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● Coherence theory of trust states:

○ Truth of a set of propositions consists of its coherence with some specified set of
prepositions: truth conditions of the propositions is due to other propositions
■ Correspondence theory suggests that propositions bear to their truth
● Truth conditions of propositions are not propositions but rather
objective features of the world
○ Versions of the coherence theory of truth
■ Coherence theory hs different versions which give different accounts of
the coherent relation- simply based on consistency
■ Early versions of the theory suggest that coherence is consistency so that
means that propositions in a certain set cohere with one another in that
set but this suggests that two propositions that are true in another set may
not be true together which raises a set of concerns
■ Later version suggests that coherence is as entailment which means that
proven by strict logic
○ States that a statement or a proposition is true or fals if it coheres or fails to
cohere with a system of other statements in which it is related by due to logical
implications such as a system og pure mathematics
■ In mathematics to test whether math is truth it must cohere with set of
propositions within mathematics which are the axioms
● Maths forms an internal reltion in which each characeritic is part of
a logical system where it is related to the relations of the system
○ 2+2=4 is bound up the meaning of truth in n arithmetical
system and therefore we conceive it as true
○ Criterions of truth
■ Coherence theorists admit that mathematics is true if the axioms used
can be logical deduced from the calculations and operations
■ Fourth, even when confined to mathematics, the coherence doctrine of
degrees of truth does not seem tenable. The fact that a given statement in
mathematics is not true unless it coheres with some (or even all) other
statements in the system does not imply that it is not itself wholly true; it
could at most imply that it does not give the whole truth.

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