Title: Effect of Sales Promotion Activities On Consumer Buying Behavior

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Submitted To:
Pof. Sreejesh(BRM faculty)

Submitted By:
Mayank Tandon(10BSPHH010395)
Saurabh Ahuja(10BSPHH010920)

The basic objective underlying this project is to analyze the response of the
consumer towards sales promotion activities. Previous research has shown that
sales promotion can encourage behavioral responses such as brand switching,
stockpiling, purchase acceleration, product trial and spending larger amounts.
Through this research we intend to analyze what kind of behavior follows as a
result of non monetary sales promotion. The data then collected would be used
to answer three basic questions:

1. Which behavior is most likely to be exhibited for a given sales promotional

2. Which kind of sales promotion is most effective in bringing about one
particular behavior?
3. Are the sales promotion activities linked to each other and an overlapping
of the consumer behavior exists?

1.) A benefit Congruency Framework Of Sales Promotion Effectiveness


The paper discusses that the various sales promotion techniques gives
utalirian(extrinsic) and hedonic(intrinsic benefits to the consumers. The
monetary benefits give utalirian benefits where as the non monetary
benefits give the hedonic benefits to the consumers.


The Research Methodology is to be designed as follows:


We have restricted our sample to the students of IBS,Hyderabad.

However, from within the campus, we seek to study the response of 100
students on the basis of simple random sampling.

The questionnaire was designed basically to extract the following information

from the respondents:

1. Basic demographic information regarding the age, gender, occupation and


2. Their shopping frequency and their average spending per visit to the super
market. Such questions act as a screen to identify whether the respondents
is aware of the super market sales promotional activities or not. This is
important in order to be able to get unbiased responses. If the respondent
is not clearly aware of such activities his responses may be prejudiced or
based on certain preconceived ideas.

3. The responses of the respondents towards different types of sales

promotion activities: In this part the consumer was asked to rank the five
different behaviors that he is likely to exhibit as a result of a particular sales
promotional activity on a scale of 1 to 5.

The data collected with the help of the Quesionarre’swill was compiled on basis of
the demographic characteristics. Further, we also propose to compile the ratings
given to the different behaviors that follow in response to the given sales
promotional tools.


This study might have the following limitations:-

 The Sample of respondents chosen Is only limited only to the students of

IBS, Hyderabad.
 Lack of enthusiasm on the part of the respondents to answer the

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