Is There A Bank Near Here?

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1 Look at the picture. What is in the mall? Write the correct letter. Then
listen and check your answers.

A. Coffee shop D. Department Store G. Movie Theater

B. Shoe store E. Restaurant H. Bookstore

C. Convenience store F. Internet café I. Bank

1. I
2. E
3. F
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. H
9. G
2 Match the places and the things you can do there.

1. A bank __F A. Check your email

2. A bookstore E B. Have coffee
3. An Internet Café __A__ C. Try on a pair of jeans

4. A coffee shop __B__ D. Buy milk

5. A department store __C__ E. Look at magazines

6. A convenience store D F. Change money

3 PAIRK WORK. What other things can you do at these places? Tell your

A What can you _buy_ at a convenience store?

B You can snacks, drinks, and magazines.

A ….

B ......

1 Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the
conversation with a partner.

A. Restaurants C. A bank

B. Get something to eat D Change some money

Brian Hi, Can you help me?

Ana Sure. What can I do for you?
Brian I want to 1 Change some money, is there 2 A bank in the
Ana Yes, there is. There is one across the street
Brian Across the street?
Ana Yes.
Brian OK, and I’d like to 3 get something to eat, Are there any
4 Restaurants around here?
Ana No, sorry, there are not. But there are some downtown.
Brian Great. Thanks!
Ana You are welcome.
2 PAIR WORK. Practice the conversation again. Use the ideas below. Add
your own ideas.

1 2 3 4
-Buy a coffee a coffee shop Buy some shoes shoe stores

-Buy a Travel a bookstore watch a movie movie theaters

Buy a Mobile _an establishment_ _ watch a novel _ _House_


1 Complete the sentences

1. I am very happy because _there is_ _ a movie theater in my


2. _There is not_ a gym around here, but _There is_ a nice park across the street.
3. I am unhappy because _There are not_ any cheap restaurants in my

4. _There is_ a coffee shop across the street, but _There are not_ any internet
2 Complete the questions
1. __is there_ _ a post office near you?

2. _ is there_ a train station in your neighborhood? 3._

Are there _ any shopping malls in your town?
4. _Are there_ any convenience stores in your neighborhood?

3 Complete these sentences about your neighborhood.

Try to use words from the box.

1. There is a really nice restaurant down the street

2. There is good convenience store around the corner

3. There is big department store _ ten minutes away_

4. There is nice coffee shop around the corner
5. There is good bookstore thirty minutes away
6. There is Movie Theater Forty minutes away

1 BEFORE YOU READ Look at the pictures. What do you think you can do in
these cities?

✓ Do sport
✓ look Sculpture A-maze-ing Laughter

2 Read the article. Choose

Movie Restaurants Coffee Bookstores Department

Theaters shops Stores
Brian ✓ ✓ ✓
Sarah ✓ ✓ ✓

3 Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1. Why is Sydney a good place to be outdoors?
It is a great place to visit-great beaches, great weather, and great for outdoor sports.
There are also clubs, mobile theaters, and a lot of free entertainment in the streets
and parks

2. What kinds of stores are in Chinatown?

There are many cheap restaurants and grocery stores, and there are department
3. What can you do in Vancouver in the spring?
In the spring you can ski in the mountains and swim in the ocean on the same
day! And is a great place to walk

4. Why does Sarah like Yaletown?

There are a lot of coffee shops, furniture stores, bookstores, and boutiques.

5. Where does Sarah like to go on the weekend? Sarah go with

friends and hang out in Yaletown all day.


1 Where can you get these things? Write the places under the pictures.

1. _shoe Store_
2. Bookstore__
3. _Bank
4. Convenience store _
5. _Movie Theater
6. Coffee shop__

2 Complete the sentences with the words from Activity 1. Use each word
only once.

1. You can change money at a bank

2. You can have a cup of coffee with friends at a _coffee shop_

3. You can buy clothes and nice gifts at a _Convenience store_
4. You can try on some shoes at a shoe Store _

5. You can buy a book at a Book store

6. You can see a movie at a Movie Theater


1 Write sentences with there is or there are. Use the words and numbers in

1. Coffee shop (2) there are two coffee shops around here

2. Internet café (1) there is an internet café around here

3. Bank (1) there is a Bank around here
4. Restaurant (3) there are three Restaurants around here
5. Movie theater (1) there is a Movie Theater around here
6. Convenience store (2) there are two Convenience store

2 Complete the sentences. Use there is not a or there are not any
1. There is not a farmer is market down the street
2. There are not any Statues in the neighborhood.
3. There are not any Convenience stores near here
4. There is not a Palace in my town
5. There are not any parks in this neighborhood.
6. There is not a zoo downtown.
3 Look at the map. Complete the sentences below. Use the prepositions
in the box.

Across the street around the corner near down the street on

1. There is a bookstore __down the street _ from the movie theater.

2. There is a department store across the street _ from the bank

3. There are two coffee shops _on_ Main Street.

4. There is a convenience store _Around the corner_ from the bank
5. There is a movie theater _near_ the internet café.

4 Write the lines in the correct order to make a conversation.

Great. Thanks!
I need a cup of coffee. Is there a coffee shop around here?
_Excuse me. Can you help me?
OK, and then I’d like to go downtown. Is there a bus stop near here?

You are welcome.
No, there is not. But there is coffee at the restaurant down the street. Yes, there is.
There is. It is around the corner.
Sure. What can I do for you?
Sam 1 Excuse me. Can you help me?
Woman 2 Sure. What can I do for you?
Sam 3 I need a cup of coffee. Is there a coffee shop around here?
Woman 4 No, there is not. But there is coffee at the restaurant down the street.
Sam 5 OK, and then I’d like to go downtown. Is there a bus stop near here?
Woman 6 Yes, there is. There is. It is around the corner. Sam 7 Great.
Woman 8 you are welcome.

5 Answer the questions with information about your neighborhood. Use the
correct form of there is and there are.

1. Are there any banks?

No, there are not / yes, there are. There are two banks in my

2. Is there a movie theater? No,

there are not
3. Are there any coffee shops? No,
there are not
4. Are there any grocery stores? No,
there are not
5. Is there a train station?
No, there are not

6. Are there any restaurants? No,

there are not

1 Read the text quickly. What city is the shopping street called “Bond Street” in?
Bond Street is in EUROPA

2 Read the text again. Choose (+) the kinds of stores mentioned in the text.

1. Bookstore 4. + Jewelry store

2. Convenience store. 5. + Shoe store

3. + Department store 6. + Toy store

3 Answer the questions. Use the information in the text.

1. What kind of store is De Beers?

It’s a jewelry store

2. Where can you find some of the most expensive stores in the world?
Picca dilly at De Beers, between there and oxford street, you can find some of
the most expensive stores in the world

3. How many floors are there in Chanel? It has

three floors, on the ground floor
4. In which books is Bond Street mentioned?
iin several works of literature, include jane Austen is novel sense and sensibility
and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs.

5. What year is the movie Bond Street from? 1948

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