Engineering Management Case 14

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Lumongsod, Mary Nida S.

CE – 3B
Engineering Management TTh 9:20 – 10:20 AM

1.) Is the HP way of managing creating a climate in which employees are motivated to
contribute to the aims of the organization? What is unique about the HP way?

Yes, the Hewlett-Packard management approach is the force behind its development,
establishing solid relationships with and between employees. Employers are welcome and are
considered as resources and not merely staff. The managers place their confidence in knowing
their team, respecting the processes, and outlining the current situation. An open-door policy
implemented by them instils a sense of solidarity or collaboration so that they all work together
as a group rather than as individuals. This spirit, as well as the organization's culture,
distinguishes HP from other companies. 

2.) Would the HP managerial style work in any organization? Why or why not? What are
the conditions for such a style to work?

Every company is distinct. Each company has its particular procedures, individuals,
history, behaviours, etc. Each person would, therefore, like a different management style. HP's
management style can be applied to some other organizations because it facilitates an
organization's essential needs: teamwork. However, in all sectors, HP's management model
cannot prosper. Terms, shareholders, workplace, and each goal would be different. However, HP
will undoubtedly benefit from businesses that can adapt and offer a culture that can succeed in
this style. 

3.) Do you think it is possible to maintain the HP Way after the merger with Compaq, the
court battle, and the damaged morale at HP? Why or why not?

            I don't think the HP management way can be maintained after all that happened. At least
other choices for how to manage their business should be explored by people handling the
company. The choice of changing certain things in business will contribute greatly to its long-
term growth.  

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