Gravity As A Zero Point Fluctuation Force

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Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force

H. E. Puthoff
Institute for Aduanced Studies at Austin, Austin, Texas 78746
(Received 14 March 1988; revised manuscript received 15 August 1988)
Sakharov has proposed a suggestive model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamen-
tal force, but rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations (ZPF's) of the vacuum,
in much the same manner as the van der Waals and Casimir forces. In the spirit of this proposal we
develop a point-particle —ZPF interaction model that accords with and fulfills this hypothesis. In
the model gravitational mass and its associated gravitational effects are shown to derive in a fully
self-consistent way from electromagnetic-ZPF-induced particle motion (ZitterbeiLIegung). Because
of its electromagnetic-ZPF underpinning, gravitational theory in this form constitutes an "already
unified" theory.

I. INTRODUCTION trum. In this approach, the small (but finite) value of the
gravitational constant is an inverse reflection of the high
gravitational theory, whether in its scalar Newtonian (but not infinite) value of the high-frequency cutoff'of the
form or its tensor general-relativistic form, is recognized ZPF.
to be essentially phenomenological in nature. As such, it In this paper we explore the Sakharov viewpoint on the
invites attempts at derivation from a more fundamental basis of a conceptually simple, classical model (but in-
set of underlying assumptions, and six such attempts are cluding ZPF) in which matter, in the form of charged
outlined in the standard reference book Gravitation, by point particles (partons), interacts with the ZPF of the
Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler (MTW). ' vacuum electromagnetic field. As part of this develop-
Of the six approaches presented in MTW, perhaps the ment the model predicts (I) to be precisely of the form
most far-reaching in its implications for an underlying 1/2
7T C
model is one due to Sakharov; namely, that gravitation is ETC
' ' (2)
not a fundamental interaction at all, but rather an in-
duced effect brought about by changes in the quantum-
2 A
codto AG

fluctuation energy of the vacuum when matter is In order to constitute a self-consistent, viable basis for
present. ' In this view the attractive gravitational force gravitation, however, a first-order ZPF model for gravity
is more akin to the induced van der Waals and Casimir must provide not only a basis for calculation of the gravi-
forces, than to the fundamental Coulomb force. Al- tational constant G (shown to reflect the ZPF cutoff), but
though speculative when first introduced by Sakharov in must also account for the genesis of the gravitational
1967, this hypothesis has led to a rich and ongoing litera- mass, and the attractive inverse-square-law force. In the
ture on quantum-fluctuation-induced gravity that contin- particular version of the Sakharov hypothesis pursued
ues to be of interest. In this approach the presence of here, the mass is shown to correspond to the kinetic ener-
matter in the vacuum is taken to constitute a kind of set gy of ZPF-induced internal particle (parton) motion (ZPF
of boundaries as in a generalized Casimir effect, and the
"jitter, or Zitterbetoegung), while the force is found to
question of how quantum fluctuations of the vacuum un- be of a long-range retarded van der Waals type, associat-
der these circumstances can lead to an action and metric ed with the broad-spectrum ZPF radiation fields generat-
that reproduce Einstein gravity has been addressed from ed by that same Zitterbewegung motion.
several viewpoints. These are treated in some detail in a To arrive at the above results, basically we simply as-
comprehensive review by Adler on gravity as a semble together in a straightforward fashion previously
symmetry-breaking effect in quantum field theory. published results regarding ZPF models of van der Waals
On the basis of heuristic and dimensional arguments and related effects in flat space-time. When this is done,
along general relativistic lines, Sakharov argues that in a one finds the leading term in the interaction potential,
vacuum-fluctuation model for gravity the Newtonian previously unexamined, to be Newton's law with no free
gravitational constant G should be determined by an ex- parameters to be fixed. In such a fashion the
pression of the form identification of this term as gravitational emerges natu-
rally from the concatenation of the previously published
c results. Yet further evidence for the correctness of this
interpretation is provided in Sec. VI, where details of the
fl todco pattern that emerges are presented in the context of a
self-consistent coherent picture of the underlying dynam-
where co, corresponds to an effective Planck cutoff' fre- ics of the gravitational force that conforms to the facts as
quency of the vacuum zero-point-fluctuation (ZPF) spec- we know them.

39 2333 1989 The American Physical Society

2334 H. E. PUTHOFF

II. VACUUM ZPF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (REF. 8) quantum field theory, which showed that, apart from an
additional density-of-states factor [ I +(a /roc) ], the spec-
In the classical approach used here, point- tral distribution seen by an accelerating observer assumes
particle —ZPF interactions are treated on the basis that a thermal (Planck) form if one makes the identification
charged point-mass particles interact with a background T = gaia /2nck (k is Boltzmann's constant; T, absolute
of random classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation temperature). In commenting on the additional density-
with energy spectrum (as in the quantum-mechanical of-states factor, Boyer points out that the additional con-
case) tribution beyond the thermal (Planck) form is related to
'Ac&) 16co
the space-time properties of an accelerating reference
p(co)den= d (3) frame. This gives us a clue that, via the equivalence prin-
1T C 2w c ciple, this additional term can be related to the gravita-
where the first factor in parentheses corresponds to the tional interaction. '
density of normal modes, the second to an average energy Of special interest here, therefore, is not the thermal
'A~ per mode. This treatment of quantum field-particle
term of interest in the original treatment, but rather the
leading terms
interactions on the basis of a classical ZPF constitutes an
analysis technique known in the literature as stochastic = Ace Acoa
electrodynamics (SED). SED is a well-defined frame- p'(co) =po(ai)+ bp'(co) +
277 C 277 C
work that has a long history of success in yielding precise
quantitative agreement with full QED treatments of such These indicate that an accelerated observer would see the
topics as Casimir' ' and van der Waals forces, '
topics background ZPF spectrum augmented by a term propor-
directly related to the one pursued here. In this approach tional to the square of the acceleration. Application of
A appears in the above expression simply in the role of the principle of equivalence then indicates that the addi-
scale factor, without need of quantum interpretation, and tional spectral contribution seen in a frame with accelera-
all other appearances of A in the development can be tion a should also be seen in a nonaccelerated frame with
traced back to its appearance in this expression. local gravitational field g produced by a gravitational
The spectral energy density represented by (3) formally mass m . Setting g = — a= —1,Gm /r, we obtain
diverges as co . It is generally assumed, however, that the 2
spectrum is efIectively cut ofT'at a frequency roughly cor-
responding to the Planck frequency,
co =(c /vari G )
'i Thus the principle of equivalence predicts an addition-
al contribution to ZPF energy by gravitational mass, a re-
As we shall see in the following sections, this assumption quirement that must be met in any ZPF-based theory of
is supported by the line of development presented here. gravitation. Since this additional contribution of energy
As a first step toward developing the hypothesized un- is electromagnetic in nature, we must ascribe to mass an
derlying ZPF basis of the gravitational interaction, we appropriate electromagnetic-field-generating function, a
compare the forms of the spectral distribution of the ZPF point to which we return in Sec. IV.
of the electromagnetic fields as seen from unaccelerated
and accelerated frames of reference.
Of particular significance with regard to the spectral III. ZITTERBE8'EGUNG MODEL
distribution in an unaccelerated frame, given by (3), is the
fact of its Lorentz invariance, which derives specifically As our basic point-particle —ZPF interaction model, we
from the spectrum's cubic dependence on frequency. The represent matter as a collection of charged point-mass
cubic spectrum is unique in its property that delicate can- particles (partons), in accordance with standard theory.
cellations of Doppler shifts with velocity boosts leaves In the development that follows it is not necessary to in-
the spectrum Lorentz invariant. ' voke the details of particular parton representations (e.g. ,
In an accelerated frame, on the other hand, the de- families of fractionally charged quarks) beyond certain
tailed balance of Doppler-shift cancellations is negated, general concepts, such as the "asymptotic freedom" of
with the result that the spectral distribution takes the partons to respond to the high-frequency components of
form" the ZPF spectrum as essentially free particles. It is
necessary to focus to the charged-parton level, however,
CO in order to represent properly the essentially equal mag-

7T C MC nitudes of proton and neutron contributions to gravita-
tional mass. This accounts for the fact that charged and
16co %co neutral matter participate equally in the gravitational in-
2 exp( 2ncco /a )
— (4) teraction, based on underlying charged-parton interac-
where a is the proper acceleration relative to a Lorentz We begin our discussion of particle-field interactions
frame. This expression was originally derived by Boyer' by examining the properties of a simple charged harmon-
on the basis of the random classical ZPF background as- ic oscillator of natural frequency coo (corresponding to a
sumed here. The purpose was to derive a result, first ob- binding force that is linear in displacement from equilib-
tained by Davies' and Unruh' within the context of rium), located at the origin and immersed in zero-point

radiation. The (nonrelativistic) equation of motion for a 2 1/2

particle of mass m0 and charge q, including radiation
damping, is given by
Hzp(r, t)= Re g f d k(kXe) Ado
8m. Po

2 =
m0'r+ m 0co0r
r"+ q EZP Xe ik-r inst+i 0(k, o )
6776 0C 3
where o. =1,2 denote orthogonal polarizations, c, and k
If we introduce the dipole moment, p = qr, and the damp- are orthogonal unit vectors in the direction of the electric
ing constant, field polarization and wave propagation vectors, respec-
tively, 8(k, o ) are random phases distributed uniformly
I =q /6me0m0c on the interval 0 to 2'
( independently distributed for
we can write (7) in a form convenient for later discussion, each k, cr ), and co = kc.
It is at this point that we need to consider the
p+coop=l p+6neoc I Ezp (8) correspondence between the above equations and the
We will also be particularly interested in the kinetic ener- parton-ZPF interaction of interest. First, we treat the
gy, 8= —,(mor, which becomes parton as a two-dimensional (rather than three-
dimensional) oscillator, drawing on previous studies that
~ 2
P (9) model spin as the "internal" angular momentum associat-
1 27T&0c I ed with two-dimensional Zitterbeuegung motion. '
Once written in this form, the oscillator equation of Second, because we are interested primarily in the
motion (8) and energy equation (9) refer only to the global particle's high-frequency Zitterbemegung response to the
properties of the oscillator (dipole moment p, natural fre- ZPF, whose spectral density increases as co, we may to
quency coo, and damping constant I ), and do not involve first order neglect the binding-force term involving co0
individual mechanical properties of the oscillator such as (asymptotic freedom as it relates to the ZPF). Finally, we
charge or mass. also neglect the radiation-damping force in comparison
With regard to the ZPF fields, the vacuum is assumed to the inertial force and ZPF driving terms. (Alternative-
to be filled with a random classical zero-point elec- ly, the restoring-force and radiation-damping terms can
tromagnetic radiation whose Fourier composition under- be carried through in the derivations that follow, and ap-
lies the spectrum given in (3). Written as a sum over propriate approximations introduced at the end, without
plane waves, the random radiation, which is homogene- change of result. )
ous, isotropic, and Lorentz invariant, can be expressed as To obtain the expectation value of kinetic energy
of the Zitterbetcegung motion given by (9), ( ( )
=(p )/12meoc I,
we follow a procedure due to Rue-
Ezp(r, t)= Re g f d'ke 'Aco

8m 3 e0 da. Under the asymptotically-free-particle assumptions

stated in the paragraph above, the x component of (8)
r —i mt +i g(k, o )
Xe ik (10) takes the form (with x a unit vector in the x direction)

dPx" .g ik r —idiot
=6m. eoc
0 I (Ezp)„=6m
ZP x 0 I Re
roc f d k(E x)
8m e0
+i 0(k, o. ) (12)

Integrating once with respect to time, we obtain

2 1/2
—icot +i 0(k, o )
P„=6neoc I Re . f dt g f d k(e x) 15co
i k-r

2 1/2 —1
=6neoc I Re g=1 f d k(e x)
e ik r+i 0(k, o )

o. 8m e0 ECO

The expectation value (p„) then follows from

' Z Z2
2 1/2, 1/2 l Q)7
(p„(= '
—, Re(36rr eeeer
o=1 o'=1
f drk f d'k (e x((e'
8m e0 8~ 3
e0 E67


exp[i(k —k'). r+i(((k, e ( —i(((k', rr'(]l, (14)


where use of the complex conjugates and the notation —, Re stems from the use of exponential notation. Equation (14)
can, however, be simplified to
( 2)

36 2e2c61 2
y f d3k(e
~x)2 R&
8' 60

2336 H. E. PUTHOFF 39

where averaging over random phases involves the use of

( exp[i(k —k') r.+i&(k, o ) 8(k',

i— o')]) =5 5 (k —k') . (16)
With f d k ~ f d 0& f dk k, and the angular integration in k taking the form

f dII& g (E x) = f dQ&[1 —(k.x) ]=—ir, ', (17)

we can rewrite (15) (with a change of variables to co = kc) as

(P„)= 12Eofic I f des co[1 —cos(cur)]

[1 —cos(co, r) —(co, r) sin(co, r)]

=6@oh'c I co, 1+ (18)

where cu, is the assumed cutoff frequency, to be deter- originating in parton-motion response to the electromag-
mined later. ' netic zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum. It is there-
For ~, r ))1, (p, ) reaches the value fore simply a special case of the general proposition that
the internal kinetic energy of a system contributes to the
(P, ) =6eofic I co, . (19) effective mass of that system. This derivation of mass
For the two-dimensional Zi tterbewegung motion as- as an internal kinetic energy of motion is thus the first re-
sult derived from the Zitterbemegung model. As will be
shown in later sections, it is this mass that is involved in
(p') =2(p„') =12m, iric'r'co2, (20) the gravitational interaction.

which, when substituted into (9), yields IV. ZITTERBES'EGUNG FIELDS

We turn our attention now to the fields generated by
the ZPF-induced Zitterbemegung motion. Considering,
say, the x component of motion, we find that an assumed
It is thus seen that the expectation value of the kinetic e ' ' time dependence substituted into (8) yields for the
energy of parton Zitterbeuegung motion reaches a finite magnitude of any particular frequency component
magnitude, limited by the finite value of the (as yet un-
determined) ZPF cutoff frequency. The energy calculated 6~@pc I
in this way is in the nature of the so-called "transverse P„(co)= — (e x)Ezp(co), (24)
self-energy" (in QED) of a particle in response to the elec-
tromagnetic zero-point Auctuations of the vacuum. where the overtilde designates the magnitude of a fre-
Since the energy associated with this Zitterbeuregung quency component, and once again we have neglected the
motion is an internal particle energy, that is, not directly binding and radiation-damping forces. This expression
observable, we identify this energy as that corresponding can then be combined with the ZPF-field expressions (10)
to the rest-mass energy of the particle, rn, and (11), and the standard oscillating dipole formulas

I Ace,
m= 2
(22) Ed(co)= Re pe
i' cot'Cy (25)
&s will be shown in Sec IV, co, =(m.c /fiG)', in which
case (22) reduces to
Hz(co) = Re Pe '"'F (26)
Ic (23)
G to yield expressions for the dipole fields generated by the
In this view the particle mass m is of dynamical origin, Zitterbemegung motion, viz. ,

6'ITE pc I —icot +i 8(k, cr)~
Ed= —Re l
g ] fdk ( E, 'x)e (27)
4'TTE p Q7 8m ep

—Re 6mepc I —icut +i 0(k, o )~
4' g fdk 8m ep
(6 x)e (28)

where, with r a unit vector in the direction joining the dipole to the field evaluation point,

G=k3e'"" (rXx)Xr
+[3r(r x) —x] (29)
(kr) (kr)

F = k 3eikr(r X x) (30)
(kr) (kr}
The energy density in the dipole-field distribution can be calculated from (27) and (28) as
~ tUd = '
—,ep& Ed ) + —,pa & H„' )


dk dk' 67TE

c I 6~ac I

8a 3e0
1/2 ', %CO
8m e0

x(e x)(e' x)l(el'exp[ —i(m —m' )r +i()(k, o) —i ( ()'k, o)])

6neoc I 6vrEoc I 1/2
+ Re( '
—, d'k d k' %CO %CO

0 =1 o.'=1 CO CO 8' e0
8~3 e0
x(e x)(e' x)lpl'exp[ i(ro m) +ii (kr), )o—i()(k', o')]l . (31)

This reduces to Since in the final analysis we are interested in the net

contribution of a large collection of randomly oriented
(32) individual particle motions, we average over the solid an-
gle to obtain
where we have made use of (17), and have averaged over
random phases by the use of bpd(cd)= hpd2mr
singdP= AcI (37)
—td—')t +i8(k, o ) —i8(k', a. ')])
4mr z
2' r
exp[ i (cd
Since according to (22) there is a relationship between I
=|] 5 5 (k —k') . (33) and the particle mass m for ZPF-driven Zitterbewegung
motion, (37) can also be written
The part of the integrand in parentheses in (32) can be
evaluated by means of (29) and (30), and yields = m 'c'co
&pd(cd) (38)
IF I'+ & I'I

Zitterbewegung motion therefore leads to the generation

2 sin P 4cos ]t) 4cos g+ sin f (34) of an electromagnetic field distribution in proximity to
(kr) (kr) (kr) the mass that is proportional to frequency times mass
where g is the angle measured from the dipole-motion
squared, divided by r,
and upon detailed examination is
found to be half electric, half magnetic. According to (6),
unit vector I
to the evaluation-point unit vector r. The moreover, a field of just this form is required by the prin-
first term proportional to 1/r constitutes the radiation ciple of equivalence. Under the assumption that the
field associated with the ZPF-driven dipole. As shown gravitational and rest masses are identical (mg =m), (6)
previously by Boyer, this radiation just replaces that be- and (38) can be equated to obtain the cutoff frequency
ing absorbed from the background, on a detailed-balance '
basis with regard to both frequency and angular distribu-
tion, and therefore does not result in an incremental CO (39)
change to the background. Of the two remaining (induc-
tion) field terms, the I /r term predominates at large dis- which satisfies the Sakharov condition (1). In terms of
tances, and is therefore the one of interest here. Desig- the cutoff' frequency cd„(39) can be inverted to yield the
nating the term of interest by a prime, we have gravitational constant G in the form of the second (nonin-
dependent) Sakharov condition, namely,
5wd = 3i]t'c I cos g
dCO (35) c'
4' 2 4
r 0
This expression, obtained on the basis of considering a
single (x) component of motion, must be doubled to take
f 0
Cd dr('d

into account the contributions of the two (independent) We see therefore that the principle of equivalence re-
degrees of freedom in the model. This leads then to an quires a certain modification of the ZPF background by
overall spectral density gravitational mass, and that the Zitterbewegung model of
mass implies a similar modification. Furthermore, the
&pd(~) =
3ficl icos g (36) compatibility of the two conditions on a precise quantita-
2m2r4 tive basis requires only the equivalence of gravitational
2338 H. E. PUTHOFF 39

and rest masses, and a limiting cutoff frequency for the we neglect the binding and radiation-damping terms
ZPF background on the order of the Planck frequency. [terms in coo and I in (45)]. Furthermore, on the scale of
This specification of the cutoff frequency co„and its rela- interest in gravitation (distances large compared with the
tionship to the gravitational constant G, is thus the wavelengths of the predominant Zitterbemegung frequen-
second result derived from the Zitterbemegung model. cies), in calculating the force we retain only the radiation
Thus we have a derivation that yields the relationships field term ~ 1/kR. With these assumptions, (45) —(47) be-
postulated to exist in dynamical scale-invariance- come
breaking models of gravity as a symmetry-breaking
D rad ~2 (48)
rad rad 3 rad
p ' p (49)
The derivations in Secs. III and IV dealt essentially Solutions for p„(co) and pa„(co) are obtained straight-
with the characteristics of single masses. In this section forwardly from (43) and (44), subject to the conditions
we investigate the interaction between two such masses. (48) and (49). It is then necessary to construct from these
The starting point is equations of the form (8), written solutions the appropriate (van der Waals) forces between
for two masses, but modified to take into account the fact the pair of particles A and 8. From classical theory the
that each mass experiences not only the background ZPF force on a dipole is given by
field, but also the ZPF-driven dipole field of the other
mass. The procedure followed here is precisely that F=(p. V)E+ dp XB . (50)
developed by Boyer for the derivation of the retarded van dt
der Waals forces at all distances between a pair of polar- Following Boyer, we note that the time-averaged
izable particles. Therefore we need only outline the force can be transformed as
procedure as it applies to our case.
Two masses A and 8 (taken here to be equal for ease of (F&=((p.V&E&+ dp
dt XB)
discussion) are assumed to be located at positions r„and
r~, respectively, with 8 located a distance R from A, =((p.V)E)+ (pX(V&&E) ), (51)
along the positive z axis of a coordinate system centered
at A. The equations of motion, generalized from (8), take where the transformation of the second term
the form.
XB = — XBdt (52)
pe+coop„= I p"„+6neoc PE.zp(r~, t)
follows from an integration by parts and substitution
+6rreoc I Eqa(r„, t), (41)
from Maxwell's equations, noting that the end-point
pa+coopa =I p +6vre c I Ezp(ra, t) terms do not contribute to the time average. Manipula-
tion of the vector operators in (51) then leads to the rela-
+6m. eoc I Ez„(ra, t), (42) tively compact form
where Eza(r„, t) is the dipole electric field at the position (F) = (p VE, +p VE~+p, VE, ) . (53)
of particle A, due to the motion of particle B, and so
forth. One further reduction is possible. The symmetry of
As in the derivations of previous sections, an assumed the geometry dictates that the average force on a dipole is
e '"' time dependence yields (for the magnitude of any along the z axis joining the two particles. Therefore the
particular frequency component) equations of the form expression for the average force finally simplifies to

Dp& (~)+iI pa„(co) =6meoc I Ez. p (cu, r„), (43) F(&(F, &(p.
BE ' +F, BE, (54)
Dpa (co)+iI„p& (co) =6vreoc I Ezp (co, ra ) (44)
In determining the average force on, say, dipole B, we
and similar equations for the y and z components, where must keep in mind that the electric field at B consists of
both the background ZPF field and the dipole field due to
D = ~+ (45) particle A, so that, for example, the first term in (54) be-
3e' 1 1
(kR) (kR)' = B
(kR )
(ra, t) pa Ezp (ra t)
l 1
(47) B
(kR) (kR) + Sa. Bz E~~ rat (55)

The latter expressions for g,

etc. , are derived for the and so forth.
geometry under consideration from the dipole expres- The mathematics of carrying out the averaging then
sions (25) and (29). proceeds term by term as in Ref. (27), using (as in previ-
Consistent with the assumptions of previous sections, ous sections) the —,' Re and complex-conjugate notation,

including averaging over random phases. The result for This derivation of Newtons's law, which expresses gravi-
the special case of interest here (radiation field only, bind- ty as a van der Waals force, is thus the third and final re-
ing and radiation-damping forces neglected) is, in terms sult derived from the Zitterbemegung model.
of the potential U,

—9 Qc I "c e 2uR VI. DISCUSSION
U =— Re du u— (56)
4 0 R c We begin our discussion by reiterating the logic flow of
The only difference here as compared to the derivation in the approach pursued here. The basic thesis is the Sak-
Ref. 27 (aside from the specialization to the radiation harov proposal that gravity is not a separately existing
field term) is the use of a finite cutoff frequency. fundamental force, but rather a residuum force derived
This result is derived here and in Ref. 27 on the basis from zero-point fluctuations of other fields in the manner
of point particles interacting with a classical zero-point of the Casimir and van der Waals forces. Particularizing
field. For those who might be more familiar with stan- this hypothesis to the ZPF of the vacuum electromagnet-
dard quantum calculations, this result has also been ob- ic field, we identify the gravitational force as the van der
tained by Renne from quantum-electrodynamic calcula- Waals force associated with the long-range radiation
tions using a nonrelativistic-quantum-oscillator model, fields (as opposed to the usual shorter-range induction
and by Casimir and Polder ' using fourth-order perturba- fields) generated by the Zitterbewegung particle (parton)
tion theory in quantum electrodynamics. motion response to the ZPF of the electromagnetic field.
Equation (56) was derived for the case in which three The steps in this identification are three.
degrees of freedom for particle motion are assumed. For First, particle mass is defined as the "internal" (that is,
the two-dimensional Zitterbemegung motion assumed in unobserved) kinetic energy of Zitterbewegung motion. Its
our case (N =2), geometrical considerations require that value is set by a radiation damping constant I intrinsic to
U be reduced by a factor (N/3) = — '(see
, Appendix A). the particle, in conjunction with the value of the univer-
With this taken into account the solution to (56) becomes sal cutoff frequency co, . Second, the value of the cutoff
'2 frequency cu, is determined by the equivalence principle.
~ 1— cos(2% ) y sin% This principle sets a requirement that an expected addi-
2 J 7(57)
J tional contribution to the free-space Lorentz-frame ZPF
spectrum, viewed from an accelerated frame, is to be
where equated to a similar contribution expected in an unac-
celerated frame, but in a gravitational field (that is, near a
AI co, co R particle performing Zitterbewegung motion, and thereby
(58) generating a mass term). Third, a straightforward calcu-
lation of the long-range van der Waals force associated
With the potential thus defined, the force is obtained with the radiation-field-correlated motions of such parti-
from cles, whose parameters are determined by the above two
steps, leads to Newton's law with no free parameters to
aU (59)
be fixed.
BR With a detailed theory in hand, certain attributes of
the gravitational interaction become explicable in funda-
We see therefore that the potential has the desired 1/R mental terms. As mentioned earlier, the relative weak-
dependence required for gravity, modulated by a fine- ness of the gravitational force is due to the fact that the
structure overlay of the form [(sinR)/%] which has a coupling constant determined by (40), G = trc /fico„
spatial periodicity characteristic of the cutoff (Planck) reflects as the inverse square the high value of the ZPF
frequency ( —10 cm). If we extract the leading (nonos- cutoff frequency. With regard to the attractive nature of
cillatory) term, we find for the potential and force the force, this is simply a reflection of a property typical
of van der Waals forces in general. The fact that gravita-
c tional interaction is characterized by a unipolar (single-
m. R
+ ~ ~ ~
(60) valued) "charge" (mass) can be traced to a (positive only)
kinetic energy basis for the mass parameter.
cI 2cu2 The lack of shielding effects in gravity can also be
+ ~ ~ ~
~R comprehended on a rational basis. As understood here,
this is a consequence of the fact that ZPF "noise" (quan-
A careful examination of the details of averaging over tum noise) in general cannot be shielded, a factor which
the rapid spatial variation (see Appendix B) indicates that in other contexts sets a lower limit on the detectability of
the particle experiences an average force (F) given by electromagnetic signals. Specifically, in the case of ordi-
the leading term in (61). With I given by (23) and co, by nary electromagnetic shielding, macroscopic materials
(39), (F ) can then be written in Newton's law form (with constitute dense boundaries that substantially alter field
no adjustable parameters required), distributions, with shielding one consequence. In the
gravitational case as modeled here, however, matter con-
(F)=-G, 2
. (62) stitutes a dilute particle gas in an essentially high-
frequency Hohlraum. As a result, particle-ZPF interac-
2340 H. E. PUTHOFF 39

tions have negligible effect on the overall field distribu- pzy, and p~, to p~, .
tion (hence a lack of shielding), while nonetheless permit- For the two-dimensional Zitterbemegung motions po-
ting particle-particle interactions that lead to an attrac- sited here, however, we may for convenience analyze the
tive potential. couplings on the basis of assuming a random distribution
In addition, implicit in the development pursued here of one-third each of x-oriented dipoles (y-z motion), y-
are issues that extend beyond the gravitational interac- oriented dipoles (x-z motion), and z-oriented dipoles (x-y
tion, such as mass renormalization and possible ZPF- motion). For two x-oriented dipoles, both y and z
induced contributions to the binding forces within the nu- motions couple, yielding a contribution proportional to
cleus. ' However, of the many inferences that can be g +g, . For an x-oriented dipole (y-z motion) coupling
drawn from this study, the most important is simply the to a y-oriented dipole (x-z motion), only the z components
fact that it is possible to carry through the basic Sak- couple, leading to a contribution proportional to g, ; and
harov program, namely, to uncover a basis for gravity in so forth. For the nine possible dipole-pair combinations,
the ZPF of other (nongravitational) fields. In particular, straightforward enumeration of the possibilities leads to
we have been able to explicate a first-order model based an average coupling factor proportional to
on the ZPF of the vacuum electromagnetic field alone,
once we take into account its effects on particle motion. (47t +4g +4g, )/9= —
4(g„+g +g, ) .
The model thus details an electromagnetic basis for gravi-
As a result, for the two-dimensional motions of interest
ty. Assuming the model is a proper representation of the
here, a reduction factor of —
', is to be applied to the value
gravitational interaction, the "already unified" aspect of
the model would seem to mitigate against canonical at- of the coupling constant obtained for the general three-
dimensional case without constraints.
tempts at unification of gravity as a separate force, or
quantization of gravity as a separate field, in favor of a
viewpoint more aligned with that presented here.
It is therefore seen that a well-defined, precise quantita- In the Zitterbemegung model of gravity, the two-
tive argument can be made that gravity is a form of particle interaction potential based on the radiation field
long-range van der Waals force associated with particle van der Waals effect is given by (57), repeated here,
Zitterbemegung response to the zero-point fluctuations of
U=—~ 1 —cos(2%)
the electromagnetic field. As such, the gravitational in- S1IL'8
teraction takes its place alongside the short-range van der 2 W3 Jq
Waals forces and the Casimir force as related phenomena
which emerge from the underlying dynamics of the in- As seen, this expression can be factored into two parts,
teraction of particles with the zero-point Auctuations of one with a slow spatial variation, I/%, and one with a
the vacuum electromagnetic field. rapid spatial variation (on the order of the Planck wave-
length), [(sinR)/A] . Of interest in the gravitational in-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS teraction is not the rapidly varying component, but rath-
er an average value, averaged over a distance large com-
I wish to express my appreciation to Professor H. Yil- pared to the Planck wavelength. With the potential
maz for encouragement and useful discussion regarding
given by (Bl), the (normalized) force is given by
the pursuit of ZPF concepts. I also wish to thank Profes-
sor A. Rueda of the University of Puerto Rico for helpful
correspondence, and for providing useful reference ma-
—cos(2% )
terials on early ZPF studies. Finally, I am indebted to Cx.
W. Church, Jr. for invaluable collaborative discussion
throughout this effort.
As particle separation changes by an amount
corresponding change in potential is given by
~, the


f Vd%

As discussed in Sec. V, the attractive force between 1

—cos(2% )
particles derives from coupling between ZPF-induced di- %3
pole motions of the particles involved. The nature of the
coupling is simplified somewhat in that the coupling 1 —cos[2(%, +~)] 1 —cos(2%, )
takes place only between corresponding components of (A;+hA) -8,' '
the motions of the two particles; that is, between p~„and (B3)
pz~, p ~y and pgy and p ~, and p~, . This can be seen in
Assuming integration over a full cycle of the Planck vari-
the form taken by (43) and (44). ation so that cos[2(JP;+~]= cos(2%, ), and recogniz-
In the derivation which leads to expression (56) for the
interaction potential U, reference to the original deriva-
ing that A% (&%, so that (%;+~)
=%, +3%~6', we
find that (B3) simplifies to
tion in Ref. 27 shows that the potential is proportional to
the quantity (g +g +g, ), where rI„, etc. , are as given 1 —cos(2%, )
here in (46) and (47). That derivation assumes full three- AU=
2 W4
dimensional motion, with p~ coupling to pz„, pQy to

The change in potential, integrated over a cycle, is seen of possible initial starting points within the cycle, namely,
from (B4) to be sensitive to where in the cycle, 8, =2%;, urn ~%; ~ n(n + 1), where n is an integer n 1. ))
the integration was begun. The auerage change in poten- By reference to standard tables of integrals we find,
tial is therefore determined by averaging over the range using (B4),

&aU) =— f SUd~,
77 77'n

Qn+1) 2 cos(2%; ) sin(2%; ) cos(2%; )

1 2g Lk/x
+ +
%3 7f.n
(2%; ) (2%; )
- -
(2%, ) (2%; )
+ 2g 3X3!
+ 5X5! ~ ~ ~


Substitution of the limits of integration, with the recognition that n )&1 implies that (n +1)t'=n~+pn~ ', then leads

(pm )
~ 2y
~ 2
) (2nn)

But the term in large parentheses is recognized to be sin(2n. n) =0, so that & b, U ) becomes

&aU)= y

from which the average force can be calculated as

&bU) y
&p) 2 (B8)

The actual (unnormalized) force, F = —t) UIBR, is recovered from the above with the aid of (58), yielding
c P~co2
&F)= '&V)=— (B9)

C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation In the terminology of gravity as a symmetry-breaking effect,
(Freeman, San Francisco, 1973), pp. 417 —428. equations of this form are an immediate consequence of a
C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, and J. A. Wheeler, Ref. 1, pp. postulated dynamical scale-invariance breaking that is as-
426-428. sumed to take place near the Planck mass energy. For details
3A. D. Sakharov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR [Sov. Phys. Dokl. — see A. Zee, Ref. 4.
12, 1040 (1968)]. 7In the sense that gravity as a non-Minkowskian curvature
4These include the following: Sakharov's own conjecture that effect can be treated in first approximation as a Newtonian
the Lagrange function of the gravitational field is generated force in flat space-time, so can it be treated as a van der
by vacuum polarization effects due to fermions [A. D. Sa-
Waals —type force in flat space-time, and it is this basic con-
kharov, Theor. Math. Phys. 23, 435 (1975)]; the generation of cept that is addressed here. Although beyond the intended
gravity as a collective excitation of fermion-antifermion pairs scope of this paper, an intimate connection between flat-
[K. Akama, Y. Chikashige, T. Matsuki, and H. Terazawa, space-time van der Waals and Casimir effects and vacuum
Prog. Theor. Phys. 60, 868 (1978)]; proof that curvature can curvature effects can be traced as a problem in the restructur-
arise from the quantum fluctuations of pure gauge fields [B. ing of vacuum energy, as in B. S. DeWitt, Phys. Rep. 19, 295
Hasslacher and E. Mottolo, Phys. Lett. 95B, 237 (1980)]; the (1975), especially pp. 303 —308. Thus the connection between
generation of gravity as a symmetry-breaking effect in quan- a flat-space-time approach and gravity as a curvature effect
tum field theory in which a dynamical scale-invariance break- can be established as in general relativity generally.
ing is postulated to take place at energies near the Planck Although the approach taken here is to assume the reality of
mass [A. Zee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 417 (1979); Phys. Rev. D the ZPF of the electromagnetic field, for completeness we
23, 858 (1981)]; "pregeometric" models in which the Einstein note that an alternative viewpoint posits that the results of
action and metric are generated from quantum fluctuations of field-particle interactions traditionally attributed to ZPF can
matter fields [D. Amati and Cx. Veneziano, Phys. Lett. 105B, also be expressed in terms of the radiation reaction of the par-
358 (1981); S. Yoshimoto, Prog. Theor. Phys. 78, 435 (1987)]. ticles involved, without explicit reference to the ZPF. [See P.
5S. Adler, Rev. Mod. Phys. 54, 729 (1982). In this review partic- W. Milonni, in Foundations of Radiation Theory and Quan
ular emphasis is placed on the case of renormalizable field turn Electrodynamics, edited by A. O. Barut (Plenum, New
theories with dynamical scale-invariance breaking, in which York, 1980); Phys. Rev. A 25, 1315 (1982).] The interrela-
the induced gravitational effective action is finite and calcul- tionship between these two approaches (ZPF, radiation reac-
able. tion) can be shown to be complementary on the basis of an
2342 H. E. PUTHOFF 39

underlying fluctuation-dissipation theorem. wished to do so, the derivation that led to (23) would permit
For further discussion of the SED approach, see, for example, one to extract an unobserved harmonic-oscillator "bare"
H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. D 35, 3266 (1987), and references mass mo which appears in the definition of I preceding (8).
therein. Specifically, for a detailed description of the This unrenormalized mass is given by the large value
correspondence between this approach and QED treatments mo-(mp/m), where md=&Ac/G is the Planck mass. Al-
of linear dipoles plus radiation field systems, see P. W. Milon- though unobserved experimentally, it is this unrenormalized
ni, Phys. Rep. 25, 1 (1976), especially pp. 71 —78. See also re- mass mo which could be said to interact at the level of the
views of SED by T. H. Boyer, in Foundations of Radiation ZPF. Viewed in the usual QED terms, its value is so high,
Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics, edited by A. O. Barut and its Compton wavelength so small, as to justify its treat-
(Plenum, New York, 1980); L. de la Pena, in Proceedings of ment as a point particle (as we have done), even at wave-
the Latin American School of Physics, Cali, Columbia, 1982, lengihs corresponding to the ZPF (Planck) cutoff frequency.
edited by B. Gomez et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1983). Lacking any apparent dynamic origin or interaction effects at
'oE. M. Lifshitz, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 29, 94 (1955) [Sov. an observable level, however, the concept of a bare mass can
Phys. —
JETP 2, 73 (1956)]. be seen to be simply an inference derived from the particle
"T. W. Marshall, Nuovo Cimento 38, 206 (1965). parameter I,
which appears to be the operative parameter of
' T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 11, 790 (1975). significance. Therefore questions as to why the bare mass
T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. A 5, 1799 (1972); 6, 314 (1972); 7, does not generate a large gravitational field, which can be tak-
1832 (1973); 9, 2078 (1975); 11, 1650 (1975). en to be related to the well-known field-theoretic conundrum
' T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. 182, 1374 (1969). as to why the vacuum zero-point energy does not do likewise,
T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 21, 2137 (1980). See also J. S. Kim, find a simple solution in the Sakharov approach as pursued
K. S. Soh, S. K. Kim, and J. H. Yee, Phys. Rev. D 36, 3700 here. In the dynamics of the model the only gravitational
(1987). fields found to emerge from the analysis are those that are in
' P. C. W. Davies, J. Phys. A 8, 609 (1975). fact observed experimentally, and this is one of the strengths
W. G. Unruh, Phys. Rev. D 14, 870 (1976). of the approach.
'sIn a later paper [T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 29, 1089 (1984)] 2~See, for example, J. A. Stratton, Electromagnetic Theory
Boyer shows that under the usual low-frequency peaked- (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1941), p. 435.
resonance approximation the additional density-of-states fac- See T. H. Boyer, Ref. 12, Appendix B.
tor cancels out, with the result that to this order of approxi- T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. A 7, 1832 (1973).
mation gravitational effects are neglected. As will be shown T. H. Boyer, Ref. 27, Eqs. (56) and (57).
in Sec. III, however, it is in the emergence of high-frequency The complete expression, including both radiation and induc-
behavior (where the additional density-of-states factor tion field terms, is given by (92) in Ref. 27. It is (in our units,
remains operative) that gravitational effects have their origin. and for coo=0)
K. Huang, Am. J. Phys. 20, 479 (1952). —2uR
A. Rueda, Phys. Rev. A 23, 2020 (1981).
= —— Re

2 5 6
'The possible existence of a cutoff in quantum theory is recog- 4 o R'2 uR (uR)' (uR)
nized to introduce a non-Lorentz-invariant factor, in that
detection of a Doppler-shifted cutoff frequency by a moving + 3
detector could in principle reveal absolute motion. As point- (uR)
ed out in the literature, however [for example, by M. A.
Shupe, Am. J. Phys. 53, 122 (1985)], as long as the cutofF fre- This constitutes the general expression for the retarded van
quency is beyond detectability (as is the Planck frequency in der Waals forces at all distances. While the first (radiation
this case) there is no measurable consequence expected of field) term in large parentheses is found here to account for
such a breakdown of Lorentz invariance at this limit of the long-range gravitational interaction, the remaining short-
present physical theory, either now or in the foreseeable fu- range (induction field) terms have yet to be investigated with
ture. regard to their contribution to binding at the nuclear (parton
22See, for example, W. Heitler, The Quantum Theory of Radia and nucleon) level.
tion, 3rd ed. (Oxford University Press, London, 1954), pp. 293 M. J. Renne, Physica 53, 193 (1971).
ff. H. B. G. Casimir and D. Polder, Phys. Rev. 73, 360 (1948),
2sD. Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity (Benjamin- Further development of the model could include, for example,
Cummings, Reading, MA, 1965), Chap. 19. extending parton Zitterbemegung to the relativistic case.
The particle mass given by (23), m = I c'/G, corresponds to a ssSee, for example, H. B. Dwight, Tables of Integrals and Other
renormalized or "dressed" mass, and it is this mass (of Mathematical Data (Macmillan, New York, 1961), especially
dynamical origin) that appears in the field-generation effects Eqs. 441. 14 and 431.11.
and interaction potential corresponding to gravity. If one

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