Straightforward Upper Intermediate Unit 2 Test: Name - Maximenko D - Score - /50

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Straightforward Upper Intermediate Unit 2 test

Name ____Maximenko D_____ Score ______/50_

A Match the words 1–7 to the definitions a–g.

(1) cold-blooded b) deliberately cruel and showing no emotion

(2) cute g) attractive, usually small and easy to like
(3) docile d) well-behaved, quiet and easy to control
(4) ferocious c) violent and able to cause serious damage or injury
(5) inquisitive a) keen to learn about a lot of different things
(6) playful e) lively and full of fun
(7) tame f) trained to stay calm when people are near

B Complete the sentences with the correct phrase, a, b or c.

(8) When my daughter brought her friend’s cat home I really didn’t think it would ___ b) get along
_____ with our dog, but the two are best friends now!
a) get around b) get along c) get in touch

(9) She got really _____ worked up ______ when I told her I thought hunting was OK.
a) round the bend b) lost her head c) worked up

(10) I’m sorry, but you ____ miss the point _____ completely. I think killing any animal is cruel and
a) miss the point b) add up c) draw the line

(11) I’m sorry, but I told you ‘No pets!’ You’ll just have to ___ get rid of ____ it.
a) get around b) get on with c) get rid of

(12) You wouldn’t believe it. He’s got a snake as a pet. Frankly, I think he’s ___ round the bend ____.
a) round the bend b) worked up c) absolutely livid

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 1

C Complete the text with the words in the box.

sickened punishment face docile cruel crowded aggressive absurd

It’s about time people realized just how (13) ____ cruel _____ and unnecessary zoos are. When
people say that it’s a good way to protect animals that are endangered they are just being (14) ___
absurd ______. How can locking up an animal be anything other than a (15) __ punishment _____?
And the argument that children learn about these animals by seeing them is ridiculous. When animals
are locked in a cage they either become (16) ____ docile ______, just lying around doing nothing or
they become very (17) __ aggressive ______, and violent. I am also (18) ____ sickened ____ by
the conditions in zoos with animals (19) ___ crowded ___ together in cages that aren’t big enough.
It’s time to (20) ___ face ____ the facts about zoos and let animals live in their natural

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(21) Why is your dog constantly ____barking___ (bark)? It’s driving me round the bend.
(22) Sharks ____don’t______ usually ___attack_____ (not / attack) people unless they are very
(23) Why do the foxes keep ____coming_____ (come) into my garden?
(24) My daughter’s forever ____asking____ (ask) me to buy her a dog.
(25) She ____watches____ (watch) wildlife programmes on TV at least once a week.

E Complete the text with used to, would or got used to. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.

When I was young I (26) ____used to_____ visit the zoo every week and I (27) ____would____ stand
and watch the monkeys playing in their cages. I was fascinated by these animals as they were so
inquisitive. Then I (28) __would______ go home and spend hours dreaming of seeing them in the
wild. Then, when there was a wildlife programme on TV I (29) ____would______stop everything else
I was doing and listen to every word. My mother (30) _____ used to ______ be worried about me
sometimes, but she (31) __got used to_____ it in the end.

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 2

F Complete the sentences with the correct form of get or be.

(32) I can’t ___get_______ used to living without a pet.

(33) I ___am_______ not used to having a pet.
(34) It’s difficult not eating meat, but eventually I ___got__ used to it.
(35) Josh lived on a farm so he _____got_____ used to working with animals.
(36) I’m trying to ___get______ used to your pet snake, but I still don’t think it’s cute.

G Choose the correct form to complete the sentences.

(37) I live near the sea and I can’t get used / would be used to the noise all the birds make.
(38) I got used to / would always see her walking her dogs on the beach.
(39) I used to / would have a pet tortoise when I was a child.
(40) My sister used to / is forever telling me to stop eating meat.
(41) She’s used to / would be used to taking her dogs for a walk early in the morning.

Functional language
H Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box.

absolutely convinced as I’m concerned be wrong believe for a minute don’t think Frankly
perfectly honest Personally you ask me

(42) ___ Frankly ______, it’s absolutely ridiculous.

(43) ___ Personally ____, I think too much money is spent on keeping pets.
(44) If ____ you ask me ______, people worry too much about the welfare of animals.
(45) To be ___ perfectly honest ____, I think it’s all a misunderstanding.
(46) I’m ___ absolutely convinced ___ that something needs to be done.
(47) I really ___ don’t think ____ everyone shares your concerns.
(48) I may ___ be wrong ____, but not everyone likes dogs as much as you do.
(49) As far __ as I’m concerned ___, we need to put people first.
(50) I don’t __ believe for a minute ___ that everyone thinks hunting animals is cruel.

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 3

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 4
Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 5
Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 6
Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 7
Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 8
Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 9
Reading books is much better than watching movies.
I am convinced that reading books develops a person much better. Books develop a
person's imagination, which leads to the development of creative thinking, so books must be
given to children to read from an early age. But movies on the contrary kill the child's
imagination and now with the advent of gadgets, this is a very common problem.
On the one hand, I am not against films in General, because this is a separate art form,
cinematography is able to convey feelings and emotions to us with its pictures as the author
sees them, unlike books, where we all provoke from ourselves.
On the other hand, movies should be watched by people who already have strong
creative thinking, as this can very much affect them in a bad way
I also think that books are very romantic and beautiful. A person who reads a lot of
books has a rich vocabulary that adorns his speech. It is also very pleasant to discuss a book
with a person and quote some phrases from it.
In General, I want to say that a book is a universal thing that has a very positive effect
on a person. So I like reading books more than watching movies.

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 10

Straightforward Upper Intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p 11

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