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Tim O’Connell is the unit leader at Driscoll Software, which is a software developing
company. Alessandra Sandoval was a manager at Driscoll, but she left the company to
set up her own business as a technical consultant. Tim promoted Kristen who did not
have any prior managerial experience to fill in the position of Alessandra. However, it
had been two months since then, and Kristen’s managerial skills have so far failed to
materialize. Driscoll’s old client, Hybara Casinos is facing serious issues with their
current software and wants to replace it with Driscoll System before the commencement
of new year.

Driscoll Software is looking for opportunities to enhance its business to avoid staff
reductions next year as the current year was not economically good. Driscoll’s old client,
Hybara Casinos has approached them with a project. But the project needs to be
completed in two weeks with key resources present at Barcelona for transition during
Christmas holidays. Tim wants Kristen to discuss this with her team members and come
up with a project plan. However, Kristen and her team members have already made
vacation plans. Now it is up to Kristen to evaluate the conditions and get the project
done within the stipulated time.

Evaluation of the case:

Tim O’Connell received a call from the former client Hybara Casino. Hybara was one of
the biggest clients of Driscoll Software. However, last year Hybara felt that the Driscoll
was very expensive and handed over their business to another company at low cost.
But the new software was not working properly, causing frequent disruptions leading to
huge revenue loss. In order to overcome this issue, Hybara wanted the problem to be
resolved as soon as possible and make a clean start in the new year. But the new year
was only two weeks away and the project would normally require six weeks to

Alessandra Sandoval was a manager at Driscoll Software. She had sarcastic sense of
humor, visible tattoos, and odd hours at work. This made Tim uncomfortable around
Alessandra as he was unable to deal with his dislike for her persona. This led to
Alessandra leaving the company to set up her own business.

Kristen had joined Driscoll Software 4 years ago, right out of college and was promoted
two months ago to fill in Alessandra’s position. She lacked managerial skills and it made
her feel difficult to be in the shoes of Alessandra. Tim informed Kristen about Hybara’s
requirements and told her that it was going to be her first big challenge as a new team
manager. He wanted her to get her team ready to complete the project before new year.
This put Kristen in a dilemma, as she and her team members already made plans for
the holidays. She also felt that it was difficult to complete a six weeks project in just two
weeks without sacrificing the quality.
While Kristen was busy discussing details of the project with her team members, Tim
was already having parallel talks with Alessandra on roping her services for the project
as he wasn’t sure about Kristen handling a project of this size as a rookie who had not
shown any ability to effectively lead a team. However, choosing Alessandra would mean
that he had to accommodate her high consulting fees which was $400 per hour, swallow
his pride, loose his face in front of his superiors. This would also threaten Kristen’s
image within her team members.
After talking to her team members, Kristen left a note to Tim describing some of the
challenges like employees’ planned vacations, which could not be rescheduled due to
logistics and family commitments. This also meant that Kristen could not get around
with her team members as some of them refused to work on the project during holidays.

Tim realizes Hybara’s urgency and can use their desperation in negotiating a better
delivery time frame as well as extra revenue in expediting the project installation.
In view of the crisis situation, choosing to go with Alessandra will benefit Driscoll
Software as given below:
 She is available during the holidays.
 She has good fluency in Spanish.
 She is willing to travel to Barcelona.
 She knows Hybara’s team and their systems better than anyone.
 She is confident on finishing the project on time.
Extraordinary teamwork, direction and management are a must for providing IT support
to clients. Accomplishing a specific task in a timely and a professional manner requires
significant amount of effort from the entire team. In line with the same, fulfilling the
below requirements would enable Kristen and her team to accomplish the project:
 Tim understanding the constraints and consulting with all the team members.
 Tim needs to ensure that Kristen and her team have the appropriate resources,
including time, budget, and overall support, to get the job done.
 Tim to provide leadership and direction.
 Empowering Kristen as the lead project manager for the Hybara project
 Reimbursing cost of tickets of some of the team members to forgo their vacation
and stay back on this project
 Provide incentives to work hard to accomplish the project during Christmas

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