 Count in 10s from 10-100 around the class. 3. How old are youl? Ask and answer in groups. How old are you? Questions and negatives Read the information about Lisa Tefferson. Lastname Jefferson Firstname [lisa | Country The United States _ Job [Journalist Address 89 Franklin Steet Boston, Massachusetts Phone number | (617) 326-1204 Tage 6 Married No. Complete the questions, 1. What's__her last name? Jefferson 2 ___her first name? Lisa 2S she from? a job? journal 5. What's Sie oe Saf rt, ss phone number? 7. How old __1 Twe 8. Isshe \ GOI Listen and check. Practice the questions and answers. 8 Unit « Meeting people 3. Lisa has a brother. Write questions about him. GAB Listen and complete the information. What's his first name? 7} Married Negatives and short answers 4 Read and listen, Then listen and repeat Ask and answer ¥ ‘No questions about Lisa. 1, a student? a teacher? a journalist? 2. eighteen? twenty-one? twenty-six? Peter? Daniel? Rudi? Kk and answer questions about Lisa’s brother. L 2. a journalist? a student? an actor? 3. sixteen’ thirty? twenty-eight? eons Complete the answers to the Yes/No questions Is Lisa American? Isher last name Smith? ‘Are you a journalist? 2 Look at the negatives She isn't married. But: 'm not a teacher Yes, she No, it No, I'm PRACTICE Who is he? 1 Student A Look at this information. Student B- Look at the information on page 1 Ask and answer questions to complete the information, Latname —_[Binchey Firstname —] | [ountry ——Tretnd | Ireland ‘82 Hill Road Dublin 2 Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Patrick. 1. Smith? Jefferson? Binchey? 2. from the United States? from Canada? from Ireland? 3. an actor? a teacher? an accountant? Talking about you 3 Ask your teacher some questions. Caterers? a) 4 Ask two students questions to complete the form. Student 1 Student 2 | Name [ ee Country/town Job ‘Address | You aren't English. X lamin a teacher, BP Grammar Reference 2. p. 114 | Phone number ‘Tell the class about one of the students. Unit 2 + Meeting people 9 PATRICK’S FAMILY Possessive ’s 1 Write the words in the correct place. brother father daughter wife aunt _ grandmother _glfriend Lp [boven husband son uncle — | grandfather ry girlfriend mother sister 2 Read about Patrick Binchey and listen. Write the people's names in the correct place. This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his children. His wife's name is Bonnie. She's a teacher. His daughéer's name is Laura. She's twenty- one and she's a nurse. His son's name is Brian, He's nineteen and he's a student. Laura's husband's name is Mike. He's a nurse, 200. GRAMMAR SPOT She's a teacher: She's = She is. His wife's name: His wife's name = her name '5= possession 2 Find other examples in the texf of 's = possession and ’s = is. D> Grammar Reference 2.2 p.1M4 see 3 Ask and answer questions about Patrick's family. (Who's Bonnie? 1 Yo {Sha's Patrick's ite.) N 10 Unit 2 + Meeting people PRACTICE You and your family 1. Ask your teacher questions about the people in his/her family. hats your mother's name ? (— Wa your sister's name 2. Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner: Hilda Inds Ract Gabriela z {Who's Santiago? She's my aunt. She's my mother's sister. 3. Make true sentences with the verb to be, T'mnot___ at home. We in class tt Monday today. My teacher's name John, My mother and father ____ at work. I married, My grandmother seventy-five years old. 8, Daniel and Carlos my brothers. 9, We in the cafe, We in the classroom, Check it 4 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1G rma doctor. O rm doctor. 2. Thave twenty-nine years old 1 1am twenty-nine years old, 3. F] Ino married. 0 Pm not married. 4,2] My sister's name is Michelle. 1 My sisters name is Michell. 5.1 She married. C1 She's married, 6. rman uncle, O rmaunce. 7. thave two brother. CO) thave two brothers, 1 Peter's the son of my sister. Peter's my sister’s son. n VOCABULARY READING AND LISTENING ' Opposites An e-mail from the US. 1 Match the adjectives with their opposites 1 So-young isa student at an English language school in bi awiul New York City, Read and listen to old old her e-mail to Jae-sun, her brother new ‘small. in Korea. nice difficult easy cheap 2 Match photographs 1-4 with hot cold a part of the e-mail. expensive slow fast young 3 Correct the false (X) sentences. 1. So-young is from Korea. 7 2 Write about the pictures, using the adjectives. i Gever inant: Gan eerie 1, H's mall 3. She's in Boston, t's bia 4. The students in her class are all from Brazil. 5. It’sa very big class. 6, Becky and James are both students. 2. ive! 7. The subway is very expensive. its 8. So-young’s happy in New York 4 Write the questions about So-young’s e-mail 1. Where's So-youna from ? Korea. 3. He's ——— a India, Brazil, Italy, China, She's Mexico, and Russia, 2 Karen 2 They are brother and sis 6. New York __? No, it isn't. GADD Listen to three conversations Where is So-young? Who is she witht Writing 6 Write an e-mail about your cla Unit 2 + Meeting people subject: Dear Jae-sun, How are you? I'm fine. Here's an e-mail in English. It's good practice for you and mel Thave classes at La Guardia Community College. I'm ina class with seven students. They're all from different countries: India, Brazil, Italy, China, Mexico, and Russia. Our teacher's name's Karen. She's very nice and a very good teacher. live with an American family in a large apartment in Brooklyn. Bob and Julie have a daughter and a son. Their daughter, Becky, is 19. She’s a student at Columbia University. Their son, Jam software designer for a computer company. He’s 25. They're all very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! New York is big and very exciting, but very expensive! The subway isn’t hard to use and it’s cheap. It’s very hot now, but Central Park is beautiful in the summer. I'm very happy here. E-mail me soon So-young EVERYDAY ENGLISH Ina cafe 11, GIBB Read and listen to the prices. Read them aloud [$100 one dotar/a dolar $1075 ten dollars and seventy-five cents/ten seventy-five $500 five dolars $750 seven dollars and fifty cents/sevensifty 506 fifty cents 2. (IBD) Write the prices you hear. Practice saying them. 2. Read the menu, Match the food and pictures. eee Menu Grilled chicken salad $6.50 Tuna salad sandwich $6.25 Hot dog and fries $5.25 Hamburger and fries $5.95 Pizza $4.75 Chocolate cake oe Apple pie 3.25 | Ice cream $3.00 Coffee $1.50 Tea $125 Mineral water $1.00 Orange juice 3, IBD Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer questions with a partner. MtetGasuauh dmac-—————- Ee ethenburper ani ties? Cerra ieely Ave carte pa (How much ic a hamburger and fries and an orange juice? a 14 Unit2 + Meeting people 4 GIB) Listen and complete the conversations in the cafes. | # 1. A Good morning. A Hi. Cant help you? B Good___. Can Thaveaa + please? B Yes. Can [ have a___ sandwich, please? ‘A Sure. Anything else? A Anything to drin B No, thanks. B Yeah. A___, please. Ke please A OK, Here you are. B Thanks. Bocce fs that? A Thank you. A __., please. B OK. Thanks. (GOIED Words often link. Listen and practice the rhythm. Cany help you? A cup of coffee, please Anything else? Here you gre How much is that? 5, Practice the conversations with your partner. Make more conversations Unit 2 + Meeting people 15 ieee ee ne he, €9 Grammar: Present Simple 1 - he/she/it« Questions and negatives, (© Vocabulary jobs Everyday English: What time A age STARTER What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the class. Cen ate materia. | Wr THREE JOBS = Present Simple he/she/it 41S 1 (RIED Listen ana reed about 1nee Istvan is a music professor. He comes from Budapest in and Pamela. Hungary, but now he lives in the United States. He works four What's his job? What's her job? days a week at the University of Texas, Austin. He speaks three languages: Hungarian, English, and German. He's married to an American and has a daughter. He likes playing tennis in his free time. Co 1. Undertine all the verbs in the texts, ‘is comes 2 What is the ast letter of these verbs? Pronunciation 3 Is-s pronounced /s/ or /7/? GIBB tisten and write the vers 2 Read the texts aloud, 16 Unit3 + The world of work PRACTICE 3 Complete the sentences about Istvén and Pamela, Talking about people 1, Istvan’s a music professor. Pamela's doctor. 1 tenerieeenaa neon smnanes 2. He comes from Hungary, She Canada 3. He lives in a big city, but she a town. 4, He__ four days week. She 16 hours aday 5. He__ three languages. She to sick people on her radio. 6. He loves his job and she THe daughter. She 8. He playing tennis in his free time. She never free time. GOIBD Listen and check. Read the sentences aloud. Pe Tour guide Peru Lima Ina tourist office ‘Spanish, English, and alittle German No His roommate ‘Walking his dog, playing 3. Write about a friend or a relative. Talk to a partner about him/her. My friend Anna isa student. She lives in ... Unit3 + The world of work 17 WHAT DOES HE DO? Questions and negatives V GQAIBD Read and listen. Complete the answers. Practice the questions and answers, 1. Where does istvan come from? Budapest, 2. What does he do? He's music professor. 3. Does he speak German? » he does 4. Does he speak Spanish? he doesn't. He doesn't speak Spanish or French. Hungary. Cree 1. What does he/she do? = What's his/her job? 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of come. Affirmative He from Hungary. Negative He from Poland, Question Where___he____from? Pronunciation Listen. Notice the pronunciation of 3 does and doesn't. ‘al Does he speak German? idsa Pdvznt Yes, he does./No, he doesn't, Practice saying the question and short answers. D>D> Grammar Reference 3.1 p. 114 2 Complete the questions and answers 1. Where Pamela __ from? Canad 2 What____she ? She's a doctor _— she tive in Canada? No, she 4 she Yes, sh GIBD Listen, check, and practice. 3 Write similar questions about Alejandro the tour guide, Ask and answer with a partner. her job? Where does Alejandro come trom? 18 Unit3 ~ The world of work PRACTICE ‘Asking about peop! 1 Read the informatio Ik to a partner, 1odel and businesswoman. Inman's a me ‘She comes trom Somalia. She lves le on about Iman or Giorgio. Job “Model and businesswoman eae [Town Place of work Somal Inher office in New York | English, Somali Italian, Arabic, and French Married to the singer David Bowie, two daughters Likes cooking vegetarian food Listening and pronunciai 3. Write questions about Iman or Giorgio 6 GIBB Listen to the sentences about + What/do? What does Iman do? Iman and Giorgio. Correct the wrong + Where/come from? ‘+ How many children ...? sentences. + Where/lve? : be eig? eeecinem «+ Where/work? «What. in her/his free time? SS +... speak French? Does she/he ... + like cooking? Yes, that's right. 4 Ask and answer questions with your partner (man lives and works in Somalia. 5, Now ask your partner the same questions about a friend or relative. " No, she doesn't. She lives ) and works in New York. a 7 GAIBD Put a check (7) next to the Country sentences you hear Town tendon 1D He likes his job. Place of work | In his restaurant in London She likes her job, 2. Ol She loves walking C1 She loves working, 3.0 He's married. 1 He isn’t married 4. Ll Does she have three children? CU. Does he have three children? What does he do? Where does he go? heck it 8 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence, She comes from Somalia 1 She come from Somalia 2. D What he do in his free time? Oi What does he do in his free time? 3. © Where lives she? Where does she live? 4, He isn’t married. 1 He doesn’t married. 1 Does she has two sons? 1 Does she have two sons? 6. He doesn't play soccer OO He no plays soccer. . She doesn’t love Peter. 1 She doesn’t loves Peter. 8. C0 What's he’s address? Ol What's his address? BP WRITING Natural writing p. 94 Wega Unit3 + The world of work 19 AND LISTENING Seamus McSporran ~ the man with twelve jobs! Seamus McSporran /‘fermas mok'sporan’ comes from Scotland, Look at the photographs of some of the things he does every day 2 Match a sentence with a phot |. He helps in the shop. 2, He makes breakfast for the hotel guests 3. He pumps gas. 4, THe gets the mail from the boat. 5. He drives the children to school. 66. He delivers the mail 7, He has a mug of tea 8. He works as an undertaker Pla eer ae £ i way) So McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has twelve jobs. He is a mail carrier, a police officer,“a fire fighter, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance driver, an accountant, a gas station attendant, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a store and a small hotel. s amus lives and works on the island of Gigha /gija/ in the west of Scotland, Only 120 people live on the island in the winter, but in the summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday Seamus gets up at 6:00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8:00 he drives the island’s children to school, At 9:00 hhe gets the mail from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also works at the island’s only gas station. Then he helps Margaret in the shop, He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never take vacations and we don’t like watching television, In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I pay the bills. At 10:00 we have a mug of teaand then we go to bed. Perhaps our lifeisn’'t very eXéiting, but we like it.” 3. Read about Seamus. Answer the questions 1. Where does Seamus live? 2. How old is he? 3. How many jobs does he have? 4. What's his wife's name? 5. What does she do? 6. How many people live on the island of Gigha? How many tourists visit Gigha in the summer? 8. What does Seamus do in the morning? 9. What do he and Margaret do in the 4 Look at the photos. Ask and answer questions with a partner about times in Seamus's day (What does he do at sx o'clock? ) a tat. $8, GIBB 1 sten to four conversations from Seamus's day After each one answer these questions. 1. Isit morning, afternoon, or evening? Who ate the people? Where are they? What is Seamus’ job? 6 Complete the conversations. 1. A Good Cant two ice cream cones, please? B Chocolate or vanilla? A One chocolate, one vanilla please B That's Anything__? A A No, thank you. Only__letters for you this : Mrs. Craig, B Thank you very much, Mr. MeSporran, And ’s Mrs. MeSporran this__ ‘A Oh, she's very well, thank you. She's in the shop. 3. A A mugof before bed, Dearie? B Oh, yes please A you are, B Thank you, Dearie. I'm very this 4, A Hello, Mr. MeSporran! B Good , boys and girls. Hurry up, we're late A Can I sit here, Mr. MeSporran? C No, no, 1 to sit there, B Be quict__of you, and SIT DOWN! Practice the conversations with your partner. Unit3 + The world of work 21 1 Use your dictionary and match a picture with a job in A B = i hs An architect \\ fs planes Match a job in A with a line in. GIBB Listen and check 3. Memorize the jobs. Ask and answer q Asales assistant | helps people in court 22 Unit3 + The world of work EVERYDAY ENGLISH What time is it? 1 Look at the clocks. Write the times. 2 Look at the times. It's about five o'clock Its ive lod " -_ What time is it now? What time does the class end? Its fivethiny ie Conversation 1 GIB in English the voice goes and dovid Copy the stress and intonation. | It's quarter after five Wsaquartertosix, 4, Its five after five. Conversation 2 — Excuse me. Do you kitow what Ws twenty after five. 6. Its twenty-five to sx. Wes tento six 8. Listen and check. Practice saying 3 With a partner, draw clocks on a piece of paper the times, ‘Make more conversations. Unit} + The world of work 23 9 Grammar: Present Simple 2- Wyou/ne/they 9 Vocabulary: Leisure activities Everyday English: Social expressions STARTER 1 What year is it? What month is it? What day is it today? 2 Say the days of the week. Which days are the weekend? BY WEEKDAYS AND WEEKENL Present Simple //you/we/they 1 IBD Listen and read about Lisa Parsons. What are her two jobs? What does she do on weekends?. 2 Complete the text with the verbs. goes has(x2) is(x2) lives practices sings stays works loves doesnt relax Lisa’s busy days Lisa Parsons __ thirty-two years old and __ in Manhattan, From Monday to Friday she ata bookstore in New York, Sometimes she at work until 10:30 at night, on weekends. On weekends she a singer. On Saturday ¢ afternoons she _ with her band, and on Saturday and g Sunday nights she to nightclubs and She ___ no free time, but she _ her life! u 3 AND Close your books and listen to Lisa. Give examples of her busy lite ‘I love my life!” says Lisa “I love singing and I love books, so I'm very happy. My weekends are very exciting, but my weekdays too. Pm lucky, I near the bookstore and 1 work until 10:00 a.m. Every morning | at 8:00, breakfast, and the news on TV. Then I to work. I'm very busy all day. 1 people find the books they _. I a sandwich from the deli and I often At lunchtime to the gym. | usually work at 5:30 p.m, but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings I very late, until 10:30. I never after work. I'm too tired. I sometimes going to the litle restaurant near my apartment Saturday mornings. I and my apartment. I dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings because I'm too excited. | like singing, but T'm always nervous before the show.” 4 Read and complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up new words in your dictionary. a a oe tn gee go help like live love don't eat walk want watch work make dont start @p: ten again and check, Read the text aloud. Questions and negatives 5 GED Read and listen. Complete Lisa's answers, Practice the questions and answers with a partner. Where do you work? New York Do you like your job? Yes, Do you relax on weekends? No, | Why don't you relax on weekends? Ising in nightclubs. Role play 6 Work with your partner. One of you is Lisa Parsons. Ask and answer questions about your life. + Where ... you live/work? + Why... you enjoy your work? + What time .. get up on weekdays? When . start work? When . finish work? + drive to work? ‘+ What .. you do at lunchtime? + Why don't ... cook after work? + What you do on Saturday meming:?/Saturday afternoons? + What. you do on Saturday and Sunday evenings? + Why don’. dinner before the show? + Who sng with? + le your busy life? COs ‘Complete the chart for the Present Simple. [Affirmative [/ Negative don’t work Complete the questions and answers, Where __ you work? Where she work? you workin New York? Yes,1__ __1_he work in New York? No, he Find the words in the text: always usually often sometimes never D> Grammar Reference 41 and 4.2 p. 15 Unit 4 + Take it easy! 25 % PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Make questions. Then match the questions and answers, Questions ‘Answers 1. what time do youTike your ob? My mother and sisters 2. Where do you get to school? | b. To Hawaii or Florida. | 3 what | do yougo on vacation? | c. After dinner. 4. when \do you goto bed? | d atways relax 5 who | you gout on Fda evenings? be, AtTI0O. & Why | doyoulive with? f. Because i’ interesting 1. How | do youdo on Sundays By bs. [8.00 | doyoudo your homework? _| h. Yes. do sometimes Listen and check. 2. Ask and answer the questions with a partner, Give true answers. armen goes to bed at 1-00. Igo to bed at 10:00 on weekdays but at I:30 on weekends. ive with my parents and my grandmother. Carmen lives with her parents, too. 3 Tell the class about you and your partner. Listening and pronunciation 4 GAD Puta check (V) next to the sentence you hear. Ci What does he do on Sunday Cl what does she do on Sundays 2. O Do you stay at home on Tuesday evenings? C0 Do you stay at home on Thursday evenings? 3. He lives here. CO He leaves here. 4.0] Where do you go on Saturday evenings? CO What do you do on Saturday evenings? 5.0 Tread a lot. C1 Teata lot. 6.0 Why do you like your job? 1 Why don’t you like your job? Affirmatives and negatives 5. Make the sentences opposite. 1. She's Chinese. he isnt Chinese I don’t like cooking, ike cooking. She doesn’t speak Spanish. They want to learn English. We're tired and want to go to bed. Roberto likes watching soccer on TV, but he doesn’t like playing it. Twork at home because I have a computer. Amelia isn’t happy because she doesn’t have a new car. Unit 4 + Take it easy! VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Leisure activities 1 Match the words and photos. 1. [7] playing soccer 2. _] dancing 3. J skiing 4. (_] watching TV 5. (_] going to the gym 6. _] taking photographs 7. L) cooking 8. [] playing computer games 9. L) sailing 10. C] listening to music 11. L] swimming 12. D reading 13. _) eating in restaurants 14. [] going to the movies 15. _] jogging 16, [_] sunbathing 2. Discuss in groups what you think your teacher likes doing. Choose five activities, think he/she likes cooking. Not think he/she likes eating in restaurants. _) Ask your teacher questions to find out who is correct. (_Beve ke coking? (p9you tke atnginrestaurante?_) Tell the other students what you like doing and what you don’t like doing from the list. Ask questions about the activities. (_Tidon’t ike watching TV, but I like reading very much. > 2 {_ Oh, rally? What do you read x (_Why don’ you ike watching TV? 4 4 Tell the other students things you like doing that are not on the list. Unit 4 + Take it easy! 27 READING AND LISTENING My favorite season 11. What season is it now? What are the seasons? 2. What month is it now? Say the months of the year. 3. When are the different seasons in your country? 2. Look at the photos. Which season is it? What colors do you sec? 3 GADD Read and listen to three people from different countries. 4 Answer the questions. 1, Which season do they like best? 2, What sports do Daniela and Alex play? 3. Where does Sumalee live? 4. Does Daniela like sunbathing? 5. Why does Alex like spring? 6. Which special occasions do Daniela and Sumalee like? 7. Why do Daniela’s cousins never visit in July? 8. Which months are winter months in the three countries? 5. There are six mistakes about Daniela, Sumalee, and Alex. Correct them, Daniela goes to the beach a lot because she likes sunbathing In the summer she goes surfing and waterskiing, Her cousins from the U.S, usually visit on New Year's Day Samalee comes from the south of Thailand, Her favorite season is surnmer. She loves dancing, Alex, comes from Canada. Canadians don't ike their cold winters. Alex likes winter best. He goes skiing and snowboarding 6 GAMED Listen to the conversations. Is it Daniela, Sumalee, or Alext Where are they? How do you know? Discuss with a partner What do you think? + What is your favorite season? Why? * What do you do in the different seasons? DP WRITING Informal letters p. 95 28 Unit 4 + Take it easy! Danish from Brazil like summer best. We go to the beach a lot, and we often have picnics and barbecues there. | don’t like sunbathing, Pe but | love water sports. | go surfing and waterskiing, ; Summer here is from December to February. It's very hot, ’ sometimes 40°C. New Year's Day, Ano Novo we call it, is Tes, States usually visit for Carnival. They never come in July o 2 ma August because it’s cold and it sometimes rains. . fe special for us, we always go to the beach and have a big party. Then in February or March it's Carnival, that's best = of all, a five-day party and no work. My cousins from the Pe = seasons, we have three—hot, rainy, and cool. | like the cool season from November to February. It's our “winter.” It's quite hot in the daytime and it's cold at night. In February we have a lot of tropical flowers—red, orange, and pink. So every year we have a beautiful Flower Festival. We sing id dance— love it! Samalee from Thailand | live in Chiang Mai in the north. We don't have four from Cans Here's a joke about my country: “You know if someone is from Canada because they think -40°C is just a Iitle.cold.” We Canadians love our cold winters. The finter months are December to February, but it’s often Cold in spring and fall, too. Our summer is short but watm,June to late August or September. But spring is my favorite season, It's the best time to go skiing and snowboarding. Sometimes | can ski until the énd of May and even June—isn't that cool? Unit4 + Take SPEAKING Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 1 Read and complete the questionnaire about you. Write V or X, then look at the answer key. Are you healthy? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? have breakfast every morning eat a lot of vegetables drink a lot of water ‘walk to schoolwork play a sport stay up late drink a lot of soda like fast food watch a lot of TV play computer games +o rea™monpp OOOOo0oo0oOoOoo0g OboOoooo0o0o0o00 OooOo0o0ooo0o000 obo0000o0000 ABCDE v=T1point | 7-10 points Very good! =O point 4-6 points OK FGHIS x=1pomnt Epes» tenet 7 = Opoint 2 Ask your teacher the questions, then ask two students. Complete the questionnaire about them. (Do you ike fast oa? S 3 Compare with the class, Who is healthy in the class? Writing 4 Use the information in the questionnaire, Write about you and a partner. | don't have breakfast every morning, but Sofia does. We don't eat alot of vegetables... 30 Unita + Take it easy! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 1 Complete the conversations with the expressions. Listen and check, LA ‘The traffic is bad today B Come and sit down. We're on page 2 B Yes? A Do you have a dictionary? B I don't. It’s at home. A Oh, OK. 3. A It's very hot in here, ? B ?1'm kind of cold. AOK = 4A z B Oh, good morning Miguel. Can 1 help you? A Yes, please. Can I have a ticket for the ski trip? B Yes, of course. It's $80. Do you ‘want to pay $20 deposit now? A Sorry ? B It means you can pay the $20 now and $60 later A An! 1 Yes, please. (GEIB Listen and practice the expressions in conversations 1-4, Pay attention to stress and intonation. 2. Practice the conversations with a partner. That's OK 1m sorry 'm late tm sorry, Excuse me. Thanks anyway. Really? Can | open the window? It doesn't matter. Now | understand! What does “deposit” mean? Excuse me. Unit 4 + Take it easy! 31 9 Grammar: There is/are + Prepositions «Some/any + This/that/these/those 9 Vocabulary: Furniture Everyday English Directions 1 STARTER 1 Write the words in the correct column. veg Seek ee a an armchair arefrigertor atelevision a table ashelf aplant a DVD player a dishwasher asink alamp astove a closet atelephone acabinet asofa 2 What's in your living room? Tell a partner. WHAT'S IN THE LIVING ROOM? There is/are, prepositions 1 Suzie has a new apartment. Describe her living room on page 33, There's a televsio There are two photos 2 GBD Read and listen. Complete the answers, Practice the questions and answers. Is there a television? Yes, there Istherea computer? No, there ‘Are there any books? Yes there. How many booksare there? There ___a lot. Are there any pictures? No, there Eons Complete the chart. 3. Ask and answer questions about these things in Affirmative | There Suzie's living room. eee acat —adog aDVDpplayer a replace a computer amirtor_aclock acoffee table a rug any pictures. | plants pictures shelves curtains aeelepheae newspapers photos cushions DVDs Silas a a Gases ) Gar DP Grammar Reference 5.1 and 5.2 p. 116 32. Unit 5 + Where do you live? Describe Suzie’s living room. Complete the ent on under next to s with a preposition. infront of The cat is__ the sofa The DVD player is There's a photo There aren’t any pictures There's a lamp There are some m the sofa, behind the television. the mirror, the sofa, the walls. the rug 1 Work with a partner, Don’t look at your partner's picture, Student A Look at the incomplete Look at the complete picture of the 0m —_picture of the living room con page 123. Ask Student Bon page 125. Answer questions to find out where Student A’s questions to the things go. Draw them on complete the picture. four picture (Where's the lamp?) Where exactiy? ) GBID 100k at the complete picture together on page 125 Listen to someone describing it. There are five mistakes in the description. Say “Stop!” when you hear a mistake. ( Stopl There aren't three people! There are tour peo WHAT’S IN THE EN? some/any, this/that/these/those 1 This is Suzie’s kitchen, Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about these things. Y astove refrigerator cabinets plates flowers (Are there any apples? > Se 2 Listen and complete the conversation between Suzie and her mom. Suzie And this is the kitchen Mom Mmm, it's very nice. Suzie Well, its not very big, but there of cabinets. And __'sa new refrigerator, and a stove. That's new, too, Mom But what's in all these cabinets? Sutie Well, not alot. There are some cups, but there aren't any glasses. And I have knives and forks, but | don’t have ___spoons! Mom Do you have __ plates? Sutie Yes, Ido. Here they are. ‘Mom Good, We can use those plates for this cake. 3. What is there in your kitchen? How is your kitchen different from Suzie’s? 34° Unit 5 + Where do you live? COIs 1 What's the difference between the sentences? There are two magazines. There are some magazines. 2. When do we say some? When do we say any? There are some cups. ‘There arent any glasses. Are there any spoons? 3 Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those, stove is new. flowersare nice. Give me cups D> Grammar Reference 5.3 and 5.4 p. 116 PRACTICE In our classroom 1. Complete the sentences with some or any. 1. In our classroom there are books on the floor. 2. There aren't _ plants. 3. Are there Mexican students in 4, There aren’t___Chinese student. 5. We have dictionaries in the cabinet 6. There aren't pens in my bag. 2. What is there in your classroom? Describe it. 3 Talk about things in your classroom, using this/ that/these/those. Point to or hold the things. (Caisteim fverte pen.) Fiza that tea) Passes rete ‘Those windows are dirty. What's in Yoshi’s briefcase? 4. GED Yosh ishigava is on business in New York Listen to him desetibe what's in his briefease Put a check (7) next to the things in it i anewspaper 1) anotebook 1) aletter i adictionary =. keys Di acell phone Cl a sandwich Di abusticket C1 stamps Opens Bi photos C1 an address book! 5. Look in yourbag, Ask and answer questions about your ba with a partner. aw Easy) Sameer (How many stamps are there? Sa wr Check it 6 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1. 10 o000 dg ‘There aren’t some sandwiches. There aren't any sandwiches Do you have some good dictionary? Do you have a good dictionary? T have some photos of my d [have any photos of my dog. have lot of books. Thave a lot of books. How many students are there in this class? How many of students are there in this class? Next my house there's a park, Next to my house there’s a park. Look at this house over there! Look at that house over there! Henry, that is my mother. Mom, that is Henry. Henty, this is my mother. Mom, this is Henry. Unit 5 + Where do you live? 35 READING AND SPEAKING The White House 1 Look at the pictures of the White House ‘What can you see? 2 What do you know about the White House? Mark these statements true (V7) or false (X), D The White House is more than 200 years old. OF No one lives in the White House. 71 All the rooms are government offices. The Oval Office is where the President works. C1 The White House is open to the public. There are a lot of things for a President to do in his free time. 3 Read the text about the White House. Check your answers in Exercise 2, 4 Answer the questions. 1. What's the address of the White House? 2, Where exactly in the White House does the President live? Where does the President work? Where do special guests stay? What is in the Oval Office? . What does each new president change in the Oval Office? 7. How many people work in the White House? 8. What does a President do to relax? 9. Why is the White House like a luxury hotel? 5. Find the following numbers in the reading, What do they refer to? 50 There are fitty states 6000 132 35 5 6 MO & 304 million 6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the White House, (Gites acwraei?) Ca tare) ‘Are there many offices? ) Yes, there are.) Ask about these things: + abig dining room + many bathrooms + a swimming pool + afireplace + anyelevators + atennis court What do you think? + What's the name of a famous building in your country? Where is it? Is it a government building? A palace? A cathedral? A museum? + Tell the other students about it. 36 Unit S - Where do you live? Am The most DC is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This is the White House. It is the President's priv home, where he lives with his family, is also his official residence, where The building First builtin the 1790s, the White House is where the President of the United States governs a co 50 states and 304 million people. He lives with his family on the second and third floors. There are 16 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a dining room, Special guests stay in the Queen's Bedroom or the Lincoln Bedroom. untry of The West Wing contains the offices of his staff, and also the Oval Office. This is the President's personal office. it has three la windows behind the president's desk and there isa fireplace at the other end. Each new president chooses new curtains and furniture, and a special new carpet. The are pictures of former presidents on the wall, and there is the famous desk, a gift from the British Queen Victoria in 1880. The Wh House day by day The White House is open to the public free of charge. About 6,000 people visit every day. Sometimes the President meets special visitors in the East Room, and most days he talks to journalists in the Press Room. About 150 people work for the President in the West Wing and for the First Lady in tthe East Wing. Another 100 people work to look after the building day and night. There are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and five kitchens, all on six floors. There are three elevators. The State Dining Room is big enough for 140 guest Outside in the gardens there is a tennis court, a jogging track, and a swimming pool. Inside there is a mavie theater, a billiard room, a bowling lane, and a library. ‘As former President Reagan said, “The White House is ike an eight star hotell AD voies - wrere dosoutver 3 LISTENING AND SPEAKING Homes around the world PeLi tient. 1 Match the places and photos 1-4. a. Lisbon. New England c Seoul d, Samoa Listen to the people from these places. Complete the chart. Claire and Bert Alise | Kwan | Manola House or apartment? (ld or modern? a Where? How many bedrooms? Live(s) with? Extra information ij 3 Work with a partner. Talk about the people. 4 Talk about where you live, as troe @Qeenies cage) (Ales vesina has oar thesaa_+) eect? 7 (CGeroutae ayer) % a Who...? | NY How many rooms ...? Qe ee) 38 Unit S + Where do you live? D> WRITING Describing where you live p. 96 Gem EVERYDAY ENGLISH “ Directions 1 1. Look at the street map. Where can you do these things? Find the places on the map. + buy: aspirin some bread book milk aDVD stamps + send an e-mail 1 go for a walk + seea movie + have coffee + catch a bus ‘me Is there a near here? ______ Church Street. Take the first the music store 3 Practice the conversations in Exercise 2 with a partner. Make more conversations with your partner. Use the expressions in the box to ask and answer about the places. left, nearhere overthere onthe corer en | onthe right/left straight ahead alot. + abookstore + a busst me. Is therea__near here? jamete tse: Sepa “s an Intemet cafe on Park Lane ____the ‘bx Fomine Poel and there's an Italian restaurant on Church Street next to «a grocery store» a church z + thetrinstation + acafe FA ietucone 5 + aparkinglot + a travel agent Just two minutes, that’s all. 5 Talk about where you are. Is there a drugstore near here? Is it far? What about a bank/a post office/a grocery store? GEIB Listen anc repeat. Copy the stress and intonation. 7 a | Excuseme.Is there a drugstore near here? Yes, its over there. ——7 al =¥ a Excuseme.Is there a bakery near here? Yes, it's on the corner. Unit 5 + Where do you live? 39 LER ORE MMT AT Te et Tc, 9 Grammar: Can/car't + Was/were © Vocabulary: Words that sound the same Everyday English On the phone STARTER 1 Where do people speak these languages? French Spanish Korean _{talian They speak French in France and also in Canada, Portuguese Japanese English 2. Which languages can you speak? can peak English anda te Spanish Ana ofcourse, can speak my lngue. Tell the class. eee teas ao ae = WHAT CAN YOU DO? can/can't 1 Match the photos of the Brady family with the sentences, 1, ___ She can walk now 2, —__ We can draw, but we can’t write Tecan sing very well 4. “Can you play the drums?” Yes, I can.” *No, he can’t! Dan they dance?” “Yes, they can, My dad is OK, and my mom can dance flamenco really well” Listen and check, aso 1 Say all persons of can and can't, ‘What do you notice? I can, you can, he... she... it... we... they. I can't, you..., etc. Pronunciation 2 GEMEDD Listen and repeat these sentences. I can speak Spanish. an you speak Spanish? = "*" Yes,tcan = kan No, ca + ken 3. Say these sentences. eee ce @ We can draw. She can't write DP Grammar Reference 61 p.17 40 Unit 6 ~ Can you speak English? 2 GHIED isten and complete the sentences with car or can't + ver. burt 1 GBI Listen to Lucia and complete the 11 2. He —_. but he___ chart. Put a7 or an X. od oa Gn? lucia [You [Partner 4. They. _—__—. but they. 5. We and we —— | drivea car | Qo Oo o 6°. she 2" “No, sh speak French Q Oo Oo speak Spanish cook play tennis | ski play the guitar dance Qo weacomputer | O o Complete the chart about you 3. Complete the chart about your partner. Ask and answer the questions. (Gan you drive a car? Oe rcant.) "FATT Yes, | can. But not very wel Tell the class about you and your partner. See ae Luis can sk, but I can't. oy What can computers do? 4 What can computers do? Discuss with a partner. Can they ...? O translate 1 check spelling Ol write poetry O feel speak English laugh ae play chess, have conversations hear i fall in love Imagine you live in 2050. What can/can’t a computer do? Unit 6 * Can you speak English? 41 WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? was/were, can/could @ Present What day is it today? its What month is it now? Its Where are you now? oe Are you in the United States? lam. Tm not. Can you swim? om —, can't Gan your teacher speak three languages? cant. a | They Read and listen to the questions. Complete the answers. Pasts = ‘What day was it yesterday? tt was What month was it last month? It was Where were you yesterday? Twas in/at Were you in the United States in 2000? —. 1 was, —— sl wasnt Could you swim when you were five? ——— Iecould —. couldnt Could your teacher speak English when he/she was seven? You could, No, couldn't e ¢ Pronunciz 2 GHIBD kisten and repeat It was /waz/ Monday yesterday. We were /war’ at school. Was /waz/ it hot? Were /war! you tired? Yes, it was (waz! | Yes, we were /war! 3. What is the past of can? [Vou/He/Ste/tWe7They | ative ive DD Grammar Reference 61 and 62 p. 17 42. Unit 6 » Can you speak English? PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Ask and answer questions with a partner. Where were you ...? at eight o'clock this morning at sincthirty yesterday evening at two o'clock this morning at this time yesterday at ten dock last night last Saturday evening 2. Complete Emma and Miguel's conversation, using was, were, wasn't, weren't, or couldn't E _____you at Charlotte's party last Saturday? M Yes, 1 E ___ it good? M Well, it___ OK. E _______ there many people? M Yes, there E Paul there? M No, he —__.. And where you? Why you there? E Oh... go because 1____-at Sergio’s party! It great! M Oh! Listen and check. Listen for the pronunciation of was and were. Practice with a partner. Four geniuses! 3 What are these people famous for? Discuss with a partner. 4 Look at these sentences. Twas born in London in 1983, 1 could read when 1 was four My sister couldn't read until she was seven. Match lines in A, B, and C and make similar sentences about the four geniuses, A 8 c Salvador Dali theUS.71975 | play golf/three Charlotte Bronte | Germany/1879 paint /one Tiger Woods England 1816 write stores/four Albert Einstein | Spain 1904 couldn't speak eight 5 Ask and answer questions with a partner about the geniuses. ‘When was Salvador Dali born? How ola was he when he could | 6 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Where were you born? 2, When were you born? 3. How old were you when you could ...? + walk + talk + read + swim + ride bike + usea computer + speaka foreign language Check it 7 Puta check (V) next to the correct sentence 1. D I don’t can use a computer. i Tean’t use a computer 1 I can to speak English very well. CF can speak English very wel 3. 1L'm sorry. | can’t go to the party. Pm sorry. I no can go to the party. 4, Cl He could play chess when he was five OF He can play chess when he was five Unit 6 + Can you speak English? 5, Was they at the party? Were they at the party? 6.0 She was no at home She wasn’t at home 8 4 READING AND SPEAKING Young and talented 1 Do you like singing? Can you sing well? Do you like readin; Look at the people in the photographs. What can they do? 2 Work in two groups. Group A Read about the writer, ‘oup B Read about the singer. 3. Answer the questions Christopher. jut Joss or 1. Why is he/she famous? 2. Where was he/she born? 3. Where does he/she live? 4. What could or couldn't he/she do when he/she was very young? 5. When was he/she first successful? 6. Why were his/her parents surprised? What were his/her first two books albums called? 8. Where was he/she last year? 9. Does he/she act in the movies? 4 Find a partner from the other group. Tell your partner about Christopher or loss, using your answers, 5 What is the same about Joss and Christopher? What is different? Discuss with your partner (liars arate “y : oss ic a singer. Ghristopher isa writer. Role play 6 Work with a partner Student A is a journalist. Student B is Joss or Christopher Ask and answer questions, using the questions in Exercise 3 to help you { Helio, Joss! Can |ask you (Lone or two questions? Sony Gita nee) re Unit 6 + Can you speak English? THE SOUL SINGER CAN A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD SING THE BLUES? CAN A WHITE GIRL SING SOUL? JOSS STONE KNOWS SHE CAN. ‘085 was born in a small village in Devon in the south of } England, but she now lives and works in Los Angeles She was a shy schoolgir! with a fantastic voice, but now she isa famous soul singer. Joss could sing very well when she was a little girl. Her parents were very surprised. Her mom says “No one in our family can sing—only Joss. | can’t sing a note!” At school, her friends couldn't understand her music. Joss says, “I love soul music, but they don't. They prefer pop.” Her first album, “The Soul Sessions” was very successful Joss was only 16. Her second, “Mind, Body & Soul” was also a hit, Now she sings all over the world. Last year she was in 16 cities, including San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, Los Angeles, and Mexico City. She was also in the movie Eragon. She was a witch called Angela! Joss is young, rich, famous, and very talented. THE FANTASY WRITER CAN A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD WRITE A NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER? CAN HIS BOOKS SELL MORE THAN “HARRY POTTER"? CHRISTOPHER PAOLINI SAYS, “YES, THEY CAN!” C hristopher was bom in Southem California, but he now lives with his family in Paradise Valley, Montana, in the countryside near the tall Beartooth Mountains. Christopher loves the mountains. He writes about them in his books. Christopher can't stop writing. This is surprising because when he was very young he couldn't read very well. His parents were his teachers, and finally one day—“It was magic,” he says, "I could read. | could see pictures in my head. | could write my own stories.” His parents were very surprised when his first book became a number one bestseller. It was a fantasy called Eragon and it was published when Christopher was just 15 His next book, Eldest, was also very successful Christopher tours the world to talk about his books. Last year he was in Canada, the UK, Spain, Germany, France and Italy. His book Eragon is now a movie and Christopher is famous. Teme tr mae) VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Words that sound the same 1 Look at the sentences, What do you notice about these words? | write with my right hand Thave a black eye, No, he doesn't know the answer. 2 Find the words in B that have the same pronunciation as the words in A. Di hear write wear see eye there by for hour know son four a 1 sun our sea where buy here right no two their [Ey 3 Correct the two spelling mistakes in each sentence, hear see 1. Tcan here you, but I can’t sea you. ‘Their are three bedrooms in hour house. I don’t no wear Jill lives. My sun lives near the see. Don’t where that hat, by a new one! 5. Know, eye can’t come to your party. . You were write, Sally can't come four dinner. . There daughter could right when she was three. 9. [no my answers are write, IED Listen and repeat. 4 Look at the phonetic symbols. Write the two words with the same pronunciation. 1. nov! know 2. /san/ son 3./tw too 4 yrait! right 5. fur! here 6. /wer! wear D> Phonetic symbols p. 4 46 Unité » Can you speak English? EVERYDAY ENGLISH On the phone 1 Here are the names and addresses of some people you want to call Lisa Jefferson Freelance Journalist 89 Franklin Street Boston, Massachusetts USA ‘ ta Mos rem = Yoshi Ishigawa BUSINESSMAN | 58 teaainizucho koro gousise Alejandro Diaz “on Junin 612 Tour guide Umarett Teh eT email pe isa’s telephone number. Operator International Directory Assistance. Which country, please? You The Operator And which city? You ee Operator Can I have the last name, please? You a Operator And the first name? You a Operator What's the address? You Recorded message ‘The number i Role play 2. Work with a partner. Take turns to be the operator. Make conversations to find out the telephone numbers of Yoshi and Alejandro. Student A Go to page 123. Student B Go to page 125. 3. Complete conversations 1-3 with these lines, Check answers with a partner. 1. Can [take a message? an offer or promise Great! Ill see you on Sunday at ten, then. Bye! Ml help you, This is Jo. Oh, that’s OK. Maybe next time. Bye! There’s a party at my house on Saturday. Can you come? o, it isn’t. Pll gether. T'll call back later 8. Can I speak to the manager, please? 1. A Hello? B Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please? A ee B Oh! Hi. Jo. This is Nicole. Is Sunday still OK for tennis A Yes, thats fine. Bo Se A Bye! A Hello? B Hello. Is this Emma? A C Hello, this is Emma, B Hi, Emma. It’s Miguel. Listen! © Oh, sorry, Miguel. I can't. I's my sister's wedding a € Bye! 3. A Good morning, Dixons Electrical. How can Thelp you? B Good morning. A 'matraid Mr. Smith isn't in his office at the moment. B No, that’s OK, A Allright. Good-bye, B Good-bye. 5. Practice the conversations. Make similar conversations with your partner. er aa Can speak to Jo, please? TH eal back later. DP WRITING Formal letters p. 97 =a ae 1s this Emma? Can) take» me6sage? ae IH gether. Unit 6 + Can you speak English? 47 mM Regular verbs regular verbs 9 Vocabulary: Words that go of together Tha Taya l Everyday Engl What the ot Tete tay a Nits STARTER When were your grandparents and great-grandparents born? Where were they born? Do you know all their names? What were their jobs? If you know, tll the class. A life past and present Past Simple - regular verbs 1 Look at the photos. Do you know anything about the TV star, Oprah Winfrey? 2 GAB Read and listen to Oprah nfrey's life now. Complete Text A with the verbs you hear. Answer the questions. 1, How many people watch her show? 2. Where does she live? 3. Does she earn alot of money? 3 GBD Read and listen to Text B about Oprah’s childhood. Answer the questions. 1. Where and when was she born? 2. Were her parents rich? 3. Was she smart? What could she do? OTe 1 Complete the sentences about Oprah, Now she in California When she was a child she with her grandmother. 2. Look at Text B. Find the Past Simple of the verbs work, clean, receive, study, and start. How is it formed? DP Grammar Reference 7.1 p. 18 48 Unit 7 » Then and now Oprah Winfrey (I) _is__ a famous ‘American TV talk show host. Forty-nine million people in 134 ) countries (2) her show every week. She (3) in California but she also (4) an apartment in Chicago, where she (5) Oprah is one of the richest women in America. She (6) millions of dollars every year. She (7) alot of money to charity. She was born on January 29th, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi. Her parents _ were very poor. Her father, Vernon Winfrey, worked in 2 coal mine and her mother, Vernita, cleaned houses. They couldn't look after Oprah so she lived with her grandmother, Hattie ‘Mae. Oprah was clever, she could read before she was three and when she was 17 she received a scholarship to Tennessee State University, where she studied drama, She also started reading the news at the local radio station, Oprah the TV star in 1984 Oprah (1) to Chicago to work on a TV talk show called AM. Chicago. She (2) to lots of interesting people about their problems. Oprah says, “People’s problems are my problems.” The show was very successful, so in 1985 it was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1993 she (3) Michael Jackson and 100 million people (4) __ the program. Last year she (5) $260,000,000. In 1998 Oprah (6) the charity Oprah's Angel Network. This helps poor children all over the world. In S 2007 she (7) a special school in South Africa, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. She says, “When I was a kid, we were poor and we didn’t have much money. So what did | do? | (8) hard.” There are 152 girls at the school. Oprah calls them her daughters— the children she didn’t » have in real life. 4 GIBB whats the past ofthese verbs? Listen and repeat. [watch talk move interview [eam open study stare 5 GEIB Listen to Text C. Complete it with the past form of the verbs in Exercise 4 Gro 1 Look at these questions. Which are present? Which are past? ‘Where does Oprah work?” In Chicago. "Where did her father work?” Ina coal mine.” Did she have a happy childhood?” ‘No, she didn't ‘Does she have any children?” 'No, she doesn't. Did is the past of do and does. 2. We use didnt (= aid not) to form the negative. We didn’t have much money. 3. Find a question and two negatives in Text ¢ D>P> Grammar Reference 7.2 p.118 6 Complete the questions about Oprah Where —did_ her father work? Ina coal mine 2. What ___ her mother do? She cleaned houses. 3. Who Oprah ___ with? Her grandmother, 4. What ___ she __? Drama 5. When she __ Michael Jackson? Tn 1998. 6. How much __ she last year? $260 million 7. When she the girls school? In 2007, 8 her parent ___ much money? No, they didn’t (GABD Listen and check. Practice the Questions and answers with a partner. Unit 7 + Then and now 49 PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Complete the sentences with did, was, or were. 1, Where you born? Where your mother born? 2. When, ‘you start school? 3. When you learn to read and write? 4. Who your first teacher? 5. What. your favorite subject? 6, Where you live when you a child? 7 you live in a house o an apartment? 2. Stand up! Ask two or three students the questions in Exercise 1. 3 Tell the class some of the information you learned. Rick was born in. His mat He started schoo! Pronunciation 1 GEIBB Listen to three different =a of -d. a | worked cE started 2 GIBB usten and write the Past Simple verbs in the correct column fv | | | Practice saying them, 50 Unit7 + Then and now THE YEAR | WAS BORN Irregular verbs 1 Look at the list of irregular verbs on page 133. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box. Which verb isn't irregular? be wasZwere beat buy come have hit begin make sell 2 GAB Listen and repeat the 3. James was born in 1989. Look at the pictures. What things from 1989 can you see? Simple forms. 4 Listen to James’s conversation with his parents about 1989. compa the sentences with the verbs you hear. Listen again and check. ueish<}i James was bom on January 24, 1989, in Sdo Ba TOR (=r211 BY cm ele) an) Paulo, where his father (1) job. His, parents (2) Brazil that year and (3) back to the US. His father (4) job in New York. WORLD EVENTS In the US, George Herbert Walker Bush (5) ‘American President. In Russia, Mikhail S. Gorbachev (6) the Soviet Head of State. in Europe, the Cold War between East and West ended and, atter 28 years, the Bertin Wall (7) down. SPORTS In Major League Baseball, the Oakland Athletics (8) the San Francisco Giants in the World Series. The Series stopped for twelve days when a major earthquake (9) the San Francisco Bay Area moments before the start of Game Three. SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY Tim Bemers-Lee (10) the World Wide Web. He (11)__many awards and $1.5 million. Nintendo. (12) selling Game Boy in Japan. They (13) 30 million in three years. the 41st ENTERTAINMENT ‘The Simpsons family (14) their television debut. Ma¢ (15) __*Like a Prayer” It was a humber one hit. Twelve. million people ( people (16) the alum, Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the year James was born. 1, When/James and his parents leave Brazil? 8, Where/his father get a job? How many years/the Berlin Wall stand? ‘Why/the baseball game stop? What/Tim Berners-Lee invent? How much money/he win? How many Game Boys/Nintendo sell? What/Madonna sing? What happened the year you were born? Write some notes, Tell the class. 1 Work in groups. Think of important events in history. When did they happen? Make a list, then make questions to ask the other right Monday week fear morning afternoon evening loeatierneoe | yesterday . 2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with When did you last ... ? Ask another question for more information. When aid you last take. aie ) ere did youge? ) (Where did vou 90 ToFlorids. ) 7 oe ‘ takea photograph» write an e-mail * gotoaparty + geta present + talkton a cell phone + eatin restaurant ake a vacation + watch a DVD + go shopping Tell the class some things you learned about your partner. Yukio took a vacation last August and she went to Italy. ) 3. Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. He bought some new shoes. He buyed some new shoes, 2, Where did you © Where you went yesterday? go yesterday? 3. D You see Jane last week? Did you see Jane last week? Did she get the job? 1 Did she got the job? Twent out yesterday night 1 I went out last night He studied French at school. He studyed French at school, What had you for breakfast? =] What did you have for breakfast? I was in New York the last week. 1 I was in New York last week. DP WRITING Describing a vacation p. 98 Unit7 + Then and now 51 Two famous firsts 1 Translate these words ‘nouns [ verbs adjectives airshow breaka record | | excellent fighter jet | | travel dangerous flight disappear secret experiences | | join satelite survive ~ | crash Look at the texts and comple hese sentences, ‘Amelia Mary Earhart was the first Yori Gagarin was the first 3. Work in two groups. Group A Read about Amelia Earhart Group B Read about Yuri Gagarin 4 Are the sentences true () or false (X) about your person? Correct the false sentences, 1. ___ He/She came from a rich family. — He/she had a short but exciting lite. He/She fought in a World War. He/She wanted to bea pilot when he/she was a child. He/She flew fighter jets He/She married, but didn’t have any children, — He/She traveled around the world to talk about his/ h her experiences. ___ He/She died ina plane crash 8 Find a partner from the other group. Compare Amelia Earhart and Yuri Gagarin, using your answers 6 Complete the questions about the other person. Then ask and answer them with your partner Where ... she born? What... she study first? When... she frst... up ina plane? When ... she... her first record? she marty?.... she... any children? What... she do in 19357 Where ... her plane disappear? ‘About Yuri Gagarin 8 Where... he born? 9. When... he see his first plane? 10. Why... he... the Russian Air Force? Tl. Why... the doctors choose Yuri to be an astronaut? 12, What... he do in 1961? 1B. Why... he... around the world? 14, How... he die? 52. Unit 7 + Then and now Amelia Mary Earhart AMERICAN (1897 - 1937) The first woman to fly across the Atlantic Her early years Amelia was born in her grandparents’ house in Kansas. Her parents didn’t have any money, but her grandparents were rich and sent her to the best schools, At 20 she decided to study nursing and worked in a hospital in World War I. When she was 23, she visited an airshow and went up in a plane. At that moment, she knew that she wanted o be a pilot What she did In 1920 flying was dangerous and people didn't think it was an activity for women, But Amelia took flying lessons, and a year later, she broke her first record — she flew up to 14,000 feet. She married at 34, but never had children. The next year she became the first woman (and the second person) to fly alone across the Atlantic. She was famous, and she traveled around the world to talk about her experiences. And in 19 when she was 38, she became the first person to fly alone across the Pacific. Her last flight When she was nearly 40, Amelia wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. She began the 29,000 mile flight in Miami on June 1, 1937. On July 2 she was nearly at the end of her journey, when she and her plane disappeared near Howland Iskand in the Pacific Ocean Yuri Gagarin RUSSIAN (1934 - 1968) The first man in space His early years Yuri was born on a farm and his family was very poor. Asa teenager in World War II, he saw his first plane — a Russian fighter jet. At that moment, he knew that he wanted to be a pilot, He studied hard so that he could join a flying club. His teachers thought he was a natural pilot and told him to join the Russian Air Force What he did He became an excellent pilot. And he was now a husband and father. But when the first Russian satellite went into space, he wanted to become an astronaut. After two years of Secret training, the doctors chose Yuri because he was the best in all the tests. On April 12, 1961, when he was inally went into space. It was very dangerous, because the doctors didn’t know if Yuri could survive the journey. When he came back to Earth she was famous, and he traveled around the world to talk about his experiences. His last flight He wanted to go into space again, so in 1967 he began training for the next space flight. He was also a test pilot for new Air Force airplanes. But the next year he died when his, Fighter jet crashed on a test flight. He was only 34 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Words that go together Verbs and nouns 1 Match a verb in A with a noun in B. Sometimes there is more than one answer. Compound nouns 3. Match a noun in A with a noun in B. Do we write one word or two? A 8 become television drink ‘sandwich drive abike eat a pilot break acer cook a meal play {lot of money watch the guitar win Spanish speak arecord ride a cup of coffee eam a medal Ask and answer questions, ‘No, I don't. | drink coffee. When did you last eat a candwich? Prepositions post office homework A B “orange paper train room ‘swimming pool hand P juice boy lot news star movie ard birthday station washing machine living friend parking bag GIB Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Test the other students! Tis where we can evi. ing pa (| bur this every day and read it er) a 2 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition to 1. Like listening music. 2. Twent the beach __ my friends. 3. We went to Jamaica ‘our vacation Last year. 4, She traveled __ the world. 5. Tgetup__ eleven o'clock _ Sundays. 6. My father works an office downtown. 7, Our town has a lot tourists the summer. 8. My parents are home the moment. 9, What's television this evening? 10. I wrote an e-mai il my daughter. D) Listen to four conversations. What are they about? Which compound nouns do you heat? 1 . Scie Y a = x i S Look at the audio script on page 108. ~~ Practice the four conversations » o& with a partner. ‘ ttriendmailboxteacuphat Eartponenec : ie ‘illboxtedioup ta 54° Unit 7 + Then and now EVERYDAY ENGLISH What's the date? 1 Write the correct word below the numbers. sixteenth first third twenty-first fourth twelfth sisth twentieth second thirtieth thirteenth thirty-first fifth seventeenth tenth GUIBD Listen and practice saying the ordinals jst 2nd 3rd) 4th 5th 2. Ask and answer questions with a partner about the months of the year. Which the ft month? a We write: 4/3/1999 or April 3, 1999 We say: “April third, nineteen ninety-nine. Notice how we say these years 1900 “nineteen hundred” 1905. “nineteen oh five” 2001 “two thousand and one” 2012. “two thousand and twelve" or “twenty twelve” 3. Practice saying these dates. 12/19/83 April November19. 193/99 March2 June 23 5/31/2000 September 17 2/29/76 7/15/2007 GA Listen and check 4 HIB tisten ond write the dates you hear. 5 Ask and answer the questions with your partner today? this class start? When does it end? When's Valenti When's Mother's Day this year? s Day? When's your birthday? . What century is it now? ‘What are the dates of public holidays in your country? Unit 7 + Then and now 55 eat_drink drive fly listento make ride take watch wear FAMOUS INVENTIONS Past Simple negatives - ago 1 Match the verbs from the Starter with the photos. 2 Work in groups. What year was ita hundred years ago? Ask and answer questions about the things in the photos, What did people do? What didn’t they do? @ people drive cars a hundred years ago?) = Lianserare.) os 3. Tell the class the things you think people did and didn’t do. (We think people drove ears, "| but they didn't watch TV. San Getting information 4 When were the things in the photos invented? Ask and answer with a partner. Student A Go to page | Student B_ Go to page 1 A When were cars invented? Bin. A That's... years ago, 3 phone calls 56 Unit 8 » A date to remember ee an en 3 Grammar: Past Simple 2» negatives «ago 3 Vocabulary: Spelling and silent leters Everyday English Special ‘occasions records eos 1. Write the Past Simple forms. [ Present Simple Tv in Seale Does she live in Seattle? _I don't live in Seattle. 2. Complete these sentences. The year 2000 was — The year 1984 was —_ years ago. years ago. DP Grammar Reference 8.1 and 8.2 p. 18 1 Make correct time expressions. Seven o'clock the morning in Saturday Sunday evening on night september | 2900 — weekends a thesummer the nineteenth century 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with When ... 7Use atime expression and ago in the answer (Wen aia you get u Atse alone. ) BLUE BELL WRANGLERS (Won aie star start? When did ...? + you get up this semester start + you have breakfast + youarrive at school + you start learning English + you start at this school house at . you last use @ computer you learn to ride a bicycle your parents get married you last have a coffee break 3. Tell the class about your day so far. Begin like this I got up at seven o'clock and had breakfast. eft the Unit 8 - Adatetoremember 57 PRACTICE The photograph LOUIS DAGUERRE FROM FRANCE Three inventions 1 Look at the texts. What are the three inventions? 2 GBD the dates in the texts are ail incorrect. Read and listen, and correct the dates. {/ Daguerre didnt start his experiments in the 1420s. He started them in the 1220s. oe eT ee Louis Daguerre was a painter for the French. 3. Make these sentences negative. Then give the opera. But he wanted correct answers. tomake anew type of i Taatehne eater ne picture. He started his Daguere invented the bey, Cea eae athe le did't invent the bcrce. 19205, Twelve years He invented the photograph Teetha needed! 2, Daguerre gave his idea to the French the photograph. He government. sold his idea to the Mary Anderson lived in New York City French government in1935 and the government gave it to the warld, Daguerze called the first photographs “daguerreotypes” They became Leonardo da Vinci made the first bicycle. popular very fast. By iggo, there were 70 daguerreotype 6. Kirkpatrick Macmillan came from France. studios in New York City. GIBB Listen and check. Practice the stress and intonation, 3 4, All cars had windshield wipers by 1916. 4 Work with a partner. Make more incorrect sentences about the texts. Give them to a partner to correct Did you know that? 5 GIB Read and listen to the conversations. Then listen and repeat A Did you know that Marco Polo brought spaghetti back from China? B Really? That's incredible! A Well, it’s true! € Did you know that Napoleon was afraid Bont don’ ble i The bicycle C Well it’s true! KIRKPATRICK MACMILLAN FROM SCOTLAND Long ago in 1540, Leonardo da Vinel drew a design for the modem bicycle, But the first person to make a bicycle was Kirkpatrick Macmillan in 1789. He lived in Scotland, so ¥ people didn’t hear about his invention for along 6 Work with a partner, Student A Go to page 124.5 Student B Go to page 126. Make similar conversations. time, Twenty years later, another bicycle came from France. In 1825 the bike became cheap and everyone could have one. Now people, especially women, could travel to the next town. It helped them find someone to marry! 58 Unit » Adate to remember The windshield wiper ‘MARY ANDERSON FROM THE UNITED STATES ‘Mary Anderson often visited New York City by car. In winter she noticed that when it rained or snowed, drivers got out of their cars all the time to clean their ‘windows. In 1893 she began designing something to clean ‘windows from inside the car. People, especially men, laughed at her idea. But they didn't laugh for long, she invented the windshield wiper in 1925. And by 1960 all American cars had them. VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Spelling and silent letters 1 There are many silent letters in English words. Practice saying these words. know /nou/ talk /tok/ thought /Oot/ Cross out the silent letters in these words. 1. walk 7. by 2 listen 8. hour 3. widow 9. fight 4. write 10. could 5. eight TL wrong 6. island 12 daughter GIBB Listen and check. Practice saying the words. 2 Look at the phonetic spelling of these words from Exercise 1. Write the words. 1. wok, walk. 2, fbaw "hsan/ widow rat ‘ailond Write the words. They all have silent letters. svatt vite bot nat cawensar/ ‘bildiny ‘krismos! L Listen and practice saa aaa 4: Read these sentences aloud. 1. He bought his daughter eight white horses for Christmas. 2. I know you know the answer. 3. They walked and talked for hours and hours on the island, Listen and answer the questions The girl took the wrong flight. GIBD Listen and check. PP Phonetic symbols p. 34 Unit 8 + A date to remember 39 LISTENING AND SPEAKING How did you two meet? 1 Put the sentences in the correct order. There is ‘more than one answer! LD They got married. [7] They went out for a year. Ey They felt n love. [51 They had two children, [Jack and il met at a party. 1 They got engaged 2 Look at the photos of two couples and read the introductions to their stories. What do you think happened next? 3 GD Listen to them talking. Were your correct? 4 Answer the questions about Neil and Claudia, and Eric and Lori 1, Who was Stuart? Why didn’t Claudia’s friends like him? 2. What did Claudia’s friends do? 3. Where did Eric and Lori’s mothers meet? 4. Why didn’t Eric and Lori want to meet? 5. Where did Neil first see Claudia? 6. What happened when both couples first met? 7. Which couple's wedding is next fall? 5. Who said these sentences? What was it about? Write N, 6, E, or Lin the boxes. a, _____ Our story is easy. We didn’t do anything, b. ___I didn’t know anything about it! S I saw her picture and wrote to her. 4d, ___Tjust thought, ‘No way, ©. —__ Most of them went into my junk mailbox. £. I took my sister with me. g- ——...immediately everything just clicked. h ‘We all had a great time by the lake Speaking 6 Work with a partner. Imagine you are one of the people. Tell the story of how you met your boyfriend girlfriend, 7 Look at these questions. Tell your partner about you and your family 1, Are you married or do you have a girlfriend boyfriend? How did you meet? 2. When did your parents or grandparents meet? Where? How? 60 Unit 8 + A date to remember He’s not your type! Sometimes our friends don't like the people we date. Claudia's friends didn’t like her boyfriend, so she broke up with him. Her friends wanted her to have a new boyfriend, so they... eT Do mothers know best? Parents usually want their children to meet a nice person and get married. Eric's mom wanted to help him meet someone, so. DP WRITING About a friend p. 99 EVERYDAY ENGLISH Special occasions 1 Look at the list of days. Which are special? Match the special days with the pictures. birthday yesterday | Mother's Day Halloween today Monday weekend Thanksgiving | wedding day tomorrow Easter New Year's Eve Valentine's Day Friday Christmas Day 2. Which days do you celebrate in your country? What do you do? + make a cake + wear special clothes * give cards and presents + watch fireworks + have a meal + have a party + go out with friends + give lowers or chocolates 3 Complete the conversations. What are the occasions? i. Happy to you. Happy to you. Happy dear Grandma, Happy to you. KA Did you get any —__cardst B Yes, I did, Listen to this. Roses are red. Violets are blue You are my And Tove you. ‘A Wow! Do you know who it’s from? B No idea! 3. A Wake up, Mommy! Happy ! B Thank you. Oh, what beautiful flowers, and a cup of coffee! ‘And I made you a card! Look! It’s beautiful. What a sweet boy! => Congratulations! Thank you very much! ‘When's the big day? Excuse me? When's your ___ day? June 26. Didn't you get your invitation? apap 5. A It’s midnight! Happy everybody! B. Happy ___! C Happy ! ‘A Thank goodness! It’s Friday! B Yeah, Havea nice! A Same to you. 7. A Ugh! Work again. I hate Monday mornings! B Me, too. Did you have a good A Yes, I did. It was great. IBD Listen and check. Work witha partner, Choose a conversation from Exercise 3. Learn it by heart. Pay attention to stress and intonation, Act it out forthe clas. Unit 8 + Adateto remember 61 ot comer se 69 Grammar: Count and noncount nouns «/ike/Fd like + Some/ any + Much/ many = 9 Vocabulary: Food a | H Everyday English Polite requests a ) 4 qs) FOOd you like! STARTER What's your favorite» fruit? + vegetable?» drink? Write your answers. Compare them with a partner, then with the class. FOOD AND DRINK Count and noncount nouns 1 Match the food and drink with the photos. Which lst has plural nouns, A or Be a |= BIA) apple juice [T] pizea | |[T | apples ] peas tea [| pasta | |[T J oranges [7] ]tomatoes | / [TJeoftee [J cheese | [7 bananas [7] | hamburgers f EOmk Epjfn | | strawberries French fries Cs chocolate} | T Jeamots FT] cookies 2, GHYBD Listen to Daisy and Tom talking about what they i like and don’t like. Put a check (¥) next to the food and drink that Daisy likes. What doesn’t Tom like? 3. Who says these things? Write D or T. I don't like coffee at all Ile orange juice, but | dont like oranges I don’t like fruit very much at all I really like bananas. like all rut. I lke vegetables, especially carrots and peas. ‘Talk about the lists of food and drink with a partner. What do you like? What do you really like? What don’t you like? Ce 1. Look at the pairs of sentences. What is the difference? Chocolate is delicious. | Strawberries are delicious ‘Apple juice is good for you. | Apples are good for you. 2. Can we count apple juice? Can we count apples? BP Grammar Reference 9.1 p.119 62._Unit 9 * Food you like! Hike... and I'd like .. 1 GBYED Read and listen to the conversation between Tom and Daisy's mom. Hello, Tom. Would you like some milk or water? I'd like some juice, if that's OK. ‘Of course. Would you like some orange juice? Yes, pleased love some And would you lke a chocolate chip cookie? Oh, yes. pleasl Thank you very much Youre welcome ztrtr4s 2. Practice the conversation in Exercise | with a partner. Then have similar conversations about other food and drink. Would youtee some tea?) VY" [No, thanks. | don't like tea very much. COs Look at the sentences. What is the difference? Do you like tea? | Would you like some tea? like cookies. | Id like a cookie. (fd =1 would) Which sentences mean Do you want/ want... Look at these sentences. Vd like some bananas. (plural noun) Td like some mineral water. (noncount noun) ‘We use some with both plural and noncount nouns. Look at these questions Would you like some peas? ‘Are there any peas? Can Ihave some coffee? Is there any coffee? We use some, not any. when we request and offer things. We use any, not some, in other questions and negatives. D>P> Grammar Reference 9.2 and 9.3 p.119 PRACTICE Questions and answers 1 Choose Would/Do you like... ?or IWP'd like 1, Would/Do you like a tuna salad sandwich? No, thanks. I’m not hungry. 2. Do/Would you like Ella? Yes, She's very nice. 3. Do/Would you like a cold drink? Yes, soda, please. 4, Can Thelp you? Yes. I/T'd like some stamps, please. What sports do you do? Well, i/P'd like swimming very much, 6, Excuse me, are you ready to order? Yes. I/M'd like a steak, please. GIBB Listen and check, Practice with a partner. GIBB Listen and choose the correct answers. 1. D Like all sorts of fruit 1 Yes. Pd like some fruit, please 1 Pa like a book by John Grisham. like books by John Grisham. I'd like a new bike. like riding my bike. Ta like a cat but not a dog, like cats, but I don’t like dogs. [like Italian food, especially pasta. Pd like a plate of pasta. 6. No, thanks. I don’t like ice cream. C1 I'd like some ice cream, please. GIBB Listen and check. Practice with a partner. Unit 9 + Food you like! 63 2 or some? 3. Write a, an, or some. 1 strawberry 2, some fruit 3. banana 4 bread 5 milk 6 meat apple toast money 10. dollar 0. ‘notebook RD homework 4 Write a, an, or some. « _ 1 cee 2 ues a 3 cookie 4, __ cookies 5 (capo) 6. _coffee coffee z icecream 8, __iceceam cone 64 Unit 9 » Food you like! AT THE MARKET some/any, much/many 1 What can you see at the market? Talk about the photo. Use somefany and not much not many. ‘There's some cheese. ‘There aren't many cakes. Thar ent uch read. oT cant ay potas. p Ce 1. We use many with count nouns in questions and negatives. How many cakes are there? There aren't many cakes 2. We use much with noncount nouns in questions and negatives. How much bread is there? There isn’t much bread D> Grammar Reference 94 p. 119 2. Read the shopping list. Ask and answer questions about what there is in the market, Isthere any bread? Yes, there is some. Things to buy O bread Deass Emil D butter Dapples Di cookies D potatoes Dicarrots (ct rt) ae Alot D strawberries [i tomatoes | Dapple juice Deake Oi cheddar cheese Dtea There isn't much. 3 GD tom and his mom are at the market. Listen and put a check (¥) next to the things they buy from the list above. What don't they buy? 4 Look at the audio script on page 110. Work in groups of three. Practice the conversation, PRACTICE much many? 1 Complete the questions using much L. How people are there in the room? 2. How gas is there in the car? 3. How money do you have in your pocket? 4, How eggs do we have? 5, How ___ milk is there in the refrigerator? 6. How apples do you want? Choose an answer for each question in Exercise 1 a. Akio, please b. There are two cartons c. There are only two left d, Only five dollars e. Twenty. Nine men and eleven women, f. ‘The tank is full, Practice the questions and answers with a partner. Hones Were: eck it REAT> 4 L, How mich potatoes do you want? How many potatoes do you want? I don't like an ice cream. Can I have a bread, There isn't many n Pd like some fruits, please. How many money do you have? We have lot of homework today: 4 6 Role play 5. Work with a partner. Make a shopping list each. Buy the things you need in the market. Take turns to be the seller. (Gan help you? Yes, please. 'a like a/some... ) Here you are. Anythi ee Yes, Can have a/some ...? How much is that? Unit 9 + Food you like! 65 READING AND SPEAKING Food around the world 1 Which food and drink comes from your country? Which foreign food and drink is popular in your country? 2 Can you identify any places or nationalities in the photos? What food can you see? 3 Read the text. Write the correct question heading for each paragraph, Where does our food come from? What do we eat? How do we eat? Find lines in the text that match the photos. 4 Answer the questions. 1. When did human history start? Was it about 10,000 years ago or was it about I million years ago? 2. Do they eat much rice in the north of China? 3. Why do the Japanese eat a lot of fish? 4, Where don’t people eat much fish? 5, Why do people in the middle of the U.S. eat more chicken and red meat? 6. How many courses are there in China? How do people eat in the Middle East? 8, Why can we now eat most things at any time of the year? What do you think? 5. Work in small groups and discuss these questions about your country. 1, What is a typical breakfast? 2. What does your family have for breakfast? 3. Is lunch or dinner the main meal of the day? 4, What isa typical main meal? Writing 6 Write a paragraph about meals in your country. Use your ideas from Exercise 5 66 Unit 9 » Food you like! For 99% of human history, people took their food from the world around them. They ate all that they could find, and then moved on. Then about 10,000 years ago, or for 1% of human history, people learned to farm the land and control their environment. The kind of food we eat depends on which part of the world we live in, or which part of our country we live in. For example, in the south of China they eat rice, but inthe north they eat noodles. In Japan, people eat a lot of fish and other seafood But in the middle of the United States, away from the sea, people don't eat so much fish, they eat more red meat and chicken. In Central Europe, people eat hundreds of different kinds of sausages In North America, Australia, and Europe there are two or more courses to every meal, and people eat with knives and forks. In China, all the food is together on the table, and they eat with chopsticks. In parts of India and the Middle East, people use their fingers and bread to pick up the food. Nowadays its possible to transport food easily from one part of the world to the | other. We can eat what we lke, when we like, at any time of the year. Bananas ‘come from Central America or Africa; rice comes from California or Thailand, strawberries come from Chile or Mexico. Food is very big business. But people in oor countries are stll hungry, and people in rich countries eat too much. LISTENING AND SPEAKING My favorite national food 1 Look at the photos of four national dishes. Which do you like? 3 Listen to the people. What Match them with the countries nationality are they? Match them with their favorite food. What do they say Italy Argentina the US. Thailand abonr them? 2. Find these things in the photos. toast tomatoes chili peppers onions egg bacon pancakes beef noodles 4 Answer these questions about the people, 1. Who...? + travels lot + goes to cafes to eat their favorite food + kes noodles + eats their favorite food at home How do you make pad thai? . Where is the best place to eat pad thait |. When does Natalie eat a big breakfast? 9. How do you make bruschetta? Where is Giulia’s favorite place to go? How often does Sergio eat beef? 8. Who cooks it for him? What do you think? + What are your favorite national foods? When and where do you eat them? + Describe them to your partner. 68 Unit 9 » Food you like! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Polite requests 1 What can you see in the photograph? Match the questions and responses, Be adel the questions anal code We use Can/Could | MEAS Teiore non arena aa to ask fr things. ECA Yo ptt salt pleas? Ses fettresfen gia you bie Cant bave a as of wate? 3. Could | have a glass of water, please? Do you want bottled water or tap water? et Edi ian want more bread? 3 They'e delicious, 4 payee 4: Dots anybody want or ben? Yes, plese, Theyre del Lr coemiga 5. How would you like your coffee Yes of course. Here you are bate 6, This is delicious! Can you give me the recipe? Yes, please. Id ove some. Fad Gol di re the recipe? 7. Do you want help with the dishes? No.of course not We have a dishwasher ates as the ltt GIB Listen and ch Mm 3 Complete these requests with Can/Could I... 2or Can/Could you ...? GID Listen. Notice how the voice goes 79 have a cheese sandwich, please? atthe end of a request. Practice the tell me the time, please? intonation, 3. _____ take me to the station, please? =} 4, __see the menu, please? Could you pass the salt, please? ,________ lend me some money, please? help me with my homework, please? Could | have a glass of water, please? es ~—a Can you give me the recipe? 4 Practice the requests with a partner. Give an answer for each request. a —— Can | see the menu, please? Con eae achease sandwich, please? ( Ve of course, That's $175. SUED Listen and compare your answers. —________ borrow your dictionary, please? DP WRITING Filling out forms p.100 Unit9 + Food you like! 69 © Grammar; Present continuous + iis! 2 Yorba -oadig : Everyday English n clothing Set fly = STARTER 1 Look around the classroom. Can you see any of these clothes? ahat acoat asweater shirt aTshirt adress a skirt jacket ‘asuit shorts pants jeans shoes boots sneakers 2 What are you wearing? (U'm wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt. 2 ‘What is your teacher wearing? Tell the class. DESCRIBING PEOPLE Present Continuous 1 Look at the photos. Describe the people. Who ..? = Poppy's pretty + ispretty + is good-looking + istall + ishandsome + isnt very tall Wis Inc Sofia has dark heir long | and brown eves. short at Bue | eg gry brown 2 What are they doing? Who...? aes cele (t's smiting. + is laughing + is eating + siting down + isstanding up + is using a computer «is drawing + is painting «is reading + is walking 3. What are they wearing? (ana wearing gasses. 70 Unit 10 + Looking good! Coe ‘Am/is/are + adjective describes people and things. TI BSR OnE YER She is young/tall/pretty Write sentences that are true for you at the moment. ‘Am/is/are + verb + “ing describes activities 1. L/scearing a jacket I'm not wearing a jacket, 'm wearing a sweater. happening now. Complete the chart. 2. Ifwearing jeans a eta 3. standing up 6. teacher/writing 4. Ifooking out of the window 7. Welworking hard You Learning English 5. Iv/raining. 8. chewing gum sitting ina classroom. listening to the teacher. Tella partner about yourself york with a partner Student A Choose someone in the classroom, but don’t say who. This isthe Present Continuous tense. Student B Ask Yes/No questions to find out who it is! What ae the questions and the negatives? > What is the difference between these ‘<7 ae setiaces? (Geatens ere wna )_ (Behe ne a He speaks Spanish 7 (No, she isn't TA No, she doesn’ He's speaking Spanish D> crammar Reference 103 and 102 p.120 | 3 Lookout the window. What can you see? Buildings? Hills Fields? Can you see any people? What are they doing? Describe the scene Ubi. ri. Unit 10 + Looking good! 71 Who's at the wedding? ‘a Alan is at Mike's wedding, but he doesn’t know anyone, Mike is telling him about the other guests. Listen and write the people's names on the picture. 5 Listen again and complete the chart. Present Continuous | Present Simple George | He's siting down and | He works in LA he’s taking to James. “Tames Fiona = | | Bill and John =i be Getting information 6 Work with a partner, n Student A Look at the picture of a party on page 124. Student B Look at the picture of a party on page 126. Don't show your picture! There are ten differences. Talk about the pictures to find them, in my picture three people are dancing tn my piture four people are danci (There's a woman with brown hair Is she wearing a black oress? Unit 10+ Looking good! 2 GAB Listen to the questions. A DAY IN THE PARK Whose is it? 1 Find these things in the picture. smeakers baseball cap abicycle adog flowers acoat sunglasses anuumbrella headphones ateboard Complete the answers with his, hers, or theirs, 1, Whose baseball cap is this? It’s 2. Whose flowers are these? They're 3. Whose dog is this? Its Practice the questions and answers with a partner. ‘Then ask about the other things in Exercise 1 Give something of yours to the teacher. Ask and answer questions about the objects. Use these possessive pronouns mine yours his hers ours theirs ee | Whose jacket is this? peg, t's hers, PRACTICE who's or whose? 1. Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with a partner. 1. Like your / yours house. 2. Ours / Our house is smaller than their / theirs, 3. And their / theirs backyard is bigger than our /ours too. 4, My / Mine children are older than her / hers. 5. Whose / Who’s talking to your / yours sister? 6. This book isn’t my / mine. Is it your / yourst 7. “Whose / Who's dictionary is this?” “It's his /hisn.” 8, “Whose / Who's going to the party tonight?” “I'm not. 9. “Whose / Who's dog is running around ov / ours backyard?” 2 GBD Listen to the sentences. Ifthe word is Whose? shout 1! If the word is Who's? shout 2! What a mess! 3 ‘The house is a mess! Complete the conversation. Listen and check. Who's on the phon A tennis racket this? Be ‘A What’sit doing here? BI'm tennis this afternoon. The Present Continuous can also describe activities happening in the near future. 'm playing tennis this afternoon. ‘We're having pizza for dinner tonight. 4 Make more conversations with a partner. 1, sunglasses ... these? / John's / going to the beach later shoes ... these? / Mary’s / going dancing tonight suitcase ... this? / mine / going on vacation tomorrow coat ... this? / Jane's / going for a walk soon plane ticket ... this? / Jo’s / flying to Houston this afternoon 1 me my | mine 6. glasses ... these? / ours / having a party tonight You | you He = || She | hers Check it We us our They them 2. Whose ....? asks about possession. Whose hat is this? Whose is it? 3. Careful! Who's your teacher? Who's = Who is DP Grammar Reference 10.3 p. 120 Gira 1 Complete the chart. Subject | Object | Adjective | Pronoun in TAD Listen and check. 5 Correct the sentences, Alice is tall and she has long, black hairs. ‘Who's boots are these? P'm wearing a jeans. Look at Roger. He stands next to Jeremy He's work in a bank. He’s the manager. What is drinking Suzie? Whose that man in the backyard? Where you going tonight? What you do after school today? Is mine. = It’s my hat. Unit 10 + Looking good! 73 LISTENING AND SPEAKING Looking for that something 1 What makes you happy? Think of five things that make you happy. Write them down, Compare them with a partner 2. What makes you happiest? Choose one thing only. Compare with the class. a Close your books and listen to the song. 4 Read the song by an Irish band called Westlife. Can you match these words from the song and their meanings? joy tolove to cherish happiness to deny when the sun comes up solitary to sayno to something the sunrise alone, lonely 5 Look at the words on the right. Choose the correct word to complete the lines, Listen again and check. What do you think? + In the song, what does “flying without wings” mean? + Did you find any of the things on your list in the song? 74 Unit 10 + Looking good! verybody's for that something | looking / finding BE One thing that makes it all complete You find it in the strangest Places you never knew it could be Some find it in the faces of their_—__ parents / children Some find it in their lover's = hair/eyes Who can deny the joy it brings When you find that _____ thing special / interesting You're flying without wings ‘Some find it sharing every —___ breakfast / morning Some in their solitary lives P You find it in the words of others A simple line can make you ____or ery dance / laugh You find it in the deepest —___ friendship / water The kind you cherish all your life And when you know how that means | many / much You've found that special thing | You're flying without wings | So impossible as it may seem You've got to — for every dream fight / sleep ‘Cause who's to which one you let go say / know Would have made you complete Well, for me it's waking up beside“ ==" her you To watch the sunrise on your face To know that | can say! ou ‘At any given time or place It's little things that only | know Those are the things that make you — And it’s like flying without wings “Cause you're my special ''m fiying without wings You're the place my life ‘And you'll be where it ends I'm flying without wings ‘And that's the joy you __ I'm flying without wings Speaking 6 Read the questionnaire and answer the questions. Stand up. Ask students in the class the questions. Find people with the same answers as yours. vorite things your favorite food? 7 Tell the class which people like the same things as you. Johann and | both lke blue. ‘Stella and [both lke sneakers. = BP WRITING Describing people p. 107 Unit 10 + Looking good! 75, VOCABULARY Describing feelings 1. Match the feelings to the pictures bored tired worried excited annoyed interested | 2 Match the feelings and reasons to make sentences. Feelings Reasons | bored {fm going on vacation tomorrow. tired | we have a good teacher. lam | worried | because | I worked very hard today. exited I cant find my keys. annoyed | Thave nothing to do. | want to go to the party but I can. excited Life in New York is very ... exciting ‘The football fans were very tired The marathon runners were very ... tiring | That game of tennis was very . 3.| annoyed The child’s behavior was really . | annoying_| The teacher was ... when nobody did the homework. 4.) worried The news is very .. worrying | Everybody was very ... when they heard the news. 78 Unit 10 - Looking good! ‘Some adjectives can end in both -ed and -ing. | was interested in the book ‘The book was interesting, The students were bored, The lesson was boring. 4 Answer your teacher's questions using adjectives from Exercises | and 2. Did you lke doing Exercise 2? No, we ain't. It was very boring! Ina clothing store Read the lines of a conversation in a clothing store. Who says them, the customer or the salesperson? Write 6 or $P. a, SP Can Thelp you? b. €_ Ob, yes. I like that one much better, Can try it on? $39.99. How do you want to pay? 4, ___ Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt to go with my new jeans. & __ Blue. f, ___ Yes, of course. The fitting rooms are over there. Is the size OK? g — OK.I'll take the green. How much is it? h, __ Can I pay by credit card? i, __ What color are you looking for? j. —— No, it isn’t the right blue. k, __ No, it'sa bit too big. Do you have a smaller size? 1. ___ That’ the last blue one we have, I'm afraid. But we have it in green. m.__ Well, what about this one? Its a bit darker blue. n. __ What about this one? Do you like this? 0, —_ Credit card's fine. Thank you very much. Can you match any lines with the photos? Photol $P_Con help you? © Yes, please. 'm looking fra shirt to 0 with my now jeans. Work with a partner and put the lines in the correct order. GUID Listen and check Practice the conversation with your partner. Pay attention to stress and intonation ‘Make more conversations in a clothing store, Buy some different clothes. Unit 10 + Looking good! 77 9 Grammar: Going to future + ‘Comparatives and superlatives 9 Vocabulary: Weather Everyday English: Making suggestions STARTER 1 How many sentences can ‘you make? ‘when Iwas a student, tim goingto Brazl__| next month. 2. Make similar true sentences, went 1 Brazil | ina year. about you. Tell the class, ‘two years ago. when I retire, FUTURE PLANS going to 1 Jack and his coach, Danny Carrick, both have plans for the future. Read their future plans. Which do you think are Jack's? Which are Danny's? Write J or D. J im going to bea soceer player. tim going to travel allover the world. Tim going to train very hard Im going to try new things. im going to play fora Major League Soccer team, im not going to marry until fm very old. 7, ___ Im not going to stay at home and watch TV. 8 {im going to lear to scuba dive a 'm going to write a book. 10. fm going tobe famous GAD Listen and check. Were you correct? 2 Talk first about Jack, then about Danny. Use the ideas in Exercise 1. 7 2 3 4 5 6 (aeck’s going tobe a soccer player. — He's going to... Which two plans are the same for both of them? They're both going to...) 3 GYD Listen and repeat the questions and answers about Jack, ( Tehe going to be a soccer player? (ats he gong todo? Yes, he is. Train very hard. 78 Unit Il + Life's an adventure! PRACTICE Questions about Jack 1 With a partner, make more questions about Jack. Then match them with Questions 1. Why/he/train very hard? 2. How long/play soce 3. When/marry? 4, How many children/have? 5, Who/teach to play? Answers a. Until he's 35. b. Two. c. His sons d, Not until he’s very old— yout 25! €. Because he wants to be a soccer player: Listen and check. Practice the questions and answers with your partner. Questions about you 3. Are you going to do any ofthese things alter class? Ask and answer the questions with a partner, 1. watch TV have coffee 3, catch a bus 4, eat in a restaurant 5. meet some friends 6. cook a meal 7. go shopping 8. wash your hair 9, do your homework (Are you going to watch TW? Wires. am./No, im not. ) 4 Tell the class some of the things you and your partner are or are not going to do, We're both going to have coffee. ) “LTT tm going to catch a bus, but Arma ) len't. She's going to walk home. —— Unit 1! + Life's an adventure! 79 EXCITING VACATIONS Comparative adjectives 1 What is your perfect vacation? Which do you prefer? + abeach vacation saskitrip * ahikng vacation in the mountains +a sightseeing vacation ina city 2 Match an adjective with its opposite. Which adjectives do you think best describe the vacations in Exercise? : cheap relaxing boring safe | [ stressful dangerous exciting expensive Mra joes 85 rooms $420 to $710 a night ‘one bar and restaurant 40-minute tax ide from airport 3 GENBD Listen to Tony and Amanda talking about their next vacation. Which vacation do you think they will choose? Why? Much more than... 4 Write the correct form of the adjectives. 1. A [think a vacation in Los Angeles is cheaper (cheap) than a vacation in Miami, B I don’t think so. Los Angeles is much —more _ expensive (expensive) 2. A T think Boston is __ (small) and _____ (old) than New York B Well, you'te right, Boston is___ (small), but its nor (old). 3. A A ski trip is going to be hiking in the mountains. exciting) than B I don't agree. Hiking is much ___ (exciting). 4. A [think mountain climbing is much —____ Built in 1998, (dangerous) than sky diving, © 98 rooms B Really? I think they're both very frightening. I don’t think '* $200 to $600 a night one is __(safe) than the other. ‘* two bars and two restaurants ‘+ 50-minute boat ride from airport Which city do you think is ______ (good), Mexico City or Buenos Aires? B [don't know. I think they're both great. I don't think one is _______ (exciting) than the other GIBD Listen and check. Practice the conversations with a partner. ccs 1. Complete these comparatives. What are the rules? 1m ____(ol) than you Your class is __ (noisy) than my class. Your car was (expensive) than my car 2. What are the comparatives of the adjectives in the boxes? 3. The comparatives of good and bad are irregular. What are they? good_____ bad + Builtin 1992 * 7tooms + $660 to $770 a night * one bar and restaurant * one hour seaplane flight from airport DP Grammar Reference 1.2 p.121 80 Unit 11 + Life's an adventure! PARADISE ISLANDS Superlative adjectives 1. Look at the pictures of some of the world’s most relaxing vacation resorts on page 80. Which one do you like best? 2. Read the information about them. Are the sentences true (V) or false (X)? Correct the false sentences. ‘What is the same about the true (7) sentences? 1. The Coral Club is cheaper than the 2. Bati Island is the most expensive resort. 3. The Coral Club is newer than the Palm Hotel. 4. The Palm Hotel is the newest resort. 5. The Coral Club is bigger than the Palm Hotel. 6 8. Im Hotel. . The Palm Hotel is the biggest resort. Bati Island is the smallest resort. Bati Island is nearer to the airport than the Palm Hotel. 9. The Coral Club is the nearest toithe airport. 10. Bati Island isthe farthest from the airport. es ‘Complete these superlative sentences, What’ the rule? The Palm Hotel is the _ (cheap). (expensive) Bati Island is the —___. Dictionaries often show irregular comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Look at this: good (gus! ad}. (better, best) Complete these irregular forms: tbad fbr! adj. (____. far far! ad. > P Grammar Reference 11.2 p. 121 PRACTICE The biggest and best! 1 Complete the conversations using the superlative form of the adjective. 1. Mount Everest is a very big mountain. Yes, it's the bigest mountain _ in the world, . The Lakers are a very famous basketball team. Yes, I think 3. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel. Yes, in the world in the city. 4, New York’s a very cosmopolitan city. Yes, _ in the world. 5, Brad Pitt is a very popular movie star Yes, in America, 6. Miss Smith is a very funny teacher. Yes, —___in our school Anna isa very intelligent student Yes, in the class. 8. This isa very easy exercise Yes, __in the book. Listen and check. What othe you hear? formation do Talking about your class 2. How well do you know the other students in your class? Describe them using these adjectives and others. tall small old young intelligent funny | I think Wvan isthe tallest inthe class. He's taller than Karl. Sofia's the youngest. Vm the most inteligent! Check it 3 Correct the sentences. 1. I'm the most young in the class 2. She's taller and most intelligent that her brother. 3. Last week I was much busyer than this week. 4. My homework is the worse in the class. Yours is the most good. Yesterday was more warm than today. Is going to rain and be more cold tomorrow Are you going wash your hair this evening? This exercise is most difficult in the book Unit Tl + Life's an adventure! 81 a READING AND SPEAKING ; Born free 1. Which of these sports do you think is the most dangerous? Put them in order 1-6. 1is the most dangerous, ‘Compare your ideas with a partner and then the clas. —— skiing soccer __ mountain climbing windsurfing golf __scuba diving 2. Match a verb with a noun or phrase jump amedal ‘take fovera wall | win underwater sii arecord | break orygen ; breathe | aclass 3 Look at the photos of Tanya Streeter and David Belle. Do you know what the sport is? Work in two groups. Group A Read about Tanya. Group B Read about David, Answer the questions about your person. Check your answers with your group. 1, Where did she/he grow up? What did she/he like doing as a chil How did she/he become interested in the sport? . How does shefhe feel when he/she does the sport? 9. How dangerous is the sport? >. Does she/he teach the sport? . What did she/he do last year? . What are her/his future plans? 4 Work with a partner from the other group. Compare Tanya and David, using your answers. Speaking 5 Group A Make questions to ask David. 1, Why/like the countryside? 2. Whatilike doing at school? 3. What sportiinvent? | 4. What/do in Lisses? 5. What/do next? Group B Make questions to ask Tanya. 1, Whatilike doing as a child? 2. When/take a diving class? } 3. How long/canfswim underwater? 4, What record/break? 5. What/do next? 6 Work with a partner from the other group. Interview each other. Unit 1 Life's an adventure! l Asa child, Tanya Streeter always loved swimming in the sea — she grew up in the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. She could always dive the deepest for seashells. But didn’tknow then that she could dive deeper than anyone else in the world, Tanya discovered her diving abilities in 1997, when she took a class in free diving, Free diving is a new sport It’s very dangerous, because you dive with no oxygen. There were only men in the elass and no one wanted to dive with her because she s girl. But her class was surprised ws saw how long she could swim Her teachers immediately her. A few months later, Tan Last year she broke the world second. She dove 121 meters: She says: ‘At the bottom of love the peace and quiet down Coming up again is very difficult. oe think about the “ae at ae i always loved the feeling of freedom there. He liked Fanning, jumping, and climbing trees live in Lisses, a town outside Paris. But the continued to jump and climb there, As a teenager in 1989, David invented the sport of Le Parkour or “free running The idea of Le Parkour isto find new and often dangerous ways to travel across the town. The runners or “traceurs” workin, roofs, and buildings—everything! They try 10 move like cats. David and his friend Sebastian spent ten years in Lisses practicing their moves and jumps, and teaching other people. Last year they w on television for the first time. David says that Le Parkour is an art and a philosophy, not a sport. They are not trying to win medals. They just want to learn new mo and do them well. They like to feel free. David says: “We do it because we need to move. We are going to take our art to the world and show people how to mo ‘And we are going to go where no hu ever went before.” VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING The weather 1 Match the words and symbols. sunny rainy windy snowy cloudy foggy Be, By “fe: oe fs ™ Which symbols can the following adjectives go with? hot warm cold cool wet dy | 2 GHVBB Listen and complete the answers. ‘A What's the weather lke today? Bits and it’s very ‘A What was it like yesterday? B Oh,itwas and. ‘A What'sit going tobe like tomorrow? B I think it’s going to be Practice the questions and a the weather where you are. 3 Work with a partner. Find outabout the weathet aod the world yesterday Student B Go to page 126. Student A Look at the information on this page. inswers. Ask and answer about WORLD WEATHER What was the weather Fr) like in Atlanta? (tanta [86] TAY twas sunny and hot [iain a Eighty -edegrens [Basila 13 175 Denver Hong Kong [R60 London Los angles Fg 70, [Mexico san Francisco Fq_[50, Isic Paulo seatle "R22 ronto Nancower [sn | 40 4 Which city was the hottest? Which month do you think 84 Unit Nl + Life's an adventure! Which was the coldest? it ist Making suggestions 1 Make a list of things you can do in good weather and things, you can do in bad weathe?. Compare your list with a partner. { Good weather Go to the beach _| 2 GIBB Read and listen to the beginning of two conversations: Complete B's suggestions 1 Alt'sa beautiful day! what should we do? Blet's ! 2 Alts raining again! What should we do? Blet’s and 1. We use should to ask for and make suggestions What should we do? = What do you want to do? ‘Should we go swimming? = I suggest that we go swimming, 2. We use Let's to make a suggestion for everyone. Let's go! =| suggest that we all go. (Lets = Let us) Let's have a pizzal 3 Continue the two conversations in Exercise 2 with these lines, Put them in the correct order a-<. [1] weet tet’s go to the beach. [110% What movie do you want to see? [TEL] Of no k's 00 hat to ply tennis [1] sur we watched a OVD last nigh. [1 Ji ger my bathing suit Well let's go tothe movies. you BD Listen and check. Practice the conversations with partner. Pay attention to stress and intonation. 4 Have more conversations suggesting what to do when the weather is good or bad. Use your lists of activities in Exercise 1 to help you PP WRITING Writing a postcard p. 102 _ (69 Grammar: resent Perfect» ever never, yet, and just be 9 Vocabulary City and country words | y) Everyday English: At the alrport a Cuca ae STARTER 1 Match the countries and flags. [Thailand Bra Mexico Great Britain Spain Japan Korea 0 Ezypt the US. a 2 Puta check (/) next to the countries that you have visited, IN MY LIFE cone throne, Bi Present Perfect + ever and never : i Hi qusaes' 1 GRE Listen to Steve and Ryan’s Son, Fancsee o> conversation. What are they talking about? Bg Sontontic | eat has Who's Tara? a duper tne - and abe’ 2. IND Read and listen to Ryan's answers. Nas oe au oe hen listen and repeat — Then listen and repeat. Ste Naor) Pade I've been to Paris (I've = have) FY Shuck ob (unt oeaubQd . { haven't been to Barcelona ve been to Italy. I've never been to Venice. She's been to Mexico, (She's = She has) She hasn't been anywhere in Europe! ee ee iaaihedog tie 4 Sidey Work in groups. Look at the flags. Tell each other which countries you have or haven’t visited, Have you been to any other countries? 3 GAYE Read and listen to Tara and Steve's conversation. Practise with a partner. ‘T Have you ever been to Barcelona? $ No, [haven't T Have you ever been to Paris? S Yes, [have. T When did you go? $ Two years ago. T Did you like it? S Yes, it was beautiful. 86 Unit 12 » Have you ever? 4 Write down the names of four cities in your country or another country that you have visited, Have similar conversations with your partner. 5. Tell the class about your partner. (Maria's been to Seoul.) (Maria's = Maria has) [_ She went there two years ago. 7 But she hasn't been to Tokyo./ ‘She's never been to Tokyo. (She's = She has CEs We use the Present Perfect to talk about experiences in our lives. Have you ever (at any time in your life) been to Toronto? We use the Past Simple to say exactly wen something happened. When did you go to Toronto? Lwent there |. two years ago. in 2008, We make the Present Perfect tense with has/have + the past participle. Complete the chart. Affirmative | Negative been to Toronto. Write ever and never in the right place in these sentences. Has he been to Tokyo? He's been to Tokyo. D>D> Grammar Reference 121 p.121 PRACTICE Past participles 1 Here are the past participles of some verbs. Write the infinitive. eaten _¢8t made given seen a met ridden had drunk cooked_____ stayed flown bought done 2 Which are the two regular verbs? 3 What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs? 4 Look at the list of irregular verbs on page 133 and check your answers, Unit 12 + Have you ever? 87 What has Ryan done? 1 GBD Listen to Ryan talking about his life and put a check (¥) next to the things he has done. lived ina foreign country worked fora big company stayed in an expensive hotel flown ina jumbo jet cooked a meal fra lot of people met a famous person seen a play by Shakespeare ridden a motorcycle been to the hospital won a competition i) o oa oO ao oO oO Q ao a 2 Tell your teacher about Ryan and answer your teacher's questions, He's lived in a foreign country. Which country did he ive in? How ing did he live there? 3. Ask your teacher the questions from Exercise 1 cian Have you ever lived ina foreign country? a Which country aid you lve in?) ae? 4 Aska partner the questions. Tell the class about your partner 88 Unit 12 - Have you ever? A HONEYMOON IN VENICE Present Perfect + yet and just 1 Ryan and Tara are on their honeymoon in Venice. Before they went, they made a list of things they wanted to do there. Read the list below VEN TCE Things 40 do Dy have coffee in St. Mark's Square Tl clump up the gel! Tower Di see the paintings in the Dow's Palace 1 ride on a aendola Tl ae on a bons ride along she rand Canal D walk across the Rialto aridge TD visit the alass factories on Murano Tland D gp 40 tre beach a4 jhe Lido 2 QAIBD “ara is calling her sister Amy back home in the USS. Listen to their conversation, Put a check () next to the things in the list she and Ryan have done. Cra Complete the sentences. 1. Have you ina gondola yet? 2 We climbed up the Bell Tower yet. 3. We just con a boat ride along the Grand Canal. Where do we put yet in a sentence? Where do we put just ina sentence? We can only use yet with two of the following. Which two? (Affirmative sentences Cauestions Cinegative sentences D> Grammar Reference 12.2 p. 122 3. With a partner, talk about what Ryan and Tara have done and haven't done yet. ‘They've had coftee in St. Mark’s Square, ‘They haven't climbed up the Bell Tower yet. (BD Listen again and check. 1 Work with a partner. Make questions with yer and answers with just Have you called your mother yet?) 1 Yes, just called her.) a - do the dishes have lunch wash your hair clean the car 5. make dinner meet the new student check your e-mail 8. give your homework to the teacher 9. finish the exercise 2 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence 1. Gl Isaw Ryan yesterday 1 Pve seen Ryan yesterday Did you ever eat Chinese food? i Have you ever eaten Chinese food? 1D Tara won $5,000 last month, Tara has won $5,000 last month. C et Oo c nk Italian coffee. I've never drunk Italian coffee Steve has ever been to Taiwan, Steve has never been to Taiwan, 6. ©) Has your sister yet had the baby? Has your sister had the baby yet? 7. [haven't done my homework yet Ci I've done my homework yet 8. CJ Did she just bought a new car? ] Did she just buy a new car? Unit 12+ Have youever? 89 READING AND SPEAKING We've never learned to drive! 1 Work with a partner, Ask and answer the questions. Compare your answers with the class. ever .? ‘When? Where? Who with? : sway? g nay? I P ok 2 [eee 2. Read the introduction to the article and look at the photos. ‘What questions would you like to ask Josie and Russell? Which countries have you been to? Why... never learned to drive? ever been frightened? ever had an accident? 3. Work in two groups. Group A Read about Josie. Group B Read about Russell Try to find the answers to your questions in Exercise 2. 4 Answer the questions. 1. What is her/his job? . How did her/his love of travel start? . When did she/he start traveling? ‘Where has she/he been? . Does she/he travel alone or with other people? . What extreme weather conditions has she/he experienced? 7. What's the most frightening thing that has ever happened to her/him? 8. What does she/he like best about traveling? 9. What is she/he going to do next? 5. Find a partner from the other group. Compare your answers to the questions. Language work Find examples of the Present Perfect of these verbs in the article, like cycle write travel learn le make visit What do you think? + Would you like to travel like Josie and Russell? WhyfWhy not? + Do people cycle and hitchhike a lot in your country? + What's your favorite way to travel? Why? 90 Unit 2 » Have you ever? There are over 625 million cars in the world today, but some people just don’t like them. Meet two great travelers who have been everywhere, but never behind a driving wheel. Angela Matthews reports. The woman at home on a bike osie Dew says it was her elementary school teacher who made her want to travel. “She told such wonderful stories about distant lands. I dreamed of visiting them one day.” But after Josie fell out of a fast moving car when she was very young, she has never liked driving or being driven in anything with four wheels. She prefers two. She has cycled all her life, She began touring when she was eleven, going around England and Scotland. Her first big tour was to Africa, cycling through Europe on her way to Tunisia and Algeria. She wrote a book about this trip, called Wind in My Wheels, and she has since written six more books. When she's not cycling, she works as a professional chef. She says: “T work as hard as I can to pay for my next trip.” She reckons she has cycled more than 300,000 miles in all five continents. She has been to over 43 countries. She has cycled through floods in the Himalayas, through baking deserts in Morocco, and through tornados in the U.S. She has often 4 been near war zones, but has only had one really frightening experienc “Aman attacked me while I was in Eastern Europe, and I had to escape.’ She has sometimes cycled with friends, but she has mainly traveled alone. “What I like best is the sense of freedom. I meet more people when I'm on my own. People are so kind. They help me out and talk to me and I get to know people everywhere.” She has a daughter, Molly, who she takes with her on her cycling tours. “Molly has already been to Europe. Now we're planning a trip to Canada.” Life on the open road ‘hen Russell Hartford was a child, he loved looking at maps. “Ijust think they are so exciting. I always knew that one day I would travel the world,” he says. He was a teenager in the 1960s, and started hitchhiking because “everyone did it and it was free.” His first trip was to Mexico when he was 17, and it was an adventure that opened his eyes. He has never learned to drive because, he says: “I am hopeless with anything mechanical. I tried to drive once, but I backed into a wall, so I never tried again.” When he got married, he and his new wife hitchhiked to Niagara Falls for their honeymoon He teaches geography at a college in Boston, so he usually waits for long school breaks to travel overseas. So far, he has been to over 40 countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. And he's gotten some strange rides, He's ridden on a motorcycle in Argentina, on camel in Egypt, and on a tractor in China. Once he was standing on a highway in Alaska ‘when it started to snow. “There was a snow storm and it was a complete whiteout. I couldn't see anything, and no one could see me. I nearly froze to death.” The most danger he has ever been in was in Brazil, when a snake crossed the road right in front of him. “Tater found out that it was a tropical rattlesnake—and very poisonous!” He sometimes travels with his wife, but usually on his own. “The best thing for me is meeting people from different cultures.” He has made a lot of friends, and some of them have visited him. He's now planning a trip around the coast of Australia, the only continent he's never seen. Unit 12 + Have youever? 91 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION City and country words 1 Match these words with the pictures. Which things do you usually find only in the country? woods park museum church farm bridge patking lot port factory cafe field theater lake village hill mountain cottage building river airport | 2 Complete the sentences with a word from Exercise 1. Everest is the highest in the world, 2. The Golden Gate in San Francisco is the longest n the U.S, 3, The Caspian Sea isn’t a sea, It's the largest in the world, 4, Singapore is the busiest in Asia. Ships from all over the world stop there 5. The Empire State in New York was the tallest —__ in the world for over 40 years GAIBD Listen and check 3. Write these words from Exercise 1 4 Divide into two groups. Play the game Which group can continue the longest? Group 1 A walk in the country Continue one after the other. went fora walk inthe country and | saw a farm. ~Y went for a walkin the country and | saw a farm and some cows. (Civent for = Group 2 A walk in the city Continue one after the other wwodz: form fektori fild/ —_ Oiatar brid —__ went for a walkin the city mauntn fart “buldin and saw come stores. (QAIBD Listen and repeat. 92 Unit 12 + Have you ever? Y Twent for a walkin the city and } "saw some stores and a park. Lwent for. t EVERYDAY ENGLISH At the airport 1. What do you do at an airport? Read the sentences and put them in the correct order. You wait in the departure lounge, _-__ You check in your luggage and get a boarding pas. You board the plane. “You go through passport control You get a cat for your luggage. = You check the departures monitor for your gate A You arrive at the airport. umber. 2 Listen to the airport announcements and complete the chart, AL ; United Re ee ean Air Canada MMMM WINNIPEG ren rc) | ee 3. GAIBY Listen to the conversations. Who are the people? What are they doing? + meeting people + checking in luggage + waiting in the departure lounge + saying good-bye 4 Complete each conversat n with the correct question. ‘When can we see each other again? Did the announcement say gate 4 or 14? Did you have a good honeymoon? And carry-on luggage? 2. A Canthave yourticket, 3. {YAY Ryan!” a ‘ 4, A. Well, that’s my flight, please? 1B Hil Amy! Great to see Is time to go. B Yes, of course. you! i B_ Ohno! It's been a a ‘A. Thank you. How many A It’s great to see you, wonderful two weeks ‘A Ieouldn't hear. suitcases do you have? to0. You look terrific! {can't believe its over. I think it said 14. B Just one ee A know. B Look! There its on a D Fantastic. Everything ty ‘the monitor. tis Bust this bag was great. B Soon, thope. il email patel. ‘A That's fine ‘A Well, you haven't every day. A OK. Come ont! B Oh...canthavea missed anything here. A call, to0. Good-bye. Letsgo. window seat? Nothing much has B Good-bye. Give my ‘A Sure ....OK. Here's happened at all! love to your family. your boarding pass. Have a nice fight GAYBB Listen again and check. Work with a parmer. DP WRITING Writing an e-mail p. 103 Choose a conversation from Exercise 4. Learn it by heart. Pay attention to stress and intonation, Act it out for the class. Unit 2 + Have youever? 93 UNIT 3 NATURAL WRITING ~ Using pronouns 1 Underline the pronouns and possessive adjectives in these sentences. 1. She likes my brother and he likes her. 2. Our mother works hard, Her job is interesting, 3. We listen to our teachers. They help us. 2 Complete the chart 4 Read about Istvan's family. Who is Istvin? Who is in the photo? 5. The text is not very natural. Which nouns can you replace with pronouns or possessive adjectives? Underline them. Istvan's family Subject pronouns Object pronouns | Possessive adjectives 1 | me my you [he him tis I [ her ie i Tis them | their 3 Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun, 1. My sister has a new car, but_8h® doesn’t drive —it 2, Lucas has two sons. — ———_ im his free time, plays basketball with 3. That’s my dictionary. Can T have back, please? 4. Ana’s new teacher is Mr. Banks. likes alot Rosa and I are good students. teacher Estella and she likes like our 6. Our teacher gives a lot of homework Kate knows Joanna, but Maria doesn’t know at all 8. Ken buys a newspaper every day. reads oon the train. 9. Look! This is a photo of. with my family 10, Carla lives near Paul and Mi work with goes to every day in their car. Subject pronouns come before the verb. He knows them. I love him. She wants it Object pronouns come after the verb, He knows them. ! love him. She wants it. 94° Writing Unit 3 Istvan Kis is Hungarian, but Istvan lives in the U.S. because Istvan is married to an American. Istvan is a ‘music professor. Istvan likes his job because bis job is interesting, and Istvan loves playing in concerts. Istvan travels around the world to play, but Istvan's wife, Stacey, doesn't go with Istvan because Stacey doesn’t like traveling, Istvan and Stacey have a nine-year-old daughter. Istvén and Stacey's daughter's name is Alicia. Alicia goes to school, and Alicia aso plays the Piano every day. Alicia wants to be @ pianist too, and travel with Alicia's father, Stacey doesnt want to go.with Istvan ‘nd Alicia. When Istvan and ‘Alicia travel around the world, Stacey says she wants a dog! 6 Work with a partner and rewrite the text to make it more natural. Begin like this. {tvan Kis is Hungarian, but he lives in the U.S. ... UNIT 4 INFORMAL LETTERS - To a pen pal 1 Do you have friends from different countries? Who? Where from? Talk to a partner. 2 Read Becky's letter to her pen pal, Tiago. + Whereis she? + Where ishe? + What does Becky write about? 83 Grand Street | Brooklyn, NY 11211 Aprils We begin al letters boa withDear,..§ ————— a Thank you for your address in Brazil My naue’s Becky ard. Lie 19 years old. Pe a language student at Columbia University. I live in an apartucent in Brooklyn with my mother aud futher, my brother Jaanes, andl iy Korean friend So-yeung. 1 speak French, spanish, and a little Germat, but 1 dont speak Portuguese. Sorry! My furorite subject tn school is spanish, bu 1 don like German. 1 like listening to music and swinundig, On weekends ikcdltiiesio§ 1 go ont with iy friends. Sometioes we go to the frend with est wishes tmovies and sometinces 1 go to a cafe or a restaurant. We use Love if we know = the person very wel What about you? What do you do in Brazil? Please write to me. SS Zh a N. best wishes, aecky 3 Read the letter again. Tiago Costa + How does i begin and end? ; «What isthe date? Rua Bellavista 118 + What is Becky's address? + What isthe np code? Fortaleza Do you write addresses in the same way? : Brazil 4 Write a similar letter to a pen pal about you. Writing Unit4 95 UNIT 5 DESCRIBING WHERE YOU LIVE Linking words ~ and, so, but, because 1 Join A, B and C to make sentences. = and I don't like Los Angeles. Hike New York | so it's an exciting city but 1 go there alot because | | like Chicago. 2 Write similar sentences about where you live Start Ilike/don’t like (your town) 3 Complete the sentences with and, so, but or because a DVD player. we don’t have a backyard, 1. In my bedroom there's a television and 2. We live on the top floor, — 3. Like living bh 4. [like Mexican foo 3. We both like sailing, 6. New York is expensive, it's near the stores, my husband doesn’t like it. we live near the sea. Ike it, 4 Read about Suzie’s new apartment. Complete the text with the linking words in Exercise | - Where I live Ilive in a new apartment in Washington, DC. It's very small, (!!___it’s nice! There's a sunny living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom. Bb helsing room hat tig dow (3 a comfortable sofa in front of it There isn't a very big backyard, (). there is a park at the end of the street, in the summer | often go there to read or sunbathe, live alone with my cat, Marmalade, (1 I never feel lonely (?|___I have a lot of, sitors, My friends come to see me a lot, 6 ‘we sometimes watch a movie or cook dinner. love my apartment for many reasons: the sunny living room, the good times with friends, ° best ofall (10 it is my first home. 5. Make notes about where you live, Use these questions, + Where sit? + Isit old or new? ‘+ How many rooms ae there? + Who do you live with? Talk to partner about your notes. 6 Write a description of your home. 96 Writing Unit 5 + What is near your home? + Do you like it? What do you like best of all? UNIT 6 FORMAL LETTERS - Applying for a job 1 Read the advertisement for a job. 2 Carol is interested in the job. Read the information about her What is the job? Where is it? Do you think she is the right person for the job? 1S THE CHICAGO Name | Grol Barnes INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a ae 7 wants a receptionist [Address [6 Walton street + Do you like working with people? | | chicago, tL 60615 + Can you speak two foreign languages? Present job Tour guide + Can you use a computer? Last job Hotel receptionist + Do you know Chicago well? Languages | French, Spanish ‘Please write to: Anne Watson, Director — ‘he chlagoineratlonal School {eLincen toa, Chea 60601 loremail awatson@chleageintedu 3. Look at Carol’s letter and complete it with the information from her chart Trenane and adres of nie Wotcg air 6 Watton), \ fee “The Chicago International Schoo! Chicago, 60513 10 Lincoln (2). , Chicago, IL 60601 The date goeshere, —__angust 19 Dear Ms, Watson, = Paragraph! i a ore _-~ 1am interested in the job of (3) at your school. Fy tretuction We use Mt for aman Tam (4) years old and I (5). in Chicago. At the moment | T'm a (6) guide, but last year I (7)______a hotel receptionist. _|_ | Paragraph 2 1(8)—______ working with people very much and I (9)_______speak i A slertlon | ‘two (10)______., French and a little Spanish. I can also (11) —____a_ |. (_J Nisa eee computer. I (12) born in Chicago, so I know it very well | ~ Tlook forward to hearing from you. i Paragraph 3 nding Yours sincerely Sign the letter and print Cavok Barres | your name "> Carol Barnes 4 Read this advertisement foranother job. UR Happy Travelers want TOUR GUIDES ‘What is the job? Answer the questions about you, Now write a similar letter * Are you over 18? ‘Can you speak English? to Carol's, *# Do you like talking to people?» Are you free from July to September? + Do you know your town well? Pease wnt: Peter Mang, Happy Taveles Cental fice, 89 Brook Set. New Yor NY 10016 Writing Unit 6 97 UNIT 7 DESCRIBING A VACATION 1 Read the information about jim and Amy, Make notes about your last vacation. | Questions Si amy Where/go? | Vermont Japan i ‘When go? last June |[ last October How long/stay? | a week | three weeks How/travel? | train : [plane Where/stay? | a bed and breakfast with fiends What/do? went walking in the countryside | visited Tokyo and Kyoto ‘What/see? some beautiful mountains and | some beautiful temples rivers; nt any people! ot Mount Fuji Enjoy the vacation?| Yes Yes 2 Ask and answer the questions about Jim with a partner. (Where didhe 80? (ToVermont. ) ; = ze (How tong did he stay? Foraweek. ) ee) 3 Complete the questions about Amy and write short answers. 1, Where did she go _7 — _To Japan. Sl 2. When 3. How long 4. How 5. Where 6. What 7. What Poe le Bava che cid. 4 Read about Amy's vacation, Put the verbs in the Past Simple. My exciting vacation Last October I (1) (have) a very exciting vacation. 102) (go) 20 Japan for three weeks to stay with friends 1 (3) ____ (travel) by plane. Ie (4) _____ (be) a long trip, but fortunately my friends (5) —___ (meet) me at the airport and () (drive) me straight to their house. I (7) —____ (stay) with my friends for the first week. The second week I (8) (visis) Tokyo. The third week I (4) _ (take) the train to Kyoto where I (10) (see) some beautiful temples and gardens. I (11) (enjoy) the vacation very much, but T (12) ____ (nat see) Mount Fuji, Next time I want to climb it with my friends 5 Talk to a partner about your last vacation. Then write about it. 98 Writing Unit 7 UNIT 8 WRITING ABOUT A FRIEND Linking words ~ because, when, until a word in B, and a line in C. 1 Make sentences with a line in A, —— left the party early — Peter couldnt speak Tim didn't see the canals because she was thirty. they came for dinner. b. . Iwas at school. Eva didn’t start learning English | when d. she couldn't afford them. | didnt enjoy math class until | |e. after midnight. f & h Courtney didn't buy the red shoes | he was nearly Four They didn't go to bed 1 We met Ken's wife ast Saturday | dda’ eel well | 2. Write notes about an old friend. Use these questions to help 1 2 3 4 5. 6 Z 8 he was in Bangkok + What is his/her name? + How often do you meet now? + Where did you meet? + What do you do when you meet? + What dd you do together? Talk to a partner about your notes. 3 Read the text about “My oldest friend.” Complete the text with words from the box. and but because so when until My oldest friend ‘My oldest friend is named Sandra. We met 30 years ago iy wwe were both five years old, It was my first day at school (2)_____ I was very unhappy (3) ___I wanted my mom, Sandra gave me candy (4) ___ we became friends immediately. We were together nearly every day (3)_______we finished school twelve years later. ‘Then I went to college, (6) ___ Sandra didn't. she married (7) she was just 18 (8) ____had three children, | studied for eight years (9) ____1 wanted to be an, accountant. I had a lot of new friends, (10)__I didn’t see Sandra very often, Sometimes we didn't meet for months, (11) ____we often talked on the telephone Now I'm married, too. I live near Sandra (12) ______ we meet every week, She's a student now, (13)___ Thave a baby, (14) _we can give each other a lot of advice! 4 Write about your friend, Use your notes to help. Writing Unit 8 99 UNIT 9 FILLING OUT FORMS Booking a hotel 1 Read the e-mail + Who iit fom? + What iit about? + Who isittoz ‘+ How does it begin and end? To: 7 Date: Merch 17 2 These lines are from the e-mail. Where do they go? | subject Booking a room 3. Could you tell me what time the restaurant closes? \ . [look forward to hearing from you. | Dear Sir or Madam, Could | possibly have a quiet room away from the pool? | Would like to book a deluxe room at your hotel for the nights of April 12, 13, and 14, (a | understand you have a restaurant @ My details are: 15 Carlton Street, Dallas, TX 75201 | Tel: (214) 566-4945. Please let me know if you need a | deposit or a credit card number. ‘Thank you very much, ©) Sincerely, I Peter West 3. Look at the hotel's online booking form. Complete the form with information about Peter West in Exercise 1 ARM iissiaiidinininisnsdiosinan (Bm) [won Bocveabeahs hate OOKING FORM Number of quests ‘Adults Chitcren Number of rooms Standard |~ Deluxe | ~ suite Cheeksin mm/aidiyy Check-out mm/dd/yy ‘Additional information site 4 Write an e-mail to book a room at the hotel. TE ce ae + Book a standard room for four nights next month + Ask fora room with a view ofthe ocean, + Ask about Internet and other facilities (phone, television, room service, parking, etc). + Give your personal detail, 100 Writing Unit 9 UNIT 10 DESCRIBING PEOPLE Linking words - although, but ‘These two sentences have the same meaning. How are they different? Which is more formal? Fi | ike him a lot, but I don't love him Although 1 lke him alot, | don't love him, 1 Complete the sentences with a word from the box. although because but | too both for example “1. My father loves skiing, —_but___my mother hates, 2. We stopped playing tennis itstarted ‘torain, i it was cold and wet, we stil played “tennis. 4. My two sisters are very similar. They love dancing and skiing. 5, Rosa loves dancing and Hannah loves it | 6, There's so much to do on weekends |__ you ean go skiing or swimming. 2 Complete the text with the correct linking word from Exercise 1 3 Work with a partner. Talk about your brothers, sisters, parents, or children. Are you/they similar? Do you/they like doing the same things? 4 Write about two people in your family and compare them. Describe .. + what they look like + their likes and dislikes «their personalities ‘Ana's hair is blonde. They (3). (4) Ben is much taller than Ana. They are interested in different things (5) (6) : Ben likes numbers and letters, but Ana prefers painting and drawing. 7) they are so different, there are still same things that they (8) like doing. (9) 5 they love coming into my room and playing with my things, (10) they think my things are much more interesting than theirs! (11) they are sometimes really noisy and annoying, Hove them very much (12). they are so funny. Writing Unit 10101 UNIT 11_ WRITING A POSTCARD 1 Discuss these questions with a partner. + Do you often receive postcards? Who from? Where from? Give examples. + What was the last postcard you sent? Who to? Where from? 2 Read the postcard, Find words for good weather and bad weather. 3 Underline the descriptions for a good vacation or a bad vacation. Read your postcard to your partner. \ ee | | | oe | Se eee | | wonder’ cuits vera SERRA | ee ere in arte Ree Jor focwnaey, areas but untoriunadely! [are uaather is [Lary agosl Hey ahat the weather here in Sone ‘re [us Unlucky co were furs stay in the hotel | Peieeever ane tena we [ss (a ha keash, every day) 95 aes 28 | an, ana wre i [Ber care? cuntnel: Yesierday 1 was so| gz will Read vy [see te $24 | vemorron were not aging tc 7 covler's [Retin the. Sun | aretara the beach ne a abe island | 7 Pe eee oar re and ap sightseeing = see you Som | ae | HES Laura and Mike 4 Write a posteard to a friend. Write about .. + where you are on vacation + the weather + something you do often + something you did yesterday =“ + something you are going to do tomorrow 102° Writing Unit 1 WRITING AN E-MAIL Saying thank you 1 Have you ever been to another country to study the language? Where did you go? For how long? What language'did you study? Did |] you have a good time? i 2 Do you remember So-young who went to eee study English in New York City? Look quickly [ff at the e-mail | | + Where So-young not | nave anived ivf gn. res too ra + Wheteare they? | again (@) 1 iss you and a my rien in New Yor. + Whois Jaesun? ||| (@) a wonderful time with you and your family. | enjoyed I rysen very a Ais, it was very rice of you to show me + Why i she writing? 3 Read the e-mail again and complete it with the |) forget vi + Whois she writing to? words from the box. | eck with a partner [lot goingx2 couldn't | visit just You all spoke so (9) quickly much but more and more. had like has | | So-young 4 Write a similar e-mail to someone you have stayed with So-young@kmallkr | Tor Becky teepon net Date: October 23 Dear Becky and family, 0 much ofthe city. I loved (5) ting the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty | think that my English (6) first | was so worried because | (8) My brother, Jae-sun, is (10) month, Gan he come to see you? He'd (11) much. I hope that one day you can (12) ‘would love to show you Seoul. Love to you all to Central Park, and I'l never improved a (7) — understand a a —, but soon | began to understand to New York City next to very me in Korea. 1 Writing Unit 12 103 PORT) ‘A. Hello. My name's Lita, What's your name? B Mike, A. Where are you fom, Mike? BT from Boston. Whee ae you from A. I'm from Boston, too! an 1 This is Miguel He's from Mexico, 2. Thin is Emma She's fom Canada 3. This i Lisa and Mike. They're fom the US. GID sxp.s ap LHe’ from Vietnam, 2 Whats hee name? 3. They're from Japan. 4 Where's she from? He'sa teacher in Chil eps ‘Tiago My name's Yiago Costa and I'm a student. 'm 18. Tm not marred. Fhave one sister and wo broubers. live ins house in Fortslezs, Bes | ‘want to learn English because i'n imernational language =p The alphabet song ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ GID «ps GOD vp. ap 1.-My brother has four chien, 2. Thaveten stamps in my bag 3, Hello, extension 4177, 4. lve at number 19 Gooaye See You a five. Hello, (202) 350.6095 LA Holl, Lisa Jefferson, Helo, Lisa. 1s Mike, Mike! How ate you? rm fine, thank you. And you Pm OK, thanks. pepee 104 Audio Scripts A. 15700 OK with you, Emma? B Yes, 720055 ine A. Great Have a nice day! B Thanks, Miguel, See you later! 3A. Hellot B_ Hi, Anna! Is me, Charles How are yout ‘A Notbad, thanks. And you? B_Justfine, thanks, How are the chikdren? A They're fine GID veep.7 UNIT 2 ab A 3 A B a B a B A a 6. A What'sher phone number? Bt?) 326-130 A. Hove ol is she? B Twenty-six, B.A isthe married? B_ No,sheisn'. ‘What's his last name? Ieffeson ‘What's is fist name? Rudi. Tha’s R-U-D-l Where's he from? The United States What's ob? He'san actor, What shis address? 52 Beacon Stet, Boston. Thats Beacon, BLE-A-C-O-N Siteet. Boston, ‘What's his phone number! (617) 227-5930, How old is he! ‘Tywonty-ight Is he married? No,he sn sp GID «p.10 wp wpe ae sp epee ap (co 20 ap SS0-oung Julio Hello, My name's So-young. Hello, So-young. Im Jub. Where are yu from, Jlio? im from Mexico, ttom Guadalaars, And you? Where ate you fom? Pm fram Koes, From Seoul? Yes thats igh. ren, C=Class, $=S0-young Good morning everbody Good morning, Karen How are you al? Fine, Good, OK How are yoo So-young? Ym fine, thank you. Ad you? Very well. Now listen everybody B-Becky, S=So-young Je Tie, So-voung Have a nice day Excuse me? Hive a goad day atthe language school. Abs, yes. Thank jou, What’ your teacher called? My teacher called? ‘What's her nate? Ob, yes. Her name’s Karen, Andis she good? Xiy teacher good? Yes, Karen, your teacher, is shea yood teacher? 8. Ohyres, yes. Very good, very nics CODD cep. ap 1. Tha’ five dollars and fity cents, please 2 Look it's ony twelve dolar 3. Here you are. Twenty cents change 4 Dita three seventy ve 5 One hundred dlls for that is very expensive, Nine fit, nos nine fly. P neRanaKe oxo L.A. Good morning B_ Good morning. Can Thave a coffee, Pleaser ap UNIT 4 Sure, Anything die? Novihans. Tan comes from Somalia. One dol and ity cents, plese lian ve and works in Somali Thanks She's tour guide ‘Thank you aD She sens he languages She tks playing tenis in hrf time She isnt mane Gorgio werkt an offen London Helston He has three ons Helis lain th is fami in is ab 1. She kes he oh. 2 She loves walking 3. Heist mared 4A. Does he have thes childeent 5. What does he do? ap Lisa Parsons is thity-two yours ld and lives in ‘Manhattan. From Monday to Friday she works at ‘bookstore in New York Sometimes she stay at ‘work until 1030 at night, but Lisa doesn't relax on ‘weekends, On weekends she has another job—she isa singer. On Saturday afternoons she practices, sth ner hand, and om Saterday ane Suns ights she goes to nightclubs and sings. She has no Fre time, Iu she loves her Fie eee Hi. Can |help your Yeu Can Tha sled chicken sandvsich, please? Anything wo drink? ‘Yeah. A mineral water, plese OK. Here you ars, How mich i that Seven fifty, please (OK Thanks seep .t5 Seeee> oh oeb ee UNIT 3 ‘A. Good afemion, Can Ive two 5 i i very busy all ay help poole find the GID ve pp. 16-17 wp sesteam cones lee Tonks they want A hncbtboe get und Cheeta walle from the andes goto the sual A. Onshore om anes, rh on 30s ton Tey treason. Aryhng ‘hardy evenings I wrk ery late wt 1020.1 i wos ies A. Nothankyeu eer cock ar sek Tn tte ance games sis 2 & Gals enersor you this oring, i ong nthe ie erat ny iver has loves rs Cah apartment Saturday mornings go shorn B Thank yorreyutechi Me Meporan, Uh cen mp apertoen | Doe editor Gb ‘And hows Mrs. MeSporran this moming? Saturday and Sunday evenings because I'm 0 Teva's a mus Pamea'sadsctor A Ohashesery wel thank ou Shesbusy exes ike singin, btm aay news vin’ a mai profesor, Pare do h he 2. Hecomes rom Hanguy. She om fom mans Before the shove Conade 3. A. Amug of te before bed, Dearie? 2. Helives in a big city, but she ves in a small B Ohye pla ap ‘om A Heeyolare qsdetiaa atin 4. Heworks fou days. a week. She works 16 B Thankyou, Dearie. verydred:his—@ Gypene do you wok? crv coming Din New York 5. Hespeals tre languages Shespeakstosick 4, q Helo, . MeSpor & Doyou tke yourjbr peopieon her ado B Good monning boyrand gil Hunry —-L_ YeaT do 6. TeTbver hijo and shelves be oh, 0 cognon a oe 5. Me has daughter hein mani A, CesTitnere 1 Besporest L Nu tdon't 2 He lies playing tennis is fee ie. he Cale tee Gee Why don't you rela on weekend? rier has fe te 5 dequeafafvowantSirDOWSt Beene singin nightcbs ap ‘Where does Istvin come from? GD 4 A plo fs planes. 1. A. What time do you goto bed? 1B Buspes in Hungary i Abbe cookt ina restaurant. B Atcerenotlock 2. A” What dos he do Aue tooks after people the hostel A Where do you gon vocation? B Hera muse profesor &._Alawyer helps people incourt B Tolowsior fonds 3. A Dosshespeak German? 2 lene tere 8. A Wht do you do on Sundayt B Yes he does, fA journalist writes fora newspaper. BL alnays sla 4A. Docehespeak Spanish { Amodel wears beni des 4A. When do you do your homework? BB Nophedaesn' Hedoesntspak Sponish An archer designs buldngs. B Aterdiner Eales anita sell things, 5. A Who do yu tive wit? By mothor and user. 6 A. Whydo youlikeyour abt B Bocuse interesting 1. Us ve clock, t's eight olck. : » Eaves tts deter di A Movedo you geo thon rue ac rsrns aoaTeBe X tebaguamerater fre esaquancrater BRM Canad v0, 8 Yeo dosometines a B A. What docs she dot B She's doctor. A. Doss abe live ia Canadat B_ No, shedocsn't. ‘A. Does she like her job? B_ Yes shedocs, 4. Wea quarter to ic I's quatro nine. 3. Wefiveafier fe, ten ater fe & estowenty ater five Tes weet ater fre 7. Re twenty-five to sx Ts twenty 0s & Wotan tonic Ws ve toe wep aD ‘What docs she do on Sundays? Do you say at home on Thursday evenings? He lives here ‘What do you do on Satueday evenings? Tread alot Why dont you like your job? see pp. 28-29 1 5 Thisis grat, Ae. Tow Maca bean mont here. Do you go snowboarding and sng even May Yea, Yeome er every spring fortwo acl “ouare so Toky. ane cone next ret Hey, you look cold De you want to'sopforence now? Yeah Good wet Phew! It’s hot ay Tsu s Daniel, Can you get the drinks? 7 Ofcouns mom. Cron how’ he chicken? Irs alment done Gres And heres he sand Daniel can sonal your cousins thatlunch is seat Sire Mom Thanks. Crom come and enjoy Okay. Mn tools good Halo! Can you help met Can you speak Engi ‘era litle Can you tl me—what eile Irs our Hower Festival, We hine iver faery 1 Its so evil ove the sl pn and Sie tome “hoy ae onhids Won Therese hundreds Doo ike dancing? We have Ta dancing here ti eering 1 Obsyes want to sect GEIB song teacher's hook p. 113 1m L.A. Timsorry Pavate, The trafic bad od B Thats OK, Come and et doven, Were on page 25 Excuse me Yet Do you have dstionary? Pim sorey, Ton’ I's at home (Oh, OK. Thanks anyway. 1s very hot in here. Can open the window Really? Im kind of old OK Ie doesa't matter Frcuse me, (Ob, good moming, Miguel Can Thelp you! ‘Yes please. Can Ihave a ticket for the ski tip? Yes, of course. I's eighty dallas, Do you want to pay nsenty dallas deposit now? Sorry, What does “deposit” mean? means you tan pay the twenty dolas ‘now and sixty dollars later. ‘Ah! Now T understand Ye, please woz Seey xozu zoz > 2 > wh w be> oe voeeeD a an Fam sorry 'm ate ‘hars OK Excuse me “Thanks anyway. Can open the window? Really Ie doesn't mate Facone me ‘What does "depos" mean? Now Lunderstand! UNIT 5 ep Isthere a tkeision? Yen tee Iethte computer Nother at aatorerioder Yen eres How many boks are thee reece te ‘Arete ay picture? No there aren ap ‘What's in your picturet ‘Thete are thre people in thelving oom. A maa anda woman onthe sofn and ile gi in the semchair. Theresa radi on the cote table and {rug under it Theresa cat on the rug in font of the fie. There are slot of pictures on the walls, bur there arent any photographs. Thete are two plans on the floor next othe telesision ana Some fowcers on the smll table next to the sf. an Suri's kitchen Serie, MeMom S And this the kitchen IM. Mims, i's very nie S$ Welli's oot very ig but there ar alot of cabinete And there's new eigerator, and ‘ove, Thats new too, M. But whats all hese cabinet. S$) Well not alo There ae some cups, but there aren't any gts And have some laives ad fork but don't have any spoons w Beye ne ayaa Yes T do. Here they are De: Gob We cn ue ne pe ick. ap ranauiis ee RIOT eer er Ce eel eter Ree cer es Steeler anes peopsespey ap Eee als bites see ee oe 1A Excuse me! Isherea newsstand pear here! B_ Yes. Ison Church Steet, Take the fist street on the right Is next te the A OK, Thanks. 2. A Intherea post oice nese here? B Go straight ahead, and i'son the lef next tothe ave age. A Thankea lo. 5. A Excuse me! Isthore a cafe near here? B There's an Internet cafe on Park Lane nest tothe bank, and there's an Italian restaurant on Church Sect nex to the travel agent A. Tezhar one fa? B_ No, Just two minutes, that’s al see p39 UNIT 6 GAD «ep. 10 GID sep. 40 ap 1. Lean speak French, but I can Portuguese. Tecan dance, but he can sing Gan you cook?” "Yes, le “They can ski, but they can't swim, {We can dance and we can sing cia Well, there area Tot of things I cant do. can't Asive a car, of course, I'm only 14. Languages? ‘Well. can't speak French, but Tan speak Spaniah, My mothers Spanish, and we often 0 t0 Spain, My mom’ a realy good cooks She Ean cook realy well, not jast Spanish food all kinds of food, bu can't cook tall. just ove ating! What about sports? Unamm—T think Pen 90d at lor of sports. I can play tennis, Sn [can ski Sometimes we go skiing in the Spanish Prrenees, And of cours I ean sim, But musical instuments—no. lean play any atall But T can dancat I dance Damenco with my mom sometimes, Love it, And (can sea computer, ofcourse. All my itiends ca, QD «p.2 speak QD sep. E_ Were you at Charlote’s party lat Saturday? M Yes vie E. Wasit good? M Well twas OK. Were there many people? MM Yes. thete were E. Was Paul there) M_ Noy he wasn't And where were you? Why wweren' you there? E_ Oh... couldn't go because f was at Serio’s party! Iewas great Ont ap 1 can bear you, but I san't se yo. 2. ‘There are theee bedrooms in our house 3. 1 éon't know wiere fil ives. 4. My som lives ner the ea, 5 Don't wear that hat, ya new one! 6 5 = Noy cat cme to your part You were ih Their doghte ve thee Tow myanower ae sigh ly cant come for dinner ld write when she rat Ad which cnt ‘Gan have the lst name, please! And the first name? ‘What’ the address “Fhe number i001 617 326 1208 ap LA. Heli Hallo, Can 1spek of, pleaset Thies. Ob! Hi Jo. Thin Nicol. ls Sony OK for tennis? Nes. That fie. Great! lsc you on Sunday atten, then Bye ret Hello 1s this Emmet Noi isnt 1 ge be. Helo this Ema, HL Emm, Is Miguel. Lito! Ther’s party a my house on Sauda. Can by sonn Miguel. ant. H's my sisters vreding Oy tha SOK, Maybe next time. Bye! Bye Good morning Dixons Hectic How can help yout {Good moeing. Cant peak the snanager plese? Tmataid Mr Smith tin his fice at the moment, Can {take a msege No, thats OK [all back later A Allrgst-Good-hve B Goat SND seep. a7 => eee 5 wopee > UNIT 7 A Who isshet (Oprah Wingiey ia famous American TV talk shoo host. Forty-nine milion people in 13 countries watch her show every week She lives Jn Calforia fut she alo hasan spariment i> (Chica, where she works, Ope is one of te richest women in America Sbe eas millions of dallas every yea. She givesalot of money to shamity GAD ««p.18 vwatch/atched. curnfearmed salltalked ‘openvopened rmovelmoved studyistadied inerviewiinterviewed — starvstarted C onatiarrvas In 1998 Oprah started the charity Qpeah’s Angel Network. This helps poor children all ove the ‘word. Tn 2007 she opened a special schoo! in South Aftica, the Oprah Winttey Leadership ‘Acalemy for Girl, She says, "When. was a kid, ‘we were poor and we didnt have much money. So what did Ido? I stied hard.” There are 152 girl at the school, Oprah calls them het daughters—thechildeen she did't have in real le 1. A. Where dd er father work? In col sie What di ber mother dat She cleaned house, ‘Who dd Ope ve wih? er grandmother. What dd she study Drama {When she inteviw Michael Iackou? Ins How ch di she can lst yea? $260 milion. When did she open the girls school? Inzo0s Did er parent ora much money? No, they didn seep.50 3 eoobees pep eb epee ap wanted danced loved retired acted camed Tooked —_Tked bet hit became invented began left bought made same sold got sang Went won, had 1989 The year was born J-James, D=Dad, M=Mom J) Dad tell me about the year was horn know you and mom were in Bray You had a jb there, didn’ yout D_ Yes that's right. You were bora in January, and we lft Bra in April and and you went Back 10 the States Yes, we did got aj in New York, ‘Yeu Tho frat Bush was President then. Do ‘yu remember Robert? He was the father of George W. Bush, James, J Thknow that, Mem. Who else was in power then? D_ Wol,—um-—in Russia Mikhail Goshochev became President ofthe Soviet Union and. M. hres, Ie was the time of the Cold War. Did you know that James? No, Tdica'y, Mom! D_ Yea, bur 1989 was the year the Cold War «ended an everything changed M That's for sue. The Bertin Wall came dawn between East and West Germany and the ‘World changed. It wae an exiting time, D_ Yeah, 1989 was exciing—in sports too, James, In October the Oakland A's best the San Francisco Giants inthe baseball World Series. But do you Know a huge ears Sa Fanconi foe ae Tre 1. No way! Did they stop the game? D_ They did. The finished it twelve days later Sinty-seven people died in the earthquake 1. That's terbl 1M. Sure was, Now, what ese happened in 79? Weren't computers big news? J. Computers were new? D_ No,no, lot of people had computers. But the Internet was horn in 'S9—a goy calles Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He won $1.5 millon for doing that M_ Oh and James, you like video games, Nintendo began selling Gaune Boy in89 ‘They sold 30 milion in just thee years J Wow! What els? mesa, what did people watch on TV2 D_ Well the Simpsons made thie television debut. Mom and l didn't lke them a first, bar now J And wha about manic? Who was famous back then? D> Let me think, Some bands yu kno Depeche Mods, REM, New Kids on the Block M_ Oh. and Madonna sang “Like a Prayer." Jove that, We bought the abun, J Wows that's amazing! she’s sil famous today. Heit was a good yer, the year Iwas born, eqD zon forangejuice movie sar fain station birthday card swimming pool washing machine handbag living room bostriend parking lot nevespaper > wee> epee 1 can’t find my handbag. Heres! 1, thank you. Where did you finde? Inthe living room where you left it Would you like some chocolate cake? No, thanks, ast orange juice for me, Ihut I made tis eae fo yo Did you? im sorry I don't like chocolate cake, [have nothing to wear for your Dovtien’s pare What about your white jeans? ‘They aren't clean. Well, ash thems. You have a washing machine, don’ you? Do you want anything from the storet Anowspaper, pease. The New York Times thin OK ‘Oh, and can you take this letter 1 the post office? A Sue ee > eh int shire second sisteenth thie seventeenth fourth swentieth fifth wen first sixth thirtieth tenth thirty-first rwelfth 1 3 6 : : : ap April rst ‘March second September seventeenth ‘November nineteenth June reentythirs February teenty-ninth nineteen December nineteenth nineteen ciahty-three (October third nineteen ninety-nine May thirty-first, two thousand July fifteenth, two thovsand and seven Tansey fourth ‘May seventh, August fifteenth, Ar Itvasa Friday B_ No, iewasn' Teas a Thursday A. No, Lremember. Iwas Friday the ‘hirteemh. Fly thirteenth, A Ohne! forgot your bethday B WsOk, really ‘A. Ievaslast Sunday, wasn’t it The thinith, November thirtieth, A. Hey! Did you know tha Shakespeare & A 1 twas born and died on the same day? Nowayt Yes. He was born on April eenty-third, fifteen sixty-four, and he died on April twenty thind, sinter sister, UNIT 8 “The photosreph Lowi Daguerr fom France leis Dacre ws pain 4 he French ‘pers Bate wanted to make a type of Pictre, He started his experiments in the 1826s, {Tole yeaa e ovented the photogap le sel his ida tothe French government in 1839 {the government gave tothe word Da called the fst photographs daguerreoiypes “They became poplar very fas. By 185, there ‘sere T dguerreatype tis in New Yor City. ‘The windshield wiper ‘Mary Anderson from the United States ‘Mary Anderson often visited New York Gy by Cir In winter she noid that when sins or Spore divers gt oto thie ar al the ie to clean their windows I 1903 she began {signing something to clein windows rom Insiethe car People copecialn,aghed st her id. But they di lg for long. She invented he windshield wiper in 1903" And by 1G al American cars had hem The bicycle Kiskpatrick Macmillan from Scotland Lang ag in 149, Loar da Vinci drew design forthe modem hcyle. But the St peson to make a bole was Kirkpatrick Macriln in 859, He ved in Scand, s0 people dis hear about his invention for Jong, tine Fenty years ater, another bicye same from France 895 the ike hecme cheap snd ‘everyone could have one, Now people, especially women, sould travel tthe next town, Te helped them ind woman to mare ap os ese or i eh 5 eer ee as Samaras COBB «ps8 DAD sp. 39 P. ap 1. white 4. anewer 2. bought = 5. bulding 3 night) = 6. Christmas sop.59 He's nof your type! (Claudia, N-Nel © Avearago, [bad a boyfriend named Stuart

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