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What psychological methodology does NLP

stand for? Neuro-Linguistic Programming
2. David McLelland's motivational theory
identified three principal motivational needs
which he said each of us possesses to varying
degrees, and which characterise our
motivational behaviour; what are these three
motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the
need to achieve things; Authority/Power (n-
pow), the need to have impact, influence and
authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for
relationships, interaction and acceptance
among other people (or words to similar
effect as these definitions)
3. Which organisation produces the UK's
ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications
Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership
4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand
for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job
motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams
6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L
stand for? Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss
7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate
life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy
and ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr
Ichak Adizes
8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two
aspects of business development from the
'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products
and Markets
9. In selling and communications, what do 'open
questions' generally achieve? Open questions
gather information, improve understanding,
and build rapport by encouraging the other
person to talk and explain things, including
how they feel about things.
10.Albert Mehrabian researched and published a
now widely referenced set of statistics for the
effectiveness of spoken communications;
what three types of communication did he
identify and what percentages for each did he
attach to each type in terms of the
percentage of meaning (or understanding)
that each communication type conveyed from
person to person in his study? Mehrabian's
research stated that: 7% of meaning
conveyed is in the words that are spoken;
38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that
the words are said (paralinguistic); and 55%
of meaning conveyed is in facial expression.
11.In business accounts and financial reporting,
expenses which change according to scale of
performance or usage or demand are known
as what? Variable Costs
12.What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model
and theory which deals with hidden and open
areas of knowledge about a person? The
Johari Window
13.The '360 degree' appraisal method collects
feedback from whom, about whom? A '360
Degree' feedback appraisal collects the views
from people who work with the appraisee,
about the appraisee, including subordinates,
peers, upline managers; effectively anyone
who comes into contact with the appraisee
and who is happy to provide constructive
feedback about the appraisee's strengths and
areas for improvement
14.What are the four levels of learning
evaluation defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's
model? 1. Enjoyment; 2. Transfer of learning;
3. Application of learning; 4. Effect of
application (or words to the same effect as
these four definitions)
15.What is the correct ascending order of these
human needs according to Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety,
Belongingness and Love, Self-Actualisation,
Biological and Physiological? Biological and
Physiological Needs (basic life needs - shelter,
food, drink, sleep, etc); Safety Needs
(security, protection, law, etc); Belongingness
and Love Needs (family, affection,
relationships, etc); Esteem Needs
(achievement, status, responsibility,
reputation, etc); Self-Actualisation (personal
growth, self-fulfilment, etc)
16.What part of our brains typically handles
process-type functions, according to brain
theorists such as Katherine Benziger? Left
Basal (left rear)
17.What does the accounting acronym FIFO
mean? First In First Out (a convention for
writing down the balance sheet value of
assets of the same type - oldest are written-
off first)
18.One of the most effective and efficient forms
of marketing is abbreviated to the initials
WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth
19.Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
divides learning development into three main
aspects: Cognitive, Affective and
Psychomotor; what might these three aspects
of personal development more commonly be
called? Knowledge, Attitude, Skills
20.Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People? Dr Stephen Covey
21.The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by
which modern day psychologists believe
every person's personality and behaviour
tendencies can be measured are commonly
abbreviated to the OCEAN acronym; what
does OCEAN stand for? Openness to
experience, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion/introversion, Agreeableness,
22.What are the four metaphorical terms used to
describe products/services in Boston Matrix
model according to market share and market
maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child and
Star (or Rising Star)
23.The financial ratio which divides a company's
'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known
by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick
24.What three important things should be
confirmed and understood before conducting
a brainstorming ideas session? The purpose
or aim of the exercise; a time limit; the fact
that all ideas are welcome and to be
respected (ie., sometimes the craziest-
sounding ideas are the best ones).
25.What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT
analysis? Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats
26.What are the 'Four Functional Types' within
Carl Jung's theory? Thinking, Feeling,
Sensation, Intuition
27.With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned?
Global climate change (in other words,
greenhouse gas emissions)
28.What are the four sequential stages of the
'conscious competence' learning model? 1.
Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious
Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4.
Unconscious Competence
29.What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the
'Law of Requisite Variety')? "The unit within
the system with the most behavioural
responses available to it controls the system."
(or words to that effect)
30.What are the four main 'Temperament' types
called within David Keirsey's Temperaments
personality theory? Artisan, Idealist,
Guardian, Rational/Rationalist
31.According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt
theory relating to delegation and team
development, what must be reduced in order
for the team's area of freedom (and growth)
to increase? The manager's use of authority
32.What does the financial term ROI stand for?
Return On Investment
33.Whose experiential learning theory comprises
the learning styles named: Concrete
Experience (feeling); Abstract
Conceptualization (thinking); Active
Experimentation (doing); and Reflective
Observation (watching)? David Kolb
34.Daniel Goleman was responsible for
popularising and defining what management
and behavioural concept in his eponymously
titled (ie., the title is also the subject) 1995
book? Emotional Intelligence
35.What is psychometrics? The science of
measuring (or testing) personality type (or
mental abilities)
36.What is the management technique that is
commonly abbreviated to MBWA?
Management By Walking About (or
Wandering Around) - the term is generally
attributed to Tom Peters (In Search Of
Excellence, 1982) although it was probably
part of a new management ideology first
pioneered by a few bright American
companies as far back as the 1940's
37.Large size hand-writing generally indicates
what characteristics in the personality of the
writer? Extraverted or out-going nature
38.Since October 2004, UK employers must
follow a minimum process of three-stages for
handling disputes with employees, including
disciplinary and grievance matters; what are
the basic minimum three stages required? 1.
Write a letter to the employee explaining the
issue; 2. Have a meeting with the employee
to discuss the issue; 3. Hold or offer an
appeal meeting with the employee if
39.Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of
management; what did he call them and how
are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory
(or Theory-X) which is authoritarian,
autocratic and repressive; and Y-Theory (or
Theory-Y) which is participative, delegating,
and developmental (or words to similar effect
as these two descriptions)
40.Bruce Tuckman's theory about team
development uses what four sequential
rhyming words to describe the four stages of
a group's progression? Forming, Storming,
Norming, Performing
41.What are Howard Gardner's seven (original)
Multiple Intelligences? Linguistic (words and
language), Logical-Mathematical (logic and
numbers), Musical (music, sound, rhythm),
Bodily-Kinesthetic (body movement control),
Spatial-Visual (images and space),
Interpersonal (other people's feelings),
Intrapersonal (self-awareness)
42.According to Herzberg's motivational theory,
which of these are 'hygiene needs' (or
'maintenance factors') and which are true
'motivators': work conditions, salary,
achievement, advancement, work itself,
responsibility, company car, status,
recognition, and personal growth? Of the
examples listed, hygiene needs are: work
conditions, salary, company car, status. True
motivators in the list are achievement,
recognition, work itself, responsibility,
advancement, and personal growth.
43.What does VAK stand for in the learning
styles theory? Visual, Auditory,
Kinesthetic/Kinaesthetic (three different
learning styles or methods - seeing, listening,
44.What does the business acronym IPO stand
for? Initial Public Offering, meaning the initial
sale of privately owned equity (stock or
shares) in a company via the issue of shares
to the public and other investing institutions
45.What does the PEST stand for in PEST
analysis? Political, Economical, Social,
46.What do 'open questions' typically begin
with? Open questions typically begin with
Who, What, How, When, Where, and Why,
(or for particularly capable or intelligent
respondents, 'Tell me about...')
47.What visionary management thinker wrote
The Age Of Unreason and The Empty
Raincoat? Charles Handy
48.What are the names of the (nine) Belbin
'team roles'? Coordinator (was called
'Chairman'), Shaper, Plant, Monitor-Evaluator,
Implementer (was called 'Company Worker'),
Resource Investigator, Team Worker,
Completer-Finisher, Specialist
49.In marketing, what are the The Four P's?
Product, Price, Promotion, Place.
50.A lot of the traditional 20th century sales
theory and training was influenced by the
1937 book 'How to Win Friends and Influence
People'; who wrote it? Dale Carnegie.

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