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Zoos are cruel and unnecessary.

They should be closed down and the

animals returned to the wild

In our world there are a lot of zoos that contain different types of animals.
Some species of animals in the zoo are rare and listed in the Red book, while
others are just ordinary animals, which are very numerous in the wild.

First of all, there are animals that are simply not designed to be kept in a
cage, it does them a lot of harm.

Secondly, I don't see the point in keeping animals in the zoo that are not at the
stage of extinction and do not need care.

Third, some employees in zoos may treat animals incorrectly or cruelly, which
makes the situation even worse

Also, a large number of visitors to the zoo can frighten the animals, because of this
they will experience stress and suffer

Research shows that animals feel better in the natural environment, where
they are not subjected to violence from people and feel free. Therefore, zoos
should not exist, it is just a spectacle for people, which is very harmful to animals

As a result of this attitude to the animal world, we do even worse, so you

should stop following this system and find another way out

I suggest closing all zoos and releasing animals to their natural habitat,
because we should not interfere so much with nature. And species of animals that
are subject to extinction should be placed in reserves, because there the conditions
are almost the same as in the wild, but at the same time they will always be under
supervision and will be able to get help at any time

In conclusion, I want to say that animals should be protected, not displayed

as exhibits in zoos and not hunted. After all, they are a part of our life and a
necessary link in nature.

Reproduction of 1st chapter

Father and son were sitting at a table playing chess, and mother was knitting.
Outside the window was bad weather, strong wind and rain. There was an
atmosphere of boredom and expectation in the room. After the victory of the son
over the father in the party, the father got up and went to the window, when
suddenly he heard a knock on the door " - It's him, and I said that he would
come!". My father opened the door and greeted my guest. "- Please love and favor,
Sergeant Major." The father and mother greeted the guest, sat him down at the
table, the father brought 2 glasses and wine. The family asked the Major about his
travels in India and the tribes. Then the Major told about obezyana foot and pulled
it from his pocket, he said she can make 3 wishes, but it is better not to use it and
tried to destroy it by throwing into the fire, but her father pulled her and asked her
to give him what Major tried to persuade him, but lost the foot. In the evening, at
dinner, my father and family talked about how they seem to have everything, but it
would be nice to make a wish for 200 pounds. After he made a wish, the paw in his
hand started to move.

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