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Ethics: A CODE OR PHILOSOPHY for what

you should do and shouldn’t do

Morality: principle from our heart

Picture, diagram, or map

of the relationship between IDENTITY and
 Identity=Essence + Personality
 Personality leads to behavior, Ethics, and
 Our identity comes from Ethics. Our behavior
comes from our ethics…how we treat others is
related to ethics.
 Ethics inside the circle, identity outside the
circle…they both interchange with each other!
 If identity doesn’t exist, ethics doesn’t exist
and vice versa.
 Ethics comes from Identity. You have to
behave according to our “stereotypes”.
 A doctor has the ethics of a doctor. They
can’t discriminate between their patients.
Most doctors wear a white shirt or one-set to
identify themselves as a doctor…so our
professional identities maybe show our
professional ethics.
 First step: Individual. Second step: family
members. Third step: teachers, friends,
community. Fourth: family, relationships.
Identity changes over time, but ethical and
moral choices try to embody the choices of a
 Identity and ethics come from our mind.
Many things overlap. Past, present, social and
environmental factors and forces. Religion,
culture, experience, memory can change your
identity and ethics. Identity is mental. Ethics
is mental and physical.

What’s Ethics?

Rules/principles/philosophies/codes about morals.

Religion, businesses, schools, communities,
cultures, governments, NGO’s, individuals

What’s morality?
Good/bad behavior…
Individual’s heart, how you feel in a moral

Morals (n)
Moral (adj.)

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