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Low Intensity Aerobic Agility Circuit

Drill Objective(s)soccer fitness and conditioning

1) Develop Aerobic Capacity
2) Develop Agility and Quickness..
* Drill No:               Ae2
* Age:                    12-Adult soccer warm ups and warm up                          
* No Players:        1+
* Difficulty:            Easy
* Area/Time:         Full Pitch  (10mins = 1 set)
Diagram 1

Mark out a full standard soccer pitch as shown in the diagram.  Players are staggered around the field at different
points to avoid traffic at any one point of the circuit.   This activity can also double as a warm-up.
Players perfom 1 lap of casual low intensity jogging in preparation for the activity.  Players then perform 3 laps of the
circuit in an anti clockwise direction.  If a limited number of players they can all start from the same point (i.e. top right
hand corner of the field, labelled 'start').  Should take players approx 7-8 mins. For the dynamic stretch sections the
players perfom the following activities:
Lap 1 =
Fast feet Activity (A) = 2 feet contact through the cones (training bars) in each section (i.e. left and right).
Dynamic Stetch (B) = Walking Lunges
Lap 2 =
Fast feet Activity (A) = Side shuffle (2 feet contact in each section) through the cones (training bars) in each section
(i.e. left and right).
Dynamic Stetch (B) = High knees (Also known as knee raises)
Lap 3 =
Fast feet Activity (A) = 1 feet contact through the cones (training bars) in each section.
Dynamic Stetch (B) = Butt Kickers (i.e. heels clip butt on each step)
Break to perfom static stretches.
Perform another 3 laps with the same activities.

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1) Good technique on the dynamic stretches and also the fast feet activities.  Monitor both hand/arm and feet

1) Reduce the rest period to 2 minutes to increase the intensity of the activity.
2) Increase the target times to longer to make easier.
3) Decrease target times to shorter to make harder.
4) Increase the reps to make harder.

1) Modify the circuit and change the jogging sections into cruise (75% maximal effort) to increase the aerobic
nature of this activity.


Make sure the players are being pushed.  At the same time not overworked.
The soccer graphics have been made with Easy Sports-Graphics (

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