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Outside Support and Intervention – Michelle Lau

Type of Support Service Provider Interventions Provided

 Assess child development and behaviour by interviewing parents and
observing activities at home
 Design and implement a Behaviour Intervention Plan
o address challenging behaviour
o develop verbal, social, or daily living skills
 Coach parents on various ways to provide support
Behaviour Consultant  Teach child to
o recognize emotions
o communicate better
Behaviour o be prepared for school or work
o learn new, positive behaviours
 Specialised, structured techniques to help o learn daily life skills, like self-care
children learn new behaviours and skills. o identify what upsets them (triggers)
 Therapies and supports generally referred to as o make plans to get through tough social situations
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approaches. o stop negative behaviours, like hurting themselves

 Carry out strategies laid out in a Behaviour Intervention Plan

 Works with child to build life skills in various settings
o Riding the bus
interventionist (BI)
o Going to the park
o Taking swimming lessons
Type of Support Service Provider Interventions Provided
 Develop communication skills
o how to have conversations or joint interactions
 How to understand speech and language using words and gestures to:
o Ask for help
o Ask and answer questions
Speech-Language o Look at books and tell stories
Pathologist o Initiate and turn-take in conversations
 Introduce communication tools (augmentative or alternative
Developmental and Therapy-based communication tools)
 Help with oral motor skill development including eating, drinking and
Developmental swallowing
 Help form positive, meaningful relationships  Provide assessment, diagnosis or consultation
with other people. They also help children
 Help children participate in everyday activities by developing their fine
learn social, communication and daily living
motor skills and practicing daily life routines
skills in both everyday and structured settings.
o Play, social skills
o Dressing, grooming, feeding, sleeping, toileting
Therapy Occupational Therapist
o School readiness, printing
 Targets specific difficulties (OT)
o Ability to cope and work
 Includes improving communication skills as o Be aware of their body
well as the body’s physical condition o Improve balance and coordination
o Attend to motor, perceptional, social, or sensory challenges
 Help children understand how and why they bodies move
 Improve and maintain mobility, functional independence, and physical
Physical Therapist (PT)
 Assist with managing physical conditions, limitations or restrictions
 Provide diagnostic assessments and implement strategies for
Therapists who combine  Therapists who engage in these combined learning programs such as:
elements of behavioural o Early Start Denver Model
Combined and developmental o SCERTS® Model
therapies and supports o TEACCH
Type of Support Service Provider Interventions Provided
 Parents, family members, caregivers, teachers and peers receive training
regarding how to
o deal with self-injuring behaviours
o communicate with someone living with ASD
o recognize and deal with situations that cause upset (triggers)
Family-based Counsellors o learn supportive routines and behaviours that bring comfort and
Family members promote success
 Driven by idea that parents should not only Respite Programs  Respite Programs help take care of the child with ASD
drive decision-making about therapies and o provides family and caregivers temporary relief from the
supports, but they also have a key role in emotional and physical demands of caring for a friend or family
delivering them member,
 Success of child with ASD depends on o Provide opportunity for family to participate in community
collaborative parent-child relationships activities.
 Needs of the whole family is addressed so that  Help children participate in everyday activities by developing their fine
everyone benefits, not just the child motor skills and practicing daily life routines
o Play, social skills
o Dressing, grooming, feeding, sleeping, toileting
Occupational Therapist o School readiness, printing,
o Ability to cope and work
o Be aware of their body
o Improve balance and coordination
o Attend to motor, perceptional, social, or sensory challenges
 Provide and regulate medication levels to help with
o inattentive or hyperactive behaviour
o anxiety
Medical Pediatricians o obsessive compulsive behaviour
General Practitioners o self-harming behaviours
 Provide and regulate medication to alleviate Other Medical o sleep disorders
symptoms associated with ASD Professionals  Medications may include
o atypical antipsychotics
o typical antipsychotics
o stimulants
Type of Support Service Provider Interventions Provided
 Naturopaths
o may recommend special diets
o vitamins and supplements
o chelation (treatment to remove heavy metals from body)
 Animal therapy
Alternative o Increased safety for the child (prevents child from bolting)
o Enhanced responsibility skills for child
Animal Therapy
 treatments typically outside what is o BC and Alberta Guide Dogs
Music Therapy
recommended by a pediatrician  Provide professionally trained dogs to children with
profound autism free of charge the recipient.
 Music and Art Therapy
o Encouraged social interaction
o Reduced stress and anxiety
 Internet
o Breathing and guided mediation apps

BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. (2020). Autism Service Dogs. Retrieved from BC & Alberta Guide Dogs:
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, September 23). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Retrieved from Centers of Disease Control and Prevention:
Government of British Columbia . (2020). How to Choose the Right Service Providers. Retrieved from Build Your Support Team:
Government of Canada . (2018, August 29). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Therapies and Supports. Retrieved from Government of Canada : - the australian parenting website. (2020, October 27). Therapies and supports for autistic children: a guide to main types. Retrieved from - the australian parenting website:

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