Better Time Management

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Lake Cormorant Middle School

How do you
spend your time?
B efore you can start managing your
time you will need to find out how
you are actually using your time now.
Here’s how to get started:
• Keep a time log. Write down
what you
are doing—and for how long—
every day for one week. Do this at
15-minute intervals.
• Add up the time you spent on
each activity at the end of the week.
You might be amazed.
• Compare the time you spent Begin each day the
on TV, video games and phone
night before
ou have to get started on conversations with the time you
your algebra homework, but you’re
already tired from band practice. And
you have a huge history paper due in two
spent on schoolwork
and reading. Is there
room for change?
Y ou’re running late—again. Mornings
can be hard, but you can make them
easier by planning ahead.
weeks. Not to mention that book report (you Here’s how to avoid morning chaos:
still have to read the book!). How will Once you’ve discovered
where your time goes, • Take a few minutes before you go
you ever find time for everything? You’re
getting stressed out just thinking about it. you can develop a to bed at night to pack your backpack
You’re not alone. Students are some of plan to use it more with everything you need—science
today’s busiest people. With homework,
effectively. project, history book, permission slip
studying for tests, after-school activities (signed).
and doing chores around the house, there • Get your lunch ready to go.
never seem to be enough hours in the day.
• Put your backpack where you can
But the fact is: Everyone has the same 24
hours available to use each day. The key is to grab it on your way out the door.
organize and manage those hours wisely. You In the morning, sit down for a stress-
can do it! Keep reading to learn how. free breakfast with your family. You may
even have time to review some problems
for that math quiz.
“I work best under
I f you’ve ever uttered
these words, you’ve
spoken like a true
Look at the big picture Sometimes a task does
seem so overwhelming

G et a calendar and write down all your

assignments, due dates, chores and activities.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
research materials; read the information;
create an outline; write a first draft; revise.
that it’s easier to keep
putting it off. The best
way to confront it is to
• Plan ahead by working backwards from Do some estimating. How long will each step buckle down and just
the due date. Schedule work on long-term take? Write each step on your calendar. do it. Get into it for 10
assignments well in advance. • Include time for relaxation with friends minutes. You may be
• Set deadlines. Remember that history and family. surprised to find you feel
paper due in two weeks? Look at all the • Post the calendar where you can see it. motivated once you get
steps involved: Decide on a topic; gather Be flexible. If something isn’t working, adjust. started!
Then reward yourself when
you get things done as you had planned.
Manage your schedule Take Daily Con
Take Weekly Co
ntrol Y ou look at your sc
The math test is
hedule and nearly
tomorrow? But yo
faint. You can take control
on’t let things snea
k up on
English paper is du
e Friday!
ur of your time.
D you. At the start
transfer items from ner.
of the week,
your cal-
To make the mos
• Get into the h
“to-do” list.
t of your time:
abit of making a
By following these tips for just 21 days,
you’ll form a time-management habit
endar to a weekly • Prioritize. that will help you throughout your life.
As you plan your • Try to combin
ework first. e activities.
• Schedule hom y. • Use extra min
m e ti m e an d sa me place—every da y
utes (riding the bu
s, “We must use time as a tool,
Sa waiting at the dent
k th at yo u ha ve all the necessar ist’s office, etc.) fo
And ch ec
Don’t waste time
homework sessions
r mini not as a couch.”
supplies on hand. Study vocabulary
il or a calculator. . — John F. Kennedy
looking for a penc g Tackle a few mat
n ow yo u rs el f. Do you start wiltin h
• K dule problems. Read.
down? Don’t sche
when the sun goes • Learn to say n
ssions. o
late night study se sks to distractions.
most difficult ta
• Schedule the
One of a series of Student Tips®
ur best.
hen you are at yo
Stock No. 5022 (English), 6022 (Spanish)

first—at times w
© 2020 The Parent Institute

fo rg et to sc h ed ule breaks. Yes, (800) 756-5525 |

• Don’t
they are that impo

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