Medical Surgical Nursin1

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Time:3 Hours

Q1. (a)Enlist the risk factors predisposing an elderly patient to Pneumonia (2)

(b) What signs and symptoms the patient is likely to exhibit and discuss the diagnostic tests to rule

Out the condition (5)

(c) Discuss the medical and nursing management of pneumonia (8)

Q2. (a) What are the risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease (5)

(b) Discuss the management of a patient brought to emergency with acute Myocardial Infarction


Q3. Discuss the indication for Renal Transplant (3)

Write the post operative management in the first 48 hours. (7)

Q4. Discuss the various types of Fractures. (5)

Discuss the nursing management of a patient with Amputation. (5)

Q5. Write Short Note on any five of the following:- (5x5=25)

(a) Fever

(b) Incontinence

(c) Migraine

(d) Trigeminal Neuralgia

(e) Disorders of Mensturation

(f) Radiotherapy

(g) Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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