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Oleh :
Dr. Ir. Firmansyah, MT.

Jurusan Teknik Planologi

Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Pasundan Bandung
1. Yeates/Garner, The North American City,

2. Hartshon, Truman A. 1992. Intrepreting the City : An Urban Geography.

Ch. 4 The North American City
Ch. 7 City Development: Therory and Practice
Urban sprawl is commonly used to describe physically
expanding urban areas. The European Environment Agency
(EEA 2006B) has described sprawl as the phiysical pattern of
low-density expansion of large urban areas, under market
conditions, mainly into the surrounding agricultureal areas.
Sprawl is the leading edge of urban growth and implies little
planning control of land subdivision. Development is patchy,
scattered and strung out, with a tendency for discontinuity. It
leapfrogs over areas, leaving agricultural enclaves. Sprawling
cities are opposite of compact cities - full of empty spaces
that indicate the inefficiencies in development and highlight
the consequences of uncontrolled growth. (Cooper, 2009: 46)

Ian Cooper and Martin Symes (2009). Sustainable Urban

Development (Volume 4: Changing Professional Practice).
Oxon: Routledge.
Urban Sprawl
Dampak : Ribbon Development
Kemacetan di jalur utama (Pengaruh dari
menuju kota inti dan objek- pengembangan
objek wisata jaringan jalan)

Dampak : Urban Extensification

▪ Inefisiensi infrastruktur
▪ Konversi lahan pertanian
▪ Kemacetan di jalur utama
menuju kota inti

Dampak : Ribbon Development

Kemacetan di jalur utama (Pengaruh dari
menuju kota inti dan objek- pengembangan
objek wisata jaringan jalan)

“Perluasan perkembangan kota yang tidak terkendali

mengakibatkan meningkatnya eksploitasi ruang, inefisiensi
infrastruktur yang ditandai dengan kemacetan lalu lintas
dan penurunan kualitas lingkungan akibat berkurangnya
kawasan berfungsi lindung”
Location Patterns of Cities

T = Total employment Basic

X = employment in export sector Non basic LQ
D = employment in domestic sector
Domestic sector → serve export sector

D = dX
T = X + dX
T = (I+d)X
T = (I+d)X
= (I+d)X
Extra job created in export sector → increase in total empl
I +d
in migration of labour

1. Export Specoalization
Single Manufacturing → export (goods)
2. Export complex
2 – more goods
3. Economic maturation
local service sector (retailing, transportation)
4. Regional Metropolis
wholesaler & financial center for its satellites (provides services to the
regional hinterland)
5. Technical – Professional Virtuosity
(Keahlian – profesional – teknik)
- Efficiencies – larger operation → specialization

Larger cities
- Urbanization economies :
→ larger labor markets
access to financial resources
- Locallization economies :
→ take advantage of skilled labor markets, foster intrafirm
cooperation/communication specialization

Clustering of firms : aerospace, steel, automobile

Basic/Non basic ratios

Basic sector =
→ primary external →Sells goods/service outside the city
→Revenue for local area
→ basic town – building →Receive funding from “outside”
(ex. University, medical complex)

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