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1. Are you happy at this moment of your life? Why?

I can say that I am happy at this moment of my life because I found
someone who gave me back the happiness I use to be before.
2. What makes you happy?
What makes me happy is having those people who cares for me and
loving me who I am and not changing the decision that’s what I want
3. What are the sources of your happiness?
The sources of my happiness are my family, friends and my love one.
4. How will you maintain such happiness?
To maintain that happiness is to show who you are being honest,
humble, understandable in everything and having a long patience.
5. What can you give up to have such happiness forever?
I can say that to have a such happiness forever is to give up in doing
such wrong things that can easily disappoint to the people who really
care for me.
6. At this point of your life, can you feel the essence of being human?
At this point of my life, I can already feel the essence of being human
7. How do you want to be flourished as a human being?
I want to be flourished as a human being by being happy with those
persons who care for me and never leave me even how many
challenges pass through in my life.
By having faith with God and serving him until I die.
8. What do you want to be happy in life to be totally happy?
What I want to be totally be happy in life is when I totally graduated
in college and having already work.
When I have the courage and credibility to have my own family
When I can pay the good debt to my parents giving them back what
they do unto me even in a little thing.
Serving God with all my family.
9. If you are to choose three things in life that will make you happy and
flourished as a human being, what are these?
The things in life that will make me happy and flourished as a human
being are: by having faith with God and serving him until I die, when
I return the good deeds of my parents, and when I totally graduated in
college and having already a work.
10.How will these things contribute in making your life a good life?
Those things will contribute in making my life a good life by giving
me a goal to set on my mind.
It will create my own innovation to pursue.

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