Acting Studio FM Monologues

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las = More THE AUDITION Don Zolidis White preparing forthe show, Cari refit on an wary experince in the theatre, She speaks dec the audience. CARRIE. Olay. My life: by Casi. Mylifeisthe mose wonder shing, (She saps) My life the, oben was ten yeas od Igoe casein the school play. ‘We were doing this ply our teacher wrote abour Winnie the Poh, Twat Tye. Probay becuse [was petty hypes. even gow sng a song about Tigger I was so exc I stayed afterschool everyday, tnd I earned my lines inthe ive week, and every night at ome Pd ‘ing my song about Tigges and hove they were made out of rabber and ‘everything, Ou school did havea lo of money, buc my fends Mom made me comtume and we had aot of fin. And le ely goo about ie T mean, f.arazing, Ie was ke may whole life I wa looking for something was good at, and then ll ofa sedden here i was, Twas good atbeingTiggeIcouldt run fs, was good at math, couldnt even spell, bu when Isang that Tigges song was proud So the day ofthe show cae, and Twat backstage in my Tigger cosame, and Iwas relly ‘erwous, Thad to peri every Eve minus, and chen went out hereon ‘thesage, ad the lghs were ally bright, and I cold se the outline of allehee heads ou cher, ae [could ear shen, ane Td my song—and {jus pa everything I ad inc ita I wasn nervous any ose, Was happy, and wien I nithe..the whole audience applauded for me, For tne. had never been applaided foe anything ny whole if. And then fee the show ll dhe pares were coming up and hugging thee kids, even the kids who played wes, remember this Dad came up and he ‘vas lke, “you weee the mos realtic ree ofall of them" and eveyone twas cre. And everyone wat geting hugged. Ard there were all hese lowers. And I ooked around for my Mom. .andT kept locking around forked I keptlocking And thes everyone started ogo home And ass there. And Iwas sl nth upd Tiger comme. Task her * late why ded ecome ro my show, and se said, "what show?"(Pawe,) Tay oof FE Tatars Cai Wong oar, Vana aa ara} AS7 Mor & HIROSHIMA: CRUCIBLE OF LIGHT Robert Lawson ‘A onizen of New York Cy Joins a chorus of people sharing their reactons tothe bombing of Hirose (CITY DWELLER. You waa to know what I ciak? Look! ive in [New York City. Sure, here’ a la of crime, los of people gx mugged very day-—friende of mine. But what am I gonna do? Walk through rey day Backing paranoid, aiid of my shadow? Tha’ a lot ofan No, basically I ignore. Yin careful, suse I doa walle chrough ehe Souch Bronx at midnight fishing a wad of eah, You know what I chink? [think this cea things che same. Some sniltary skinhead’ singin some waterproof lo somewhere chained ‘» the wal, his finger poised on the button, probably stoned on something, probably ci o schrooms, something" mind illavinaing” and easy"o sneak in, easy to ingest, lke smuggled in in 2 can of Spaghewios. So maybe one day he haa revelation tha Jesus Crise or somthing and thatthe day of reckoning has come, and he does the deed. Then They do the ded, then We do the deed and then svete all done deid. Ark ys what’ I gonna do sbous some einhesd hallcnatorI never met who might push the button? Los sleep? No, Me? Tjust ey and make sure Tm enjoying what I'm doing, i case i's the et thing lever do on planee Earth Te future? There is no such thing, (Getures around.) This sit. Att othi’ mote than this This st. i no more, {Da Ar De oologues or Teens, une 7 alee ara) PS Mor ‘THE Last WOMAN ON EARTH Lin Dofiy Adams es th yar 2509, ety ov mines bre the ead of be world, and the Si 2jears (though tl apparently young tite characters deining to beard ‘helt waa hi. Artec cs, she tell epi er Lama (nso) ant vb, EARTHLING. Fock yes, a tired, I'm facking whacked but ‘hut’snotit, thas not my POINT, is memories, Christ's sake, 'm FULL. Every word you say is lodging itself into a FULL HOUSE. Not a question of good memories, bad memoses, acres and acres of ordinary memories, 'm full, i's to0 much, I'don’t want any sore. From the moment my dad woke me up one midnight and Said, look, honey, it's the new millennium, you'l always remember ‘his’ And now he's been dead four hundred and forty yeas and Tm 1 walking graveyard of memory. Pm the only living human to re member graveyard, or automobiles or cassette players or who the Beatles were. I remember phone numbers and street addresses ‘when there ate 20 longer phones or stress. I remember a sway- backed horse in 2 muddy field, a flock of tiny black birds over a marsh, burning cold feet in ice-skates as twilight fell I remember the exash of vo thousand and one, the Accidental Armageddon of "23, che great biodiversity crisis of the mid-nveny-frst Tenn still smell the acid emoke of te fll of New York. Thave a scat 09 my bak from the mutant riots of twenty-tace-thicyy and a lingexing alow in my hear fom the fist wave of the Re-enlightenment, 1 emember the great gleaming spacedinets taking off fall of emi- {grants when the New Colonial Period began, the piercing exes of fcaguls after the roar of engines died away and the emptiness of the stcetsaferwands, And I remember everyone { ever facked and ‘every one I loved, I remember endless snatches of then ezacally bitter or joyful conversations, I remember embassassing moments from centuries ago—natch—I know the lyrics of bilia idiot pop songs, the plots of millions of novels and movies and sense-o-st- ‘1s, [know a thousand-year-old chldsen’s game. Ashes, ashes, bat don't fill dawn, (Te Lunatic: How long? e Ais Cle ewer Woes Red ti pay empl @ Pp fS- Moe ® ‘THOSE WHO CAN, DO Bghde Malis an Dai, on ide poem ot of easing ofr ing tale by a Srudont an baased by «Dean. This ac takes lee on the dc ofthe ‘Stat Islnd For, afer An Meare has raid br tere track potion “ind ples to rare bt nls arr Advertsing, ANN MARIE. Yes, I fed. Yes. Ie was all learning experience ‘One thing that I learned is that there is some validity in the wel ‘worn phase, the saying handed down, The phase that cropped up Te me, even a I-was filing was “a0 one is my enemy, no one 38 my fiend, everyone is ny teacher” It’s a nice thought, anywy. ‘Neutrals the paranoia, Maybe dha?’ what my sheink meant when the said that Celia freaked me out because of... Paust) 1 don’t know. Tam all ight with Not Knowing, [don't need to know why she botiered me so much, Was she dangerous? Did take her ra- thins too personaly? Its my life. I have to take it personally. (Ty beat) In Ty they call thei eeschers “amaesto.” To Ireland the teacher is the town hero, Ka Jewish culture the teacher is heaped ‘ith praise, In America you'te the Village Taiot, che “One Who Can'e” overworked, iavisble ual targeted, surounded by the in- tpt and saddled with the Walking Wounded, the casualties of an Chchiized civilization. I sil tke dhe Petty some nights, just © fel the proximity of the moon, hear the screams of gulls, see the thouette of the skyline, My idealism ended in a coure-cas, my ci feet change ended in stretch marks, no matted! I Jeamed some things. (Lith pans) T sit on the top deck of the Peery. When it Inadges into port in Staten Island, T don’t get off T wait, I simply ‘Gait Tewil everse dtection. After ten minutes the heft of te fey Wil chen back so Manhatias, where I sill feel safe just walking, sround oe rc “Aer Clk esr Wane AS 7 Mor @ THE LARAMIE PROJECT BY MOISES KAUFMAN AND THE MEMBERS OF THE TECTONIC THEATER PROJECT AARON KREIFELS — univeniny student. 19 yeas old SYNOPSIS: In October 1998 a roenyronesear od sadent at the Univensiy of Waming er veely beaten and lft di ed 0 fine inthe midale ofthe prairie ostsde Laramie boo raed ‘ond bared body not dicovred unl the mest day ade died in an are hoipital several days later. His name wees Matthew ‘Sepand, and he waste siti of thi asa bocce be war 39 “Mois Kanan end member of he Tectonic Theater Project made ‘cee to Laramie oer ajetr nd half the fermath f the beat ng and daring she ti. They condaced over 200 interes ith ‘people fom the sun and contracted a here collage exlering ‘he dps 0 which homaniy can snk and the beghs of compan tee ae alo capable of AARON KREIFELS, Well I uh I took off on my bicye about five clock nx on Wedeslay from my dorm. 1 jist kinds fe ‘ike going for ride. So T — I went ap to he top of Cactus Canyon, and Tim ao super fila with that ares, 20 on my way ‘back dowa, I diate know where Iwas going, I was jut sote of picking the way to go, which mow .. ijt makes me chin hat God wanted me to find him because shores no way that I wat sing to go that way So [was in some deep as sand, and I wanted co cum around but for some reason 1 kepe going. Aad, uh T went along, and there was this tock, on the —~ onthe ground — andI just di i Lwent — over the handlebars and ended up onthe ground. ‘So, ub got up, and Twas just Kind of dusting mpl of and 6 1s lokiag ound and I nocd something — which end tobe Mary ade was ist ing the by «ee and Te though i was a scarecrow. Ie lke, Pll ong pk though it was a Halloween pgs dit nt mach of ak] ft my bike, walled sound the fence tht was tte, And hy fet clover to him and [node hia and dat wars ory me oting ic was a aman bing — wa isu "Cae ta houghe i was dumany, serio noticed Leven nodced the chest going up and down, Isl though i was s dummy, you know Tthoughe i was just ie some kind of mechanism. Bue when Isa hit well knew ic wa a human being ‘So... Tsan to the nearest house and — 1 just ram at fart as I could snd called the police THE AGONY & THE AGONY PEN ot © BYNICKYSILVER RICHARD AGLOW (pronounced AG-lon, not GLOW) ‘mid-f0s, A once promising now filed playwright, Ariculat and Bighly self deematsing SYIVOPSIS Richard Aglaia once promting plporigh, efi: maf asst ond reeton len arc ‘ist. Una dey es tard ting opt And ck ee ent inprain b bitn h vrydayB nfe Ll, a pring screw marred chen dpi: shoo hs tone of ‘Na et lang proces Thi Richard hence glen oper tan gt back te game. Oftoure, bl have overlook th fet the te poder auto aris she man wb wre ta le Som oe the ake Rich The eal of ele loess ‘prvi andthe gh Ofoe of he etic enn st foro! ls come man fren PLAGE: A lsely Upper Wes Side apartment TIME: Now RICHARD, I wasewenty-one yar old whea I graduated fom cal: lege and ny patents gave me, as gif «week in London, This sur prised me ar the mot extravagant il Td reeived before that ves {ome fab, when Twas twelve, which ded prompdy fom overled- ing and were Bushed, widnoue ceemoay after dinar one right. 1 dda tke the tip une ee fllowing November an Iwas greeted by grey ses ands small hotel room with Buorescent lights and evo ‘vit beds, bh of which bad stain left by previous occupants THAN. Te bapy coming?) RICHARD. Yer walled: Tha all did. All day and all aight and when I got hungry Tate at fas food place which could es Iy have been ight here, on any corner in any ity, excep forthe prnsand thf fo, ha it Coke walled Ce Li Sed cone lpn and Some apn’ On de SE iy vst I waling in on of pesado he ‘Phar ben blog otis ote Nigh tet her ws no mi ote sna aati. Bat pee Srching the ight 2 cache nat tape oud: And hen, fom non es ws tna Taste ‘hee hears fatwa and hes voy wiligh rants acon nd tn cy olde og ‘chreyou sched Ande tple Tew bee ns Norwegian maybe ors Derr nom on tos sr he ws omotne ds emeone sem stron i pn Flt ba all ote Sol war snopes far eas sy two dem a sone cd Twenge SSussteofceying ta wate fe and tp ALL THE RAGE PS7 GG —wraeminepp N\ of CCHIRIS — Depressed man i his 2031305 [SYNOPSIS:A bled plated body lion tevin room carpe at the Sur of ALL THE RACE, ana by the end of this dark comi eximination four ue file, cee charac are been led et prism egone mad. Tbe actin ce plc in an unnamed odoin sri Of ems te show the internet bes often carats. A madera Juccboon roenge ged ALL THE RAGE gies us pice ofa world ‘pinning tof coir. eerbody hag ands eed 0 3. CHRIS, Docior Gada kl Jove forme, f./ He lle love. He made me se that nothing incre, becnae thee was a reason for Seapthing Tes imcoue becuse my mother did pay enough Steion to me, and my father drenky and any brdher went 10 Dison for insider cading becuse, you se, he was «ying 10 ex FEknowiedgement fom my fier who ignored Rim as child, so reyhing as okay Adukery and sauder and ying and cheating it Sra allenived by some inner ld eying for aenuon and if we s- pried tha cid was permisible And how caa love exist 6 Gadneys world, wien became my odd? Love L would think requlcs selene, Alio Doctor Gadncy prescribed Prozac. ITENNEL Ah] CHRIS, Made me want ro suck the exhaust pipe evry morning. (TENNEL And now} CGHIRIS. Now Igo by without love. It tobe comfortable. But tren tha des ane. thought try for eanfore, Comoe Peace tr Love or anything tht state with a capil ewer. Comfore isa fice place co Ive snd cable; maybe dianer out once in awhile ‘Thought fT hooked up with someone made alot of mone. i would be lo butt might bring comiore Even that’ worn out. SOT think abouc she Prac. That espe me focused. Focused on Uline mrzelf, but focused, THE LARAMIE PROJECT J<.~ BY MOISES KAUFMAN AND THE MEMBERS OF G THETECTONIC THEATER PROJECT Ry iy REGGIE FLUTY —a policewoman. 303/408, UNOPS: In October 1998 a nemtoneyarald dent a he Unive of Wyoming mar sorely been ced lf to dit 0 Soe inthe mid oft pro ude Laven, Hi Body brated ‘end bt body wer nit dconered until the met dy an be died ‘an are buptal ved dog ler Blt name war Matte ‘Shepard ade was te vt of this asa ease be was gop ‘Moles Kesfwen and member of the Tectonic Theater Proje nade ‘actips to Lara over yar and a half the afer of tebe lng and daring the iad. The condacied oer 200 into sth fi wh any oo nk and ein Pope which bua oon spain tara espable of [REGGIE FLUTY I seponded tothe cl Gl ‘When gos ther the fit — aia the only thing I could se was ery soci et nd | apo of my wie nd end yar beh wasn fog ae nna bees {do the borom end af ole 1 did she bl could. ‘The geneman that was lying on she gel Mat Sheparl hws cverl indy blod loner ds Thre wer dry blood ondeesth hin and he was beely brewing he ms doing she best he could T wat going to bree for him and | could gt his mouth open is mus woulda open for me. 6 He was covered in, like I sid, partly dry blood and blood all ‘over his head — the only place thar he did noc hive any Blood on Fim, on is ce, was what appeared tobe where be ba been crying down his ce "is ead was discorced, You know, i did aot lok ngrmal — hae looked if he ad »weal hash head wound. iced wth nce — ind wet mb ot in wha we {a esing eon — eye an people: He wa fond alin ye ope ewe sande btm ot epson urine op oe pound Gitna revi lee al creel ight — so Ly ot and uid pean ftp nd bw ad be ‘enc i tw aon Naso yr Tica bound ight — 1 ay ph nie doogh he — Fe toop we aed hm oer sit nde wen we di 1a ui ling hme It hi non ac Sh su ea f oo aden = pve me coogi ama bin fe ae Tc the Er ul tying wt othe can, Once he ane eh pe ar on plo Seat Sasi fonnuneeeh =n Bb itpentnae ne ape Baey $i sowed ea pie dy apts of Mahe Tea hon gue ha

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