Effective Domain Evaluation

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Submitted as One of the Requirements for Passing the Course Evaluation



Mamanda Silitonga (4193342002)

Yana Sofia Putri (4193141005)

Sarah Nur Fadhilah Panjaitan (4193342007)

Bilingual Biology Education Study Program 2019





Praise be to the presence of Almighty God who has given His grace and guidance so
that this paper entitled "Affective Domain Evaluation" can be completed on time. We also
express our gratitude to those who have helped the author in completing this thesis, especially
to the Pengampu Lecturer, namely Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd.

This paper discusses the notion of affective domain evaluation with its characteristics.
Not only that, this paper also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of effective
evaluation. The writing of this paper was made to fulfill the lecturer's assignment in the
Biology Process Evaluation and Learning Outcomes course. Hopefully this article can
provide benefits and insights for readers.

With humility, we apologize if there are discrepancies and errors in words or in this
writing. Therefore, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the
perfection of this paper.

Medan, March 2021




FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ ii

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ........................................................................................................ 2

A. Backgrouund ........................................................................................................................ 2

B. Problem formulation ............................................................................................................ 2

C. Purpose................................................................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................... 4

A. DEFENITION OF AFFECTIVE ......................................................................................... 4

B. THE PURPOSE OF AFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT ............................................................ 7

C. DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUMENTS ............................................................................. 7

D. IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASUREMENT .................................................................. 14

ENGINEERING IDEAS ............................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER III CLOSING ............................................................................................................. 17

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 18

ii | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U A T I O N

A. Backgrouund
Affective abilities relate to interests and attitudes which can be in the form of
responsibility, cooperation, discipline, commitment, confidence, honesty, respect for other
people's opinions, and the ability to control oneself. The ability to think is a cognitive domain
that includes the ability to memorize, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate.
All these abilities must be part of the learning objectives at school, which will be achieved
through appropriate learning activities. Affective problems are felt to be important by
everyone, but their implementation is still lacking. This is because designing the achievement
of affective learning goals is not as easy as cognitive and psychomotor learning. The
education unit must design appropriate learning activities so that affective learning objectives
can be achieved. The success of educators in implementing affective domain learning and the
success of students in achieving affective competences need to be assessed. Therefore it is
necessary to develop a reference for the development of the affective domain assessment tool
and the interpretation of the measurement results.

Evaluation is an assessment of the data collected through assessment activities.

Meanwhile, according to Calongesi (1995) evaluation is a decision about value based on
measurement results. Broadly speaking, it can be said that evaluation is giving value to the
quality of something. Apart from that, evaluation can also be viewed as a process of planning,
obtaining, and providing information that is indispensable for making decision alternatives.
Thus, evaluation is a systematic process for determining or making decisions to what extent
the objectives of an assistance activity take place in a subject.

B. Problem formulation
1. What is meant the affective domain valuation ?
2. How is the karatetsik of the affective domain?
3. What are the levels of the affective domain?
4. How to develop affective instruments?
5. How is the affective domain assessment instrument?

C. Purpose
1. Knowing and explaining the meaning of Affective Domain Evaluation
2. Identify the characteristics and types of evaluation of the effective domain


3. Knowing the level of the affective domain
4. Know the ability to develop assessment instruments.
5. Assist us in pursuing routine tasks




Affective deals with emotions such as feelings, values, appreciation, motivation and
attitudes. According to Enderson (1981) human character has a typical way of thinking,
feeling and feeling. This typical relates to the cognitive realm related to thinking, inspiration
about the psychomotor domain, the typical feeling related to the affective domain. These
three realms are human representations and in the field of education, they are related to
student learning outcomes.

Affective domain supports students, namely students who really help students to
achieve completeness in the learning process. To see completeness, evaluation is needed.
Learning evaluation in any form is very useful for both educators and students themselves,
including affective evaluation. Evaluation does not stand alone, there are materials and
methods and all three have a relationship that affects each other based on this, the
responsibility of the teacher as a teacher and educator, consequently a teacher besides helping
all students learn, the teacher must be able to arouse student learning. Apart from that, there
is also the emotional bond needed to build the character of togetherness, a sense of socialism,
nationalism, unity, etc., then the school (teacher).

Of the various learning designs, there are components that include the main
components, namely objectives, materials, strategies, media, and evaluation. A goal is
something you want to achieve; material is material that students or teachers learn to
students; strategies are the steps achieved by students and / or teachers in learning (teacher =
teaching) subject matter to achieve goals; the media is a means to facilitate the location of the
destination; and evaluation is waiting for the most effective results and lessons. Thus,
evaluation is one of the main components that is always there in learning. In other words,
learning cannot be measured by evaluation activities.

There are five main categories that are effective from simple to complex, namely:
acceptance, response, appreciation, organization, and characterization based on values or
internalization of values.

Receiving (acceptance) is the willingness to be aware of a phenomenon in the

environment. For example, listening to others carefully, listening to and remembering the
name of someone he just met. In teaching it takes the form of getting attention, maintaining


it, and directing it. The task of educators is to direct the attention of students to the
phenomena that are the object of affective learning. The indicators are students: asking,
choosing, describing, following, giving, identifying, mentioning, showing, selecting,
repeating, using.

Responding (response) is to provide reactions to phenomena in the environment.

Includes approval, willingness, and satisfaction in providing responses. At this level students
not only pay attention to specific phenomena but they also react. Learning outcomes in this
area emphasize obtaining responses, willingness to respond, or satisfaction in responding. For
example participating in class, asking about concepts, models and so on in order to gain
understanding, and apply them. The indicators are students: answering, helping, discussing,
respecting, doing, doing, reading, giving, memorizing, reporting, choosing, telling, writing.
High in this category is interest, that is, things that emphasize search results and enjoyment of
specific activities. The task of educators in this case is to make students happy in studying

Valuing (appreciation) relates to the price or value applied to an object, phenomenon,

or behavior. For example, being sensitive to individual and cultural differences, showing
problem-solving skills, having commitment. Assessment is based on the internalization of a
certain set of values that are expressed in behavior. The indicators are learners: completing,
describing, differentiating, explaining, following, forming, inviting, combining, proposing,
reading, reporting, choosing, working, taking part, studying. In this assessment learning
objectives are classified as attitudes.

Organization (organizing) is concerned with combining different values, resolving

conflicts, and forming a consistent value system. For example, recognizing the need for a
balance between freedom and responsibility, aligning the needs of the organization, family
and oneself. The indicators are learners: changing, arranging, combining, comparing,
complementing, maintaining, explaining, formulating, generalizing, identifying, integrating,
modifying, organizing, preparing, connecting, synthesizing.

Characterization by a Value or Value Complex relates to having a value system that

controls his behavior so that it becomes a characteristic of his lifestyle. For example showing
independence when working alone, cooperative in group activities, being objective in solving
problems, appreciating people based on what they say is not who they are. The indicators are


learners: differentiate, apply, propose, demonstrate, influence, listen. These learning
outcomes are related to personal, emotional and social issues.

There are four important affective characteristics in learning, namely: (1) attitude, 2)
interests, 3) self-concept, and 4) values.

1) Attitude

Attitude is a learned predisposition to respond positively or negatively to an object,

situation, concept or person. These objects can be symbols, people, slogans, ideas or actions.
For example, the object is the attitude of students towards Biology subjects. The attitudes of
students towards Biology courses should be more positive than before following the learning
process. This change in attitude is an indicator of the success of educators in the learning
process. Therefore, educators must make learning plans including learning experiences that
make students' attitudes towards subjects more positive. With a positive attitude, students will
be more easily motivated and will more easily absorb the subject matter being taught

2) Interests

Interest is a feeling of preference and interest in an activity without being asked.

Interest is related to attention, someone who is interested in a certain subject tends to pay
attention to that subject. Thus students who are interested in biology material will tend to pay
attention to these subjects. The task of educators is to increase that interest if the interest of
students is low. Indicators of interest include: a feeling of liking, interest, concern, suitability,
a tendency to follow up.

According to Tyler (1973), school goals related to interest can be accepted if school
activities contribute to individual development, social competence, or life satisfaction.
Therefore, it is recommended that learning objectives such as basic competences are to have
an interest in listening to music. , or read a book.

3) Value

Value is a belief about actions, actions, or behavior that are considered good and those
that are considered bad.

Some of the affective domains that are classified as important are as follows:

a) Honesty: students must learn to appreciate honesty in interacting with others

b) Integrity: students must be trustworthy by others, binding on the code of values.
c) Fair: students must argue that all people get the same legal treatment


d) Freedom: students must believe that a democratic state must give maximum freedom to
all people
4) Self Concept

According to Smith, self-concept is an evaluation by an individual of his abilities and

weaknesses. The target, direction, and intensity of the self-concept are basically like any
other affective aspect. The target self-concept is usually people but it can also be institutions
such as schools. Direction of positive or negative self-concept. and the intensity is also
expressed in terms of the continuum. that is, from low to high. Self-concept This is important
in determining the student's career path, namely by knowing one's own strengths and
weaknesses, so that the right career alternative can be chosen for students. In addition, this
self-concept information is important for schools to motivate student learning appropriately.


In accordance with the affective characteristics in the learning process, namely

interests, attitudes, self-concept and values, the objectives of affective assessment are:

a. To obtain information on students interest in subjects which are then used to increase
students' interest in the subject if it turns out that their interest is low.
b. This is to find out the attitudes of students towards the subjects. Attitudes of students
towards subjects can be positive or negative. The results of measuring attitudes are useful
for determining appropriate learning strategies for students.
c. To know your own strengths and weaknesses. Students evaluate their potential. This
information can be used to determine which program students should take to determine a
career path.
d. To reveal individual values. The information obtained is in the form of positive and
negative values. Positive things are strengthened and negative things are weakened and
eventually eliminated


Affective instruments that are important and will be discussed in this book are
attitudes, interests, values, and self-concept. There are ten steps that must be followed in
developing affective instruments, namely:

1. Determine the instrument specifications

2. Writing Instruments


3. Determine the measurement scale
4. Determine the scoring scale
5. Examine the instrument
6. Conduct a trial run
7. Analyze the test results
8. Carry out measurements
9. Interpret the measurement results
10. Make use of measurement results

a. The Instrument Specifications

The specifications of the instrument consist of the objective and the instrument grid.
Purpose and figures. This instrument is a reference for assessing the instrument. The interest
instrument aims to obtain information on students 'interest in biology subjects which are used
to increase students' interest in Biology subjects. The attitude instrument aims to determine
the attitudes of students towards biology subjects. Attitudes of students towards subjects can
be positive or negative. The results of measuring attitudes are useful for determining
appropriate learning strategies for students. The self-concept instrument aims to determine
one's own strengths and weaknesses. Students evaluate their potential. This information can
be used to determine which program students should take to determine a career path. The
value instrument aims to reveal individual values. The information obtained is in the form of
positive and negative values. Positive things are strengthened and negative things are
weakened and eventually eliminated.

The grid is a table that contains the specifications of the instrument to be written. The
grid basically contains the conceptual definition that you want to measure, then determines
the operational definition and then breaks it down into a number of indicators. This indicator
is a reference for writing instruments. This written question is based on indicators. The first
step in making grids is determining the definition of the object you want to measure. This
definition is further translated into a number of Indicators.

One of the grid formats is as follows:

No. Indicator Number of Grains Question / Statement Scale



Table 2.1 Example of Afektİf Instrument Grid Format

b. Writing instruments

There are four important aspects of the affective domain in the learning process,
namely attitudes, interests, self-concept and values.
a) Attitude instruments
Definition: attitude is a positive or negative feeling of an object, this object can be an
activity or a subject. An easy way to find out the attitudes of students towards Biology
subjects is by means of a questionnaire. Questions about the attitude of asking students to
show positive or negative feelings towards Biology subjects. Words that can be used in
attitude questions indicate the direction of a person's feelings, for example: accept-reject,
like-dislike, good-bad, desired-unwanted. Indicators of attitudes towards biology subjects.
b) Interest instrument
Interest instrument aims to obtain information about student interest in a subject
which is then used to increase student interest in a subject. Definition: interest is someone's
curiosity about the state of an object. Indicators of interest, for example, interest in biology:
a. Benefits of studying biology
b. The effort to understand biology
c. Read biology books
d. Ask in biology class
Sample Questionnaire:
1) Biology is useful for learning success
2) I tried to understand biology
3) I like reading books related to biology
c) Self Concept Instruments
The self-concept instrument aims to determine one's own strengths and weaknesses.
Information on student strengths and weaknesses is used to determine which program the
student should take. This is based on information on student characteristics obtained from the
measurement results.
d) Value Instruments
The value of a person is basically revealed through how he or she does or wants to do.
Value is a person's belief about the state of an object or activity, for example, belief in the


ability of students, beliefs about the performance of educators. Value instruments aim to
reveal individual values and beliefs. Indicators of value in subject areas such as biology.
Sample Questionnaire:
a) beliefs about biology learning achievement
b) the learning success of students, the expectations of parents,
c) belief in community support, belief in schools that schools can change their fate.
c. The Measurement Scale of Afective Assessment Instruments
The scales often used in affective assessment instruments are:
1. Thurstone scale,
2. Likert scale, and
3. Semantic Difference Scale.

Example of the Thurstone Scale: Interest in Biology lessons

NO STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. I love studying Biology
2. Biology lessons are useful
3. I try to attend every time I have Biology
4. I try to have a Biology textbook
5. Biology is boring

Example of a Likert Scale: Attitudes towards Biology lessons

1. Biology lessons are useful
2. Biology is difficult
3. Not all students have to study
4. Biology lessons should be
made easy
5. My school is fun
Information :
SS : Strongly agree

10 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N
S : Agreed
TS : Don't agree
STS : Strongly disagree

Example of Different Semantic Scale: Biology Lessons

Great fun Boring
Easy Difficult
Helpful Vain
Challenging Drab
a little Lots

d. Afective Evaluation Isntruments Scoring System

The scoring system used depends on the measurement scale. If the Thurstone scale is
used, the highest score for each item is 7 and the lowest score is 1. Likewise for instruments
with semantic difference scales, the highest is 7 and the lowest is 1. For the Likert scale,
initially the highest score for each item is 5 and the lowest is 1. In measurement often occurs
the tendency of respondents to choose answers in category three 3 (three) for the Likert scale.
To avoid this, the Likert scale is modified by only using 4 (four) choices, so that the attitude
or interest of the respondent is clear.
The acquisition score needs to be analyzed for the learner level and class level,
namely by finding the mean and standard deviation of the scores. Furthermore, the results are
interpreted to determine the interest of each student and class interest in a predetermined
subject, for example biology.

e. Bearing Afective Evaluation Instruments

The activity in the instrument review is to examine whether:
a) The questions / statements are in accordance with the indicators that are the main
b) The language used is communicative and uses correct grammar so that it can be easily
c) The items of the question / statement are not biased,

11 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N
d) The format of the instrument is attractive to read,
e) Guidelines for answering or filling in clear instruments, and
f) The number of items and / or the length of the question / statement sentence is correct so
that it is not tedious for the respondents to read / answer.
The review is carried out by experts in the area being measured and it is preferable to
have expert assessments. A peer review can also be done if what you want is input on the
language and format of the instrument. The language used is the language according to the
education level of the respondent. The results of the analysis were then used to improve the
The length of an instrument is related to the problem of boredom, namely the level of
boredom in filling the instrument. The charging time for the instrument should not exceed 30
minutes. The first step in writing a question / statement is what information to obtain, the
structure of the question, and the choice of words. The questions asked should not be biased,
that is, direct the respondent's answer in a certain direction, such as in a more positive or
negative direction.
Examples of biased questions:
"Most educators agree that all students who take the final exam will pass. Do you agree that
all students who take the exam will pass all of them? "
Examples of unbiased questions:
"Some educators agree that not all students have to pass, but others disagree. Do you agree
that all students who take the final exam will pass all of them? "
Some things that must be considered in using words for a questionnaire, namely:
1) Use simple words according to the respondent's education level,
2) The question should not be vague, it must be clear so that it is easy for the respondent to
3) Avoid questions that are biased, and not clear
4) Avoid hypothetical or hypothetical questions.

f. Instrument Testing
Testing the trial, what should be noted were suggestions from the respondents
regarding the clarity of the guidelines for filling out the instruments, the clarity of the
sentences used, and the time needed to complete the instruments. The recommended time
used is not the time when the respondent is tired. In addition, the respondent should also be

12 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N
given a drink to avoid fatigue. It should be remembered that filling in the affective
assessment instrument is not a test, so even though there is a time limit, it is not too strict.

g. Experimental Analysis of Results

Trial analysis includes variations in the answers to each item of the question or
statement. If the scale of the instrument is I to 5, then if the respondent's answer varies from I
to 5. then this instrument can be expected to be a good instrument. However, if the answer is
only in one answer choice, for example in option number 3, then the grain of this instrument
is classified as not good; The indicator used is the amount of difference. If the difference in
the instrument items is more than 0.30, which is a correction between the item score and the
total, then the instrument is classified as good.
The results of the trial were then used for improvement. Improvements were made to
items that were not good. based on the analysis of trial results. It is possible that the results of
the analysis of the instruments look good, but the results of the empirical trials do not look
good. For iłu the instrument grain must be corrected.

Another indicator to pay attention to the reliability index is known as the reliability
index. The magnitude of this index is a minimum of 0.70 if this index is smaller than 0.70,
the measurement error will be more severe. For iłu, every effort is made to ensure that the
instrument reliability index is at least 0.70.

h. Interpretation Of Measurement Results Afective Evalution Instruments

The measurement results are in the form of scores or numbers. To interpret the
measurement results, a criterion is needed. The criteria used depend on the scale and number
of questions / statements used. For example, a Likert scale is used which contains 10
questions / statements with 4 (four) choices to measure the attitudes of students.
Score for positive question / statement items:
Strongly agree - Agree - Disagree - Strongly disagree.
(4) (3) (2) (1)

Conversely for questions / statements that are negative:

Strongly agree - Agree - Disagree - Strongly disagree.
(1) (2) (3) (4)

13 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N
The highest score for the instrument is 10 points x 4 = 40, and the lowest score is 10
points x 1 = 10. This score qualifies for example into four categories of attitudes or interests,
namely very high (Very good), high (Good), low (Less ), and very low (Very lacking). Based
on this category, students' interests or attitudes can be determined. Furthermore, class
attitudes and interests can be searched for certain subjects that are being evaluated.


The measurement is carried out as suggested earlier, not when the respondent is tired.
In addition, the space for filling the instrument must have sufficient light and sufficient space
air circulation. Seats are also arranged so that respondents are not disturbed by each other so
that the answers to the questionnaire are not the same or homogeneous.

Filling in the instrument begins with an explanation of the purpose of filling it out, the
benefits for respondents, and the guidelines for filling out the instrument. Furthermore, the
instrument reliability index is calculated using the Cronbach-alpha formula, if the magnitude
of the index is equal to or greater than 0.70, then the instrument is classified as good.

There are quite a number of affective aspects that seem important to be assessed.
However, what needs to be considered is the possibility of the teacher to carry out the
assessment. For this reason, at the initial stage, an affective component that can be assessed
for the teacher is sought. However, in the following year other assessed affective aspects can
be added.

The types of instruments developed are limited according to the affective aspects that
are important in the classroom, so that teachers and education managers can develop them.
Affective aspects that are important to develop are the attitudes and interests of students.
Affective instrument development through the following steps:

a) Determine the conceptual definition or known construct

b) Determine the operational definition
c) Determining indicators
d) Writing instruments

The instruments made must be reviewed by peers to determine legibility, the substance
in question, and the language used. The analysis results are used to improve the instrument.
Then the instrument was tested in the field. The test results will produce information in the

14 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N
form of answer variations, different indexes, and reliability indices of instruments which are
said to be a minimum of 0.70.

The interpretation of the measurement results uses a normal distribution and uses
categories, namely positive or negative. Positive means that good student interest is negative
means that student interest is small. Likewise for instruments that are planned to measure
other affective aspects.

15 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N


1. Ineffective assessment results from the teacher's lack of time to understand each
2. Too many students result in ineffective assessment.
3. Differences in assessment between teachers against these students.

This assessment is indeed difficult to do in practice. The following are some examples of
children's attitudes that can be carried out in the learning process which can be one of the
elements in affective assessment. Among others;

1. Proposing group activities for a subject matter, a form of attitude that has a desire to
participate in the learning process. Participation is carried out in the form of proposed
activities that are of interest to him.
2. Asking the teacher, the form of student response to teacher delivery is a natural thing,
even some teachers want it. The ability to do this will show one aspect that is in the
element of assessment in learning.
3. Speaking kind and polite words, a manifestation of one's ability to appreciate what the
teacher has said. This appreciation will make someone better than before.
4. Expressing opinions, the courage of a child in expressing opinions in the learning
process when something is not right is a good thing. This is included in one aspect of
the affective domain, namely assessing.
5. Paying close attention to what the teacher says, a child's attention is a very basic form
of acceptance for someone who has a positive response. Interpreting what the teacher
says shows a child's good attitude.
6. Doing a job well, this is a form of managing what has been learned. This management
indicates that someone has understood what was conveyed by the teacher during the
learning process.

16 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N

Affective is feelings and emotions. Student learning outcomes can be measured using
3 domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Where the three
domains are related to the cognitive realm related to the mind, the topic of the
psychomotor domain, typical feelings related to the affective domain. These three realms
are human representations and in the field of education, they are related to student
learning outcomes. Affective domain supports students, namely students who really help
students to achieve completeness in the learning process. To see completeness, evaluation
is needed. Evaluation is a student's learning beliefs.

There are empathy facts that are important in learning, namely: (1) interests, 2)
attitudes, 3) self-concept, and 4) values. Affective instruments aim: (1) To obtain
information on students 'interest in subjects which are then used to increase students'
interest in the subject if it turns out that their interest is low. (2) To see the attitudes of
students towards the subject. Attitudes of students towards subjects can be positive or
negative. The results of measuring attitudes are useful for determining appropriate
learning strategies for students. (3) For one's own fears and weaknesses. Students
evaluate their potential. This information can be used to determine programs that students
should achieve to determine career paths. (4) To reveal individual values. The
information obtained is in the form of positive and negative values. Positive things escape
and negative things are weakened and eventually eliminated. Affective measurements can
be done by means of questionnaires and observations. There are ten steps that must be
followed in developing affective instruments: 1) determining instrument specifications, 2)
writing instruments, 3) determining the measurement scale, 4) determining the rating
system, 5) examining instruments, 6) conducting trials, 7) analyzing instruments, 8)
assemble the instrument, 9) measure the measurement results, and 10) interpret the
measurement results.

17 | A F F E C T I V E D O M A I N E V A L U T I O N

Arikunto, S. 2005. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Ratna, Elis dan H.A Rusdiana. 2014. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Bandung: Pustaka Setia

Sipayung, Mariaty. 2017. Evaluasi Proses & Hasil Pembelajaran Biologi. Medan: Unimed


Pendidikan Akuntansi Indonesia. Vol. IX. No. 1

Qomari, Rohmad. 2008. Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Domain Afektif. JURNAL


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