TNE Overview LT

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Transnational Education

An Overview

Prof. Aris Junaidi

Director of Learning and Student Affairs
Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of Education and Culutre
Indonesian Higher Education in Numbers

Students body Study Program Universities Lecturer

8,797,741 36,090 4,603 291,65
Type of TNE Arrangement in Indonesia
Course-to-Course Credit Transfer Microcredential
In term of Kampus Merdeka spirit, to encourage
student to gain external/international exposure aims to create graduates who have international
insight and hone the birth of talents in various fields
through Credit Transfer activities.
who are ready to contribute to social life.

Joint Degree / Dual Degree MOOC’s/ Distance Learning


Franchising / Branch Campus Joint Research

Challenges & Opportunity

Quality Assurance Kampus Merdeka

Funding Online Learning Awareness

Academic Calendar International Collaboration demands

differences in learning activities in the The Variety of fields study

framework of credit recognition

Policy Internationalization awareness

Starting point Creating International Talents

Strategic Plan
Strengthening institutional
Establishment of international forum
to provide international network.
Annual seminars/workshop/dialog in
term of synchronize policy and
“market” need
Synchronizing the Quality Assurance
Acknowledgement qualification
Thank You

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