The Telambar Horses

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Horse Figurines and Tokens

The stablemaster, Tess Telambar, eagerly disappears to with sweat above wide eyes. With a clearly panicked
fetch the documentation of her horses. You hear a frantic improvisation, she begins desperately trying to remember
crash and a quickly-stifled cry from where she went. She which horse matches with which document...
returns moments later, gripping a disheveled stack of
papers that seem hastily reorganized. Her forehead beads

Personality Traits and Quirks

D20 Personality Trait/Quirk D20 Personality Trait/Quirk

1 Your horse is extremely distrustful of new people. It 11 Your horse has a complete lack of depth perception.
will take time to gain its trust, and anyone it doesn’t Not a deadly impedance but it does seem to bite
know is met with cautious hostility. your hand every time you feed it.
2 Like many over-zealous chefs, your horse loves 12 Your horse was one half of a torrid, scandalous love
tasting new things. Unfortunately, this includes a affair with another of its stable-mates. They are
great many things it should not be eating. kindred spirits with a burning romance, refusing to
be separated.
3 Stables can be a wild, horse-eat-horse world, and 13 Your horse is hard of hearing, almost deaf. Spoken
your horse wants to be on top. It compulsively seeks commands are out of the question and expecting it
to intimidate and establish its dominance over to hear nearby dangers is… not a good idea.
other beasts, regardless of their size. These displays
are not violent but are often rude.
4 Your horse is face blind. It will learn its master’s 14 Whoever originally trained your horse had only a
voice, but can never quite remember their face. loose understanding of Common. It will only
respond to commands spoken in a thick, specific
Your horse is afflicted with a deathly phobia and An unexplainable, burning hatred compels your
will begin to flee at the sight of… horse to attack…
5 Blood 15 Undead
6 Goblinoids 16 Fey
7 Undead 17 Oozes
8 Insects larger than Tiny 18 Goblinoids
9 Any creature larger than itself 19 Magic users
10 Being a beast does not preclude living with 20 Your horse formed a bond with another, smaller
distinction and cleanliness. Your horse hates to be animal. They are a package deal. The smaller
dirtied and insists on being cleaned frequently. And creature is friendly and obedient to its owner, the
don’t get it started on oozes. horse, but not to the horse’s new owner.

These descriptions and items were written by me, Troy McConnell. If you enjoyed them, you can support my work
and gain exclusive bonuses on my Patreon. Until next time!
Tess Telambar’s ‘Special Stock’

Magical experimentation is not a hobby one easily leaves Tess freezes for a moment as you ask. She smiles at the
behind. Fortunately, as stablemaster, Tess Telambar has request, the corners of her mouth twitching with
an abundance of test subjects. The horses she has dubbed brimming excitement. Her expression borders on
her ‘special stock’ all bare the unique results from unsettling as she motions you to an area beyond the
different attempts at enchantment. Though, that is not to stables that you did not initially notice...
say that she knows or understands all of these
These horses are reserved for those who know to ask and
who have the gold to afford them, and offer some insight
into why Miss Telambar is now a stablemaster in a small
town, so far from the capital.

D20 Enchantment D20 Enchantment

1 Your horse does not neigh, but rather says the word 11 Some time ago, a scorned hag cursed a druid to
‘neigh’ in Common. It is otherwise a regular horse. forever remain in the form of a horse. Your horse
seems oddly intelligent, though Speaking with
Animals is the only way to be sure.
2 Its mouth moves and hooves stomp, yet no sound 12 Speaking its command word will cause your horse
can be heard. Your horse is permanently under the to float 6 inches above the ground, its legs dangling
effects of the Silence spell. When mounted, the motionlessly. It seems perfectly content with this
effects extend to the rider. ability. It can move across uneven terrain, up or
down stairs, slopes, and the like, but it can’t cross an
elevation change of 2 feet or more.
3 Your horse is gifted with magical sight. It can see 13 Your horse counts as a fiend for any ability that can
into the Ethereal Plane, as well as being able to see detect fiends. When it sleeps, any grass in a radius
and speak with the dead. Its intelligence score of 5 feet withers away. It is otherwise a regular
remains 2. horse.
4 Your horse can breathe underwater. 14 Your horse possesses an endless, unceasing
appetite. It constantly attempts to chew on anything
nearby, even metal, though it does not require any
more food than a regular horse to survive.
5 Speaking its command word will cast the Reduce 15 Your horse is blessed with the gift of reincarnation.
spell on your horse, shrinking it to roughly the size Upon its death, it will immediately come back to life
of a small dog. as if by the Reincarnate spell. Its new body is that of
a random, non-magical beast of Large size or
smaller. There is a chance it will remain a horse.
When scared, your horse casts the Blink spell on A magical accident swapped the minds of your
itself and flashes between the Material and Ethereal horse and a nearby animal. The horse-brained
Planes. The effect does not extend to the horse’s animal is wandering nearby, while your horse has
rider. Unfortunately, your horse also has a fear of… the mind of a...
6 … Goblinoids 16 … Dog

These descriptions and items were written by me, Troy McConnell. If you enjoyed them, you can support my work
and gain exclusive bonuses on my Patreon. Until next time!
7 … Undead 17 … Housecat
8 … Oozes 18 … Chicken
9 … Fire 19 Your horse is permanently under the effects of the
Spider Climb spell. It is aware of this, though there
is no other indication of this ability.
10 … Beasts that are Large or greater 20 Once a month, under the light of a full moon, your
horse undergoes a change. Its form shifts to that of
a human man, vocal cords included. Its mind
remains that of a regular horse.

These descriptions and items were written by me, Troy McConnell. If you enjoyed them, you can support my work
and gain exclusive bonuses on my Patreon. Until next time!

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