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INT. Training Room - Day

In a flashback, SENATOR INNIS QUAD, a 45 year old human with salt and pepper hair and
black formal clothing, is talking to FA BOL, an 18 year old padawan with dark brown hair, brown
eyes and plump lips wearing white jedi uniform that has been altered to reveal her voluptuous


You will be a very powerful jedi, you should let me give you one piece of advice…

[dramatic pause]

Maybe Ro Barn feels like you aren't ready for that. She has told me you have been cocky with
her and refuse to do your training correctly.


If I'm so powerful then why doesn't Master Ro Barn let me do the heavy lifting and all the
important things!!!

Fa Bol punches a near-by training droid.


I want to be a jedi!!! I don't care about training its soooo lame to do those stupid excirsizes!

INT OUTside -Day

In a flashback, Senator Innis Quad is seen talking to Fa Bol, a teenage padawan training to be a
jedi. With a very inappropriate clothing style appearance, with dark brown hair and brown eyes
and plump lips. Senator Innis Quad has a conversation with Fa Bol.

Senator Innis Quad

"You will be a very powerful jedi, you should let me give you one piece of advice.."

"Maybe Ro Barn feels like you aren't ready for that. She has told me you have been cocky with
her and refuse to do your training correctly."

Fa Bol

"If I'm so powerful then why doesn't Master Ro Barn let me do the heavy lifting and all the
important things!!!."

"I want to be a jedi!!! I don't care about training its soooo lame to do those stupid excirsizes!."

Fa Bol gets angry and runs off, and Senator Innis Quad makes a rash and hasty decision.

INT. INside- night

In a flashback, Senator Innis Quad does something that he knows will ruin his life, but jealousy
over took him as he went to meet with Jedi Master Ro Barn. He arrives at her place and greets
Ro Barn with a warm smile and they start talking.

Senator Innis Quad

"I have already turned your padawan against you. Admit it I am better than you. I can kill you
with one finger

"Sure I can I am the most power being. I'll exicute you if you this conversation to anyone."

Jedi Master Ro Barn

Then kill me. You really think you can turn Fa Bol against me!!!!

All of a sudden Senator Innis Quad turns towards Ro Barn and force choke holds her. and then
lets her go. and runs off into the darkness of the night.

INT. Outside- morning

Ro Barn reports Senator Innis Quad to the Jedi order for attempting to assasinate her. The Jedi
order make a quick decision to kick Senator Innis quad out of the Jedi order therefore banishing
him to the forrest. Innis Quad seeks a bounty hunter named Dirr Vac, her looks may be
deciveing but she is ruthless and heartless. Innis Quad makes a deal to pay Dirr vac a
handsome amount of money to assasinate Fa Bol. they have a quick this request.

Innis quad

"I need you to kill the runt of the jedi her name is Fa Bol. "

"I don't want to get my hands dirty. "

"Yes kill her by any means."

Dirr Vac

"Why can't you do it."

"So you want me to kill the runt. By any means possible I will kill her."


Bounty hunter Dirr Vac nods her head and walks away.

INT.present -day

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo, seemed very tense as he is training his padawan Droki Fowr for the
upcoming battle. Droki is very stubborn and doesn't want to listen and he can be reckless most
of the time. as they are training they have a brief conversation and things start to get heated.

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo


Your here to learn enough of this foolishnes. now lets continue your training.

Padawan Droki Fowr

"Why am I even here."


Talli Ivoo and Droki Fowr are sparring with their lightsabers.

INT. Afternoon- outside

Jedi Master Ro Barn struggles to teach the importance of her training to her padawan Fa Bol.
Ro Barn is a hard worker and does what she is told and can be stubborn and hard headed. Her
padawan Fa Bol rushes her training constantly, she doesn't do what she is supposed to doand
can also be inapropriate at times. Ro Barn is instructing Fa Bol to build a lightsaber, but Fa Bol
does everything wrong and has a heated argument with Ro Barn.

Jedi Master Ro Barn

"Pay attention, you keep doing this wrong."

Fa Bol

I don't care I want to get this over with. Why do I have to use the force to make a cheesy


"You child!!!!!! you don't get it! your a discgrace to the jedi I can't believe I got stuck teaching

Ro Barn gets up off of the grassy ground and walks over to a tree and lets out a loud scream
and pust her face in her hands. Meanwhile Bounty Hunter Dirr Vacc shows up and sees Jedi
Master Talli Ivoo and rips off her helmet brown silky hair and pretty features. Talli Ivoo's eyes
look Dirr Vacc up and down before he cautiously walkes up to her to find out why she is here.

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo

"What are you doing here? you don't have permission to be here."

Bounty Hunter Dirr Vacc

"Of course I do....You invited me years ago."

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo

"I would remember a pretty face like yours... whats your name Bounty Hunter?"

Bounty Hunter Dirr Vacc

"I'm Dirr Vacc, I am looking for someone like you to have fun with."

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo

"Of all places you come here and see me!! Well If you insist."
Dirr Vacc grabs Talli Ivoo by the shoulders and walks away with him. They go to a forrest area
and sit down under a tree ,Dirr Vacc kisses Talli Ivoo on the cheek while shooting her weapon
underneath to try to assasinate Fa Bol who is on the opposite side of them with Ro Barn trying
to create her lightsaber.

INT. Afternoon- outside

Fa Bol senses someone is there and defects the the blast and then grabs Ro Barn and runs
farther into the woods. Dirr Vacc gets up and and puts her helmet on and leaves. Dirr Vacc runs
deeper into the forrest after Fa Bol. Dirr Vacc gets a interception message from Innis Quad.

Innis quad

"Have you killed the weakling yet?"

Dirr Vac

"No, she got away."


"You let the girl get away!!! while you were playing kissy face with the Jedi!!! Don't fail me
again... you have one more chance."

Dirr Vac

"Yes Sir I won't fail you again."

Dirr Vac turns off her communication device as she walks deeper into the forrest.

INT. outside- night

Ro Barn warns the jedi that there is an intruder trying to assasinate Fa Bol, unsure of who it
could be left only one person that comes to mind... Innis Quad. They start preparing and getting
the padawans together to train. They all disscuss the matter.

Ro Barn

"Its probably that bastard Innis Quad... I expected nothing less from him. he is out to get us!!!
and you letting that bounty hunter get cozy to you knowing that she is the enemy!!!".
Talli Ivoo

"We need to go after Innis Quad the bounty hunter is not going to harm us, she doesn't stand a

DroKI Fowr

"We need to kill both of them and in order to do that we need to set aside our differences and
work together."

Ro Barn

" This is treason!!!we have to kill him! I'll end him."

Ro barn looks into the distance with and angry expression.

Int.Morning- outside

The team prepares to take on Innis Quad and Dirr Vacc. The grab their weapons and head into
the forrest Looking for Innis Quad. Dirr Vacc holding her compass finally finds Fa Bol sitting
under a tree eating a piece of fruit. Dirr Vacc Grabs her blaster and aims it at Fa Bol and kills
her. Fa Bol falls to the ground dead. Ro Barn finds Fa Bol's dead body and screams as she
holds her dead padawan in her arms. Dirr Vacc sits up in the tree and reaches for her
communication device she opens it and has a conversation with Innis Quad.

Dirr Vac

"Mission completed the runt is dead they won't know what will hit them."

Innis quad

" Good Job. No kill all the jedi!!!! Leave Jedi Master Ro Barn to me I'll cut her limbs off."

Dirr Vacc Hangs up and goes into another direction.

INT. Afternoon- outside

The rest of the jedi gather in the woods.

Ro Barn
" We have to end this once and for all."

DroKI Fowr

"Dirr Vacc and Innis Quad have to go!!!."

Talli Ivoo

"Dirr Vacc is mine."

Ro Barn

"And leave Innis Quad to me."

They prepare to go into battle, and Innis Quad prepares to go in for the kill.

INT. outside- night

The jedi are hiding inside an abandoned building. Innis Quad is closing in on the small band of
jedi. They go into battle, Talli Ivoo and Dirr Vacc start fighting eachother, they get into a heated

Talli Ivoo

"You tratior!!! You lied to me!!! and you kissed me you bounty scum. Prepare to die."

Dirr Vac

" You want to kill me!!!!If anything I will kill you first."

Jedi Master Talli Ivoo strikes down Dirr Vacc with his lightsaber, she crashes to the ground
pulling him down with her and kisses him on the cheek and winks before dying. Talli Ivoo walks
away with pride. Innis quad comes out of the shadows and kills Droki Fowr. Droki falls to the
ground dead. Talli Ivoo comes out and tries to kill Innis Quad, and then Innis Quad stabs Talli
Ivoo and he falls to the ground dead.

Int.Morning- outside

Innis Quad and Ro Barn are the last two standing alive and ready to kill each other.

Ro Barn

"You killed everyone. You will pay for this!!!!!!"

Innis quad

" I'll kill you with pleasure!!!!"

Ro Barn gets stabbed by Innis Quad, she falls on top of her dead comrades. Innis Quad senses
another presence. Sif Bloodious comes out of the shadows. Innis Quad Sees Sif Bloodious
coming toward him they have a conversation.

Sif Bloodious

" We meet again old friend... I wish it was under better circumstances."

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