Australian Studies (Population)

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NAME : Aldi Purnama P.

Dollyn Samudra LB.


Febryanto Ekapratama B.

Ivan Salim Zarkasyi

CLASS : English Literature ‘2016 A



When we talk about one country, of course it is include the people or the population of
that country, here we going to talk about Australia’s population, there are three questions that
come up related to the population of Australia, as follows :

1. What is the size of Australian population?

2. How is the population composition differ from Indonesia?
3. Is there any similarities which are potentially benefited by the two countries?

According to United Nations Population Division, the current population of Australia in

Sunday, November 4th is 24.880.481, Australia population is equivalent to 0.32% of the total
world population, Australia is the 54th largest country in the world in terms of the population,
between Cote Cameroon and Madagascar, Australia also the most populous country in
Oceania, three times more populous than its neighbor Papua New Guinea (8,2 Million) and
five times more populous than New Zealand (4,5 million). As the 6 th largest nation in the
world Australia has a very low population density of just 3 people per square kilometer, or 7
per square mile, as the total land area is 7.682.300 km2, this make Australia is become one of
the least densely populated countries in the world.

Some parts of Australia are even less densely populated. In the northern Territory, every
square kilometers holds just 0,2 people. Most of Australia’s population is concentrated on or
around the more hospitable coastal areas, there are five Australian cities with a population of
more than a million people, they are : Sydney (4,9 Million) Sydney is Australia’s largest and
most cosmopolitan city. It is also the capital and largest city of New South Wales, 2016
estimates placed the population at 4.920.970, which accounts for 20% of the nation’s total
population. Melbourne (4,5 million) Australia’s second city and also the capital city of
Victoria, according to 2016 estimates the population is 4.529.496, which is 19,05% of
Australia’s population. Brisbane (2,3 million), capital city of Queensland, estimates in 2016
put the population around 2.308.720, which 9,71% of nation’s total population. Perth (2
million), capital city of Western Australia, total population estimates in 2016 is 2.039.193.
Adelaide (1,3 million).

As well as he five cities listed above, Canberra, the capital of Australia, is the country’s
eighth largest city, home to estimated 424.666 people. Hobart, the only state or national
capital not listed, has an estimated 220.593 residents, making it Australia’s seventh most
populous city. 90.0% of the population of Australia is urban, (22.301.673 people in 2018),
and the median age in Australian is 37.5 years, the number of population in Australia since
1955 has significantly increase up to 2% and since 1975 the percentage of population
increases is up to 1,5% per 5 years, Australia’s population has quadrupled since WW I,
mostly due to immigration, Nearly 6 million immigrants came to Australia at that time.

Population of Australian States and Territories

There are five Australian states, ranging in population from 0.5 million to 7.6 million in

New South Wales (7.6 million) New South Wales is Australia’s largest state, home to
an estimated 7,618,200 people in 2016. Victoria (5.9 million) Victoria, Its estimated
population 2016 was 5,938,100. Queensland (4.7 million) Queensland is Australia's third
largest state. Its estimated population in 2016 was 4,779,400. Western Australia (2.5 million)
Western Australia is home to an estimated 2,591,600 people. South Australia (1.6 million)
South Australia, which is located in the center of Australia's south coast, is home to
approximately 1,698,600 people. Tasmania (0.5 million) Tasmania is Australia’s smallest
state, although still more populous than any of its territories. Home to approximately 516,600
people, its largest city is Hobart. Australian Capital Territory (390,800) The Australian
Capital Territory is an enclave inside of New South Wales. Home to Australia's capital city
Canberra, 390,800 people live in the ACT. Northern Territory (244,600) The Northern
Territory has an estimated 244,600 residents, making it the least densely populated part of
Australia and one of the least densely populated areas in the world. Its largest city is Darwin,
where more than half of the Territory's residents make their homes.
At the last census in 2011, over 30% of Australians were born in another country and
over 46% had at least one overseas-born parent. The most common immigration sources in
Australia are the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, India, and Vietnam. In 2011, the
official indigenous population of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders was over 548,000, or
2.5% of the total population, up from 116,000 in 1976. This increase is due in part to the fact
that many people with at least some indigenous heritage were undercounted before.


Australia’s Population Clock

The population of Australia (as of 11/4/2018)? 24,882,497

Last UN Estimate (July 1, 2018) 24,772,247

Births Per Day 862

Deaths Per Day 452

Net Migrations Per Day  465

Net Change Per Day  875

Population Change Since January 1st 268,625

Net Increase of 1 person every 2 minutes

Where Indonesia is made up of more than 17,000 islands with over 1.9 million square
miles of land. which makes it the 15th largest country. Indonesia has a population estimated
at 266.79 million in 2018, up from the 2015 estimate of 257 million. About 56.7% of
Indonesia's population lives on Java, the most populous island. The population density of
Indonesia is currently at 140.08 individuals per square kilometer. Indonesia has more
than 300 distinct ethnics and linguistic groups, although the largest and most dominant in
terms of politics are the Javanese at over 40% of the population. Most Indonesians are
descended from Austronesian-speaking people. Another major ethnic group are Melanesians
who live on the eastern part of the country. Other major ethnic groups include: Sundanese
(15.5%), Malay (2.27%), Madurese (3.03%), Batak (3.58%), Minankabau (2.73%), Betawi
(2.88%), Bantenese (1.97%), Banjarese (1.74%), Balinese (1.67%), and Makasserese
(1.13%). Chinese Indonesians account for about 3% of the population but they are influential,
controlling most of the country's wealth and commerce.

While Australia has a big area and a low density level, Indonesia has a quite big area but
also with high density level, this situation can be used by these two countries to support each
other, Indonesia can send their human resources to Australia who needed more population to
live in their country, so they will have their nationality changed into Australian and Indonesia
can decrease the number of overpopulation in Indonesia, especially there’s an area that have
the same weather as Indonesia, so Indonesian people can easily suit themselves in that area.

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