A Review of Recent Research On Green Road Freight Transportation

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European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

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Invited Review

A review of recent research on green road freight transportation

Emrah Demir a,⇑, Tolga Bektasß b, Gilbert Laporte c
School of Industrial Engineering and Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control (OPAC), Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven 5600 MB, The Netherlands
School of Management and Centre for Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems (CORMSIS), University of Southampton, Southampton,
Highfield SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management and Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics, and Transportation (CIRRELT),
HEC Montréal, 3000 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal H3T 2A7, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Road freight transportation is a major contributor to carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Reducing these
Received 25 August 2013 emissions in transportation route planning requires an understanding of vehicle emission models and
Accepted 23 December 2013 their inclusion into the existing optimization methods. This paper provides a review of recent research
Available online 4 January 2014
on green road freight transportation.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Road freight transportation
Green logistics
CO2 e emissions
Operations research

1. Introduction in the classical sense. However, the United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized in 2009 that GHGs pose
Road freight transportation is essential for the economic devel- a danger to human health and welfare. GHGs absorb and emit radi-
opment, but it is also harmful to the environment and to human ations within the thermal infra-red range in the atmosphere and
health. Until recently, the planning of freight transportation activ- significantly raise the Earth’s temperature. As of October 2013,
ities has mainly focused on cost minimization (see, e.g., Crainic, the level of atmospheric CO2 emissions is estimated to be equal
2000; Forkenbrock, 1999, 2001). With an increasing worldwide to 393.66 parts per million and is still increasing (ESRL, 2013).
concern for the environment, logistics providers and freight carri- The carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 e) measures how much glo-
ers have started paying more attention to the negative externalities bal warming a given type and amount of GHG may cause, using the
of their operations. These include pollution, accidents, noise, re- functionally equivalent amount or concentration of CO2 as the ref-
source consumption, land use deterioration, and climate change erence. The selection of GHGs to include in the carbon footprint is
risk (Schreyer et al., 2004). an important issue. Wright, Kemp, and Williams (2011) suggest
At the local and regional levels, a significant portion of freight that a significant proportion of emissions can be captured through
transportation is carried out by trucks, which emit a large amount the measurement of CO2 and CH4 , which are the most prominent
of pollutants. While transportation technologies and fuels have im- anthropogenic GHGs. The emissions of CO2 are directly propor-
proved over the years, most trucks run on diesel engines, which are tional to the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle, which is in turn
major sources of emissions of nitrogen oxides (N2 O), particulate dependent on a variety of vehicle, environment and traffic-related
matter (PM) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Repeated exposure to parameters, such as vehicle speed, load and acceleration (Demir,
N2 O-based smog and PM has been linked to a wide range of health Bektasß, & Laporte, 2011). On the other hand, CH4 emissions are a
problems. At the global level, greenhouse gases (GHGs) signifi- function of many complex aspects of combustion dynamics and
cantly contribute to global warming. In the transportation sector, of the type of emission control systems used.
GHG emissions are dominated by CO2 emissions from burning fos- Freight transportation planning has many facets, particularly
sil fuels. These cause atmospheric changes and climate disruptions when viewed from the multiple levels of decision making.
which are harmful to the natural and built environments and pose Arguably the most famous problem at this level is the well-known
health risks. Until recently, GHGs were not classified as a pollutant Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which consists of determining
least cost routes for a fleet of vehicles to satisfy the demands of a
set of customers, subject to side constraints. The traditional objec-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 618132383.
tive in the standard VRP is to minimize the total distance traveled
E-mail addresses: E.Demir@tue.nl (E. Demir), T.Bektas@soton.ac.uk (T. Bektasß),
Gilbert.Laporte@cirrelt.ca (G. Laporte).
by all vehicles, but this objective can be enriched through the

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
776 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

inclusion of terms related to fuel consumption (Bektasß & Laporte, 2. Factors affecting fuel consumption
2011; Demir, Bektasß, & Laporte, 2012).
Recent developments in green road freight transportation have The factors influencing fuel consumption have been studied by
heightened the importance of operations research techniques in Ardekani, Hauer, and Jamei (1996), Bigazzi and Bertini (2009),
this area (see, e.g., Dekker, Bloemhof, & Mallidis, 2012; Dobers Demir et al. (2011) and Alwakiel (2011). A summary of these works
et al., 2013; Lin, Choy, Ho, Chung, & Lam, 2013; Salimifard, is provided in Fig. 1. These factors can be divided into five
Shahbandarzadeh, & Raeesi, 2012; Touati & Jost, 2012). In the last categories: vehicle, environment, traffic, driver and operations.
decade, the body of knowledge on the reduction of CO2 e emissions Most fuel consumption models concentrate on vehicle, traffic,
from road transportation has grown notably. As of August 2013, we and environmental influences, but do not capture driver related
are aware of at least 58 papers on this topic. In this study we focus issues which are relatively difficult to measure. Moreover, opera-
on the green logistics literature related to total energy tions related factors are often seen as an externalities affecting fuel
consumption. consumption.
The scientific contribution of this study is threefold: (i) to One important work by Eglese and Black (2010) studies the
analyze the factors affecting fuel consumption, (ii) to extensively emissions arising in routing and lists some of the factors affecting
survey the available vehicle emission models, (iii) to review the fuel consumption. In contrast to the existing literature, the authors
scientific literature on green road freight transportation. The argue that speed is more important than distance traveled when
remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews estimating emissions. In another study, Demir et al. (2011) have
the factors affecting fuel consumption. Section 3 lists the available compared several emissions models, and mentioned other relevant
tools to estimate CO2 e. In Section 4, we investigate routing factors such as load weight and distribution, engine type and size,
problems with regard to fuel consumption. Section 5 presents an vehicle design, and road gradient.
extensive body of literature of CO2 e emissions in routing and Road freight is mostly carried by internal combustion vehicles.
scheduling. Conclusions and future research directions are stated In order to move a vehicle, an engine must provide power to over-
in Section 6. come the effects of inertia, rolling resistance, wind resistance, road

Factors affecting fuel


Vehicle Environment Traffic (travel) Driver Operations

related related related related related
(V) (E) (T) (D) (O)

Vehicle Roadway Speed Driver Fleet size and

curb weight gradient (T1) aggressiveness mix
(V1) (E1) (D1) (O1)
Vehicle shape Pavement type deceleration Gear selection Payload
(V2) (E2) (T2) (D2) (O2)

Engine size/type Ambient Congestion Idle time Empty

(V3) temperature (T3) (D3) kilometers
(E3) (O3)

Engine temperature
Altitude Number of stops
(E4) (O4)

Fuel type/
composition Other characteristics
(V6) (humidity, surface
Oil viscosity

Other characteristics
(maintenance, age,
accessories etc.)

Fig. 1. Factors affecting fuel consumption.

E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 777

slope, drive train losses and accessories. Other factors which affect Kara, Kara, and Yetisß (2007) and Bektasß and Laporte (2011) have
engine efficiency, such as air–fuel-ratio, engine speed and com- studied the effect of payload on fuel consumption. Demir et al.
pression ratio. Here we focus on the scientific literature related (2011) show that, with an average load of one ton, fuel
to fuel reduction in road freight transportation by means of opera- consumption increases by approximately three liters over a
tions research techniques. It considers several areas separately. 100 kilometer road segment. CAT (2006) shows that a
4500 kilogram reduction in payload reduces fuel consumption
 Speed: Fuel consumption depends on several factors, but speed by about 4.4%. Moreover, a reduction in gross weight from
is the most important one because it affects inertia, rolling 36,000 kilogram to 27,000 kilogram generates an 8.8% improve-
resistance, air resistance and road slope. Most studies focus on ment in fuel savings. In a study of DEFRA (2012), the change in
distance traveled but as Van Woensel, Creten, and Vandaele CO2 emissions is shown to be up to 25% for an articulated
(2001) have shown, applying an average emission value per heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) with a gross weight of more than
kilometer is inaccurate. According to Demir et al. (2011), a rule 33,000 kilogram.
of thumb for medium-duty vehicle (MDV) is that fuel consump-  Empty kilometers: Empty kilometers are kilometers driven by
tion increases approximately by 0.001 liter/kilometer for every empty vehicles and should be avoided as much as possible.
kilometer/hour increase above 55 kilometer/hour. Decreasing Reducing them always results in a lesser fuel consumption.
the vehicle speed from 100 kilometer/hour to 90 kilometer/ Most of the routing operations start or end at a depot with an
hour can reduce fuel consumption by approximately 0.02 liter empty load. According to EC (2010), in 2010, almost a quarter
per kilometer. Demir et al. (2012) have derived an optimum (23.9%) of all vehicle-kilometer of HDVs in the EU involved an
driving speed and have shown that reductions in emissions empty vehicle. In inbound transport, the share of empty vehi-
could be achieved by varying speed over a network. It should cle-kilometer is usually higher than in outbound transport.
be noted that the optimum driving speed varies to a certain Empty kilometers cause environmental pollution and place an
degree between geographical areas due to speed limits and traf- unnecessary strain on the transportation infrastructures. Empty
fic density. kilometer driving is often caused by a lack of information. For
 Road gradient: On a slope, wheel horsepower demand increases example, if a transportation company does not have the infor-
significantly with vehicle weight because of road slope force. In mation that goods are waiting to be transported close to where
some regions, road gradient plays an important role and can a driver has just dropped off a previous load, the driver will sim-
result higher CO2 e emissions. The study of Demir et al. (2011) ply be asked to return to the depot with an empty truck.
shows that fuel consumption of an MDV on a 1% road slope  Green freight corridors: The concept of green corridors was
may increase by up to six liters on a 100 kilometer road developed in recent years to minimize the environmental
segment. The reverse is also true: traveling on a negative slope related factors affecting fuel consumption. The use of green cor-
surface reduces fuel consumption. With the help of an advanced ridors enables reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 e emis-
GIS software, one can change speed on a portion of a road sions, and should improve the environmental performance of
segment in order to reduce fuel consumption. road freight transport in the future. Green corridors can be
 Congestion: Driving in congested areas increases fuel consump- structured based on several environmental and traffic-related
tion because of lower than optimal speeds. This is supported by factors. For example, CAT (2006) shows that the impact of cli-
Van Woensel et al. (2001) who have assessed the differences in mate is as important as vehicle speed and aerodynamics. Cold
CO2 emissions between using constant speeds and flow depen- air increases the aerodynamic drag on the vehicle. Compared
dent speeds. Based on a survey of cars on a motorway, they have to 21 C°, fuel consumption can go up by 5% if the temperature
shown that flow-dependent emissions of CO2 are on average reduces to 10 C° and it can go up to 10% at 0 C°. Wind and road
11% higher than CO2 emissions calculated using a constant surface are other factors that must be considered while creating
speed. A peak increase of 40% was also observed during the con- green corridors.
gested rush hour period. In a manual of truck’s engine (CAT
(2006)), traveling 15% of the total kilometers on congested
roads results approximately in an 8% increase in fuel consump- 3. Fuel consumption models
tion. Traveling 25% of the total kilometers on congested roads
approximately results in a 15% increase in fuel consumption. This section reviews fuel consumption (vehicle emission) mod-
 Driver: One of the most significant factors affecting fuel con- els. A short description of each model is provided, along with a dis-
sumption is the driver who controls vehicle speed, acceleration cussion pertaining to its development and applicability. In order to
rate, brake usage, shifting technique, trailer gap setting, idle get a full picture of these models, the reader is referred to the clas-
time, tire inflation pressure, and more. CAT (2006) shows that sification of Williams, Kemp, Coello, Turner, and Wright (2012)
the difference in fuel consumption between the best and worst which classifies the models based on their simplicity and parame-
drivers can be as much as 25% (42.2–56.5 liters over a 100 kilo- ter uncertainty (Fig. 2). In this study, we focus on the way of
meter road segment). Idling the engine can also be seen as estimating fuel consumption more accurately.
driver-related consumption.
 Fleet size and mix: Selecting the right type of vehicle has a signif-
Generalized activity data * emission factors
icant impact on fuel consumption. Small vehicles which have
Measured activity data * emission factors
smaller engines consume less fuel than larger vehicles. How-
ever, using a large vehicle may lead to less fuel consumption


Measured activity data * assumed fuel/energy consumption * emission factors

than using two smaller vehicles. According to Demir et al.
Measured activity data * sampled fuel/energy consumption * emission factors
(2011), for a certain amount of payload, the difference between
a medium and heavy-duty vehicle may be up to 14 liters of fuel Measured fuel/energy consumption * emission factors
on a 100 kilometer road segment.
Directly measured emissions
 Payload: Increasing the payload increases the engine demand
horsepower, which leads to a higher fuel consumption. Vehicle
payload affects the inertia force, rolling resistance and road Fig. 2. Examples of several methods for quantifying emissions (Williams et al.,
slope force and can be an important part of routing decisions. 2012).
778 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

The average fuel consumption of vehicles is provided by manu- Table 1

facturers, but the information provided does not make it possible Emission parameters used in MEET.

to derive CO2 e emissions. For freight trucks, these measurements Weight class K a b c d e f
are based on engine test benches or from a standard test cycle 3.5 < Weight 6 7.5 110 0 0 0.000375 8702 0 0
using a chassis dynamometer, rather than on real-life driving cy- 7.5 < Weight 6 16 871 –16.0 0.143 0 0 32031 0
cles. These emission certification tests have been shown to differ 16 < Weight 6 32 765 –7.04 0 0.000632 8334 0 0
significantly from real driving conditions (Pelkmans & Debal, Weight > 32 1576 –17.6 0 0.00117 0 36067 0

Rakha, Ahn, and Trani (2003) mention that numerous energy
and emission models are available and differ in their modeling ap- 2
gests the use a function the form er ðv Þ ¼ K þ av þ bv þ cv 3 þ
proaches, modeling structures, and data requirements. Here, we
d=v þ e=v 2 þ f =v 3 , where er ðv Þ is the rate of CO2 emissions
categorize fuel consumption models into three main groups of
(gram/kilometer) for an unloaded goods vehicle on a road with a
increasing levels of complexity: factor models, macroscopic mod-
zero gradient. The parameters K and a to f are predefined coeffi-
els and microscopic models. Factor models include simple fuel con-
cients whose values are given in Table 1.
sumption methods. Macroscopic models use average aggregate
The emission factors and functions of MEET refer to standard
network parameters to estimate network-wide emission rates.
testing conditions (i.e., zero road gradient, empty vehicle, etc.)
Microscopic models estimate the instantaneous vehicle fuel con-
and are typically calculated as a function of the average vehicle
sumption and emission rates at a more detailed level. Models can
speed. Depending on the vehicle type, a number of corrections
also be grouped into the load (power)-based and the regression-
may be needed to account for the effects of road gradient and
based emissions models. These definitions also refer to micro-
vehicle load on the emissions once a rough estimate has been pro-
and macro-emission modeling, respectively.
duced. The following road gradient correction factor is used to take
Emissions can be approximated through the use of an emission
the effect of road gradient into account: GCðv Þ ¼ A6 v 6 þ
factor related to one type of vehicle and a specific driving mode
A5 v 5 þ A4 v 4 þ A3 v 3 þ A2 v 2 þ A1 v þ A0 . The coefficients A0 to A6
(Esteves-Booth, Muneer, Kubie, & Kirby, 2002). Furthermore, the
used to compute GCðv Þ are given in Table 2.
emission factors are derived from the mean values of repeated
The following load correction factor is used to take the load
measurements over a particular driving cycle. This type of model
factor into account: LCðv Þ ¼ k þ nv þ pv 2 þ qv 3 þ r=v þ s=v 2 þ
is particularly useful at a macro-scale, when the information on
t=v 3 þ u=v ; k and n to u are coefficients whose values are presented
traffic flows and operational modes is insufficient. An example of
in Table 3.
a distance based factor model can be found in GHG Protocol
MEET suggests estimating the total CO2 emissions (gram) as
(2013). Another example of factor calculation can be found in
DEFRA (2012), which provides information on how to calculate Eðv ; DÞ ¼ er ðv Þ  GCðv Þ  LCðv Þ  D: ð1Þ
the GHG emissions. It is concerned with calculating and reporting
the direct emissions resulting from burning fuel when driving in It is noted that the parameters of MEET model were calibrated in
freight transport operations. 1999. The new engine technology and aerodynamics design of vehi-
cles would require updates to these parameters.
3.1. Macroscopic models
3.1.2. Network for transport and environment (NTM)
This section reviews 13 macroscopic (average speed) emission The NTM is a non-profit Swedish organization created in 1993
models, which are important tools in a wide-area emission assess- (NTM Road, 2010). Its aim is to establish a common way to calcu-
ment. These models can be used to calculate and develop a na- late the environmental performances from different transportation
tional or regional emission inventory, especially in green supply modes. The calculation pertains to the usage of natural resources
chain management studies. Generally, emission rates are measured and other external effects from freight transport. The method
for a variety of trips, each with a different average speed. Note that was mainly developed for market actors of transport services, mak-
the emissions of CO2 e are directly related to fuel consumption and ing it possible to evaluate their own individual carbon footprint.
therefore can be easily calculated if the amount of fuel consump- The NTM considers distance, load factors, type of transport mode,
tion is known. In order to eliminate repetition for the representa- positioning, empty return trips, topography and type of road
tion of variables, we use similar notation for all macroscopic (urban, rural or motorway). The fuel consumption at the specified
models. The standardized notations are the following: v is the vehi- load factor f ðlf Þi (liter/kilometer) for each type of road (motorway,
cle speed (kilometer/hour) and D is the total distance (kilometer). urban, rural) shown by i and can be calculated as

3.1.1. Methodology for calculating transportation emissions and f ðlf Þi ¼ FðemptyÞ þ ðFðfullÞ  FðemptyÞÞ  lf ;
energy consumption (MEET)
A publication of the European Commission by Hickman, Hassel, where FðemptyÞ is the fuel consumption of the empty vehicle (liter/
Joumard, Samaras, and Sorenson (1999) on emission factors for kilometer), FðfullÞ is the fuel consumption of the fully loaded vehicle
road transportation (INFRAS, 1995) describes a methodology called (liter/kilometer) and lf is the specified load factor. Moreover, FðfullÞ
MEET, used for calculating transportation emissions and energy and FðemptyÞ values for different types of vehicles can be found in
consumption for heavy goods vehicles. MEET is based on on-road NTM Road (2010). The total carbon dioxide (kg) can then be calcu-
measurements and all its parameters are extracted from real-life lated as
experiments. It covers several vehicle technologies for different
classes of vehicles, such as vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons, X
Eðlf ; D1 ; D2 ; D3 Þ ¼ ðf ðlf Þi  Di  eCO2 e Þ; ð2Þ
vehicles weighing between 3.5 and 7.5 tons, vehicles weighing be-
tween 7.5 and 16 tons, vehicles weighing between 16 and 32 tons
and vehicles weighing more than 32 tons. For vehicles weighing where eCO2 e is the emission factor (typically 3.13 kilogram for one
less than 3.5 tons, the rate of CO2 emissions per kilometer is esti- liter diesel fuel) and Di is the total distance traveled for each road
mated using a speed-dependent regression function of the form type i. The NTM provides a default database if no vehicle-specific
er ðv Þ ¼ 0:0617v 2  7:8227v þ 429:51. For other classes, MEET sug- data are available.
E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 779

Table 2
Road gradient factors for MEET.

Weight class A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Slope

Weight 6 7.5 0 3.01E09 5.73E07 4.13E05 1.13E03 8.13E03 9.14E01 [0,4]
Weight 6 7.5 0 1.39E10 5.03E08 4.18E06 1.95E05 3.68E03 9.69E01 [4,0]
7.5 < Weight 6 16 0 9.78E10 2.01E09 1.91E05 1.63E03 5.91E02 7.70E01 [0,4]
7.5 < Weight 6 16 0 6.04E11 2.36E08 7.76E06 6.83E04 1.79E02 6.12E01 [4,0]
16 < Weight 6 32 0 5.25E09 9.93E07 6.74E05 2.06E03 1.96E02 1.45E+00 [0,4]
16 < Weight 6 32 0 8.24E11 2.91E08 2.58E06 5.76E05 4.74E03 8.55E01 [4,0]
Weight > 32 0 2.04E09 4.35E07 3.69E05 1.69E03 3.16E02 1.77E+00 [0,4]
Weight > 32 0 1.10E09 2.69E07 2.38E05 9.51E04 2.24E02 9.16E01 [4,0]

Table 3
Load correction factors for MEET.

Weight class k n p q r s t u
Weight 6 7.5 1.27 0.0614 0 0.00110 0.00235 0 0 1.33
7.5 < Weight 6 16 1.26 0.0790 0 0.00109 0 0 2.03E7 1.14
16 < Weight 6 32 1.27 0.0882 0 0.00101 0 0 0 0.483
Weight > 32 1.43 0.121 0 0.00125 0 0 0 0.916

3.1.3. Computer programme to calculate emissions from road per net ton kilometer as ECF ton kilometer ¼ ECF kilometer =ðCP  CUÞ,
transportation (COPERT) where ECF kilometer is the final energy consumption per net ton kilo-
COPERT is an European Economic Area funded emissions model meter, CP is the payload capacity (in ton), and CU is the capacity
(Kouridis et al., 2010), which estimates vehicle emissions for a utilization (%). The second step is to calculate the upstream energy
range of vehicles by engine classification and vehicle type. It is dri- consumption per net ton kilometer as ECU ton kilometer ¼ ECF kilometer 
ven by a database of emissions by vehicle class, engine technology ECU EC , where ECU EC is the energy related upstream energy con-
and speed. It estimates emissions for all major air pollutants, as sumption. The third step is to measure total energy consumption
well as GHGs produced by different vehicle categories. Similar to (megajoule) as
MEET, COPERT uses a number of regression functions to estimate
fuel consumption, which are specific to vehicles of different FðD; MÞ ¼ D  M  ðECF ton kilometer þ ECU ton kilometer Þ; ð4Þ
weights. An example of total fuel consumption function (gram)
where M is the mass of freight transported (ton). Energy consump-
with different load and gradient factor is given by
tion and emissions also depend on road category, gradient, and
Fðv ; DÞ ¼ ðe þ ða expðb v ÞÞ þ ðc expðd v ÞÞÞ  D; ð3Þ driving pattern. The influence of the load factor is modeled
according to the HBEFA. For example, the fuel consumption of an
where a to e are the coefficient. The latest emission factor parame-
empty vehicle can be one third below of that of a fully loaded
ters of the COPERT 4 methodology have been updated for HDV on
vehicle. This effect can be even higher depending on driving
the basis of the latest HBEFA version 3.1 (Hausberger, Rexeis,
characteristics and road gradient. The gradient takes into account
Zallinger, & Luz, 2009). Table 4 shows a set of sample data for a
region-specific factors and fuel consumption also depends on the
20–26 ton rigid truck running on Euro-5 diesel.
driving pattern.
3.1.4. Ecological transport information tool (ECOTRANSIT)
ECOTRANSIT was developed in 2003 with a regional scope 3.1.5. National atmospheric emissions inventory (NAEI)
limited to Europe. The more recent version EcoTransIT World pub- NAEI was developed for a large range of sectors including agri-
lished in 2011 allows the estimation of environmental impacts of culture, domestic activity, industry and transport (NAEI, 2012).
worldwide transports (Knörr, Seum, Schmied, Kutzner, & Anthes, Emissions from road transportation are calculated either from a
2011), including that of freight transport for any route and any combination of total fuel consumption data and fuel properties,
transport mode. It covers energy consumption, GHG emissions or from a combination of driving-related emission factors and road
and air pollutants. The model can take into account upstream en- traffic data. For each vehicle category, the fuel consumption with
ergy consumption. The full calculation can be performed in three average speed functions for hot exhaust in the NAEI can be calcu-
steps. The first step is to calculate the final energy consumption lated as (in liter/100 kilometer)
3 5
Fðv Þ ¼ kða þ bv þ cv 2 þ dv þ ev 4 þ f v þ g v 6 Þ=v ; ð5Þ
Table 4
Set of sample data for COPERT. where k and a to g are coefficients. Table 5 shows a setting of these
Payload Gradient a b c d e coefficients for a 20–26 ton rigid truck. More information can be
(%) (%) found in NAEI (2012).
0 0 530.707 0.0634 2704.528 0.512 157.588
0 2 546.477 0.064 9599.652 0.766 61.960 3.1.6. Other macroscopic models
0 +2 1051.552 0.424 67.668 0.084 0
50 0 505.770 0.051 4762.796 0.609 180.436
In this section, we summarize seven other macroscopic fuel
50 2 479.620 0.047 7858.071 0.677 40.246 consumption models we have identified. The reason why we
50 +2 2074.874 1.008 0.534 0 0 separate these seven models from those presented above is that
100 0 502.941 0.041 9343.090 0.729 195.202 the sources describing them are either similar to those of earlier
100 2 1144.824 0.981 0.400 0 0
models, or there does not exist sufficient information on their
100 +2 1882.813 1.006 0.422 0 0
methodology to provide a detailed description.
780 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

Table 5
Sample parameter sets for NAEI.

Fuel type k a b c d e f g
Pre Euro I 0.037 13690.286 390.990 54.374 2.587 0.048 0 0
Euro I 0.037 13661.548 220.208 85.387 3.401 0.060 0 0
Euro II 0.037 4747.573 1341.727 23.117 0.103 0.002 0 0
Euro III 0.037 9584.751 464.510 42.172 2.069 0.038 0 0
Euro IV 0.037 10297.467 210.752 53.532 2.367 0.043 0 0
Euro V 0.037 10537.515 220.217 54.175 2.404 0.043 0 0
Euro VI 0.037 10537.515 220.217 54.175 2.404 0.043 0 0

 MOBILE is a model developed by the Environment Protection  EMFAC is an emission model developed by the California Air
Agency (EPA) Office of Transportation and Air Quality and pub- Resources Board. The current version of EMFAC is EMFAC2011
lished in 1978. The last version MOBILE 6.2 was developed (CARB, 2011). EMFAC emission rates are a function of vehicle
using recent vehicle-emission testing data collected by the average travel speed. Basic emission rates are derived from
EPA, CARB, and automobile manufacturers, as well as inspection emissions tests conducted under standard conditions such as
and maintenance tests conducted in various places (EPA, 2003). temperature, fuel, and driving cycle. Adjustments can be
The descriptive and spreadsheet outputs from MOBILE report applied for different temperatures, gasoline types, and
emission rates in grams of pollutant per vehicle-mile traveled. humidity.
In 2010, the MOBILE series of models was replaced by Motor
Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) as EPA’s official model 3.2. Microscopic models
for estimating emissions.
 MOVES was developed by the EPA (EPA, 2012). The purpose of This section reviews instantaneous emission models (at time t)
the tool is to provide an accurate estimate of emissions from for the estimation of hot-stabilized vehicle emissions. Instanta-
mobile sources under a wide range of user-defined conditions. neous models are necessary to predict traffic emissions more accu-
The model performs a series of calculations which were care- rately. These are based on instantaneous vehicle kinematic
fully developed to accurately reflect vehicle operating pro- variables, such as speed and acceleration, or on more aggregated
cesses, such as cold start or extended idling, and provide modal variables, such as time spent in each traffic mode, cruise
estimates of bulk emissions or emission rates. and acceleration.
 HBEFA is an handbook of emission factors for road transport and In order to increase the readability and understandability of the
a database for vehicle emission factors in Europe. It was intro- models, we describe them with a unified notation: v is the speed of
duced in 1995 by Hausberger et al. (2009), and the current ver- the vehicle (meter/second), T is the total journey duration (second),
sion HBEFA 3.1 was published in 2009. It provides emission M is the total weight of the vehicle (kilogram), a is the instanta-
factors for all current vehicle categories of road transport, all neous acceleration (meter=second ), x is the gradient (%), g is
EU emission standards and a wide variety of traffic situations. the gravitational constant (meter=second , approximately 9.81),
Besides hot emission factors, it also provides cold start and q is the air density (in kilogram=meter3 , typically between
evaporation emission factors. 1.1455 and 1.4224), A is the frontal surface area (in meter2 , typi-
 GREET is a greenhouse gases, regulated emissions, and energy cally between 3.91 and 5.88), C d is the coefficient of aerodynamic
use in transportation model that was developed as a full life- drag (typically between 0.7 and 0.9), and C r is the coefficient of
cycle model by the Argonne National laboratory (Wang, rolling resistance (typically between 0.006 and 0.01).
1999). It is used to evaluate energy and emission impacts of var-
ious vehicle and fuel combinations on a full fuel-cycle/vehicle- 3.2.1. An instantaneous fuel consumption model (IFCM)
cycle basis. The first version of GREET was released in 1996. An energy-related emissions estimation model was described
Since then, GREET has continually been updated and expanded, by Bowyer, Biggs, and Akçelik (1985). The IFCM uses vehicle char-
and is now called GREET2 2012. For a given vehicle and fuel sys- acteristics such as mass, energy, efficiency parameters, drag force
tem, GREET2 2012 calculates consumption of total energy and and fuel consumption components associated with aerodynamic
CO2 e emissions separately. drag and rolling resistance, and approximates the fuel consump-
 LEM is a lifecycle emissions model of Delucchi (2003) that esti- tion per second. The fuel consumption with an IFCM can be
mates energy use, pollutant emissions, and CO2 e emissions calculated as
from a variety of transportation and energy life cycles. It (
includes a wide range of modes of passenger and freight a þ b1 RðtÞv þ ðb2 Ma2 v =1000Þ for Rt > 0
f ðtÞ ¼
transport. a for Rt 6 0;
 VERSIT-LD is a model that was developed to predict traffic
stream emissions for light-duty vehicles in any particular traf- where f ðtÞ is the fuel consumption per unit time (milliliter/second),
fic situation (Smit, Smokers, & Rabé, 2007). It predicts traffic RðtÞ is the total tractive force (kilonewton) required to move the
stream emissions by using accurate mean emission factors, vehicle and calculated as the sum of drag force, inertia force and
expressed in grams per kilometer. grade force as RðtÞ ¼ b1 þ b2 v 2 þ Ma=1000 þ gMx=100; 000.
 IVE is the international vehicle emissions model that was Furthermore, a is the constant idle fuel rate (in milliliter/second,
designed to estimate emissions from motor vehicles (ISSRC, typically between 0.37 and 0.56), b1 is the fuel consumption per
2008). It predicts local air pollutants, toxic pollutants and GHGs unit of energy (in milliliter/kilojoules, typically between 0.09 and
emissions. The emission prediction process of the IVE model 0.08), b2 is the fuel consumption per unit of energy-acceleration
starts with a base emission rate, and a series of correction fac- (in milliliter/(kilojoulesmeter=second ), typically between 0.03
tors are then applied to estimate the amount of pollution from and 0.02), b1 is the rolling drag force (in kilonewton, typically
a variety of vehicle types. These main factors refer to tempera- between 0.1 and 0.7), and b2 is the rolling aerodynamic force (in
ture, humidity, fuel quality and driving behavior. kilonewton/(meter/second2), typically between 0.00003 and
E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 781

0.0015). These values are extracted from Bowyer et al. (1985) and kG ¼ 1 2:1Ekþ for x < 0, and 1  0:3Ekþ for x > 0. Furthermore,
Akçelik and Besley (1996, 2003). Using IFCM, the total amount of kE1 ; kE2 and kG are the calibration parameters.
fuel consumption FðTÞ (milliliter) for a journey of duration T can  Fuel consumption while idle (F i ðt i Þ): The following function can
be calculated as be used to calculate the total amount of fuel consumption when
the vehicle is idle:
FðTÞ ¼ f ðtÞdt: ð6Þ F i ðti Þ ¼ at i ;

IFCM works best at a micro-scale level and is better suited for short where ti is the idle time (s), and a is the idle fuel rate (milliliter/
trip emission estimations. second).

The total fuel consumption Fðta ; td ; t c ; t i Þ (milliliter) using the

3.2.2. A four-mode elemental fuel consumption model (FMEFCM) elemental model can be calculated as
FMEFCM was introduced by Bowyer et al. (1985). This model in-
Z ta Z td Z tc Z ti
cludes the same parameters as IFCM but also introduces new
Fðt a ;t d ; tc ;t i Þ ¼ F a ðta Þdt þ F d ðt d Þdt þ F c ðt c Þdt þ F i ðt i Þdt:
parameters, such as initial speed, final speed and energy-related 0 0 0 0
parameters. The model consists of four functions, F a ðta Þ; F d ðtd Þ; ð7Þ
F c ðtc Þ and F i ðti Þ, which correspond to fuel consumption estimations
(milliliter) for the following modes of driving, respectively: accel- The model requires detailed data for each driving mode, such as the
eration, deceleration, cruise, and idle, where t a ; td ; tc and ti are total distance, speed, time and average road grade. If such data are
the times spent for each mode. available, the estimation of fuel consumption can be very accurate.

 Acceleration fuel consumption (F a ðt a Þ): This function computes 3.2.3. A running speed fuel consumption model (RSFCM)
the amount of fuel consumption over the acceleration phase of a RSFCM is an aggregated form of FMEFCM and was also intro-
vehicle from an initial speed v i to a final speed v f . It is defined duced by Bowyer et al. (1985). The model calculates fuel consump-
as tion separately during driving modes when a vehicle is running on
idle. Acceleration, deceleration and cruise modes are considered
F a ðt a Þ ¼ max fat a þ ðC þ k1 Bðv 2i þ v 2f Þ þ b1 MEk þ k2 b2 ME2k together within a single function. The model is as follows:
þ 0:0981b1 M xÞxa ; at a g;
Fðt i ; t s Þ ¼ max fat i þ ðfi =v r þ A þ Bv 2r þ kE1 b1 MEkþ

where Ek denotes the change in kinetic energy per unit distance þ kE2 b2 ME2kþ þ 0:0981kG b1 M xÞxs ; at s g; ð8Þ
during acceleration and is calculated as Ek ¼ 0:3858 104 where Fðt i ; t s Þ is the total fuel consumption (milliliter), xs is the
ðv 2f  v 2i Þ=xa . Furthermore, the integration coefficients are k1 ¼ total distance, v r denotes the average running speed (kilometer/
0:616 þ 0:000544v f  0:0171 v i and k2 ¼ 1:376 þ 0:00205v f hour), t s and ti the travel and idle time, respectively. The average
0:00538v i . When the travel distance xa and the travel time ta speed is calculated as v r ¼ 3600xs =ðt s  t i Þ. Furthermore, Ekþ ¼
are not known, they can be estimated as xa ¼ ma ðv i þ v f Þt a =3600, max f0:35  0:0025v r ;0:15g; kE1 ¼ max f0:675  1:22=v r ; 0:5g; kE2 ¼
where ma ¼ 0:467 þ 0:00200v f  0:00210v i and ta ¼ ðv f  v i Þ= 2:78 þ 0:0178v r . The model needs fewer data than for FMEFCM but
ð2:08 þ 0:127 v f  v i  0:0182v i Þ. In addition, C is the function it is less accurate for estimating fuel consumption.
parameter (in milliliter/kilometer, typically between 21 and 100),
and B is the function parameter (in (milliliter/kilometer)/
3.2.4. Average speed fuel consumption model (ASFCM)
(kilometer/hour)2, typically between 0.0055 and 0.018).
This model is an another extension of IFCM and was also pro-
 Deceleration fuel consumption (F d ðtd Þ): The amount of fuel con-
posed by Bowyer et al. (1985). The model relates fuel consumption
sumption during the deceleration phase from an initial speed v i
per unit distance to average speed. In this model, the total fuel con-
to a final speed v f is calculated as
sumption (milliliter) can be estimated as F s ðDÞ ¼ f ðv s ÞD, where the
F d ðt d Þ ¼ max fat d þ ðkx C þ ky k1 Bðv 2i þ v 2f Þ þ ka b1 MEk fuel consumption per unit distance is f ðv s Þ ¼ fi =v s þ cK, and v s de-
notes the average travel speed (kilometer/hour), and D is the total
þ kx b1 ME2k þ 0:0981b1 MxÞxd ; atd g; distance. Furthermore, K ¼ 1  K 1 ð1  M=1200Þ  K 2 ð1  b1 =0:090Þ
K 3 ð1b2 =0:045Þ  K 4 ð1  b1 =0:000278MÞK 5 ð1  b2 =0:00108Þ is
where kx ¼ 0:046 þ 100=M þ 0:00421v i þ 0:00260v f þ 0:05444x;
0:75 3:81 3:81 the adjustment factor for different types of vehicles, cis the regres-
ky ¼ kx ; ka ¼ kx ð2  kx Þ and k1 ¼ 0:621 þ 0:000777v i 
pffiffiffiffiffi sion coefficient, and K 1  K 5 are parameters based on the analysis
0:0189 v f . If the travel distance xd and travel time t d are not
of real on-road data for which a sample set is shown in Table 6.
known, they can be estimated as above, although in this case the
These values are extracted from Bowyer et al. (1985).
coefficients change slightly. In addition, kx ; ky and ka are the energy
related parameters.
 Cruise fuel consumption (F c ðt c Þ): The following function can be 3.2.5. Vehicle specific power (VSP)
used to calculate the total amount of fuel consumption by a The VSP model has proven to be very useful as a microscopic
vehicle during a cruise phase: model to estimate instantaneous vehicle fuel consumption and
emission rates (Jimenez-Palacios, 1998). It is highly correlated with
F c ðt c Þ ¼ max ffi =v c þ C þ Bv 2c þ kE1 b1 MEkþ þ kE2 b2 ME2kþ variability in second-by-second emissions of pollutants from diesel
vehicles. The VSP is a measure of the load on a vehicle and is
þ 0:0981kG b1 M x; fi =v c gxc ;
defined as the power per unit mass to overcome road grade, rolling
where fi denotes the idle fuel rate (in milliliter/hour), v c is the Table 6
average cruise speed (kilometer/hour), and xc denotes the travel Sample parameter sets for ASFCM.
distance (kilometer). The change in total positive kinetic energy
Driving environment c K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
per unit distance during the cruise mode is calculated as Ekþ ¼
City center 70.6 0.893 0.79 0.21 0.421 0.109
max f0:258  0:0018v c ; 0:10g and the other parameters are
Urban 73.8 0.72 0.867 0.134 0.406 0.280
set to kE1 ¼ max f12:5=v c þ 0:000013v 2c ; 0:63g; kE2 ¼ 3:17, and
782 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

( Z Z
and aerodynamic resistance, and inertial acceleration. It can be cal- X
J tje t je

culated using an equation given by EPA (kilowatt/ton): F o ðTÞ ¼ fidle T þ E lMg v dt þ sin hMg v dt
j¼1 t js t js
VSPðtÞ ¼ v ðað1 þ m Þ þ g sinðarctanðxÞÞ þ gC r Þ þ 0:5qC d Av 3 =M; Z t je
þC d v 3 dt þ ðM þ mÞð0:5v 2je  0:5v 2js Þ ; ð12Þ
where m is the mass factor (typically between 0.1 and 0.2) account- t js
ing for the rational masses. The fuel consumption (gram) is
Z where fidle is the base consumption, T is the travel time, E is the fuel-
FðT; MÞ ¼ ðVSPðtÞ  MÞ=gdt; ð9Þ energy equivalent, l is the friction coefficient, and J is the number
0 of interval. The parameters js and je are the start and end of interval,
where g is the efficiency rate (typically between 0.85 and 0.95). The and m is the internal resistance equivalent. The idle fuel consump-
VSP is also used as a base model to measure power demand in dif- tion is the fuel used for the inertia resistance of the engine and
ferent emission models. transmission, air conditioner, and some other electric components.
Other components estimate the energy lost by the vehicle’s
3.2.6. Emissions from traffic mode (EMIT) movement.
EMIT was introduced by Cappiello, Chabini, Nam, and Lue
(2002). It is a statistical model with a basis in the physical system 3.2.9. Physical emission rate estimator (PERE) model
for fuel consumption of light duty vehicles. The fuel rate (gram/ PERE was designed by Nam and Giannelli (2005) to measure
second) can be calculated as vehicle emissions. It was developed to support the new EPA energy
( and emissions inventory model, namely MOVES. PERE consists of a
afr þ bfr v þ cfr v 2 þ dfr v 3 þ ffr av if Ptract ðtÞ > 0 series of stand-alone spreadsheets, which can be run and modified
f e ðtÞ ¼
a0fr if Ptract ðtÞ ¼ 0; by an user. The model performs well: in most cases the predictions
are within 10% of observed values. The fuel consumption rate (kilo-
where P tract ðtÞ ¼ Afr v þ Bfr v2 þ C fr v3 þ Mav þ Mg sinðxðhÞÞv; Afr is the meter/second) can be formulated as
rolling resistance coefficient (kilowatt=ðmeter=secondÞ ), Bfr is the
speed correction to rolling resistance coefficient (in kilowatt= fpr ðtÞ ¼ nfkNV þ ðPb ðv Þ=gt þ Pacc Þ=gg43:2; ð13Þ
ðmeter=secondÞ2 ), and C fr is the air drag resistance coefficient (in
3 where n is the fuel air equivalence ratio (typically 1), k is the engine
kilowatt=ðmeter=secondÞ ). More information on coefficients
friction (typically between 0.15 and 0.25), N is the engine speed
afr ; a0fr ; bfr ; cfr ; dfr and ffr can be found in Cappiello et al. (2002). The
(typically between 31 and 55), V is the engine displacement volume
total fuel consumption (gram) is
(typically between 5 and 7), gt is a transmission and final drive effi-
ciency (typically between 0.4 and 0.45), Pacc is the power draw of
F e ðTÞ ¼ fe ðtÞdt: ð10Þ
accessories (typically 0). The power demand (W) can be calculated
as Pb ðv Þ ¼ C r v þ Bv 2 þ C d v 3 þ Mv ða þ g xÞ where A, B, C are param-
EMIT was calibrated based on the two light-duty vehicle cate-
eters calculated as A ¼ C R0 Mg; B ¼ 0:0; C ¼ ðC d Ar qÞ=2 þ C R2 Mg, and
gories. All its parameters can be found in Cappiello et al. (2002).
C R0 and C R2 are the zero and second order in speed rolling resistance
It provides reasonable results compared to actual measurements.
force terms, respectively. The total fuel consumption (kilogram) can
We also note that EMIT was developed and calibrated for hot-sta-
be calculated as
bilized conditions with zero road grade, and without accessory
usage, and does not correspond to cold-start emissions.
F pr ðTÞ ¼ fpr ðtÞdt: ð14Þ
3.2.7. Virginia tech microscopic (VT-Micro)
This model was developed by Ahn, Rakha, Trani, and Van Aerde More information on the model’s parameters can be found in Nam
(2002) from experimentations with numerous polynomial combi- and Giannelli (2005).
nations of speed and acceleration levels using chassis dynamometer
data on light duty vehicles. CO2 emissions were estimated using the 3.2.10. Comprehensive power-based fuel consumption models (CPFMs)
carbon balance equation in conjunction with fuel consumption Two power-based second-order polynomial models were intro-
measurements. The fuel consumption rate for a cruising speed equal duced by Rakha, Ahn, Moran, Saerens, and Van den Bulck (2011).
to the free-flow speed and on a grade of x can be computed as These models were inspired from one of the base models which
! can be found in the mechanical engineering literature (Wong,
3 X
fv ðtÞ ¼ exp Li;j v f ðg xÞj ; 2001). The first model does not require any engine data given that
i¼1 j¼1 the power used by a vehicle is a function of the vehicle speed and
acceleration level. The second model requires engine data in addi-
where Li;j is the model regression coefficients at speed exponent i tion to external data and therefore can be used to model eco-drive
and acceleration exponent j. The total fuel consumption (liter) on with gear-shifting strategies. The two models can be formulated as
a link l can be calculated as
l F 1 ðtÞ ¼ a0 þ a1 PðtÞ þ a2 PðtÞ2 ;
FðDl Þ ¼ 3600f v ðtÞDl =ðv f Þ ; ð11Þ ð15Þ
F 2 ðtÞ ¼ b0 xðtÞ þ b1 PðtÞ þ b2 PðtÞ2 ;
where Dl is the length of link l (kilometer) and vf is the free-flow
speed on link l (kilometer/hour). where a0 ; a1 ; a2 ; b0 ; b1 and b2 are vehicle-specific constants given for
each type of vehicle. The function PðtÞ ¼ ððRðtÞ þ 1:04maðtÞÞ=
3.2.8. The Oguchi, Katakura, and Taniguchi (2002) fuel consumption 3600gd Þv ðtÞ measures the total power exerted by the vehicle drive-
model (OFCM) line (kilowatt) at time t; RðtÞ is the total resistance force (newton),
OFCM was developed by Oguchi et al. (2002). The function con- and gd is the driveline efficiency. In addition, the total resistance
sists of five components, namely idle consumption, friction loss, force can be calculated as RðtÞ ¼ ðq=25:92ÞC d C h Av 2 ðtÞþ
altitude change loss, air drag loss, and acceleration loss. The total 9:8066mC r fc1 v ðtÞ þ c2 g þ 9:8066mGðtÞ. The detailed calculation
fuel consumption F o ðTÞ (milliliter) using the OFCM can be of each coefficient is shown in Rakha et al. (2011). The CPFM-1
calculated as and CPFM-2 can be easily calibrated using publicly available data,
E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 783

for example using the city and highway fuel economy ratings of CMEM is similar to IFCM. However, to produce accurate estima-
EPA. tions, it requires detailed vehicle specific parameters for the esti-
mations such as the engine friction coefficient, and the vehicle
3.2.11. Passenger car and heavy duty emission model (PHEM) engine speed. CMEM follows, to some extent, the model of Ross
The microscopic emission model PHEM was designed for simu- (1994) and is composed of three modules, namely engine power,
lating fuel consumption. As a result of the cooperation between engine speed and fuel rate.
ARTEMIS (Boulter & McCrae, 2009), COST 346 (Rexeis, Hausberger,
& Riemersma, 2005) and HBEFA (Hausberger et al., 2009), the mea-  The engine power module: The power demand function for a
surement program covered different engines and vehicles. PHEM vehicle is obtained from the total tractive power requirements
interpolates the fuel consumption from the engine maps according Ptract ðtÞ (kilowatt) placed on the vehicle at the wheels:
to the course of engine power demand and engine speed in the
P tract ðtÞ ¼ ðMa þ Mg sin xðhÞ þ 0:5C d qAv 2 þ MgC r
driving cycles. The actual engine power ðPÞ can be calculated as
P ¼ Prr þ P ar þ P acc þ Pgr þ Pau þ Ptl , where P rr ¼ Mgðfr 0 þ fr 1 v þ  cos xðhÞÞv =1000: ð17Þ
fr 2 v 2 þ fr 3 v 3 þ fr 4 v 4 Þv is the rolling resistance, Par ¼ 0:5C d Aqv 3 is
the air resistance, and Pacc ¼ ðM þ mrot Þav is the acceleration. To translate the tractive requirement into engine power require-
Moreover, P gr ¼ Mg x0:01v is the gradient resistance, P au ¼ ment, the following relationship is used:
P 0 Prated is the power demand for auxiliaries and Ptl ¼ Pdr =gt  P dr PðtÞ ¼ Ptract ðtÞ=gtf þ Pacc ;
is the transmission losses, where fr 0 to fr 4 are the rolling resistance
coefficients, mrot is the reduced mass for rational accelerated part, where PðtÞ is the second-by-second engine power output (kilowatt),
P 0 is the power demand of the auxiliaries as ratio to the rated and gtf is the vehicle drive train efficiency.
power P rated , and Pdr is the power to overcome the driving  The engine speed module: Engine speed is approximated in
resistances. The total emission value can be calculated under the terms of vehicle speed as
transient conditions Nðv Þ ¼ SðRðLÞ=RðLg ÞÞv ;
Etrans ðtÞ ¼ Eqs þ Prated þ F trans ; ð16Þ
where Nðv Þ is the engine speed (in rpm), S is the engine-speed/vehi-
where Eqs is the quasi-steady-state emission value interpolated cle-speed ratio in top gear Lg , R(L) is the gear ratio in gear L = 1,. . .,Lg ,
from steady-state emission map (in gram/hour), Prated is the rated and g is the efficiency parameter for diesel engines.
engine power (kilowatt) (since emission values are normalized to  The fuel rate module: The fuel rate (gram/second) is given by
the rated power), F trans ðtÞ is the dynamic correction function the expression
((g/h)/kilowatt rated power). More information can be found in fcm ðtÞ ¼ nðkNðv ÞV þ PðtÞ=gÞ=43:2; ð18Þ
Boulter and McCrae (2009).

3.2.12. A comprehensive modal emission model (CMEM) The total fuel consumption (gram) can be calculated as
CMEM was developed and presented by Scora and Barth (2006), Z T
Barth, Younglove, and Scora (2005) and Barth and Boriboonsomsin F cm ðTÞ ¼ fcm ðtÞdt: ð19Þ
(2008) for heavy-goods vehicles. It is based upon second-by-
second tailpipe emissions data collected from 343 light-duty CMEM can be seen as a state-of-the-art microscopic emission model
vehicles (LDVs) tested under a variety of laboratory driving cycles. because of its ease of application.

Table 7
A detailed technical comparison of macroscopic and microscopic models.

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 T1 T2 D1 D3 O1 O2 O3 O4
Macroscopic models
Microscopic models
VT-Micro U U U U U U
784 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

3.3. A tabulated comparison of the models the technical support availability and the frequency of revisions
in time, respectively.
As discussed earlier, fuel consumption depends on a number of Based on our judgement and on the academic literature, all
factors which can be grouped into five categories: vehicle (V), envi- models are investigated according to these eight dimensions.
ronment (E), traffic (T), driver (D), and operations (O) related According to Table 8, microscopic models seem more robust, reli-
factors. Using these five categories, we present in Table 7 a able and more applicable in the area of optimization. Data require-
tabulated comparison of the 25 models reviewed so far. ment is also more important for microscopic models as was
Table 7 shows that most of the models consider vehicle load discussed earlier. On the other hand, macroscopic emissions have
and speed, although the way in which they incorporate these fac- more technical support and provide continuous improvement.
tors into the approximations, in particular for load, varies highly. Macroscopic models are also more capable of estimating other
Microscopic models are similar in that they are able to reflect a cer- air pollutants.
tain level of detail so as to consider technical and vehicle-specific
parameters such as vehicle shape (frontal area), and road condi-
tions (e.g., gradient, surface resistance). This is not the case for 4. Fuel consumption modeling in road transportation planning
macroscopic models which mostly present mostly simpler ways
of regression-based estimations through a predefined set of We now review emission models used at different levels of
parameters for a given vehicle class. It is worth mentioning that planning for road freight transportation. The planning levels in
only a few of the models listed in Table 7 consider driver-related transportation are usually categorized based on three temporal
factors and none of the models considers congestion (factor T 3 ), dimensions: strategic, tactical and operational. Green road trans-
since the inclusion of such detailed factors in the estimation pro- portation studies can also be categorized according to these three
cess is rather difficult. Furthermore, none of the models included dimensions.
in Table 7 considers factors D2 and E6 . The factors affecting fuel consumption should be considered
Table 8 gives a three-point scale analysis of the models in order within a specific time frame. For example, green freight corridors
to analyze several dimensions which depend on the requirements are long-term planning decisions. Fleet size and driver selection
of the users and on the performance of the models. Robustness is are medium-term planning problems. Other routing decisions are
defined as the ability of the model to accommodate various situa- matters of short-term planning. Since strategic planning is not
tions. Reliability is defined as the degree of the accuracy by which directly related to routing and scheduling operations, it is not cov-
the model performs its intended functionalities. Applicability in ered by this survey. Furthermore, tactical and operational planning
optimization represents model’s practicability in mathematical will be combined.
modeling. Responsiveness to other air pollutants measures the Freight transportation includes many facets, particularly when
capability of the model to measure other air pollutants beside fuel viewed from the multiple levels of decision making. Arguably the
consumption. The level of awareness corresponds to the popularity most important problem at the operational level is routing and
of the model in the literature. The level of data requirement shows scheduling. This section is concerned with vehicle routing studies
the complexity of the parameters used to calculate vehicle emis- which include an explicit consideration of environmental concerns,
sions. The level of support and continuous improvements show in particular CO2 e emissions. There exists an extensive body of

Table 8
A three-point scale analysis of macroscopic and microscopic models.

Robustness Reliability Applicability in Responsiveness to The level of The level of data The level of The level of
optimization other air pollutants awareness requirement technical support continuous
Macroscopic models
MEET s s  s s
NTM s s  
EMFAC s s s s s s s 
MOBILE s s s  s s s
GREET s   s  
LEM s s s s s s s
VERSIT-LD s s s s s s s
IVE s s s s s
Macroscopic models
IFCM  s   s
F-MEFCM  s  s
ASFCM s s s s s
VSP      s
EMIT s s s  s
VT-Micro s s  s
OFCM s s s  s s
PERE   s  s
CPFM s s s

 High; Medium; s Low.

E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 785

research on vehicle routing. In contrast, the literature on the green The authors proposed an analysis method using geographical fea-
routing is relatively young (Sbihi & Eglese, 2007), but the interest tures for the needs of eco-route search. According to their results,
in environmental issues has grown in recent years. As for freight the fuel savings afforded by eco-routes could be between 1% and
transportation, most of the published studies on routing are con- 36% as compared to fastest routes.
cerned with the minimization of internal (operational) costs. In
the following sections, we review several applications with differ- 4.4. An application of CPFM
ent emission modeling approaches at the operational planning le-
vel of planning. In particular, we differentiate the approaches by CPFM (Eq. (15)) was used by Minett, Salomons, Daamen, Van
the use of different emission models covered in the previous Arem, and Kuijpers (2011) who studied eco-routing to reduce fuel
section. consumption considering motorways, local and provincial routes.
The authors developed a tool in which historical link speed data
4.1. Applications of IFCM were used as a basis for replicating vehicle speed profiles, thus en-
abling the calculation of fuel costs per link. These fuel costs and
IFCM (Eq. (6)) was used by Palmer (2007) who considered CO2 speed profiles were validated by field test data. According to the
emissions models in the context of the vehicle routing with time results, based on field tests, provincial route would offer an average
windows (VRPTW). The objective was to develop an effective time saving of 10.41 (25%) minutes over the local route, and an
method of constructing vehicle routes minimizing CO2 emissions. average fuel saving of 1.25 liter over the motorway route (45%).
Results indicate that there exists a potential for reducing CO2 emis-
sions by around 5% by minimizing this objective instead of travel 4.5. Applications of CMEM
A second application of IFCM was given by Urquhart, Hart, and A first application of the CMEM within the vehicle routing is
Scott (2010), who used the IFCM to solve the VRPTW for low CO2 that of Bektasß and Laporte (2011). The authors have introduced
solutions using evolutionary algorithms. The authors looked at the pollution-routing problem (PRP), an extension of the classical
the trade-offs between CO2 savings, distance and the required vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) which con-
number of vehicles. Their results indicate that savings of up to sists of routing a number of vehicles to serve a set of customers,
10% can be achieved, depending on the problem instance and the and determining their speed on each route segment, so as to min-
ranking criterion used in the evolutionary algorithm. imize a function comprising fuel, emission and driver costs. In esti-
mating pollution, the authors consider factors such as speed, load,
4.2. An application of VSP and time windows, using the emissions function Eq. (17). They as-
sume that in a vehicle trip all parameters will remain constant on a
An eco-friendly routing problem was studied by Bandeira, Carv- given arc, but load and speed may change from one arc to another.
alho, Khattak, Rouphail, and Coelho (2012) who used a microscopic Their model approximates the total amount of energy consumed
vehicle scheduling model (Eq. (9)) to assess whether eco-friendly on the arc, which directly translates into fuel consumption and fur-
routes change during peak hours, based on three distinct case- ther into GHG emissions. Computational results reported by the
studies on two continents. They authors collected more than authors suggest that by using the proposed approach, energy sav-
13,330 kilometer of data using GPS equipped light diesel and gas- ings can be up to 10% when time windows are in place, and up to
oline duty vehicles, in the United States and Portugal. They demon- 4% when the demand variation is high.
strated empirically that most eco-friendly route during off-peak The second application of the CMEM to the PRP is due to Demir
hours is also the most eco-friendly during peak hours. Regarding et al. (2012), who computed the total fuel consumption per second
intercity routes, tests conducted during both the peak and the via Eq. (18). The authors proposed a heuristic to solve the PRP. The
off-peak hours have shown that the faster routes can reduce CO2 algorithm iterates between the solution of the VRPTW and of a
emissions by up to 30%. In a related research, Bandeira, Almeida, speed optimization problem. The former problem was solved
Khattak, Rouphail, and Coelho (2013) investigated a way to gener- through adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) (Ropke &
ate information about emissions for drivers faced with a choice of Pisinger, 2006) and the latter was solved through a polynomial
routes. According to their results, the choice of a route can substan- time speed optimization procedure (SOP) as will be discussed later.
tially affect emission rates of the analyzed pollutants and that The authors introduced new removal and insertion operators
smoother driving styles can also result in considerable emissions aimed at improving solution quality in terms of CO2 emissions.
reduction. For example, faster intercity routes are more desirable In order to analyze the fuel consumption more accurately, the
in terms of fuel use and CO2 emissions. However, these same authors generated benchmark instances by randomly selecting cit-
routes yielded more CO and N2 O emissions. ies from the United Kingdom and therefore using real geographical
distances. All instances can be downloaded from http://
4.3. Applications of OFCM www.apollo.management.soton.ac.uk/prplib.htm. According to
their results, the reduction on CO2 emissions were around 10%.
Using OFCM (Eq. (12)), Kono, Fushiki, Asada, and Nakano (2008) In a related research, Demir, Bektasß, and Laporte (2013) investi-
introduced an ecological route search system which minimizes fuel gated the trade-offs between fuel consumption and driving time
consumption by considering many factors such as traffic informa- via CMEM. They showed that trucking companies need not com-
tion, geographic information, and vehicle parameters. The authors promise greatly in terms of driving time in order to achieve a
collected an extensive data set in areas with different geographical significant reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The
features and in various traffic conditions. Their results suggest that converse of this insight also holds, i.e., considerable reductions in
the fuel consumption of the eco-routes is 9% lower than that of the driving time are achievable if one is willing to increase fuel
time priority routes, even though the travel time of the ecological consumption only slightly.
routes is 9% longer. They argue that ecological routes could be dif- Using CMEM, Ramos, Gomes, and Barbosa-Póvoa (2012) inves-
ferent from time-priority routes, contrary to the conclusions of the tigated the service areas and routes that minimize the CO2 emis-
study by Bandeira et al. (2012). sions of a transportation system with multiple products and
In a similar study, Correia, Amaya, Meyer, Kumagai, and Okude depots. The authors proposed a decomposition solution approach
(2010) have analyzed eco-routing in France, with the use of OFCM. and applied it to a case study in order to reshape the current
786 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

system and create more environmental-friendly routes. According 14.8% under a 90 kilometer/hour speed profile. Under a speed limit
to their results, by comparing the CO2 emissions of the current sys- of 80 kilometer/hour, the authors report that an increase of 4.7% in
tem with the proposed one, a decrease of 23% can be achieved if travel time yields a reduction of 3.7% in CO2 emissions.
the company reshapes both its service areas and vehicle routes. Omidvar and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam (2012) introduced a vehi-
The total potential savings can be up to 20% if the company keeps cle routing model for alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) (e.g., hybrid,
its current service areas. electric and fuel cell vehicles) in order to minimize fuel consump-
One last application of CMEM reviewed here is by Franceschetti, tion and CO2 emissions. They have tested their model on the
Honhon, Van Woensel, Bektasß, and Laporte (2013) who investi- Solomon benchmark instances. Their results suggest that the
gated fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and driver costs under traf- importance of CO2 emissions costs for these vehicle is around 3%
fic congestion. The authors identified the conditions under which it of the total costs.
is optimal to wait idly at certain locations in order to avoid conges- Another application of MEET is due by Saberi and Verbas (2012)
tion and to reduce the cost of emissions. Their results suggest that who looked at emissions minimization in the context of the TDVRP.
a 20% reduction in the cost of fuel, CO2 emissions and driver cost is The authors have developed a continuous approximation model to
achievable based on the instances generated by Demir et al. (2012). analyze strategic planning of one-to-many distribution systems
and have evaluated the effects of emissions costs. Their results sug-
4.6. Applications of MEET gest that a 50% reduction in emissions is possible.

The MEET model (Eq. (1)) has been widely used by several 4.7. Applications of NAEI
researchers. One of the first applications of MEET is due to Kim,
Janic, and Van Wee (2009) who investigated the relationships be- The NAEI (Eq. (5)) model was applied by Maden, Eglese, and
tween freight transport costs and CO2 emissions in intermodal Black (2010) to the vehicle routing and scheduling problem with
and truck only freight networks, as a part of multi-objective study. an objective of minimizing the total travel time under congestion.
CO2 emissions were estimated as a function of cruising speed and The authors take into account regular congestion due to volume of
distance traveled, and average values were used for other factors, traffic, and long-term road works, which can be predicted from his-
such as cold-start emissions and ambient temperature. torical data. Their results suggest that the proposed approach may
The second application is due to Figliozzi (2010) who studied the yield CO2 emissions savings of up to 7%.
minimization of emissions and fuel consumption. The author intro- Urquhart, Scott, and Hart (2010) have sought to identify travel-
duced the emissions vehicle routing problem (EVRP), an extension ing salesman tours with low CO2 emissions. The authors examined
of the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP). The two different fuel emission models: a power based instantaneous
author described a formulation and an algorithm for the problem. fuel consumption model (IFCM) and a simpler spreadsheet based
The objective of the EVRP is the minimization of emission cost, model (NAEI). The authors have applied their algorithm to the lat-
which is proportional to the amount of GHG emitted, which in turn ter model. Computational results on six randomly generated in-
is a function of travel speed and distance traveled. In the proposed stances having between 10 and 30 delivery points suggest that
algorithm, a partial EVRP is first solved to minimize the number of only a small improvement can be achieved by using the fuel emis-
vehicles by means of a TDVRP algorithm, following which and emis- sion model because of the inadequacy of the emission model.
sions are optimized subject to a fleet size constraint. The departure
times are also optimized using the proposed algorithm for any pair 4.8. An application of MOVES
of customers. The author worked with three traffic conditions:
uncongested, somewhat congested, and congested traffic condi- MOVES model was used by Wygonik and Goodchild (2011) who
tions. Results presented on the Solomon (1987) instances suggested introduced the emissions minimization VRP with time windows
that uncongested travel speeds tend to reduce emissions on aver- (EVRPTW). The authors have modeled a specific case study involv-
age; however, this is not always the case, and the opposite trend ing a real fleet with specific operational characteristics and have
is sometimes observed. The author suggests that a 20% reduction analyzed different external policies and internal operational rules.
is possible by optimizing departure times. In another study Their results show a stable relationship between monetary cost
(Figliozzi, 2011), the same author analyzed CO2 emissions for differ- and kilograms of CO2 emissions: each kilogram of CO2 results in
ent levels of congestion and time-definitive customer demands. an increase in cost by 3.5 dollars.
Travel time data from an extensive archive of freeway sensors,
time-dependent vehicle routing algorithms, and instances with dif- 4.9. Applications of COPERT
ferent types of binding constraints were used to study the impacts
of congestion on commercial vehicle emissions. COPERT (Eq. (3)) emission models have been widely used in dif-
Pan, Ballot, and Fontane (2010) have used MEET to analyze the ferent studies. The first study was conducted by Tavares, Zsigrai-
effect of pooling supply chain networks on the reduction of trans- ova, Semiao, and da Graça Carvalho (2008), who looked at the
port-related CO2 emissions. The authors have computed CO2 emis- optimization of routing networks for waste transportation. Their
sions for two transport modes with real data. Their results show model takes into account both the road angle and the vehicle load.
that reductions of 14% in CO2 emissions for road transport only Their findings indicate that optimizing fuel consumption can yield
and of 52% for joint road and rail transport can be achieved. savings of up to 52% in fuel when compared with minimizing dis-
Another application of MEET is due to Jabali, Van Woensel, and tance. Another paper of Tavares, Zsigraiova, Semiao, and Carvalho
de Kok (2012) who have investigated travel times and CO2 emis- (2009) is concerned with the optimization of municipal solid waste
sions in the context of the TDVRP by analyzing the effect of limiting collection routes to minimize fuel consumption using 3D GIS mod-
vehicle speed. The authors also addressed the issue of congestion, eling. The results of this study suggest that the proposed approach
where the vehicle is forced to drive slower and therefore emits reduces traveled distance by 29% and fuel consumption by 16%.
more CO2 . The authors provided a formulation of the problem in Scott, Urquhart, and Hart (2010) have studied the effect of
which the costs of driving, fuel and CO2 are included. Using tabu topology and payload in the context of CO2 optimized vehicle rout-
search algorithm, they achieved a reduction of 11.2% in CO2 emis- ing. They worked on two different data sets: delivery of groceries
sions on average, which required increasing the travel time by to households and delivery of paper from a central warehouse.
E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 787

They also worked on several traveling salesman instances ran- 4.10. An application of IVE
domly chosen from problem data sets, and assigned average
speeds for each road category. Their results suggest that the effect Another eco-routing study was carried out by Kang, Ma, Ma,
of gradient and payload are highly dependent on the instances con- and Huang (2011) who used the IVE model to minimize fuel con-
sidered. The difference in CO2 emissions between the instances sumption and vehicle emissions. The authors sought to determine
was found to be less than 2.1% for the solutions obtained with the vehicle specific power, which is derived from their vehicle
COPERT. routing and scheduling model. Their eco-routing approach may
Using COPERT models, Jovičić et al. (2010) have investigated the yield CO2 emissions savings of up to 18% compared a time-mini-
energy efficiency to estimate the potential for reduction of fuel mizing objective and by 8% compared to a distance-minimizing
consumption and thus CO2 emissions through the optimization objective.
of solid waste collection. The authors show that in the City of Krag-
ujevac in Serbia, savings of up to 20% can be achieved in costs and 4.11. Other applications
the associated emissions.
The PhD thesis of Qian (2012) studies fuel emission optimiza- EMVRP: The energy-minimizing vehicle routing problem was
tion in VRP with time-varying speeds. The author aims to generate introduced and formulated by Kara et al. (2007). The objective of
routes and schedules for a fleet of heavy goods vehicles so as to the EMVRP is to minimize a weighted load function as a way of
minimize the emissions in a road network where travel speeds estimating fuel consumption. This function is based on a physics
are time-dependent. Computational results obtained by the algo- rule stating that on a flat surface work equals force times distance.
rithm on a London case study suggest that 6–7% savings in fuel The integer linear programming model proposed for the EMVRP is
consumption may be achieved using the proposed approach. based on that of the capacitated VRP. Since the model minimizes
the total work done on the road, the authors argue that this leads
to minimizing the total energy requirements, at least in terms of
total fuel consumption. They study the differences between dis-
tance-minimizing and energy-minimizing solutions on benchmark
capacitated VRP instances from the literature and find that energy
usage increases as total distance decreases. They conclude that
there is a considerable difference between energy-minimizing
and distance-minimizing solutions, and that the cost of routes
minimizing total distance may be up to 13% less than those mini-
mizing energy.
FCVRP: Xiao, Zhao, Kaku, and Xu (2012) studied the fuel con-
sumption rate in the context of the capacitated VRP. To estimate
fuel consumption, the authors use a regression model based on sta-
tistical data, proposed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism of Japan. They present a mathematical
model and apply a simulated annealing algorithm to solve the
EVRP-VC: The emission minimization vehicle routing problem
with vehicle classes were introduced by Kopfer, Schönberger, and
Kopfer (in press). The model minimizes fuel consumption instead
Fig. 3. Number of papers per year until August 2013.
of driving distance by offering the possibility of using several types
of vehicles. The authors compared their model to that of the

Fig. 4. The analysis of publications with respect to the factors used. Note: The number refers to the publication in Tables 9 and 10.
788 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

DSOP: The departure time and speed optimization procedure is

an extension of SOP and was studied by Franceschetti et al. (2013)
to calculate the departure times from depot and customer sites
while optimizing speeds on each arc of a given route.

5. Descriptive statistics

In this section, we presents several statistics of the growing

body of literature on green road freight transportation. The section
is organized based on three indicators, namely the type of publica-
tion, the factors taken into account in estimating fuel consumption,
and the reported savings.
Fig. 5. Savings in terms of CO2 e.

traditional VRP. They replaced the distance minimizing objective 5.1. Type of publication
function with an affine and piecewise linear fuel consumption
function which considers payload. According to their results, a sig- We first analyze the number of manuscripts and categorize
nificant amount of reduction is possible through the use of a heter- them according to publication type and year: journal articles (JA),
ogeneous fleet of vehicles. conference proceedings (CP), technical reports (TR), and PhD theses
SOP: The speed optimization procedure (SOP) is a polynomial (PT). The number of publications of each type is shown in Fig. 3.
time exact algorithm and used by Demir et al. (2012) in solving As can be seen from Fig. 3, a total of 58 publications are associ-
the PRP. Given a vehicle route, the SOP consists of finding the opti- ated with the reduction of fuel consumption in vehicle routing and
mal speed on each arc of the route between successive nodes so as scheduling. There is an indication of the increase of publications
to minimize an objective function comprising fuel consumption after 2009. The number of JA; CP; TR and PT publications are 33,
costs and driver wages. The objective of SOP is non-linear due to 16, 6 and 3, respectively. The increase in the number of publica-
the function used to estimate the fuel consumption of a vehicle. tions is approximately 430% from 2009 to 2012.

Table 9
Literature on green road freight transportation-1.

Reference Publication type Problem Mathematical model Solution Approach Case study Emission model CO2 e savings
1. Ando and Taniguchi (2006) JA VRPTW-P U o, h U Factor II
2. Ericsson et al. (2006) JA Eco s U Factor II
3. Tavares et al. (2008) JA Eco s U COPERT IV
4. Apaydin and Gonullu (2008) JA Eco s U Factor IV
5. Tavares et al. (2009) JA Eco s U COPERT III
6. Chalkias and Lasaridi (2009) JA Eco s U Factor I
7. Maden et al. (2010) JA VRPTW U h U NAEI II
8. Kuo (2010) JA TDVRP h Factor IV
9. Figliozzi (2010) JA EVRP U o, h MEET IV
10. Jovičić et al. (2010) JA Eco s U COPERT IV
11. Pan et al. (2010) JA SCD U o U MEET III
12. Kuo and Wang (2011) JA VRP h Factor II
13. Figliozzi (2011) JA TDVRP U o, h U MEET I
14. Bektasß and Laporte (2011) JA PRP U o CMEM II
15. Suzuki (2011) JA TSPTW U o Factor II
16. Ubeda et al. (2011) JA VRPB U o U Factor IV
17. Faulin et al. (2011) JA CVRP h U Factor
18. Xiao et al. (2012) JA FCVRP U o, h Factor I
19. Jabali et al. (2012) JA ETDVRP U o, h MEET I
20. Demir et al. (2012) JA PRP U o, h CMEM II
21. Treitl et al. (2012) JA IRP U o U Factor III
22. Aranda et al. (2012) JA Eco h U Factor
23. Saberi and Verbas (2012) JA EVRP h MEET
24. Li (2012) JA VRPTW U o, h Factor IV
25. Paksoy and Özceylan (in press) JA SCD U o Factor IV
26. Bandeira et al. (2013) JA Eco s U VSP III
27. Kwon et al. (2013) JA HVRP U o, h Factor IV
28. Franceschetti et al. (2013) JA TDPRP U o CMEM IV
29. Oberscheider et al. (2013) JA MDVRPPDTW U o, h U Factor
30. Pradenas et al. (2013) JA VRPBTW U o CMEM IV
31. Gaur et al. (2013) JA CumVRP o, h Factor
32. Kopfer et al. (in press) JA EVRP U o, h U Factor IV
33. Demir et al. (2013) JA BiPRP U h CMEM II

VRPTW-P: Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Time Windows - Probabilistic; Eco: Eco-routing; VRPTW: Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows; TDVRP:
Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem; EVRP: Emissions Vehicle Routing Problem; SCD: Supply Chain Design; VRP: Vehicle Routing Problem; PRP: Pollution-Routing
Problem; TSPTW: Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows; VRPB: Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauling; CVRP: Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem; FCVRP:
Fuel Consumption rate considered Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem; ETDVRP: Emissions-based Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem; IRP: Inventory Routing
Problem; HVRP: Heterogenous Vehicle Routing Problem; TDPRP: Time-Dependent Pollution-Routing Problem; MDVRPPDTW: Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with
Pickup and Delivery and Time Windows; VRPBTW: Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauling and Time Windows; CumVRP: Cumulative Vehicle Routing; BiPRP: Bi-objective
Pollution-Routing Problem; ‘‘o’’: Optimal algorithm; ‘‘h’’: Heuristic algorithm; ‘‘s’’: Software application.
E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793 789

5.2. Factors used in publications to estimate fuel consumption and 10, most of the papers are supported by case studies, which
indicates the interest of grounding the research in real-life applica-
In this section, we analyze publications based on the factors tions. The most popular models are the COPERT at a macroscopic
used in their research. Fig. 4 illustrates the factors used in 58 pub- level and CMEM at a microscopic level. Solution approaches re-
lications reviewed in this paper. main mostly heuristic, given the increasing complexity of the prob-
This figure is quite revealing in several ways. First, we see that lems when emission models are integrated.
most of the studies consider speed and load in their formulations.
As discussed in Demir et al. (2012), speed has a significant effect in 6. Conclusions and future research directions
fuel consumption, and optimal speed could lead better reduction in
terms of CO2 . Second, congestion is another important factor but Over the years, the minimization of the total traveled distance
only very few studies have looked at this factor. Third, driver has been accepted as the most important objective in the field of
behavior and road gradient are mostly studied in eco-routing stud- vehicle routing and freight transportation. However, the interac-
ies with the help of GIS softwares. Finally, fleet size and mix are tion of operational research with mechanical and traffic engineer-
attracting increasing attention due to the benefits of selecting the ing shows that there exist factors which are critical to explain fuel
right type of vehicle. As discussed in Section 2, the total vehicle consumption. This triggered the birth of the green road transporta-
mass is directly related to the fuel consumption and any extra tion studies in operational research. In recent years, the number,
weight will lead more consumption. quality and the availability of the available models have increased
considerably. Our research leads to the following five important
5.3. CO2 e emissions savings conclusions:

In this section, we analyze the CO2 e savings reported in the  Most studies in the field of green road freight transportation
literature based on various applications. These are grouped into have focused on a limited number of factors, mainly vehicle
four categories: Group I: 0–5.99%, Group II: 6–10.99%, Group III: load and speed. In particular, vehicle speed is shown to be quite
11–15.99%, and Group IV: higher than 16%. We provide a graph crucial and that it is important to travel at a speed that leads to
of savings in Fig. 5. It is apparent from this figure that the actual minimum fuel consumption for a given routing plan.
savings are heavily dependent on the vehicle emission model used,  Several studies suggest that, for a same load, light duty vehicles
but significant reductions in CO2 e emissions are possible. We note, should be preferred over medium duty (MD) and heavy duty
however, that the savings are related to the particular factors (HD) vehicles. MD should be also preferred to HD vehicles if
considered in the solution methodology. possible.
Tables 9 and 10 contain a summary of the publications  A positive road gradient leads to an increase in fuel consump-
reviewed in this paper. Since the topic has received attention from tion and it should be taken into account in route planning in
researchers of various backgrounds, this categorization can be very future applications. Current GIS software can provide informa-
useful to the research community. As can be seen from Tables 9 tion of the road gradient.

Table 10
Literature on green road freight transportation-2.

Reference Publication Problem Mathematical Solution Case Emission CO2 e

type model Approach study model savings
34. Christie and Satir (2006) CP CVRSO s Factor IV
35. Kara et al. (2007) CP EMVRP U o Factor III
36. Palmer (2007) PT CVRP h U IFCM I
37. Kono et al. (2008) TR Eco s U OFCM II
38. Yong and Xiaofeng (2009) CP VRPFC U h Factor
39. Urquhart, Hart et al. (2010) CP TSP h U IFCM II
40. Urquhart, Scott et al. (2010) TR VRPTW h NAEI I
41. Scott et al. (2010) CP Eco s U COPERT II
42. Correia et al. (2010) TR Eco s U OFCM IV
43. Hao (2010) CP VRP U o Factor
44. Pitera et al. (2011) CP TDVRP U h U Factor IV
45. Goodchild (2011) TR TDVRPPDTW U h U Factor IV
46. Kang et al. (2011) CP Eco s U IVE
47. Minett et al. (2011) CP Eco s U CPFM IV
48. Wygonik and Goodchild (2011) CP EVRPTW s U MOVES I
49. Qian (2012) PT CVRP h U COPERT II
50. Demir (2012) PT VRPTW U o, h CMEM II
51. Jemai et al. (2012) CP GVRP h Factor I
52. Chen and Chen (2012) TR VRP s Factor IV
53. Bandeira et al. (2012) CP Eco s VSP III
54. Omidvar and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam CP TDVRP U h MEET I
55. Huang et al. (2012) CP VRPSPD U o Factor I
56. Ramos et al. (2012) TR MDVRP o, h U CMEM IV
57. Rao and Jin (2012) CP VRPMEC U o, h CMEM I
58. Peiying et al. (2013) CP VRPPD U h CMEM

CVRSO: Computerized Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Optimization; EMVRP: Energy minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem; VRPFC: Vehicle Routing Problem with Fuel
Consumption; TSP: Traveling Salesman Problem; TDVRPPDTW: Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and Time Windows; EVRPTW: Emissions
minimization Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows; GVRP: Green Vehicle Routing Problem; VRPSPD: Vehicle Routing Problem Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery;
MDVRP: Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem; VRPMEC: Vehicle Routing Problem Minimizing the Energy Consumption; VRPPD: Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and
790 E. Demir et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2014) 775–793

 Further studies should focus on the selection of appropriate  The selection of the right vehicles from an available set is
emission tools and standardize them. Our findings show that another promising area to minimize CO2 emissions. The effect
the COPERT and CMEM models serve different purposes but of the characteristics of a vehicle on CO2 e emissions is reviewed
greatly depend on the availability of data for accurate in Section 2 but this is an area in need of more effort for com-
calculations. prehensive investigations. The fleet size and mix vehicle routing
 Besides CO2 e emissions, other traffic externalities could be problem usually consists of determining the type and the num-
examined at the local and regional levels, such as other pollu- ber of vehicles of each type in order to minimize acquisition and
tants, noise, accidents, and environmental damage. routing costs. To our knowledge, there exist only very few stud-
ies carried out within the perspective of fuel consumption and
Considering current studies on green road freight transporta- emissions.
tion, the following five areas were identified as further research  Driver working hours should be considered in the green logis-
directions. tics studies because of law requirements, as well as the
acknowledged health hazards arising from intensive workload
 The current GIS software uses very simple regression models, of some routing plans. Although some of the available studies
based solely on the distance traveled, to estimate fuel consump- could conceivably be modified to reflect these type of real-life
tion. The microscopic models could be integrated within such requirements, this issue still requires further attention.
software to take fuel consumption into account. The integration
of the algorithms reviewed in this paper and GIS software could
save both fuel and time.
 The interactive selection of solutions generated via multi-objec-
tive optimization should allow for flexibility, productivity and
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding provided by the
support for the route planners of freight companies. Multi-
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-
objective optimization may come to play a vital role in green
2013) under Grant Agreement 318275 (GET Service), by the Tech-
road transportation studies, particularly as the different objec-
nology University of Eindhoven, by the University of Southampton
tives (e.g., distance, time, emissions) are incommensurable.
and by the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
 Most studies only focus on the routing aspect of green logistics.
Council under Grant 39692-10. Thanks are due to the Professor
Other problems that can be linked to routing may offer former
Roman Slowinski and to the three referees for their valuable
reductions in emissions. For example, facility location is con-
cerned with physically locating a set of facilities (depots) so as
to maximize the profit generated by providing service to a set
of customers. The relocation of a depot may lead to reductions Appendix A
in CO2 e emissions. Some attempts in this direction have already
appeared in the literature (see, e.g., Harris, Mumford, & Naim, We summarize the common notation used in describing the
2011). emission functions in Table 11.

Table 11
Nomenclature for functions mentioned in the paper.

Notation Description
er ðv Þ The rate of CO2 emissions for speed v (gram/kilometer)
Eðv ; DÞ The total amount of CO2 emissions for v and distance D (gram)
fi ðlf Þ The rate of fuel consumption for each type of road i at the specified load factor lf (liter/kilometer)
Eðlf ; DÞ The total amount of CO2 emissions for the specified load factor lf and distance D (kilogram)
Fðv ; DÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for speed v and distance D (gram)
FðD; MÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for distance D and load M (megajoule)
Fðv Þ The total amount of fuel consumption for speed v (liter/100 kilometer)
f ðtÞ The rate of fuel consumption per unit time (milliliter/second)
FðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (milliliter)
F a ðta Þ The total amount of fuel consumption during acceleration (milliliter)
F d ðt b Þ The total amount of fuel consumption during deceleration (milliliter)
F c ðtc Þ The total amount of cruise fuel consumption (milliliter)
F i ðtd Þ The total amount of fuel consumption while idle (milliliter)
Fðta ; td ; tc ; t i Þ The total amount of fuel consumption including all modes (milliliter)
Fðti ; t s Þ The total amount of fuel consumption for idle time ti and traveling time t s (milliliter)
F s ðDÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for distance D (milliliter)
VSPðtÞ Vehicle specific power per unit ton (kilowatt/ton)
FðT; MÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T and load M (gram)
fe ðtÞ The rate of fuel consumption per unit time (gram/second)
F e ðTÞ The total amount fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (gram)
fv ðtÞ The rate of fuel consumption per unit time (liter/second)
FðDl Þ The total amount of fuel consumption for distance of link l (liter)
F o ðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (milliliter)
fpr ðtÞ The rate of fuel consumption per unit time (kilogram/second)
F pr ðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (kilogram)
F 1 ðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (liter)
F 2 ðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (liter)
Etrans ðtÞ The total amount of CO2 emissions under the transient conditions per unit time (gram)
fcm ðtÞ The rate of fuel consumption per unit time (gram/second)
F cm ðTÞ The total amount of fuel consumption for a journey of duration T (gram)
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