Exercise 12 EA 1

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Name : Rachel Ovtapia

Class : XII EA 1 (22)

Convert the sentences below from direct to indirect speech (reported speech statements).

1. The doctor said, “Your aunt doesn’t need an operation.”

= The doctor said that my aunt didn’t need an operation.
2. Wilma told me, “I will help you finish your homework.”
= Wilma told me that she would help me to finish my homework.
3. Robert said, “I will pass the exam.”
= Robert said that he would pass the exam.
4. John told me, “I have seen this movie.”
= John told me that he had seen that movie.
5.Josh said, “I have finished my lunch.”
= Josh said that he had finished his lunch.

Convert the direct Yes/No questions to indirect speech statements (reported speech).

1. “Do you live with your family?”

He asked me if I lived with my family.
2. “Can I borrow your lawn mower?”
She asked me if she could borrow my lawn mower.
3. “Do you speak Spanish?”
Jane asked me if I spoke Spanish.
4. “Will you come to my house warming party tomorrow?”
He asked me if I would come to his house warming party the next day.
He asked me if I would come to his house warming party the following day.
5. “Have you seen my car?”
Aley asked me if I had seen his car.
6. “Is that your cat?”
He asked me if that was my cat.

Convert the direct WH-Questions to indirect speech statements (reported speech).

1. “How are you?”

My new neighbor asked me how I was
2. “Where do you park your car?”
My father asked me where I parked my car.
3. “Where are you from?”
My new friend asked me where I was from.
4. “How old are you?”
My uncle asked me how old I was.
5. “How often do you take out the trash?”
My neighbor asked me how often I took out the trash.
6. “Where is the nearest bank”
They asked me where the nearest bank was.

Convert the sentences below from direct to indirect speech (reported speech).

1. Mother to daughter: "Put on your shoes."

Her mother told her to put on her shoes
2. The teacher to me: "Open your notebook."
The teacher asked me to open my notebook.
3. Merry to her uncle: "Don't be mad at me."
Merry told to her uncle not to be mad at her.
4. Coach to Jack: "Get on your feet!"
Coach told to Jack to get on his feet.
5. The cashier to Angela: "Give me your receipt."
The cashier told to Angela to give him her receipt.
6. Adan to his mother: "Help me with my homework."
Adan told to his mother to help him with his homework.

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