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It is used to join two It is used to join two It is used to join two It is used to show that It is used to give the

similar ideas together. contrasting ideas. alternative ideas. the second idea is the reason of something.
The subject can be Ex: My father is Ex: I can lend you my result of the first. Ex: We didn’t go
Spanish, but my dictionary, or you can Ex: The boy was very swimming because
omitted when it is the mother is French. The buy one. tired, so he went the water was dirty.
same as in the subject can also be When the subject is straight to bed. We can used because
previous sentence. omitted if it is the the same in both We don´t omit the at the beginning.
Ex: He was born in same as in the sentences we can omit subject in the second Ex: Because the water
London and (he) has previous sentence. it. sentence even if it is was dirty, we didn’t
Ex :I like the cinema, Ex: I’d like to watch a the same as in the go swimming.
lived there all his life. but don´t often go. film or listen to music. previous one.

1. He arrived home, had a shower and sat down in the living room.
2. Mum was very tired after doing the housework so she had a rest.
3. The post has already arrived but there are not letters for you.
4. You can go to the cinema or stay at home or watch the film.
5. She didn’t lend me her car because she needed it to go shopping.
6. There are a lot of children in the park because there is not school today.
7. My neighbour plays music loud and he often bothers me.
8. My teacher got angry with me because I didn’t finish my work.
9. They sent me a present and bought me a cake for my birthday.
10. Their car was very old so they decided to buy a new one.
11. Susan is very clever but is a bit lazy. She would get better marks if she studied harder.
12. My brother’s girlfriend is very kind and often helps me with my homework
13. Amanda doesn’t have much money because she spends it all on clothes.
14. You can take the bus to London or wait for the 10:30 train.
15. She looks very happy because she must have passed her exam.
16. I phoned Larry early in the morning but I got no answer. He must be away.
17. There was a lot of traffic on the road so it took us longer to arrive at the office.
18. She doesn’t eat any sweets because she wants to lose weight.
19. I lost my address book so I could not phone Peter as I didn’t remember his number,
20. I saw Tom at the party but he wasn’t with his girlfriend. Perhaps he has broken up with her.
21. Could you answer some questions or are you in a hurry?
22. She was very ill yesterday and she didn’t go to work.
23. Alice rang today because she wanted to invite me to her birthday party.
24. Tina was very worried about her son and started to cry.
25. They called the babysitter because they were going out for dinner with their friends.
26. The firemen arrived and put out the fire immediately.
27.They left early because they had to catch a plane at the airport.
28. You can send me the letter or give it to my husband.
29. Robert didn’t buy the motorbike because it was too expensive for him.
30. Alex and Bill are best friends but they often argue with each other.

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