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A little girl bounces in happiness, because that is her first day in school.

Actually it is her first day at pre-kindergarten but she is too young to know how the system
goes.She goes with her mom, the preschool is a few steps from home. “ Mom, I am so excited,
it is going to be awesome at school, right?” Anna said. “ Ahh yeah, my sweet baby, you have
grown up so much, are you sure you want to go to school now, you still can delay it 2 more
years?” Hellen said. Anna looks down at the ground and then looks up at her mom “ Yes,
Yes,Yes,Yes” Anna said. You can see the little girl bouncing up and down holding her mom’s
hand, talking about how awesome it is to go to school, to start to learn, to be more than just
playing with dolls or talking with grandma.Moreover,you can see the mom’s heart anxious about
her little girl’s first day away from her and how Hellen clears up her throat and looks ahead of
her at the kindergarten and back to Anna , “ It shall be alright, you are a smart girl,I am looking
forward to hearing from you at the end of the day”. is going to be hard for both of them,
entirely.The little girl enters the kindergarten wearing her fabulous skirt,her marvelous black
shoes and her awesome socks with neck made of a material same as curtain’s material. As she
enters, she sees people her age playing with puzzles and building bricks and blocks.She is so
excited about it or so as she thinks. “ Who is that pretty girl?”. “ look! Look! She is wearing a
little skirt, I really love those” ,“ Oh my god, I can’t wait to play with her, I love her shoes, it looks
like mine” children said. “ Mom ugh ugh ugh, come and hug me “ Anna said and smiles as her
mum leaves.

“Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I want mom, I want to leave that place” Anna said.

“ Mommmmmm, I don’t want to go to the kindergarten ever again” Anna said.
Anna is eyes are red always red, she is always asleep too.Losing track of happiness and
excitement is all what happens to her.The kids are not as she thinks.They are not people to talk
with,not like her grandma.I mean “uff,her grandma used to tell her stories better than puzzle and
building and blocks games, those were to easy for this precious little girl.” They never
notice,they never will.A crying voice is all you can hear, people yelling for a child because he
pees many times on himself without going to the toilet, a voice follows saying that this is
because their family doesn’t care about him!Soon after he sleeps.Soon after , “ Anna, where are
your clothes? “ “Mom, my nanny changed them for me “. the little girl follows a this is an
awesome way for skipping this entire loss of time in doing something not as exciting as listening
to her grandma’s awesome stories. “ Mama Jojo , would you tell me a story to bed?” Anna
said. “ Yes, sweetheart come’n in bed, I miss you already” Mama Jojo said. Anna has a thing
she always goes to school with a uniform ,and gets back with totally different clothes.

“Hello,you there!”,”Anybody,can hear me”....

“Anna’s has always been watery, do you know what is wrong with her?” Gordon said.
“ Gordon, you never really care, if you want to know something ask her, but she is fine, she is
just a QUIET daughter” Hellen said.

A hurricane occurs in this specific place or so as I think,

are shivering,are you okay?” Hellen said, “ Anna, come here, where are you going?”
Gordon said. “ It is like a hurricane outside, and a winter inside , but I am the source of it
“ Anna says to herself while she is crying
“ When reaching goals is all that they notice, please play more”.

The window cracks,all I can hear is my siblings shouting because for the first time I see a giant
vehicle which can kill people, “ we only see those stuff in games, don’t we?”

A huge change,oh sweetheart , this should have gone better for you, but all she enjoys now is
her little corner where she skips things and gets in a world that fits no one but her.Soon after
she crambles, she shouts “ Where am I?” “Who am I?” “ When did I lose it?”

A flood of thoughts hit her and it isn’t a really good time for her to handle, oh! yes she is
breaking down!

“Just wondering how the crying child is doing now! What for I am here?!”

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