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Lake Cormorant Middle School


uilding a successful relationship with your
teacher starts early. Here are five things you Make a commitment to do
the work. Once you know what

can do right now:
is expected, create ways to
Get to know stay organized and on top of your class
your teacher. assignments. A calendar and a “to-do” list are
Your teacher powerful tools that can help you remember
is human, just like what is expected. Teachers appreciate
you, with hobbies and students who are committed to doing the work
interests. Make an necessary to learn.
effort to find out a
few tidbits about your
teacher’s likes and
dislikes. You may
discover that you
have more in common

than you thought.
Share important information that

esterday your teacher can make it easier for your teacher
got after you for talking to understand you. Sometimes things
during class. And today he singled happen at home that can affect how you perform
you out for goofing around when in school. Let your teacher know about a family
he was writing on the board. It seems he’s move, a recent divorce or any other situation that

always picking on you. So what can you do? may be distracting you while you are in class.
Try to think of your teacher in the same
way you would think of a sports coach. You Find out
are on the same team. Your teacher wants what’s
to help you train your mind and teach expected.
you valuable information and skills. If you Make sure you

can find a way to work with your teacher, completely
your outlook on school will improve—and understand Come to school on time every day!
eventually your grades will, too! your teacher’s Attendance is important. Your teacher
homework can’t teach you if you’re not in class,
policies and other and learning builds day by day.
Use a ‘sandwich’ to get
along with your teachers Don’t forget to say
Y ou like your teacher,

but there’s one thing as a teacher done
that really bothers something
you. Should you say special to help
something? Absolutely. you? Is there a
Just a little respect Ask the teacher for a few
minutes of one-on-one
certain teacher
that makes learning

Y ou probably get along better with your

parents when you treat them with respect.
The same is true for getting along with your
time. Then, try stating
your request as a “sandwich.” Here’s how:
1. S
 tart out by saying something nice. Tell
so interesting
that you look
forward to that
teachers. Everyone wants to feel respected, and the teacher you really like science (if you do). class? Take a few
by showing your teachers respect, you are likely 2. S
 tate your concern. “I’m having a hard time minutes to say “thanks.”
to get along just fine. hearing you. Do you think you could speak a You could even write a
Here are some ways you can show your respect: little louder? Or perhaps, I could sit closer to thank-you note. It can be handwritten or typed,
• Pay attention in class. That may be easier the front.” Try not to sound bossy or whiny. on fancy paper or on a page torn from your
said than done in some cases, but there is Keep your tone both friendly and respectful. notebook. Teachers are just like you—they want
no way around it: When your teacher is 3. S
 ay something else nice. “I appreciate your to feel appreciated.
speaking, your job is to listen. listening to my concern and helping me out.”
• Follow the rules. Teachers have rules for
a reason. Rules keep classrooms running It’s not always easy
smoothly and create an environment that will If you need more help
help you learn.
• Be polite. Raise
S o you tried talking with your teacher—
even writing a note about your concerns,
G etting along with your teacher is a two-way
street. And there may be some cases where
you just don’t like your teacher. But liking and
your hand in
but you’re still having a problem. What getting along with someone are two entirely
class. Never yell
should you do? different things. If you take the time to get to
out answers or
mock classmates’ • Talk with your guidance counselor. know and understand your teacher, you will get
Counselors are trained to resolve more out of class. And remember, you and your
responses. Say please
situations like the one you’re facing. teacher have the same goal—to help you succeed
and thank you when
appropriate. • Talk with your parents. They are in school and in life.
• Be honest. If your biggest supporters.
you didn’t do your If necessary, ask them to
homework, don’t go with you for a meeting
make up a far- with the teacher.
fetched story about it. That will only insult It’s always okay to ask for One of a series of Student Tips®

and irritate your teacher. Instead, just tell help when you’re having Stock No. 5021 (English), 6021 (Spanish)
© 2020 The Parent Institute
the truth and apologize. Your teacher may be a problem with a teacher. (800) 756-5525 |

more likely to cut you some slack if you are But start by talking with
straightforward and honest. your teacher first.

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