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Sustainable Architecture 101: Introduction

by Simone on 18 May, 2010 in Architecture + Design

Sustainable, „green‟ design seems to be on everyone‟s lips these days.

But what exactly does sustainability mean when applied to residential architecture and

This article is an introduction to a series that will bring together all the foundational elements
necessary for true Sustainable Architecture.

Sustainable Architecture 101: Introduction

The concept of sustainable development first appeared in the Brundtland Report (1987) that
defined it as:

“…development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.”

In the context of residential architecture, we believe this definition is best fulfilled through
the discipline of Passive Solar Design.

Passive Solar Design aims to maintain interior thermal comfort and to reduce the need of
mechanical heating or cooling by allowing the structure of the home itself to collect, store and
redistribute heat.

Good Passive Solar Design can result in a house requiring zero energy usage from the
electricity grid and in exceptional cases, may even result in excess energy being contributed
to the grid.

Sustainable Architecture: The 7 Pillars

The 7 Pillars of Sustainable Architecture are the foundations of Passive Solar Design.

All 7 of the Pillars are necessary and work together – if one element is misapplied it can
jeopardize the energy performance of the entire building.

These Pillars apply regardless of whether one is building a townhouse in Melbourne or an

apartment block in Alaska.

The 7 Pillars of Sustainable Architecture are:

Pillar 1: Thermal Comfort

Pillar 2: House Siting + Solar Access
Pillar 3: Insulation
Pillar 4: Windows
Pillar 5: Thermal Mass
Pillar 6: Thermal Bridges + Air Leakage
Pillar 7: Material Selection

While reading through this Sustainable Architecture 101 series, you may also find this
Sustainable Architecture Glossary helpful.

A brief description of each of the 7 Sustainable Architecture Pillars can be found below.
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 1: Thermal Comfort
by Simone on 25 May, 2010 in Architecture + Design

Why are some houses always uncomfortably cold even with a heater turned on?

The reason is that the perception of temperature is more important to our comfort than the
actual temperature – a concept known as Thermal Comfort.

This article will discuss Thermal Comfort and its importance as the first Pillar in Sustainable

Note: If you haven‟t already, it may be worthwhile reading Sustainable Architecture 101:
Introduction before reading this article.

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 1: Thermal Comfort

What is Thermal Comfort?

Human Thermal Comfort describes the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the
surrounding environment.

Thermal Discomfort (an unpleasant sensation of being too hot or too cold) can distract people
from their activities and disturb their well being.

Thermal Comfort is affected by six variable factors:

1. Air Temperature is the most common measure of Thermal Comfort and can easily be
influenced with passive and mechanical heating and cooling.
2. Mean Radiant Temperature is the weighted average temperature of all exposed surfaces in
a room. The greater the difference between air temperature and exposed surfaces, the
greater the Relative Air Velocity.
3. Relative Air Velocity (‘wind chill factor’) is the apparent temperature felt on exposed skin
due to wind. For example, if cold air is leaking in from a window, the air temperature feels
lower than the actual air temperature, hence the increased likelihood of feeling cold, even
when the heater is on.
4. Humidity or relative humidity is the moisture content of the air. If the humidity is above 70%
or below 30% it may cause discomfort.
5. Activity Levels can reduce the heating needs, as lower air temperature is acceptable when
occupants have higher activity levels.
6. Thermal Resistance of clothing or warm blankets in a bedroom can reduce the need of

The first four of these factors require an understanding of the environment and seasonal

The last two factors require an understanding of the purpose and use of the building by

True Sustainable Architecture will take into account all six of these factors.

Thermal Comfort and Energy Ratings

Currently in Australia, all new houses and major renovations are required to pass 5 Star
Energy Rating assessments.

While a step in the right direction, 5 Star Energy Ratings do not correlate to Thermal

While Thermal Comfort may be inferred by attaining higher energy rating accreditation, it
cannot be guaranteed.

This is because energy rating assessments in Australia are performed pre-construction.

This, of course, cannot take into account introduced air leakages caused by poor construction
techniques, thus resulting in compromised Thermal Comfort.

In Europe, energy ratings are conducted post-construction with some countries even
requiring airtight buildings. Such measures ensure that the goal of ensuring Thermal
Comfort in the building at design time actually translates at build time.

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 1: Conclusion

The reason why some houses are always uncomfortably cold – even with a heater turned on –
is because the perception of temperature is more important to our comfort than the actual

This perception of temperature is known as Thermal Comfort and is affected by six factors:

1. Air Temperature
2. Mean Radiant Temperature
3. Relative Air Velocity (‘wind chill factor’)
4. Humidity
5. Activity Levels
6. Thermal Resistance

A true Sustainable, Passive Solar House in Australia will require:

A site specific Passive Solar design,

An understanding that 5 Star Energy Ratings do not (and cannot) correlate to Thermal
Comfort, and
A builder who has proven experience in building for Passive Solar Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 2: Solar Access
by Simone on 1 June, 2010 in Architecture + Design

Why do some houses feel airy, light, spacious and open while others feel dark, dingy and

The difference comes down to each houses‟ Solar Access.

This article will discuss why maximising Solar Access not only makes a house feel more
vibrant, but is essential for true Passive Solar Design.

Note: If you haven‟t already, it may be worthwhile reading Sustainable Architecture 101:
Introduction before reading this article.

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 2: Solar Access

Solar Access refers to the amount of direct and diffuse solar energy a building receives and
directly impacts energy use, thermal comfort and how „livable‟ a house feels. Optimal solar
access can improve thermal comfort and decrease energy requirements thus reducing
greenhouse emissions.

Solar access is measured by the number of hours that the sun can shine into north-facing
windows between 9am and 3pm on the shortest day of the year (22 June, mid-winter).

The ability of a house to maximise Solar Access is a key pillar in desiging a true Passive
Solar House and depends upon decisions taken in the first steps of a project, some even
before design begins.

The three significant factors that impact Solar Access are:

1. Site Selection
2. House Orientation
3. House Floorplan

1. Site Selection

The first step in designing for Solar Access is selecting a suitable site.

In the Southern Hemisphere, maximising Solar Access means securing a property that can
take advantage of the esteemed north facing light.

However, a north facing direction is by itself, no guarantee of good Solar Access.

It‟s important that a site is selected that is known to be able to achieve a good level of
unobstructed, north facing, winter sun (since the winter sun sits lower in the sky than the
summer sun).

Any obstructions in the form of buildings, fences, trees or other features to the north,
northeast or northwest can block Solar Access – note that in mid-winter obstructions cast
shadows two to three times their height.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) generally recommends that the sun should be
able to shine six hours into the windows during winter. Especially in cooler areas, the BOM
also recommends solar access to east-facing windows.

2. House Orientation

The second step in designing for Solar Access is orienting the house/dwelling correctly.

An „ideal world‟ house orientation in the Southern Hemisphere would run east west – as this
maximises the proportion of building exposed to North facing light.

Living areas should be ideally orientated within the range of 15°W-20°E of true or „solar‟
north. Good house orientation and clever use of eaves can block out harsh summer sun yet
allow the lower winter sun to heat the building with zero extra costs or effort from the
occupants. By contrast, poor orientation will result in heat loss in winter and will lead to
overheating in summer.

3. House Floorplan

The third step in designing for Solar Access is designing the internal floorplan correctly.

The decisions over floorplan and room placement not only influence convenience and
comfort but also directly impact the energy efficiency of the building.

General floorplan guidelines that promote good Solar Access and energy efficiency include
ensuring that:

Rooms with similar uses are zoned – allowing for the separation of heated and
unheated rooms (thereby reducing heating/cooling needs).
Living areas/zones are north facing eg. family rooms, kitchens and rumpus rooms.
Windows to the west sun are avoided – especially for living rooms and bedrooms.
Windows to the east are small, shaded in summer and oriented correctly –
between 30° east of true north and 40° east of south.
„Buffer zones’ are created to the west, east or south. These buffers (eg. Garages,
bathrooms, storage rooms etc) can protect the building from summer sun and winter
wind thus avoiding unwanted heat gain or loss
North facing obstructions are avoided – eg. shaded courtyards, garages or other
deep articulations.
‘Air-locks’ to external doors are incorporated – to reduce the loss of heat when
external doors are opened.
Cross ventilation is promoted by designing openable windows and doors located on
different sides of the home.
Zones that use water are grouped together to minimise heat loss from pipes,
plumbing costs and water wastage.

Building Shape: Surface Area to Volume Ratio (S/V)

When considering floorplans, the Building Shape (or more specifically the Surface Area to
Volume ratio, S/V) is an important factor for the performance of a building.

The greater the surface area, the greater the potential heat gain or loss through it.
Consequently, a small S/V ratio implies minimum heat gain and minimum heat loss.

In order to minimise unwanted losses and gains through the fabric of a building, it‟s desirable
to design a compact shape, without articulation. In theory, the most compact building would
be a cube however this configuration may not be acceptable for many reasons however the
principle is:

“…to minimise heat loss, the building shape should be as compact as possible.”

Sustainable Architecture Solar Access: Conclusion

Why do some houses feel airy, light, spacious and open while others feel dark, dingy and

The difference comes down to the Solar Access of a house.

Solar Access refers to the amount of direct and diffuse solar energy a building receives and
directly impacts energy use, thermal comfort and how „livable‟ a house feels.

The ability of a house to maximise Solar Access is a key pillar in desiging a true Passive
Solar House and depends upon decisions taken in the first steps of a project, some even
before design begins.

The three significant factors that impact Solar Access are:

1. Site Selection
2. House Orientation
3. House Floorplan
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 3: Insulation
by Simone on 8 June, 2010 in Architecture + Design

Will your new home be:

a) 5 star energy rated, or

b) Energy efficient?

Contrary to popular belief, the two aren‟t the same.

This article will discuss the new thinking that is needed regarding the critical role Thermal
Insulation plays in true Sustainable Architecture.

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 3: Insulation

The purpose of Thermal Insulation in any building is to regulate the internal temperature by
reducing unwanted heat transfer through radiation, convection and conduction.

The ability of insulation to resist heat transfer is measured in a unit known as the R-value –
the higher the R-value, the better the insulation.

So why is a 5 star energy rated home not the same as an energy efficient home?

The current Energy Rating system

The Victorian Building Commission‟s compulsory 5 Star (soon to be 6 star) Energy Rating
program for new homes defines minimum standards that your insulation must meet.

While definitely a step in the right direction, meeting these minimum requirements does not
equal energy efficiency.

The reason is that energy rating assessments in Victoria are performed pre-construction and
so cannot take into account poor construction techniques. For example, poorly installed
insulation batts that expose just 5% of ceiling area can translate to losses of up to 50% of
insulation benefits.

As long as Victorian energy efficiency ratings are measured pre-construction they can never
equate to actual energy efficiency post-construction.

Actual energy efficiency

Possibly the major reason that Australians have accepted energy inefficient homes is that
poor energy performance hasn’t really mattered.

Germany has been leading the world in truly energy efficient, Passive Solar Design, for many
years now not because it‟s trendy, but because it’s necessary. With Germany‟s extreme
winter climate, poor insulation and construction can allow unwanted heat transfer, internal
structural condensation, ice build up and potential building failure.

The majority of homes in Australia will never suffer building failure as a result of poor
insulation because our more moderate climates forgive poor design and construction.

However, by the same token (if we continue in our ways „because we can‟) then the majority
of homes in Australia will also never enjoy the benefits of true energy efficiency –
zero/minimal heating and cooling requirements and a clear conscience knowing that our
houses are actively contributing every day to the sustainability of our planet.

To achieve that, we need new thinking that goes beyond current minimum standards.

New thinking…

If we are to obtain the true energy efficiency benefits of Passive Solar Design, then we need
to adopt Passive Solar Design thinking.

Rather than asking ourselves „what is the minimum R-value insulation required to obtain a 5
star rating?‟, we need to ask ourselves the question they ask:

“How can we seal the entire building envelope as one continuous, air-tight shell?”

This question changes the mindset of merely adding high R-value insulation in ceilings and
external walls on a checklist to masterfully designing and detailing your dwelling such that
no conductive air gap exists between any internal living space and the exterior.

In fact, so serious is this issue in Germany that infra-red sensors are used post-construction
to detect even the smallest of air leaks – which are required by law to be rectified by the

Sustainable Architecture Insulation: Conclusion

5 star energy rated homes may meet minimum Victorian government requirements but do not
equal energy efficiency.
True energy efficiency can only be attained when careful attention is placed on treating and
sealing the entire building envelope as one continuous, air-tight shell.

If we are to experience the benefits of true Passive Solar Design it will mean adopting new
thinking that goes beyond current minimum requirements.

The next article in this series will focus on Pillar 4 of Sustainable Architecture: Windows.


The Australian Government Deparmtent of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency is

planning to introduce new regulations for the existing housing market in 2011. They are
planning to make it a requirement to provide information about energy, water and greenhouse
performance to both house buyers and house renters. Further, studies in ACT where this is
already a requirement, have shown that higher energy efficiency in homes translates in terms
of higher market values.
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 4: Windows
by Simone on 15 June, 2010 in Architecture + Design

Double glazed windows stop unwanted heat loss. True or False?

Note: If you haven‟t already, it may be worthwhile reading Sustainable Architecture 101:
Introduction before reading this article.

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 4: Windows

Contrary to popular belief, Double Glazed windows do not stop unwanted heat loss.

They may reduce conductive heat loss but they still allow radiated heat transfer.

Sustainable Architecture, however, is not about stopping heat transfer completely, but using it

The 5 Integrated Window Design Factors

Solar radiation from the sun travels through windows to the inside of a house. This radiant
heat is absorbed by thermal mass, building elements and furniture, which when warmed up,
re-radiates heat to the room air. This re-radiated heat is trapped inside, resulting in convective
heat build-up within the room.

Tight integration of the following 5 Window Design factors pave the way for effective use of
this freely available solar radiation.

1. Strategic Sizing and Orientation

The total solar radiation each window receives varies according to the time of the year and

In Summer all windows receive heat gains.

In Winter only windows facing north, north-west and north-east have a net heat gain.

Windows should be orientated to the north where possible and ideally be large (provided
solar access is good).
South and east-facing windows should be kept small with south facing windows being
openable – enable natural cross ventilation in summer.
West-facing windows should be avoided or at least kept relatively small and well shaded.

Where there are obstructions to the north, clerestory windows, skylights and roof lights are a
good option to allow solar energy into the building.

2. Appropriate Window Selection and Installation

The Window Energy Rating Scheme (WERS) is a program implemented by the Australian
Window Council (AWC) with the support of the Australian Greenhouse Office. The windows
are evaluated with stars – the more stars, the better the performance (the lower the U-Value):

Single glazed window with a typical aluminium frame have U-values ranging from 7.9 to 5.5
Double glazed windows with timber frames have U-values ranging from 3.8 to 2.5 W/mK.

An important factor when selecting windows is the frame itself – as it can negatively affect
the overall performance of the window. Some frame materials, such as metal, glass or
aluminium, allow heat to pass through easily and therefore shouldn‟t be used. Up to 20% of
heat can be lost through the frame alone – even on a Double Glazed window.

Finally, a good U-value is no guarantee for a well performing window. The installation of
windows (and doors) needs to be done according to manufacturers guidelines – all gaps must
be sealed and weather-stripped carefully in order to perform to the specified U-value.

3. Strategic External Shading

Double glazing won‟t prevent radiated heat from coming into the building, which means that
in summer windows need to be protected by means of external shading.
North Facing external shades: Fixed eaves, verandas or pergolas over north facing windows
can actually be designed to strategically block out the summer sun yet allow in winter sun.
This is because the summer sun sits higher in the sky, while the winter sun sits lower on the

East and West-facing external shades: East and west facing windows need a flexible shading
device that can be completely retracted to let winter sun in but can be extended to keep
harsh summer sun out. Adjustable shading includes canvas blinds, shutters, metal slats,
louvres or shadecloth over pergolas.

Shading devices should always enable ventilation outside the window, as shading fitted too
closely to a window can trap warm air which can be conducted into the house.

4. Quality Internal Coverings

In winter, lower room temperatures and draughts occur when window glass surfaces are
noticeably colder than the warm air in the room. The Relative Air Velocity ends up high
enough for occupants to feel winter discomfort. For this reason, all windows require
protection from heat loss in winter in order to maintain Thermal Comfort. To minimise
winter heat loss, it is important to trap a layer of insulative still air between the window and
the room. This can be achieved by using internal coverings such as drapes, blinds and/or lace
curtains combined with pelmets.

5. Thermal Mass

Appropriate use of Thermal Mass in conjunction with well integrated window design is its
own subject, and conveniently will be covered in next week‟s article.

Sustainable Architecture Windows: Conclusion

Double glazed windows alone do not stop unwanted heat transfer – nor are they designed to.

Passive Solar Design is not about stopping heat transfer completely, but using it efficiently.

The following 5 factors of integrated window design must be present in order to achieve the
goal of Passive Solar Design:

1. Strategic Sizing and Orientation

2. Appropriate Window Selection and Installation
3. Strategic External Shading
4. Quality Internal Coverings
5. Thermal Mass

The next article in this series will focus on Pillar 5 of Sustainable Architecture: Thermal
Mass. To have this article automatically delivered to your email inbox, why not subscribe to
our e-newsletter? Its free!
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 6: Sealed Building Envelope
by Simone on 29 June, 2010 in Architecture + Design

What could Sustainable Architecture possibly have in common with Submarine Design +
Build? Perhaps not a lot – except for one critical component!

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 6: Sealed Building Envelope

Imagine if you were in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean and you noticed that a crack
had formed on the window/portal seal allowing:

Valuable oxygen from inside the submarine to escape, and

Freezing water from outside to flood in

Would you continue, business as usual?

Or would you drop everything, resurface and get it fixed?

The heat loss equivalent of this example happens in virtually every Australian home, every

The Sealed Building Envelope

A breach anywhere in the shell of a submarine compromises the entire vessel.

For a submarine to function, the entire shell must be completely sealed.

The same is true for a Passive Solar House.

A breach anywhere in the ‟shell‟ – or Building Envelope – of a Passive Solar House

compromises the energy performance of the entire building.

For a Passive Solar House to be truly sustainable, the entire Building Envelope must be
completely sealed.
What constitutes a breach?

A breach in the Building Envelope of a house occurs through:

1. Air Leakages, and

2. Thermal Bridges

1. Air Leakages

An Air Leak in the Building Envelope is the Sustainable Architecture equivalent of a crack in
the shell of a submarine.

In winter, it allows valuable heat inside to escape while allowing unwanted external cold air
inside, with the reverse being true in Summer.

Examples of Air Leakages include:

Unsealed doors/windows,
Unsealed vents, skylights and exhaust fans
Gaps within or around wall insulation, between floorboards, around wall penetrations (eg.
air conditioners, heaters)
Gaps within or around ceiling insulation and around ceiling penetrations (eg. downlights,
pipes, cables etc).

2. Thermal Bridges

A Thermal Bridge is an element of a building that allows heat to travel through it more
quickly than through other elements of the building.

A Thermal Bridge can be as disastrous as a flyscreen window on a submarine – allowing

unwanted heat transfer en masse.

Examples of Thermal Bridges include:

Inappropriately specified windows, doors and skylights

Poorly designed/constructed junctions between floor to wall, wall to roof, balconies to
window and door frames.

Locating Breaches

Unlike in Europe, the significance of Air Leakages and Thermal Bridges is virtually unknown
and not a regulatory requirement in Australia.

In Europe, infrared cameras are used to locate Air Leakages and Thermal Bridges caused by
inadequate detailing on plans, incorrectly specified materials or poor workmanship.

Acceptable Thermal Bridges

Infrared Camera used to detect Thermal Bridges

The image above is an example of how infrared cameras are used to detect Air Leakages and
Thermal Bridges in a typical German home. The lighter the colour the warmer the materials.

Although double glazed, thermally improved windows and doors are used in the house above,
they have a higher U-value than the walls. As expected, they are lighter in colour compared
to the walls (since they allow more heat to escape through them). In this case, they represent
a Thermal Bridge – however, the amount of heat transfer in this case is within pre-
determined, acceptable limits.

Unacceptable Thermal Bridges

The images below show a photo and an infrared scan of an upper storey bedroom.

Photo and Infrared Scan of Upper Storey Bedroom

As can be seen in the infrared scan on the right, there is an obvious thermal bridge at the
junction where the wall meets the ceiling. The dark colour indicates that there are gaps in the
insulation as that corner is significantly darker and therefore colder than the rest of the room.
This will require further investigation and rectification, otherwise the builder may be liable
for any structural damage that might result.

Sealing the Building Envelope

In order to achieve a Passive Solar House, it is the Architect‟s/Designer‟s responsibility to

design a sealed Building Envelope. This will require:

Windows and doors to be specified that allow heat transfer within acceptable limits.
Connections and junctions of different building materials to be extensively detailing during
the Working Drawing stage so that the Builder can appreciate the level of precision required.

Once the architect/designer has faithfully sealed the Building Envelope on plan, it then
becomes the Builder‟s responsibility to build the dwelling accordingly. The finished product
should have no Air Leakages and Thermal Bridges should be within acceptable values.

Sustainable Architecture: Sealed Building Envelope Conclusion

For a house to be truly Passive, the Building Envelope must be completely sealed.

Breaches in the Building Envelope of a house occur via:

1. Air Leakages, and

2. Thermal Bridges

In order to achieve a Passive Solar House, it is the Architect‟s/Designer‟s responsibility to

design a sealed Building Envelope.

Once the Architect/Designer has faithfully sealed the Building Envelope on plan, it then
becomes the Builder‟s responsibility to build the dwelling accordingly.
Sustainable Architecture Pillar 7: Materials
by Simone on 6 July, 2010

in Property Development

When it comes to building materials for your new home, there are now more sustainable
products to choose from than ever before. But did you know that you can actually make an
even bigger difference for the environment than merely selecting enviro-friendly products?

Sustainable Architecture Pillar 7: Materials

As a society we are more informed and more passionate than ever about the sustainability of
the products we consume.

Unfortunately, it seems that the focus for sustainability is often at the point of consumption,
or Material Selection.

Material Selection

Focussing on sustainability at the point of selection is important but typically means we have
started with a certain type of question:

“Given the options on the market, what type of product should I select ?”

We then use sophisticated models of measuring the total environmental impact of these
materials to make our decision. eg:

Carbon Footprint
Embodied Energy
Life Cycle Assessment
Material Input per Service Unit

This question often assumes we need the house we think we need, but just with ‟sustainable‟
windows, doors, insulation etc…
As critical as this question is for Sustainable Architecture, it often distracts us from
answering an even bigger question that we should be asking …

Material Usage

“How much of each product do I actually use?”

This bigger picture question addresses the issue of Material Usage.

When you consider Material Usage, several facets of Design + Build open up where you can
directly make tangible, significant environmental contributions:

1. Use Less. The smaller and more compact a house is, the less material is required.
2. Use Repetition. Using one material/product over and over again (eg. windows, doors,
paints) allows the manufacturer to optimise efficiencies into their manufacturing process.
3. Use All. Using all of the material you choose by carefully designing for standard building
product dimensions means you have less offcuts and less waste.
4. Use Again. Using Recycled instead of new materials means that the environmental ‘cost’ of
manufacturing the new equivalent product is saved
5. Use Design. Do you really need another room? Or do you just need a better space saving
design? Defining the actual problem and addressing it with clever design can make a whole
host of materials/products that were to be used, redundant.

Answering this question may result in a house that is completely different (most probably
smaller) than what you had in mind, but is one that directly answers your usage needs.

Implementing one or all five of these truly sustainable Material Usage principles into your
Design + Build project means that the end result will be better for the environment,
regardless of your preferred measure of Material Selection.

Sustainable Architecture: Materials Conclusion

In the context of Sustainable Architecture, our focus on sustainability should begin at the
question of Material Usage, rather than at the point of Material Selection.

When you ask questions of Material Usage, there are several facets of Design + Build where
you can directly make tangible, significant environmental contributions:

1. Use Less
2. Use Repetition
3. Use All
4. Use Again
5. Use Design

Implementing one or all five of these truly sustainable Material Usage principles into your
Design + Build project means that the end result will be better for the environment,
regardless of your preferred measure of Material Selection.
Further Reading/References:

Resource Smart Victoria on Passive Solar Design: Climate and Comfort (PDF)
Sustainability Victoria on Sun, Climate and Comfort (PDF) Technical Manual on Thermal Comfort
Health & Safety Executive UK – Thermal Comfort Checklist

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