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Science, Religion and Pragmatism

Pragmatism and morality had combined to create a fancy nation. It is also a
period od considerable and moral uncertainty and fever. The advance made in
politics and science were often so dramatic that people began to question both
new developments in the old believes. The literal parts of the Bible had already
been challenged by German scholars who has analysed it as a text of history
rather than a sacred text. In the same period new discoveries in geography also
cast out on the accuracy of the Genesis, however was Charles Darwin’s book
on evolution that was the real cause of anxiety.
The rise of Socialism
The development of radical ideas of economics and political theory. The
theories of Karl (1818-1883) of a new social organisation on a new distribution
of wealth were based on a research done in England.
The outstanding political phenomenon of the late XIX century was the new
democratic Reformed act of 1867 and 1868. The traditional political parties,
the liberals (formerly WHIGH) and the conservatives (formerly TORIES) no
longer seemed to satisfy the electorate. This led some people to search for
more radical solutions. In 1900 socialist groups and labour unions formed the
Labour Representation Committee, which in 1906 became the Labour Party
Victorian Attitudes
The attitudes regarded as typically Victorian are those of the Middle class: the
new industrialists’ merchants, and property owners who benefitted from
Victorian Prosperity and progress. Middle class Victorians believed in hard
work, seriousness and social respectability. They were progressive in that; they
favoured the new discoveries of science and the gradual attempts to make
England a more democratic society. They were conservative and often
repressive in their attitudes towards worldly pleasures, private emotions and
personal relationships.
While this outlook encouraged good behaviour and greatly increased the
civility of life. It also encouraged intellectual narrowness and climate of
The Victorian family
Victorian Family
The somewhat conventional(standard) morality of the time found its best
expression within the family. The centre of my family life was the father and
the main domination was carried further than before. The only work a woman
could do was to be dutiful wife and fruitful mother. Middle class women in
general were expected to stick fast to strict called and behaviour which
required them to be frail, innocent and pure, confined within the family walls
or at the most, devoted to a few respectable jobs like teaching or social
activities. A regular feature of Victorian life was family praying and Bible
reading, which took place daily.
Women at work
In the industrial areas, the factory system displaced the domestic system had
enabled women to work in their homes.
Women of strong character began to join ranks of the profession. They became
writers and journalists; for educated women teaching became an expanding
job after the middle of the century.

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