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#1 Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

ACS includes -unstable angina
-Myocardial infarction
( partial or complete obstruction in
bloodvessels supplies heart muscles)
*Signs and symptoms:
-Crushing central chest pain,radiating to left arm or throat.
-Nausea and vomiting
-Shortness of breath
-Increased respiratory rate
-Low blood pressure

-Assess CAB
-SIt up position
-Treat : high flow oxygen 15L/min via non breathing bag.
sublingual 0.4 mg Nitroglycerine
Dispersible Aspirin 300mg chewed or dissolved
( If MI is suspected)
Repeat GTN if state is still bad
-All okay!

#2 Heart failure
-Heart failure occurs when the heart is
unable to pump sufficiently to maintain
blood flow to meet the needs of the body.
(Cardiac Output and BP are inadequate for
body's requirement.)

+Left Heart failure:^SHORT BREATHING^

Signs and Symptoms:
-Shortness of breath in supine position,
patient sleeps over 3-4 pillows.
-Shortness of breath on exertion,
awake from sleep with intense coughing

+Right Heart failure ^SWELLINGS^

: Signs and Symptoms:
-Swelling in the legs
-liver enlargemnt
-Swelling in the ankles

-Chest xray

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