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Activity 26: Fitness Advocacy

Fitness has a big impact to one’s self so a healthy lifestyle can help the
community. There’s a lot of advocacies for physical fitness nowadays and it gives us an
idea to stay fit especially this pandemic. They always say that physical activities are a
way of life.
It always starts at home, we should encourage our family members to have
healthy habits and that includes exercise. It should become a part of their lives as eating
and sleeping. It will become a family bonding in our quarantine days. We have to
reassure them that sports such as cycling, swimming, basketball, jogging, walking
briskly, dancing, and aerobics are not only fun but can promote health. Physical
activities can always increase cardiovascular endurance, especially, today in the
Philippines that we have a tropical season, it may seem cold today but we are more on
sunny and super-hot weather that’s why we have to be very careful with our health.
Heat and having an unventilated establishment can always weaken our heart and lungs,
we can always prevent that by engaging ourselves to an enjoyable physical
participation. At least three times a week, our middle-years child needs to exercise
continuously for twenty to thirsty minutes at heart rate above his resting level. A
continuous brisk walking is adequate to maintain fitness, it’s a healthy tip. Activities can
also improve large muscle strength and endurance, increase flexibility, maintain proper
weight and can always reduce stress. Physical activities are not just good for our
physical health but to our mental health also. They always say that physical activity is a
way of life. A sign of living happily.

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