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Reading Analysis

“The nightingale and the rose”


-The nightingale

-The student

-The girl

-The white rose tree

-The red rose tree

-The yellow rose tree

-The green lizard

-The butterfly

Where: United Kingdom, a forest, a garden.

When: Victorian Age (1837-1901)

Weather: Winter.

There was a student that needed a red rose for bring it to a beautiful girl that would dance
with him if he got the rose but there was a problem, in his garden there weren´t red roses
and he lamented that while a little Nightingale was hearing from a tree and due to, the
Nightingale decided helping him because believes that really was a true love, there was a
lot of feeling in his weeping.

Subsequenly, the Nightingale went to get help, in different trees with others animals but
find a red rose was so difficult. The nightingale traveled to the center of the forest where
there was a rose bush and asked for a red rose, after going to a white, yellow rose bush, he
reached the red rose bush.

Previously, the red rose asked him to give his life and he would give her a red rose. The
nightingale accepted, singing for the red rose all night while a thorn was stuck in his heart.

After the nightingale sacrificed himself, a beautiful red rose appeared, the student watched
it from his window, he was so happy for such a thing. Then he gave it to the young
woman, who did not accept it because she had received a more expensive gift. The
disappointed student returned to his studies of philosophy and metaphysics.
In conclusion, in my opinion the play represents love, generosity and hope, bur in the same
time represents selfishness and greed. We can identify the love in the way that the student
wanted dance with the nice girl, the hope when the nightingale looking for the rose until
finally finds it and the generosity in the Nightingale’s act of help to the student with his
problem. In the other hand, we can identify the selfishness when we don´t see gratitude to
the nightingale the greed when the girl rejects the student for a better gift, that have more
value than a simple rose.

From another perspective, we can perceive the nature like the most important part of this
history, the nature is personified, the author gives life to the flora and fauna, in a way that
we can see like if they were humans, and each character represents a specific posture of the
real word. For example, the nightingale represents all the human beings that are humble,
supportive and love others. The Rose-tree can represent the people that people who don't
give anything without anything in return, everything has some sentimental or monetary

The nature in this history has been seen like the perfection, the nature is close to the
perfection. A clear example can be the rose, the girl pay a red rose specific because denotes
beauty and that would be the perfect gift for a young beautiful girl.

In reflection, I considered that the love has been taken as something without value, when
really the love for me is the society’s core, who doesn’t love doesn’t have a sense, the
human being is social and for that reason is in relation with the environment. In the other
hand, the nature hasn’t had the importance that should have, the human being feel the is
superior and it isn’t so, we must learn to assess the love and the nature as the most

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