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Appendix A

Semi-structured Interview Protocol


Hello Mr/ Ms. _________. My name is MehediHasan. You can call me Mehedi. I am
conducting this interview in order to understand and describe the factor(s) of job
satisfaction/dissatisfaction of employees in RSS Thread and Accessories Ltd. Before we start, I
would like to assure you that any data gathered in this interview will be kept strictly confidential.
Only me as the researcher will have access to the interview data. These data will be summarized
and included in research reports in the form of direct quotations identifying interviewees by alias
only. Therefore, no interviewees will be identified by name. You can decline to answer any
question I ask.
Also, for the purposes of transcription and analysis, I request your permission to audio-
tape this interview. Tapes will be erased as soon as the study is completed. Tapes will not be
played for anyone except my advisor, if necessary, and me. The interview should require no
more than one and half an hour of your time.
Participant Details
Years of Exp in this org

Do you have any questions?

Do I have your permission to proceed and to record the interview?
Please answer my questions as freely as you can. There is no right or wrong answer. The
objective of this interview is to fully understand your thoughts, opinions and experiences with
regards to these questions. Shall we begin?
1. Describe your professional lives.
a) Tell me about your regular day at the workplace.
2. How satisfied are you withRSS Thread and Accessories Ltd?
a) What would be your ideal satisfaction?
b) What attracts you the most of this company?
c) On the scale of 1-10, 10 being highest; what is the score of your current satisfaction with
this company?
If B is “Low”
C.1. Describe a time/situation when you feel highly satisfied in this organization at or near a 10?
C.1.a. Why did you think this one as ‘satisfaction’ to yourself?
C.1.b. What would enable you to achieve a ‘10’ now?
If B is “High”
C.2. Describe a time when you feel dissatisfied?
C.2.a. Why did you think this one as comparatively ‘dissatisfaction’ to yourself?
C.2.b. What made the difference for you to achieve the satisfaction level that you have now?
3. What are your goals, hopes, and dreams for the next few years? How about your plan to reach
your destination?
4. Is there anything you would like to add to the interview that I haven’t already asked?

Thank you very much for your participation in the study and your time. If you are
interested in seeing the results of the study, please give me your email address so I can send a
summary of the results to you. If, for any reason, you need to contact me, please feel free to call
or e-mail me at the info given in the Informed Consent Form.
Appendix B

১:আপনারচাকরিজীবনসর্ম্পকেকিছু বলুন

 অফিসেআপনারনিয়মিতিদিনসর্ম্পকেকিছুবলুন

২: আপনারকম্পানিনিয়েকিছু বলুন?

 অপনারকাছের্পূনসন্তুষ্টিকিহতেপারে?
 আপনারকম্পানিরকোনবিষটাআপনাকেসবচেয়েবেশিআকর্ষণকরে?
 ১-১০ স্কেল,যেখানে ১০ সবচেয়েবেশি।এইকম্পানিতেআপনারসন্তুষ্টিপরিমানকত?

১.১: এমনএকটাঘটনাবলুনযেটানিয়েআপনিআপনারকম্পানিরউপরর্পূনসন্তুষ্টছিলনে।

 কেনএটাআপনাকেসন্তুষ্টকরেছিল?
 কিকরলেআপনারসন্তষ্টিপরিমান ১০ হতেপারে?

১.২: এমনএকটাঘটনাবলুনযেটানিয়েআপনিআপনারকম্পানিরউপরঅসন্তুষ্টছিলনে।

 এটারজন্যকেননিজকেঅসন্তষ্টমনেহয়েছিল?

১.৩: আপনিযেখানেআছেনসেখানথেকেসন্তুষ্টিঅর্জ নজন্যকিকিবাধারয়েছে?

৩:আগামীকয়কেবছরেরজন্যআপনারকিস্বপ্নরয়েছে? আপনারস্বপ্নপূরনেরজন্যকিপরকল্পনারয়েছে?

৪: এমনকিছু আছেযাআপনিযুক্তকরতেচান, যেবিষয়েআমিকোনপ্রশ্নকরিনি।

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