My Heart Beats For You

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Theme: Jacob and Cahira were childhood best friends.

Cahira has a heart failure(there's

a hole in her heart) but Jacob doesn't know her condition. Until time comes that they need to

separate. Cahira will move to America for her medication while Jacob will wait for her. Will

they recognize each other after 10 years or will they meet each other as a strangers?

It was Sunday morning, when Jacob and Cahira's family arrived in Boracay from Manila.

Jacob and Cahira were very happy because it was their first to go in a trip together because every

time they ask for a trip, their parents always say no to them. Their parents were always busy

with their jobs. While they were walking in the seashore, Jacob stopped. "Cahira, can I court

you?" he asked. Cahira was shocked knowing that they were only 8 years old. "What are you

talking about? We are too young for this!" she said. "I like you Cahira, No! I think I fell in love

with you" he said. He came near to Cahira and kissed her in her cheek. Cahira blushed. "You're

so cute" he said. Cahira quickly ran to her mother and father with shockness in her face. Jacob

followed her. "Cahira! Don't run! You'll get tired!" her mother was mad. It's not good for her to

get tired because of her condition. "What happened little girl?" her father asked. Cahira told

everything to her father. She's very close to her father than her mother. When the night came,

all of them entered the hotel except for Jacob and Cahira. They were sitting at the bench near the

seashore . "Cahira, about what happened lately, I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay" she said. They

were looking at the sky when Jacob speaks, "can you promise me one thing?, don't leave me no

matter what happen". "I..."she didn't say what she wants to say when her mother called them.

They stood up and go straight to the hotel. They bid good night to each other before they go to

their own room. "You need to rest now because we're going home tomorrow morning. She just

Cahira awakened when she heard something. When she opened her eyes she was in her

room."Mommy? What are you doing?" she asked. She was wondering why her was packing her

things. "We are going to your grandparents in America because your operation was settled so we

need to go there" her mother said. "I know all about that Mom but is that the only reason?" she

said. Her mother stopped. "What do you mean?" her mother asked. "I know everything Mom!

You want to leave because of Dad and his mistress. Why don't you fight for him Mom? You

love him right?" she asked. "No!" her mother quickly answered and left her with confusion in

her face. Their flight was scheduled 4 pm. She remembered Jacob. I'm sorry I need to leave

you" she said while crying.

They arrived at 12 midnight at the house of her grandparents. She kissed them on their

cheeks as a sign of respect. Her mother doesn't like what she did. "Cahira come back here!" her

mother shouted. Cahira didn't look back, she just went straight ahead in her room and locked it.

Her mother followed her. "What's the matter? You're giving me a reason to get mad and not to

send you back in the Philippines" her mother said. "I want to go home! I want to be with Dad!"

she shouted. Back when she was a child, her mother always have no time for her and for her

Dad. She's workaholic. In her entire life her mother doesn't even give time for her, it's always

her father, her father who is always there in her flaws and successes. "I hate you Mom!" she

shouted. Her breathing became heavy. Her heart beats so fast like it wanted to get out from the

cage." I can't breathe" she gasped and lost her consciousness. Cahira was awoked when she

heard the conversation of her mother and a Doctor. "We need to operate her heart as soon as

possible Ma'am. The hole is getting bigger” the Doctor said." Okay Doc. Thank you" her mother

said and the Doctor left them. Cahira and her mother talked about her operation. Cahira didn't
agree at first but her father called her to convince her that she needs to undergo operation

because it's for her sake and she agreed.

Jacob was still confused because it's been a month when she knew that Cahira left him

without any excuses. He was mad at her because she broke their promises to each other. It's

been a month also where everything had changed him, he easily get mad. He's always with his

friends where before he just wanted to be in his room reading books and novels unless Cahira

will call him to play or watch movies with her and he's always coming home late.

Albert arrived in America the day before the operation of her daughter. Cahira stayed in the

hospital for 1 month so that the doctor can monitor her situation. "Are you ready for tomorrow

my little girl?" her Dad asked. "I'm not your little girl Dad because I'm not little anymore"

Cahira said frankly. Her father just laughed. Elizabeth her mother was just staring at them while

she was sitting. "I miss you Dad" she said and hugged her father. "I miss you too my little girl"

he said in response. "Dad?!" Cahira said. "Sorry! Sorry!" her Dad said and they laughed again.

"Dad, how's Jacob?" she asked. She's still guilty for what she did. "He's not fine. I think it's

because of what you did, leaving without saying goodbye?!" he said. She was speechless. "By

the way, you should rest now. Good night "he said." Good night Dad" she said. "Say good night

also to your Mom" he whispered. "Dad?" she said. He just give her a just-say-it look." Good

night Mom" she said in lifeless way. Her mother just nodded and smiled to them. "Dad, I'm

scared"she said."Don't be scared my little girl, everything will be okay because your Mom and I

are here.We love you Cahira"her father said."Sorry Sir and Ma'am you're not allow to enter the

operating room" the Doctor stopped them. Minutes and hours had passed but the operation is still

ongoing. Suddenly, the Doctor came out in the operating room. "The operation was successful

"the Doctor said." Thank God. Thank you Doc." Elizabeth said.
After 10 years...

Kring! Kring! Cahira's phone rang. "Hello?" she said. "Good morning big girl "her dad said."

Good morning Dad" she said. "I know that you're still laying on your bed, get up and prepare

yourself you'll be late on your flight going back here in the Philippines. I'll pick you up in the

airport” her father said." Oh my! I almost forgot. Okay Dad! I love you" she said and ended up

the phone call. Before she took the bath, she opened her social media account. She checked

Jacob's timeline, Instagram and Twitter. She's the number 1 fan/stalker of Jacob. She was using a

fake name so that he wouldn't know that it's her. She saw a woman together with Jacob in her

Instagram with a caption ”I love you! forever”. She was jealous. She put off her phone and took

the bath.”Cahira! come downstair now. You’ll be late on your flight” her mother said. Her

relation with mother went well.They became close with each other. “Yes Mom, coming” she

said. “Always remember Cahira that this(she pointed Cahira’s heart)needs a care and don’t forget

what the Doctor said ,there’s still a possibility that you heart might be like before or the worst

”her mother said. ”Copy Mom” she said. ”Okay! I’ll go next to you after I close the deal with my

client, take care and I love you” her mother said. “I love you too Mom. Bye!” she said.

Kring! Kring! “Hello Sir Albert?” Jacob said. After Albert called Cahira, he called Jacob

about Cahira’s come back. “Will you come in our house for the welcome party of Cahira?” he

asked. “I’ll try Sir” Jacob answered. “Okay, thank you” Albert said. There’s a part on him that

he’s happy and angry, happy because he will now see Cahira and angry because she left him

without any explanation. He was still confused if why did she leave him. He was clueless .He

will go to the party to know her reason for leaving him. Jacob dialed his girlfriend’s number.
“Hello Tiffany” he said. “Yes baby” she said in a flirty way. “Do you want to go with me?” he

asked. “Where?” she asked. “To the welcome party of Cahira” he said. “Your childhood

bestfriend? Okay” she said and hang up the phone call.

“Hello Dad? Where are you?” she asked. “I’m here” she said. “Dad, I’m not joking” she

said and her Dad hang up the call. Cahira was pissed off and when she looked back, she saw her

father. “Dad!” she said and hugged him. “How’s your trip big girl” he asked. “Tiring dad. I

want to go home now.” she said. “Let’s go” her father said. Her father’s car stopped infront of

their house. “Wow Dad! It looks so different” she said. “Everything had changed Cahira, even

you” her father said. “It’s too dark in our house Dad. Why you didn’t open the lights before you

pick me in the airport?” she said. “You’re over reacting” he said. “Just saying Dad” she said.

When she opened the light she saw her relatives and friends. “Welcome home Cahira!” they all

said. Cahira’s tears were about to fall when her father whispered to her ear “don’t cry”. Thank

you! Thanks for the effort” she said and they celebrated. Everyone stopped when someone

knocked and opened the door. It’s Jacob, holding a bouquet of flowers. She smiled sweetly to

him but that sweet smile turns into bitter smile when she saw his girlfriend. Jacob gave the

bouquet to her. “Thank you” she said. “Cahira, can we talk?” he asked. Cahira looked at

Tiffany and Tiffany said, “It’s okay”. Jacob guided her outside. “How are you?” Jacob asked.

“I’m fine, how about you?” she said. “Much better now after you left me” he said. I’m very

sorry” she said. “Just tell me the reason!” he shouted. “I can’t, I’m sorry” she said and walked

out. She was crying. She went to the kitchen to drink water while she was drinking, Tiffany

came in. “Stay away from Jacob, my BOYFRIEND!” Tiffany said. “What are you talking

about?” she asked. “You’re flirting with him. You’re such a flirt!” Tiffany said. Tiffany was

just about to slap her when Jacob held her wrist, lugged her outside and went home. Cahira was
still standing in the kitchen. “Cahira, are you okay?” her father asked. “Yes Dad” she said. You

look pale” her father said. “I’m just tired Dad

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