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ACTTWO Scene Seven (Before the lights come up - we hear - ) LOUDSPEAKER VOICE Lezte ansage! Berlin-Paris Express abfahrt vier uhr bahnsteig siebzehn. All einsteigen, bitte! Letzte ansage! (Lights up on a railroad compartment. CLIFF and a CUSTOMS OFFICER are discovered in it.) EMCEE/OFFICIAL Deutsche grenzkontrolle. Ihren pass bitte. (CLIFF hands it to him, he hands it back to CLIFF) I hope you have enjoyed your stay in Germany, Mr Bradshaw. And you will return again soon. CLIFF It's not very likely. OFFICIAL You did not find our country beautiful? CLIFF (tonelessly) Yes. | found it... beautiful. OFFICIAL A good journey, sir. (CLIFF makes a few notes in his notebook. Then reads.) CLIFF There was a Cabaret and there was a Master-of-Ceremonies and there was a city called Berlin in a country called Germany and it was the end of the world ... (We begin to hear the music of “WILLKOMMEN’) ..and | was dancing with Sally Bowles and we were both fast asleep ... (Sings) WILLKOMMEN, BIENVENUE, WELCOME. (The EMCEE appears) FREMDE, ETRANGER, STRANGER. 92 BOTH GLUCKLICH ZU SEHEN, JE SUIS ENCHANTE. HAPPY TO SEE YOU. BLEIBE, RESTE, STAY... (They look up to see SCHNEIDER, SCHULTZ, KOST, ERNST and SALLY) EMCEE (Spoken) Meine Dammen und Herren - Mesdames et Messieurs - Ladies and Gentlemen. Where are your troubles now? Forgotten? | told you so. We have no troubles here. Here life is beautiful -- the girls are beautiful ... Even the orchestra is beautiful, (The bandstand is now empty as the music continues) (SCHNEIDER, SCHULTZ, KOST, and ERNST come down the stairs and form a line US and slowly move DS.) (As they turn and walk US, the door wall, and brick walll behind the band, fly out to reveal the COMPANY.) (The set disappears. We are in a white space) EMCEE AUF WIEDER SEHN! ABEINTOT. (The EMCEE slowly takes off his coat. He is wearing the clothes of a concentration camp prisoner.) (Drum roll. Cymbal crash. Blackout) END 93 101150

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