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play the KING INDIAN defence {0 omni Rt Wie Onto MEST, Cana opin © 18D, Mao “A Ra twa nt of hut Pinan ee ne bk a Eater iO Nea TW SE ates so Lyn see Pn at Contents Inicodstion Chapter 1-"The Four Pawns Atack CChapier 2. The Clasial and Related Variations CChapser 3. The Sa Chapier 4. The Fil Chaper 8. Rare Ides of Players Index of Vacations Introduction In ches, as wll as i ter human activites cach era follows is predilections, etch esiod hae it own perspectives dnd choices. Once everyone Seed to meet 1 dd witht dS Black fought for his vighis in the cette, occupying it with pawns. The division of power was charatezed by "ym metrical pawn. structures. But through the yea atts ‘hanced an fashion changed with thes. Aaron Ninzowitsch And some of his comerporares Conceived 2 new ies. They {inderstood thatthe problem of the cenre sould be tested io & ew, orginal manner instead ‘of occupying the centre with pawns they prefered to con Tei paces “Thin idea was the besinning ‘of along proces of evalution. Years o experiment encouraged the exponents of thissystem and in the Fortis another sep for= ‘ward wae made; a new concept ‘volved. The chase worl! wat not quite aware of i ut he nd of the wat, when the ex change of eas Became easier apd tournament pracsice threw more light on the new strategy of the cea Inthe early phase ofthe game lack simply slopped wostying about the problem. He allowed White co build fal pawn cen tee, hueying at the Same tine withthe development of is owing. Then Black sed to fi fe cents, undermine t and Aestroy the pawn formation of his “opponent. The King's Tian Defence wae born ‘Many of is basie leas we ‘owe to the brillant” Soviet grandmasers, aac Boletavsky and David” Bronstein, the Pioneers ofthe sjtem. Soon i ecame Black's mot popular choice and’ inthe fllowing ‘evades was in he repertoire of ‘many leding grandiasters, Despite its complex appear ance, the King’s Indian in fealty a simple system. AS & rule Whie plays on the Qside Back on the Kise, but the rain theare of action does not aay follow that pater. The 'cbom on the wings depend in a large measure upon the slat of the entre, Here ssn never em: phusize enough two genecal ules: as White keep the tension in the conte as Black ty tof it'as soon as possible! ‘What Ish fo explain fo the reader is my. personal ex- perience. 1 have been playing the King’s tndan fr 28 yeas. 1 belive inthe vale of personal sxperience and wherever ould Tased my asessments on the practical experience and nals, Tass he main eason thy Vhave cluded some of my ova gan. "This book explains the dem sas of the system teoush a Series of annotated games, some ‘of them chosen bosause they are fecllealy played, other ‘because they contain ilsrative crocs. Naturally, special alten: tion has been paid 0 the ape ing phase of the game. I my frm bli that nly by analyz Ing the opening ins context we can earn hos foasess correctly the positions whisk arise. Each opening, the King’s India in Danicular, isa par of a whole, {germ growing im the com plex steuctures of the mile i cannot be separated find out of fs content can ‘ever be properly understood ‘With that in mind T decided ‘o offe the render and student fof the Kine Indian Defence {his collection of games. Thope ‘hat some day the reader ill share my Tove for this system Zagre, January 1983 1 The Four Pawns Attack 14s te teow SNS yo rs si EALee! t 2s EY t jer ead 2.125 5) "Wir these mover the bare poston of the Four Pawns tack ie reached. White’: ‘awn mais inthe centre looks menacing. Iescemsthat White Teady to sel2e ven move space by forcing Black 10 rereat However, 2 somevbat deeper consideration will eis this. iialasessment. White has in Vested four tempi in paws, roves, his pieces do not sop- ort an iamediate action and, ‘that ie more, he will ot Be Feady to cate for 8 couple of ‘moves. On the contrary, Black has developed his Keside and an casle immediately. He is feady for action. His andar ea ist play 8 now or on the next move. I i6 8 loeial continuation opening the Tong oe is aby Fianchettoed bishop, White can continue 6 des, which is met by 6a. Gas and the threat, Nucd allows 7. Qxe8. To Wihite's 6 a Black wil reply 6 ne6 followed by. exdS tnd pressure on the “ef TeWhitealons .. ea, most of the central menace wil ce appear ‘Generally speaking, the mass of pawas in the cenize is une Aoutredly dangerous, but ex posed and subjet 10 counter ‘ows. Tht Is the basi easn Ing Behind the postion shown ithe eiagram, In this chapeer ‘here is analysis of: 2 ‘Ps the Kins Indian Defence The Four Paws Aack 3 1 $086 des in Theva sage ofthe game NGS. However, in that case keer: [AS nat been reached. BY plying Whie har the sicng consinu Gsterctponip to p12 O° Bet Black wascountngon ton 12 Qe2 Net 13 bed wih a} 5 7 Siren tectal posible Son adhomage 7 Np entein é tated on the phn T0- ONS ay pars Suhr Sein, 6: a a | Comins the dimes A Fdeer-Gleoné, a2 Ee pel Shmasatoa give Nips 12. QM ow of uston ne if Bais 1 Gx Qo asa fever DERE OF TP. Ned ‘Ubimann-Geller, p. 10. - choice, but they must have been ys Neel I. 5S... 65.6 dS in RE El ‘REE disappointed to discover that Re Ned Maric Ggen 2 SWhtecancontinge 12 0-00-0 —Now ii"is too tae to play Shamis-Petsp. 14: WN LES | (but nov 12. Qub2 because of 12, NaM. White wean the Rere-Spsy p16 NE 1000 Ne is oot TEINSS)IB Rabl- 11 =-NGLin— aavanage” by 1S N08 OD StabocTesmaary.iti Savers thatine was wetter y Ges mek Pomr-Mosherp.2. . : Wop oisismin a ckar | OU NSTS BS Ges advantage. 7 Bas However, later practice and z tn Rshaet 1953 Tosh navi idiaied thatthe I played agua Radtecu 7 2 peer longsnoie agonal RL 1/Et Ged 8h bt ead othe pepe t KERES-FUDERER Souk Be Qee Mack cou Bick came tothe conlson sings 198475, fey 8.2 Qube 9 Not Qu oF thatthe gh mote at his pol perhaps Qb6 withthe i was 10, Oss inendng oma a teen ef conlaiog 9 NOS Noo ‘Nar t2 ou ints | oe Nat tD G2 Quo 1H RAO Nes (bad 18. Bued a B ao Is hardly necessary to ad M4 bcd NS ease “oF | a axa that 7 ed would be et BY IS Roy aks 0 wot 2 Nee Qotand i116 b8 hen nay, ae + ous 16.98. twill be seen HOW ny peg Stack sacs an then ; Iola i postions comin plays ... eS. " S..c8 can ENG Neo tion secms by comparison with The best. 1MQF1 is met_by Trampoie fw acrtnes tur POE Bad theirs act pay iahis 4s Qe wile 14 Qu dons thas a meaning of its own. will be analysed in jame. not work because of 14 ... Nx _ thesex game.) NII bet * 15 Gaus BS 16 NS OS cle Bache It ict” Qas 12 Reh ieee 17 Ned Ki 18 NDI Qh (eolowing ron) “NES 12-HAI Nat 14 Ni ot Theoret Vakove or Wan Be save povcdsteter Nd hw SKM Nand 6 a5 0-0 7 BMS oh 8 dee jing in mind 12 Nd$ (or 12 13) 16 Kel Qed fhe6 9 Need for 9 eds) wR Ons ‘ Play the Kina dan Defence Black has payed ingeniously Sill. ap objective analysis stows that be is in ouble 17 Kal Bred 18 bred Quis 19 g3 Qud 20 Rah? Qu quite good for Black, while T7/NaS RS 18 Kal e6 is eve, but IT NDS avoiding 17. Bx’). defintely in White's favour 17. Be W8Kai and nom ater 18.0 QuI¥ 19 g8 Qps 20 Rend Qu} 21 Ke2 Black has no com pensation as White's pawn Strucure has not been lara, eres now played the losing move and no further comment is necessary. This game was ‘hosen for its intrusive open ing Black i often tempted 10 play for tacial chances as Federer id, but the anal does not suppor such sate The tent shoves father comin ingly Black should torn to the pesitonalsoluion with Ho. Qas. ‘The game continue 17 Qa2 061318 gut. NIB 19 ed Ne#2 20 Kad Bact 21 RuceS22 REL Red 2S ISI 24 Bed Rach 28 D4 bS 26 KOS sats 27 RIS Rhys 28 cabs ReS+ 29 RO RwB+ WBS 45:31 Bed RIG 3D BIS ded ADRS Ryh Moat Re aS Ker eS 36 Kad 24 37 Kee? RAG. eh RADY Bed Rh 40 Ka Ruh= 41 Ket Ka 2 he 43 hed 5-44 a8 eS 45 1 aub6 46 axb6 14 47 Bad 13 4 BS wan AY KeS RDS. Wh ‘resigned GEELER-GLICORIC Interzonal 1982 tas Nw res BN By fea de sis 6 dues Afi 6 a5 0-0 7 Bas ob Beet eds 9 eds Kero Panto, Los Angeles 1963, con tinged 9. Nis 10 0-0 {5 and although Black had some prob lems, he prevented Whites setion based on £5 6 us 7 a3 Ones aN Nc 90a 00) ‘This is anotter approach, Black gives up the dea of ply ing. Bot Bes as 10. Qh is aso posible, i= tending 110-0 Nps. IFT nS then scl Th Net 12 Bao INU, Glgore’s Slaton sof a Aiferent kind. Having opened te long diagonal, he wants 10 pul pressure on the black Squares. 100 Net Cligoré was young in those ys. In later years he would certainly have preterced 11 Bpd followed by, NT and. Bx if necessary. He fot that 11 Ned iy a bad ‘move, but Blck is heeding into ‘aetcal complications when he should be Sickie to the car postional "play begun by fon Gas, nn pa On 12 Bel even 12.65 ie posite. “Now 12. Nd¢ 1S Ned Bxdés 14 Khi Qhs 15 mB NIG 16 QshS NaS 1 hz gives White a comfort able game, but having played TH. Ngd Black should have coninued 12... Qb6+ and ‘Qxb2 with unclear pla eNO This cannot be good simply esate its not naira, Black's Sighs ave let heir natural postions for only temporary reat BN Oss xt (oe flowin dra) El £ t g t as A a FY |e weet fi ‘Now ith evident that Hao Neds 1S Qual NE IG RMD Qu IT RA es 1 i loses and lack is freed to accept unateactive solutions 1 is vey insructive how every attempt at tactical play ses the point and rebounds on Black 1. Naas 1S cds BT Black ean era the pave 15 Bub 16 Rabl Be? 17 19 Nt i¥ Rie Www Against Gershon Amstedar Ol ers punished Bi mists by 16 Rack Qb6 17 <5 RacS 18 6 F406 19 deb Rick 20 Brel Bc6 21 Nit wiih a ‘rushing attack 5 ce Won NG hehe mR 6 Play the Ki’ Ian efece Galles moves are 100 mild He shout have played 18 Be We. Rie 19 Bes Oa ed 21 Naw White is sl planning to get some advantage from the position when the best courses fo malatain the» balance 21 Rbel was necessary, n Rs 2 iba There was sill time for 22 Roel 2 Bat 23a Rees oR Following his atasking in- stinet Geller prepares fore, but the plan is tess Men NAT 2302 Ra White is ford on to the efensve, 26. RED threatened Na med Wining te eschange, as 27 Nxc3 Rene} 28 Qed BOS 1 27 Bol Bud? 28 Budd Bez 29 65 N16 30 fag ago 31 Bed aS 32 Ont BrbL 33 BS 2 BENEE Raa2 35 RADI Od6 36 Ret Qas 37 Kel NAS '38 Ral ved. White resigned. 1 'STAHLBERG-STEIN Frevan 1955, g2 ae 2pitga g os [At his pine thee isan ae native 6. 7 fxes dees BdS cS. Enevelopaedia of Chess “Openings gies the Postion as equal, bat many Players would prefer the White pieces. However, Wile cat Play a diferent order of moves With 514 and 6 ND instead of Be, in which case. a8 i dubious: 7 freS dyes 8 05 oS 9°95 N10 Bhd gS 11 Ba Nhs 12 BIP (but not 12 Byes 13 Byg7 Kxg7) oF 10. Qb6 11 Qa2 Nis 12 BID NAT 13 8} witha clear advantage 7 N68 (se feniog dram “Today hiss a rare move, but In the fits and snes i was much played. In playing. it The Four Poss Aack > FAS | Sane at ‘White express is bli in the strength of his centralized Piews. The drambuck of the move i hat White fas aot yet asled whieh allows Black to use the precious tempo. to achieve strong counteriay a) aN Nae “The knight is heading for oS Wich presire om 9 mes Matanovié. proposed 9 Drs Nes 10 Nbs ‘ay beter, but Bolelasky pointed out thst Black can. continue 9. Bet 10'Bes Qe 11 83 Bats 12 Qua Nb 13 0-0 Ned 9 Ns WHS he In tourvament practice 1 Nfd7 11 Nde? NOB 12 63 was played suscesfally 109, but Stan's move looks more atur 11 NBs Rabar proposed Ne? in order tomes If eS by 12 1, While Boiesavsy analysed MQa2 ef 12 Nded ext 13. Nuf with eaual play. uw s This sharp. move probably ‘ame asa sorrse to Stblbere, 12 Ns 12 Bucs dics 13 Qua Ras 14 fre Nets no at all appl: ing. 2 ext 1 es 14 Bes “The further course of the agame world indicate thal the exchange of queens was. better ‘luton, x) ae 2) ft a} it 2 Fa FA i.) | 2) £ [Sl Biwi Ete) Ply the King's Ian Dafoe Nav A beautfel move, offering te exchange fr stacking pro peas 1S Bats OM 1 Kaz 16 Kt is no boner 16. Butt Oe oe Ka NS 19 Ret Whatever White does, his weakaess on the Black squares ‘vl be exploited by the Blac Squared shop. ». an Nas 21 Oat ag os (0721 Qe2 Necd22 KI BS Man 2 Ko nro ‘na xed as Bes ‘This i bad, bur 24 QA Qu for 24 Oa Qa would Keep up the pressure Pe as No 26 Oe Kat 2a Raz Quet os Net Nb Nea Pinallyeeapng bis coward Nur gas So pct Bed 31 Oued Qua Sroka RNG Ot FUDERER-GLIGORIC Yugoslav Championship 1953 1a re 388 yr tea ae She 0.0 os Tea Gas There are two other pos sities: 7 Qas 80-0 Neg 9 dS Nd 10 Kh forces Back ito dubious aeratives (iy 7 Hee 8 dacs Qa59 NES Bre? 10 Que? he Hh eS dues ID thes nas 13 ext6 Beto 14 BaD Ques 15 Net bs 16 Nal6+ exf6 17 0-0-0 Nos Ig he with advantage, Agechenko-Dvoretky 1956 Nudd Neb ‘The most popular continua- tion snd at the same time the ‘most Ingcal, because i exes, ‘maximum pressure onthe 9 es 9 Net is soo mild, Aner 9... Bob 10 0-0 Ret Ht ES Bd? 12 p4 Nes 15 a5 Neb 14 NaS there Is 14.6 13 16 eds 16 f4g7 Nag? 17 exds TS, ae- cording 10 an old analysis by Bondarevsks- Im the evene of M1 Bet a6 12 Ret Qas 19 Kh} bs or 12 Qot NaS 15 bs Bs Black has an acive game Don NAT Many continuations have been examined at this poi 9 Qb6 TO Ned Qas 11 0-0 Nav 12 Ba2 is in Whites Favour, while9 .. BaT iscearly too, pusive to be taken into Seriows consideration. Much bbecer and more tothe point i= eS forcing simplification: TONac6 Bued I fyes dues 12 Qat for 12-0-0 O47 13.0! e614 Qhd NIT IS 63 Reb 16 Regt BIB, a5 in Kets Marovig, Yugoslav Champion- ship. 1963, or 12 Bes) Res 1 Qui Rags 14 RIT Nes 15 Ret RoT 16 Bad G7 Karablajé-Nemes, Yugosta CChetapionsin. 1962, sith an equal game in both cass). 1D Bp 13 Ral bs 14 ROD Bed 15 Rae2 Qa 16 0-0 Ned Y7-RAl Qe? with an approxi rately equal game, Panno= Giigri, Tos Angeles 1963 “Thetex move it not bad, bat ies certaily not the best that the position offers woo Nas Instead of casting, White could ave continued 10 Qu? [Nes 11 0-0 Qas 12 Rad or RIdi, but then 12. Nid 13 Bude eS simplifies into an ‘equal. pasiion. However, ia fasling immediately White allowed a" diapreible pos: Sibley 10 . Qb6, whisk & based on the tactical contin tion 11 NaS Ex while inthe fase I eS ses 12 NFS Qxb TENat Qa 14 Bet hd 15 Baz Q33 6 RIS OXF Black has enoubh for the queen. Cap turiag ond before wensersing the knlaht (oS and the queen to a5 isan inferior solution, a¢ wl be see, M1 Beds os 11. Bude 12 Quad Qb6 13 Qube Nxb6 14 Real is in White's favour, 12 hes Nes On 12. Byes Faderer had inmind 13 RE Bow So Black is left with an isolated paws, with less space and no alterasve but dite Setence ® Play he Kington Defence Be uh as 18 Rag) er WBN Ra Threatening 18 Bas Bred 19 Bre? winning the "a" pawn. n Ret 18 Nat White decides 1 dlock Black's Qside with Nb6 which fallow the advance of the (side pawn majority m. es 19 Nie Rab 2 or ‘Too passive. Fadere thovsht ft would have been better tot 20. Qh, 21 23 er, dat Ne nas fs Black cannot wait, but as usually Aappens in sich pos tions, active play lps theater ide 28 NaS NadS 24 ord 86725 16 Qc8 26 Rel ROB 27 «5 Qed 2 e6 bxe6 29 dacs Beco 30 Bus Bet 31 BeT a5 32 4S No commen 32 Bue} 33 BeT QeS 3 6 F438 BEL dd 36 ReT Rha 37 Rud Reds 38 QxtE Qa aed sob Black's flag fll seving him hopeless effort On 40. a2 AT B&Q dQ there is 42 Os ULHMANN-GELLER Dresden 1959 1 Ne 2 6 3 6 a Ber sBe 0) rrr) T Ne exas Naa Neo 9 est 9. NBA 10 Bua 8 not recommended because of Trikes dues 12 BS Qudl + 13 Raat Re 1800. or 1k 13 Que Rus 14 Rel and White's postion fs preferable ‘Ae interesting possibilty iy 9. Net 10 Bxgd (but not 10'Bel eS with initiate) Bed (ut noe 10s xg HL Neco). 11 Bnd Bes 12 Quad Gn the cam of 12 Q2 Nudi't) Quis there 613. 5 Hes Qh IS a) dees 16 Ones ONS and 17 NaS refuted by 17 216 18 Nato Reo 19 Qutb” Qa? which means shat White HS See Phe Four Penns Atak ” an equal position with 15 QF) Radi "1 Qat ad 130-0-0e5 “14 mt Qos) No6 140.0 when White hat 4 minimal advantage. Weak is 14". as 18 Kh Qb4 16 Qe2 NaS I7'NES, GelerPomar, Intercoal 1982 but Bick ca iy some sold Tine such as 1a. ReB 15 Rab 16 Rel (as, Tan-Marovie, Hastings 1962 “The fext move is based on the same ides of exerting pressure om the pawn cent WB ‘This i spi. tn suc tense ‘uations there is no tie For (quiet moves. isnot cific to onclide that 10 Bret Need 1 Oxet_ Naot 12 Get Ne 13 Rel Qas 14 a3 leaves Black wich an aetve game. Bier Bras, 1961, sontinued) Ldn f5 15 ex RufS 16 0-0 Rafi 17 Qe? Kas. However, White can conte 10 Ned Bred I Nad Bad 12 Rel (bad is 12 NXT7 RU 3 Rad Nef). Ris 13 Bas oe 13 Ked Rdeb 1a ef, and Black ‘ns not equalized wes (flowin son ‘Sharp and very strong indeed. White needs to mee Bh and NaS. buc capturing on eS 2 @) 2S Stat a t F a £ FE 2 et F] Solie all Black's opening prob lems Ties dues noo Os Qe Reus Preparing... Na 14 Que Vulioid proposed 14 h8 in oeder to) be sable 10. mest, Ta BAES 15 DxI NB th lo NaS, as the pawn on et then defended Man NMS Owing to White's cater stakes this song move gives Black # ful tative isms BAS. 16 BMS Ob6 Atiacking and defending at tne same tie RD Naty Bt Ra wes 119 BM then 19. Bats 20-085 Qa. Wn eb ao et Reb 21 Nbs White is simply let without right and now ite Hato a hopeless postion a Nas 2 Nar Rat ne Rea Bs Ne Qh capitulation. Bhan NudS 28 exdS. Rods 29°Qbi Qxbs 30 Bxbs Rad 3 Das 32 feed Red 13 Kh Bag 34 ROB RES 35 bd BES 36 ROB+ Ky737 8 ReD38 eS 39 oh bxe6 A bxe6 eS, 417 louet tol. Ret 22 Ra8'y KH? 48 RABY BUS 44 08Q "RM followed by ur Zoast 196) 1s Ne a 6 ‘When White decides 10 py the Four Pavns Variation this prevents Ne, and as it finda slar plan — the cena 6 oo Tier 6 A natural and acceary rea tion. "Before White cats file, crewing more. breathing Space and countr-chances, Raves feb Usually White proceed with 8 NPBand9 0-0, bur taking on worth comparing «wo similar Praltions: che postion reached vwher, instead of 7 Be2, Wh fas plaved 7 NB. Thore ate Some ditnet characteris 10 fume. For instance: 9 NI3 Nb TO 0-0 Bpe tt hs Bx?3 12 Bald Ref 13 15 NIUT with correst pwn strfice, Niemela- Ney Rigs 1989. However, with the the" situation changes and Si. Bie is not 30 goad! 5 Bxe6 9 Bad tan important Alference) Nob Oo Bed land. 10 Bxf3 i not to Be recommended ether) 1015 Ba? 1) 0-0 Re8 12 BS he 13 BA and White's position is Somewhat beter, Ree he case of 7 NFB Black should omive 8» eb 9 Ba NS W000. Ndi it Nes Os? 12 Gel 66-13 56 1s NAS forboth sides oF 12 Ba and (13 Qhe then 13. NHS 16 6, a8 proposed by Clocaltea oes A dangerous move, but as Adaneerovs for White 3s for his ‘opponent. Following the nor tual 9 NPS Enesclopaedio of ‘Chess Openings gives! 9 NS A. drawback of die. is always the quick centralization ofthe quen's knight This as a cical position ang sstheanalyteshows 11 dSis the fateful exo. Early ia the Siderable space on the Kite but eas invested i the under ‘aking several presious tempi Black knows from experene> ‘hat the wing attack most Be Inet by the central councer ftfensive. Here, however, he feacts too quickly. IT BS wat in order, followed by .- AB? 13 ings 4 gas Py a th Kin Ind Defence The consequences are deat: Black's Kesde hae been vretkened and an unplestant Threat Qh3, cannot be averted Mat Nic, but 100 late 1S Nued— bret 6 Obs shed wows KT wats A crushing move ets “The fabs practically ove. WN 2O0KE tags 2 Kg Nel+ 22 KhE Nas 23 Qug6-+ Ke8 24 OWT + KFT 25 Be) Qe 26 RY Ket 27 Qg6+ RIT 28 Qo Qa 29 Res + KIB 30 Byes > NucS 31 Ques 4 Ke 32 Re O07 33 RMIT Kx M xed Keb 35 BAS Qe7 36 Qe6r KH 137 Qua8 Ont 38 Ke? Black resigned, SHAMIS-PELTS USSR 1967 ras Nt rd SNS ye doh a6 a) ones Ta shea es 9 ends ‘Theakernatve9 ext wil be analysed Tater. At fist sight STexdS seems gle, ‘The Impresion is that White has -ncakened his postion by pay ing 9 and opening the "= ile, fd that Black ean gain exe. lent counterpiy "trough INg&Ne3. Tae impression is ‘wrong. I wll bosome evident that Black bas nothing on the ‘open ile and that he as to con Ser defensive- measure In Spite of is harmless Took he postion hae hidden dangers Namely after easing, White Intends to pay Ba3, continue with 15” at. the propiious ramen andthe presse on the ‘fle easly bosomes 3 devasating atack DNS In the 1962 Student Team Caampionsip, Bots Spassky ‘hose is move agaist Liptay fof Hungary. The ideas to make posible. TS and that White's intentions at once ‘These sim ca be achieved by 90 Neb and 3, after whic the King’s knight 2085 0 whence it covers the weakened sguare 6. That is The Pour Pons ack is ‘serainly a good, naturel method of defence. ‘Other moves deserve les con fidence, That Black must not lose any time ean be coacluded from the following satiation 9 Nab 10 0-DNGT 11 a4 Reb 12 a8 Ned 13 B8 Ned 14 Baad Reed 15 Qd2 Re 16 13 and there fe no doubt about wha has the better oft Equally dubious fe 8. BSS 10-0-0 Net Boose oF 11 Nxed Bod 12 NaS BIS (or 12... Reb 1315 Bus 14 43) 13 ph Bod 145 with iigative. Ts line was improved “by 10... Reb 11 BdS QUT 12 3 Nas 13-38 1X7, but i tll appears 10 Be somes ching. More ineresting is 9... Re 10 0-0 Net 11-83 (otherwise Black can” sontinue we 8 oF fier 11 Rel, for example, 1 Nye followed. by NING) NES UL Ni Would be met hy “12 es) 12 Bret Rach 13 Qa? Res 1 Ba NAT, Rael and Black’ ‘ramped position is interior, ‘This analysis of the aller natives indicates that 9. Net (oF 9 Nis Followed by 13 lave co be preterce. woe es As White's queen's bishop is Limited by his own pawas, con ceding the bishop pair has no Seitcance. Thad gs a ‘| t thot a wR | “The eight move & 118 Immaately, Ris amportan 4 keep the bshop on cl ut of atton. For example, 11 Ref 1 8 Bets 13 NS NI 14 94 with attacking prospes. Even Hn the ease of Hw NET 1215 BRIS. 13 Bid followed by Qa and Rac! offers White exelent ‘compensation for just one pwn. These comideratons vst ea to the conctsion that thetext move is dubious a Well, fand forthe sane reason. Alter the macersl If 12 NaS NgT (6 needs protection) 1b Ba NAT 14 Rel (gore Shed 16 Nob Nie6 15 ches NU6-16 BAS Qe7 17 Ret Nes) 1Nf6 15 RDI Ref the game is pprosimatel level le lt is Prt k's ten nee ‘pening he ional snthe Taking on 8 wh ni “o> fie var rte urs by tae . pero it say an Teh ee Bete Benn oon The Seta pe aon “ : ot States forthe pay. White loa cei cio ee nap Ge Blick sr een 7 : se A the cost ofa pawn White has elsposed his lees very Aaggresvely. kn twa moves be wl bring ico bate al is re: maining forces. The further fourse of the game is most istrative, 18. NOT 19 BGR 20 Ract NeS 21 51522 Nv Nude 23 Wes “Qe7_ 24 Riel BoT 28 Od Reh 26 Rie? a6 27 NAS 28 KS Nod 29 REced ‘eed 3 QueT ends 31 Riek Breb 32 QeS. Black reigned. KERES-SPASSKY Match 1965, 10h game 1a Nt reo BN BT aot ab Bias. eas oe TNE 6 Ber ends 9 ends sisposal. Spas, i thie cuca same of the match, chse the pest — 9... BS, throwing all caution to the wind 5. Rei aimed at dssuading White fom 5, bat a will Be seen 10 eS i ill posible and dangeroes 1 Blacks afta of eS and does n0¢ ke the cumaltuous tents arising asa conseavence, he can choose a quieter, more solid continuation — 9 Bes. Now I0'e8 B31) Bald dies 12 Tues NFAT 13 of NeS would be in Black's favour. ter 100-0 Nbs7 11 Nad xe? 12 Que2 Reb 13. QE Qer Ha 6 or 4 Rel BS 18 Nabs NbO, ‘ack bas @ very good. game. mother line is also posibe 1. BS HL Bets Nb? 12 Rel, but here 2... Nefisin order while 12, Reb 13 Red 36 14 Qe] Q27 13 36.616 bt offers more White, Unimann-Ivkov, Sarajevo 1964 . bs Played_with the convicton thse 10 BXbS| Naot I Nod ase 12K Qxbs 13 Nid (Qb6 otters nck enouh forthe ‘awa, an opinion which ean be sccepicd wes dues Ths Net nes 12 Babs NieS 13 0-0 NogT is not advantageous. 12 Bes an be met by 12.8, recom mended by" theory, since Trex BXlS 18 Bxis. Oni 15 Bibs BU? ves Black a dangerous initative. Alte 12 Ob, however, things ae not So ear and thatthe Held for analss. The second plaver Should be warned that 18.00 bh 14 KHENED 1S RSC or 13 e614 HETNG 15 Qd2.o4 16 Khi ReS 17 d6'Ncé 18 Bhd Nall 19°Rxfl leaves Buck exposed to auiack. Sil in huinerow, intricate postions arising het, acticin wl el ft bome, even howe the objec: tive anesiment favours Whit, Bee Several commentators pro- posed 12. bd as beter. IS'NbS a6 18 Nd6 Naess savantageous to Black, while 13 Ned NAT 14 26 40515 dhe Rd 16 Qus Kh 17 Qua Nb 18 Qe6_Ne8 seems 10 ole cual chances ‘The ext move leader siilar complex and. double-edged 1306 tne6 feo Rt 18 gas Winning the exchange, bat the bate goes on 1S. Kh 16 Que Nb6 eur 17 Qe6 would be met bythe vnpleasne 1? Ned Ma Bx woo NG Ra Keres decides 19 preserve his material advantage. 19 Rad Naat 20 Ral Bo 21 KhL 4 22 NOS countered. by 22. BAS, while 19. Babs Natl 20 aft RIT 21 as Qbs gives, Black active play forthe (efi rom) A dublous move tis evident, that Black's Engh on 63 con trols much space and an effort should be made to dislodge i Irom its splendit postion. 1 is Knight sranded on bs. ket Precise. After 22... Ned White would answer 29 aon Geandimaster Bondarevsty Parte Rnes I ece mor ain ye i Fi possible that Keres con- templated the eight continua tion 20-Nal but was afaid of 20. Nad 20 RII-Qd6 wth Strong presure. However, Keres after 20 Nal Nes mised the. hidden racial solution DUNES which rsfues 20. Ned. “Aller the text Whie's pisces lose their 60" dination RE ‘An important move, chasing the queen from. ii active position 21 as 121 Qa6 Black an continue 21 Byh222 Rel Ngs28 Rall BS as the knight on b6 isnot pinned. a. ons Another strong move feting the knight on b9 and creating propored 28 Bas as bette. » nwt Dit Not White has kept the exchange bout at too areata con 306 RIG 260M Neb age “This loses easy, but 27 Qas a3 is fit ans, 27. QubS 28 ReT NAB 29 Qe “et 30 Ret RI at + Bul8 32 Ngs mes 33 Kh Q47 34 Q82 QT 35.NEB es and White overstepped the tie i, SZARO-TIMMAN Amsterdam (97S ta 6 2Na iy 3a ae dee Ne sus i tactical threats against the | he Fou Pours Atak 8 ous eb tues TN, Nat fea eds Dexds Res Another alternative worth considering is 9 N&6. Now ‘gukt play does not yield any ‘advantage: 10-0-0 Ne? I NE Ros [at Reb 13 BIS 66 TE Not Ba6 1S Q63 Bact 16 Queda with a good game, “Theretore White mus et immectaely while she Knight is far from the conte. For exam ple, 10 e5 dees Tl tres Nef T2'be "Ret and. now Enclopacdia of Chess Openings fecounmends 16 #396 14 6 with more than enough com: pensation forthe pawn. wes ‘The pawn saciie into: dace by 10-0-0 gives some in Iau, bur Black reas the pwn and mets the Thests by One Nted HL Ned Reed 12 ad Re 13 fSNGT 14 Nes IG TS fex6 6 GS ag then 16 Qed with the idea of On, ‘Another consination which has "been much payed and stalysed starts with 10 Na. White temporarily defends the pawn atthe same time prepa Jing BIS, Nod and eS, Ths wil be discussed inthe next game Dobious is 12 06 06 19 6. Udoveie-Marovie in 1964 com tinued 13. Bd? 13 050 Bos TS NgS Ne! 16 Bed 617 Nest INid7 and. White had no com- pensation for the pawn. After T3040" exds "14 NidS Bee 1S Bod Nes Black isso bene, Milgika-Ta, 1959, n te In catler games Black cxperimented with 12. 96 fur becime amare of the angersand taps. Forexampl, 13040. Nes hut not Bocce dd KM NE 15 Ral? QM? 16 Not Qb6 17 NUS RIS 18 Bet NAT 19 Bod) 18 Need (18 a6 is unpleasant, to). Bues TS Bot Oxh2 (15 Got is recommended) 16 d6 with & Song. lnkitive, Vladimivoy Doda, Leningrad 1967 Rete Bue won BS Peev-Donner, Cienfuegos 1973, went Id NET 1S 0-0 NéeS "16 Bato “Qué 17 Nes (Qb6 18 Nees with advantage 50-0 Bags wows NOT 2 Play he King Seon Defence Black could exchange queens bout then he mst consider 18 Ne. es Ne 18 On Tactics have always been a strong feature of the Hungarian srandmaster’s ply. He has Some fine pots in mind, Natt TNs O67 19... ReT20 J6NE324 due? Qxe7 22 Rel contains other thea. was ges ‘Tima thought his postion seas tesre ithe Ral over: Tooke a point of two, Other wise he ould have. played 20 Qi? 21 Bett Kh 22 NITY KS when White has thing more than a perpewal check. kw Nt mara Res ‘One mistake sual leads «0 nother 22. Rad® was ine Aispensable aa Rae 2 s+ Bes (ore following rom An eegant serfice now cds te ame, But Black had no choice ‘2. ggete RIS Necé 26 Qe Ried 25... ahs 26 Nah + Ke? 27 Nes Nieb 28 Buss also quite easy. nt es Neo ets nate O66 outs Nes POMAR-FISCHER Ne 3 “ eas Phe Four Bowes Atak 2 bse The Bio ar) DNS Reh ‘The postion hasbeen reached by a diferent order of tmoves, This is a pure Benoni, fh at the sie ime it 8 postion arcing tom the Four soe Ate, Ne ‘This is another approach Ponar would lke to cate fist and then to proceed ith rypical manoeuvres, aimed at making posuble Ned and eventual HALWE © t tit At it) 2 SS it Ey ‘One of he wikd variations Fischer introduced ito. the enon, fiahting oe 3 win fom the very beginning. He could have chosen a qucter line, Tor Example, 10. D611 0-0 Bas thous White retains some £ advantage with 12 a8 Byed 13 Oued a6 18 Nes Ra? 1S QF. Aa alterative would be 10 Nab IL O-O NET 2 at 6 followed by. Ba6 as in Spassky-Kavalek,” Amsterdam 1978 ‘Grandmawer — Boleslavaky analysed. another sharp. and most teresting tne — TO Net U1 Bagé GP 11 Net Back does aot have to assert the pawn and can costine TTS) Qh 12 23 iss 1 Gust Baga 14.NbS tor 14 KID a6 18 af NAT 16 [dd +17 Kg2 Bre followed by Bed). Na6- and) now nether IS nd Rset 18 Nrod BF nor 15 Nad NBS 6 NieS NI 1D KIL BBS 18 Red Rack 1 RI B4420 a8 tS suppresses Black's tactical posites. Black "ean prepare... Nat with 10 a6 but shouldbe Warted that after 11 a6 Nee 2 Red he Bas a weak spot on 16 and must proceed 12.8, ince [2 Bett 15 bch Ret 140.015 15 a i not a all peasant THkchers move Is double ued ane sequites precsion. To. begin with, note thal 17 Beds met by 11 Ne 1 ae ln Padeshy-Ciociien, aso Havana Olympiad 1966, White played the much stonger 17 a8 2 Pte Kins nan Defence Nha? 12 0-0 NES 13 BIS. Bhs 14 Qe. and since 1. Ba 15 Niet isweak Bick sacriiced 4 pawn by 1. NESS Naot Nxct" 16 Qxcl where Bole Slevsky proposed 16... Bit wich counter play forthe pawn Tn any case 11 a8 is imperative ove a wl Be sen 0 Noa? nite bs “This is the point. White has fo chances forthe breake fhrough ia che centre, wile Back can mobilize bs pave majority 1 KM 36 Mat Rb 1S axhs anh wes What che? Wn dhes 17 Naot Naot WNtel Ne A very simple and efesive Aetence Was 6 ws et Very” well played indeed Black gives back the material bout in 0 doing reaches a positon where his bishops ae more active and the passed pawn op de is Weak 2 Naek Ned ni Bret Ode ais A sels temps Baws 24 fia I he takes owe om £5 Black ten has Qu a at 25 Ons Ost 26 Out Raed ams This wil make i lihuly easier for Black but the Fiat is slready over 27 abd 28 Rad 4 29 467 Rod8 30 fas bd 3 Rie p72 Beak Wadd 33 Ras BIG 134 Re 845.35 RDEH636 Res Rak 37 BBS Bod 38 bt Bee we cd 40 bys 2a BANG KNB. White Hesigned 2 The Classical and Related Variations rN re 6 Na By? ta de sha to Le 5 og i tt i 20 _Eiwiol is This the base postion of & series of important vavations nd one ofthe oldest methods ‘gains the King’s Indian Defence. "White oecupie the senize wth pawns, bu a con Tras tothe Four Pawns Attack he takes care to develop his Pees, too. Harmonious ‘evelopment enables White to ‘oep the tension fre enaieh 10 use opening problems for is fppanent. Black, having Finihed his Kiide develop: ment, in most cases tikes at the centre with 8, more farely with cS. AKO ‘characterise ite position of his queen's Knight, placed a 67 frm mosdeen Tine, ato ‘thie seston covers he analysis of: 1. 6 Be? Been Anderso-Antunac,p.78 970, U6 e5 7 0 Nba? 8 Sin Keene-Miis, p. 27; Gligorit- Fiche, 1 B08 7 ds Nba 9 is 469 agin Pesrosian-Gligaris, p.3i: O'Kelly Cligeie, 38; Buki-Brinck- Claussen, p. 3 eres Waltnr p. 36 WW, Ged 7 dS Nos in Petosian-Lutikos, BIT Ou oS Tai F g5 h69 tke Nab in v vu vt Ploy te King’s Pci Dfoce Gater-Linbojevit, DBO. eS 7 aS In Giigore-Galler, ban e8 7s bia Doner-Kavalk, p. 4. bund 7 000-0 4 Rb ex in Forman Vasiuhov, p. 26; # Rel 69 ROI as 10 03 end in Rab Pietsch, pi 6.68 7 0d NbdT 1 el 69 ROL as 10 Bs Res 11 BYI Net in NajdorF-Inkox, pase Rel Red D By c6 10 RoI Net fn Reshesky -Najot p58 03 70-0 int? # Bet of 9 Bf Reb 10 dSeS in Reshersky-Glgort, 525 10s Nes in Golombel-vkov, 9. $8: rack, pS sumbach-Shre, p88 $822 0-06 BSS 2 aS a6 Lombard Giigorié, 9. $957 a e6 in Fovintor-Marovi, pists Tas he 8 BIS fn Unimana-Adorian, ol; Lengyel= ‘Rntunae, p66: 3s hs 8 Be in hlmannisrne p88. {5 Bed eS 7 Bes Nhal7 in Reshesky Byrne pOn7a. coin Reshevsky-Najdor? p.TeT ‘Gaeornit-Diee del erin Corral, p74 IX, 5 Bed 087 0-0 Ne 8 dS Ne79 Bad in e769 Na Bh Taiotans-Tata, 9.78: 9'Na? Ni Kerebnai-cligoré, p78 asesin Larsen-Fiches, p85 She Nhs 10 Nae a Petrosan-ciigont, pA 10 2fin Setmide- Haba, p.88:9 New Nd? 10 Bes i Blsases Ghigori,p. 87:10 Nat Sin Laren-Tal, p89: Giigore-Fucber. p91; 10/3 {5 11 guia Larsen Tal . 92 ANDERSSON-ANTUNAC I Bexerwik 1970 ine rel No sat Set oe Ne Phe Clic ond Rete Varian s xa 2) [et tet iz F3 AGE ASS a [a i ey 3) “This move applies indirect pressure othe centre. The baie ‘ea il be ler from the open | ing mover ofa ame played rastings ip the thie (Vidar ‘eas Black) hich wants 7-0-0 Niar 8 Red Noo 9 89D 10 Hat 68 and back hae more [than adequate compensation for the bishop pat eshould be boone in: ming from the ety eglnning that Bad related ‘othe possible weakness std ' 700 1 IE White wants co force the exchange on 13, he nays” Bed | Niarshs" nett 9 Bas Noo 10 dS Nas 11 Bed with he bet (er game. In Taimanoy~ Bick, Havana 1968, White obisined an advantage by7 Bet tuts Rel es 9 dS. Bat TO BMS E511 ba where White's aeivity on the Qing is ‘evidently more valvabl However, if” Black continues 985 10 0-0 Nab 11 ab 5, {hivaring Writes plans on the side, no advantage ‘Semonsrabe 1. ter aia 8... Ne6 9 dS isin White's favours ¥.-€5 looks more natural since i opens the Tong Giagonal, although after 9 a8 ‘Nab 10 h3 BME 11 BATS Nev 12 Be? Black's game is rather ‘ramped, With the text move Flack is seeking counter shaness on the Kite, sass 9.15 is out of question becaise of 10 NpS. The text i not good either. 9s. BSS followed by a8 is beter. Net Asubte move. The kaiht is heuing for 3 whence i sun pots the pawn advance on the ‘O-ming, wile the exchange of the whitesquared bishops weakens Backs Ksie ation, w Bed noe ts neo cic 13. ed alo came into con. sideatton, Be 8 Intending... Bha and the exchange of the bad bishop. 6 Pty te Kigsfnon Defoe M4NbS Naw 15 Na Advancing. the preparations ofes es Black has aot dine 9 wane: sion on the Me his isk hope Rede — ext6 23 Rat Quiet but strong: doubling ook on tke" file to Treaten Re akes the sting out Df BIAcR’'s action on the fe, Ba Rt dia M6 Altes 24 2. g8 28 bugs fg3 26 Qed Ona 2 KET, Black's fack, Je sopped ‘and if Be Saag 28 REE NES 30 KET ‘Whi oition i preferable ‘Antanas was of he opinion den ext3 25 Q403 NIG. Was beter Net Rt A osistake follows a mistake slick could have played E 26. AES 27 Raed Root ut fot 27a Qaed 28 Nao Rug2e 29 KIL RIG 30 Nucd Reb6 31 Rok axe 32 d6 bead B27 ete), which shows that 24 fagt war inorder Both Players missed the point Bhat Ras 127. nes ahem 26 Na mn ns 2 O08 Qn 29... QW? ip refuted by 30 Ques and 29. Qudd 30 Rad hyp by 31 Ric 30 Qnd Kg7 31 gals RHO 32. NI2 BNO 38 Ops KAT 3 IS + OMS 38 exIS Ran 36 Net KAT 37 Nado. Nao 38 Rags Kegh 39 N64 KIT a0 Nuns NMS SERS NBS 42 RT Black resumed The Clana ond ReloedVariaons n KEENE-MINIE Manheim 1975 TNS a dat NG Bes Nhat if Oat rd Wawa Asia matter of principe i is Fester to postpone closing. the ene because ie simples Inack's forthe plans, bot wil hnoseen that B'S also hts ts * Ns oG2 a8 omerwise 10-6 would low If White chooses 10 Ne2 withthe idea oF NOS, 10. at does not salve the problem, because White continues REI fand bs, 10). BG isin order fang Tl Noi Brel 12 Ral INid7 keep the night on eS ad allows. 18 with @ good game WH 1 ies In Clarke-Marovie Hastings 1968/5. White ontinued mistakenly UBh and afer Thong 12 Be3 NDS TS N&2 NiO MES S15 BS 15 Black had avery strong intaive Wa MET On 11. 86 12 NaZ_ Net 13 Bret hed White has the clea, simple pla of capturing Space onthe owing witha and Deand he absence the white ‘uated bishop ot flat all. More ineresing is Gueld’s ie Tt NBS, when 12 Qs met by 12.» NES n> siting owe pan ening 125" becatse” of TWh Gated "proposed 12 be 18 N02 BA Rel Gi. The text akernave was ‘ey opal ao i gia Stengtens the knight one and rakes posible. 1, wbich is Bleek’s natural choise expecially sen the cente i closed Na » Play the Kia's Iain sence White must be prepared for nf 2 's Teas pus na 88 re ry 2) 12a & 2 ft REY BES 2 BR | In Antoshin-Marovg, Zagied 1965, Black chose Idee TS Bald Nes. bat fer 16 NDB or even 16 acl Ss. Antoshia played White ands somewhat better 15 bs “The postion is dstiately telanced an requires precision 15 Riel was correc, wa 16 Ns Nees 17 Rast Gcabbing the pawn by 7 ByesdneS IF Naas i nt to be recommended because of We eats mat won et Minig azo considered 1. KU, Keeping the tension wma Bxat 20 Ows OWT 2 os + Ky? 2K 4s easier to pay Black's side, boause there Is more Scope. One of the themes Is pressure an the "0 fk 2. Ree 23 er isko kre The “s” file can also be expoite. aKa 85 Nd ne DNS Rae 26 Riel ROR Provoking White 19 move his iy" pava,, which he does. Minis "considered 29 Ne2 was 2 bs as Swans Ras uke Commanding the open Ble, Back is clearly beter, and a the moreso becuse White iin ime trouble 32 mb? Rat 33 Not Reh MNS 34 BH was beter ‘eClsie! aa Relted Varaons » eo 35 gad Keene had probably. over looked 35'23 xg} and now hha to cate on 3. His game nov hopeless 3S ae RB 36 NFL RQQ 37 wot Nod 38 ds ead 39 uid Rexh2 40 4 Rk $1 OD Rad 42 Bas RM 43 Ne} Bn2+ 48 Ned Bet, White resigned GLIGORIC-FISCHER ‘olympid 1970 REZEZ25 a ‘A personal preference Favours Keeping the tension in the centre. wherever possible, cae that makes eather dit thealt for Black 0 define his inmediate plan, Usually it is White iho) as mare wet waiting moves at his disposal im bar 460 We ed the obvious 1. NeS is mots good because ice 9 NGQ aS Ha followed yb aks he wil Have to withdraw. The Hgts ceply Bc Net9 Bes 6 10 Hba NG and Black steady for TY 85 12 gS 13 with equal chances, a played in one of the match dames between Donner” and Giigori, 1968 Bas por 8 10 ms 6 1 Bes Ned Here, however, tis move is not So good. Black should stick to Mink's choice inthe previous ame Bees dues In those cases here Black an raster hs Kaigh to do ne foes not mind this exchange, br thas “manoeuire i no} feasible hee sks NG Ta Nues Neds Possible because 15 NUT is met by 15... Nb 1S exd5 Bes ei Baty 17 kb ‘hie is mistake. Agsinst Langeweg in Amsterdam 1970 Giigori’ played the beter 17-Kh2, and the game cos tinued: “17. Qh 18 RE 6 19 dNe6 bKo6 20 Hod with advaneage. » Play the Kine’ Icon Defence Ont won 6 Undermining. White's cee and tying to open the poston. 96 as ais In preventing te unpleasant 20 Bat White weakens the whole complex of back Sguares. Perhaps 20 Kh2 was beter. we. RT 2 Bes Now 21.KK2 ses to 21 Bes 22 eB a. Be as mr fast aes BB dreé Bree wm RS Not the bust. Alter dae BxdS 25 Naas Rast ‘White has no compensation for the pawn. The tet gives up the Tons share ofthe advantage. 25 bes 26 Ra 703 23 Rags DR 3083 31g 3 kg BRO BM Rud Ke Sokolov proposed 34... RbS followed by. RB as beter, Bs Rel Ka6 ARM Re ara RAT ens Rh ‘The pase pawns dangerous, and, in Blokading i, Black i Wisely following along ‘Guublished principle. Black's Position is preferable KO kes wNa ow Ng Apparently logical. bot in reality the decisive mistake. AS Fischer showed alter the Eame 441 RE wa in order. Mot bcs RD OND White obviously di not see the reply. The Ctaiclond Role Varun, a” RS Black gets rd of the pased awn and wins other pawns Wake ges 8 wonhiess xchange nas Res 45m RAE 4o RDS Ket ATR Rel Km Rel PR Rae SOKM cS With his king eat off White is iy beaten, SI RaS KulS $2 Rid Rels SU Kg? ad 54 RMT Ret+ 55 EL Kgs! 36 RAB 1S 57 Red io SH Ket £4 59 Ka Ry2 60 Ka 13 61 Rh + Kas 62 Ras Ni 63 af Ral 68 Kad 5 RIB KyS. Wikte resigned. mL PETROSIAN-GLIGORIC Canadas 1959 as Nt teas BN Ber tet at SXa 00 ome yas Nba 5 ys: following caer x) aw ie a | 2 oe 8 ‘The hey move of the socallt eicoian variation. When the fenie is slosed. Blick turne Immediately to his favourite method, the preparation ot IS. By playing 8 Bas White makes i ifficuh. a order 10 break the pin Black must either move his queen from the diagonat or contaue Bn6 9 Bh gS when weak squares appear in his poston “The impact of Petrosan's {8 g5 inthis tournament was such thar Black los all five ames defended with this Be be 9 tie 6 938 10ND Nes ig dubious after the strong LL Which makes counterstion fxtomay dificult. For exam: ple Th. Qa 12.0 Nh TS Rel PS is bad, and 11 at 2 Ply te Kina neton Dagon 12.6 66-13 BAD QuS 14 RDI tives White the beter game. Wa Os not Fischer analysed 11 g4 NBT 12.Qe2 Nes 13 0-0-0 15 wih caval chances, Mae NOT nba “The drawback of 9... 6 6 tae White occupies space and feizes the ‘native on the Qing. Ba NS 1 subsequent game in the same tournament Fischer ied 12's Bf against Tal, bu afte 13 Bate Nowe 14 Nb3 Qe? 15 Qd2 Kh? 16 Qe8 NgS 17 cS “White ha the beter fi. BRI 6 MB Oe 15 Ki The rin is again a cause of concern for Black nN we NS ne In an earlier game Olatsson played 17 exd6 exd6 18 Nat, bot ater 18... NF4 both sides had shances, The tat move 1 deep and postonally«rshins IF Back replies 17 BG. his took and bishop wil be out of Play for an indefinite period; on the otter hand, ater the fichange of pawns, lasting Sreskneses wil appear ia is position % sats xeelent 204s dreatened, ‘but the min idea sto prevent the development of the en's bishop if 19 (4 then 20-88 Or 19... Nib DOT exe 2 galt Naot 22 Bhs (Perosan, aa 2, t ES S| w.. Ke 2008 ‘This was not necessary. Since Black. hrs no counter play White had time for 20 24 » Ne 21 Nes The Chesil and Rela Vartons 8 Grandmaster Matanovit rightly cricized this» move, advising again 21 a4. Now Gori gts some play and hie ances improve xt ts Very good. Finally tere is some breathing space. 20Naz Ned awe RNG 25 65 Petrosian later proposed as otrct 25 Nb Nac} 26 RX3 (Geb 29 Ret) Qubt 28 Rel ) Black's 109k finaly 98 into as ash Dax Ryo A saosifce inorder 10 See the bichon. 28 Naxes fae het BIS ao mus Nus tiack ia pawn down but has rod erawine chances u R6 RRs Ke hut not 22... KKT 33 Reel e734 Nes, Meet Qt 340M RAT 435 Res Corres was 35 Ral and if 38. Red then 36 Reet as kur 36 Nees Rad BTN Naas aR RO DiS Reet Ree RE ‘Otherwise 41 £6 threatening sips Rane 41. RafS ose to 42 B6 bat the et loses too. tnispensable twas dl Rac? and if a RBS ‘nly hes 42 RB, 2b Rane Or 42... exb6 43 Rel Re2 44 Raed Ried 4S Red wining 43 Rings Ro AERTS 45 Ree ‘ack resigned. 15... KHT, then 46 foe ‘O'KELLY-GLIGORIC Madrid Zona 1960 1a NG ret 3No gy tae » Ply the Ki’ aon Dafoe sNB 0 Playing against Smytlow in one the Candies 1959, Beko yas Nat Teled 12 B13 ext Nez ams Ne (ot 136 14 Butt exit obi 8 18 p8) 1d QueD NI6IS cS dues “Tre pin is so unpleasant that aftr eetc period of practice fand analysis Blick seed for this weskening move. It weakens white squares bul ges bid of the pin and inwoduces Fish tactical play onthe K-vins. 10 gy NAS 100 1a is sharper ana wil be dealt wih in The ollowing rane. ” Na 12 Nel has abo been ried ‘The tex is more lope in the expectation of 12. 15,1) exf5 ‘osating the central sguare ot me NS ry e + tif Ne eter 1S. BAS) 16 Oot NG? and after 17s B6 18 NO3 7 19 NhS tad the worse of be White fs nersous. He shootd have played 18 Bgl caking fdvantage of the weak white squats, although even in that cave tactics help: 10 Ned TENGxeS 1S. In Vokowie= Sanosevie, | Yusoslay Chan isnship 196D, there followed TS BIS Burs 16 19 Q88 17 be (Qg6 and Black was ber. Later Practice showed that 15 3 as Inder when 18. BS 16 Bx xf4 17 Bs fret 18 fed Qe? fives Blick a fine game for a paw. nb Nees wa 14 Bastismet by 14 ex Maw Neat 1s Qu2 Nit won ns Black nas ene hein. meow Played in onder to activate the queen's bishop. Thess ond Role Variations s We txgt Bags 102 Bho A. natural square for the ‘ings bishop. mw ost ste nes White & ready for #3, NDB suo Nha Bask dhwarts he plan by @ further opening of the position for his pat of bishops. evs ous 2 Nded OM Forcing the weakening 23 293 et as Rar RIT 26 Rare Rare 27 KM he 2 kl 6 2 kM 3 0-0 Nia? # Rel 66-9 BH eb 10 HOI aS 118 NES Sets a em EE EA J ae Very strong. White immediatly opens the “Ffile find stats «dies attack on it ‘opponents kin, u exté sR 1a) ft wi ae | HEU a c5 12 a8 Nef, hen 1 BgS 16 14 Bi slows down lacks counteraction on the Keving, retaining the beter chances as 12 at mests a stone reply wth ew ents lx Glgoré-Sten,toterzonal 1967, there wast) 2... BET LD Naz Nhs 1 NS” wih Somewhat better prospect Weds maT rs Iskov proposed 14 N&2 as better 4 ns Ponsible because the pave on is not sufficient protect. 1s bs The only move 1s anos 16 Rebs as The game is eau. Was Rect ae Black theeatened 18 .. Nab ie 18 Nets wonld have been net by 18 ~. Noses. So White ‘ecied to clear the sisation on the Qside Keeping his bishop aie 6 Pha he K's aan fone ry ous Sas ts 20 ats EE el tat 2 Ja [Sel he Bu Galombek i ot sce th mov! In King’s don Bete seh ate po Slo neve be car eos 21 Qs But ab Oa Blak ison th offensive snd the exhtoge of gure wort Sith he tack. 200 Que 24 Reo? Reb 25 Root Raa ‘The pawn on of i doomed. 2 Nes Neves 27 Bob Rat 2) N20 RAT Nils 20 Beds NedS HL RAL NIE 32 Nees Riggs 33 KE RES MONAT RIBS 3S KeL RI 36 Nud6_ MsI3_37 Ned NaS 38 1aT RMT 39 RAT 59 NaS RFI lead to mate Baw RMT 0 fiers SURG NT BRS he White resin FTACNIK-TAL Sochi 1977 1 eA NIG 2.Ned 26 3 ef 06 40417 5 NG 006 Bed eb 7-040 Nbd? # Ret e6 9 WHS 1 WoT Rem 11 a5 Nes 12 A Preparing for a3-b4 is un ubrety the most logical line er, Denar Back as in mind. exals and - BS, uilizing he pressure oned 1 Na 13 duc6 Bice 14 Qed Reh 15 a8 (o preven. BS) Ob6 16 Rb Teves Black with wo counter-pay. 13 a3 i 100 ear land van be met by 1.x exe Tos bs 15 bs xb 16 Rt RBS Be no Bas 13. Qb8y played in ort-Minig, Zin Pas 1968, esauee ler 1 ad ext IS ed, 15. i efted by 16 be axbt" 17 Ras, while 15 Red 16 QES Neb 17 BOS so Tens to a clear postion ‘vantage for White. Mine improved is play two sears later arsine ‘Stein (USSR Yugoslavia, Erevan) wi 1B RIB 1d a3 exd8 1S ox Nei 164 axht 17 Rab (there's nothing in 17 abt Naf) 17 B46, but Stein stl had pressure after 8 NBS Bxcl 19 Quo! 6620 Naz #521. Qb2. ‘he Cinsutand Rt Vartons » teat Winht Nat Bo Mot Bo nas = & t ait At 2 est! Bac ia Bia) Mat exas Isews RIB 1 Kikinds 1976 Minié wid 15 BS ut lost afer 16 bf {a0 17 Rubs RDS IB Qe2 Nab 19 Rib. His opponent, Vue showed 18 a8. 19 Nb3 Nab} 20 Qx63 Bact 21 Roel Reed 22 RBI and 18... Oe8 1 Not with advancage se Ref 16 a i so advan agcour to Waite 16 Not Natural and ston. ee. eet Meet 00 Te _Polugayevsky-Mi Vinkoves 1996, TT. NeW IQs Res 19 BA and 3Y Sabb Nag 21. Rect did not ne Black's problems cite. Thin ip @ mistake, After che fame Ftscnik pointed out 31 Qas Ku? 22 Roel, asesing bis positon as advanagsous. ‘Aer the tex complications + fn Black's favour Mo. Ba cr) bu Fracik id noe tke 23 ND6 (927) fesiag. Srother “sentra pava and 29 NAB Be2 24 OF Kg? 25 Bd Rad did aot appeal tobi either, Bo. Ms Ba tess ase Mes ae Rel Reo na * Phy King Ian Defoe Fracik saw 27 ND6 Ned Qh 20 bs Oa Ra, n Bes HF 27 Bal, then 28. Naes Nat 29 Rat 2 Nees Nua 0F28 Bab 29 Bos 29 Neb bees 30 Que A serious alternative, accord ing 10 Fraenik, was 30 Q2, 30. O06 M Qxb6_ abs 325 cabs 33 Bubs Ras 134 RDI KgT 38 Raz nS 36 BED Nek 37 ROT Nab 38 Rat NIS 39 Bod RIG 40 RFI RES I Bas Nel 2 RAG KMI6 40 BS he 40 Rad Kes 48 Ba 1S 46 KP 14 47 BAS NGS 48 Red Riot 8 Bro M6 50.B2 Nal S1 Bad NS 52 BO7. Drawn BAUMBACH-SYRE Est Germany 1977 1 ds 462 ot 83 NNETS Neh 36 5 ef WaT 6 Be2 Neto 70.0" 0-0°8 Rel 66.9 BI aS 10 Rb exat 1 Black wants to avoid the closing of the cenit after 1O.ReS, this the mos serious tempt. However it brings othe dificutes. Ceding the cent eaves Blak with the weakness on 36 TNMs Ret After a Ngt_ 12 Qua Budd 13 Qdi Qf6 or 13.88 [N16 14 BS ho Black has a good tuame, White. should proceed With 12 13-Qb6 13 hawt Bee 74 Bed with the beter game Ne Unnecessary, 12.19 i leary the most natural and best It tnue Enevelopaeia of Chess Openings gives 12. 5 exes Nea8 (pot 13 exd8 16 Ndbs witha tong initiative) 14 Kh (14 Need NeT 1S Bed BeS gave Black excelent counter-play in Petugayersky-Neret, Vinkove 1976). Naci 18 bus3 Nef 16 Bed BIB as equa but its sitet to accept the opinion White's poston i tobe prefer red 2 er wis Nes 4 Od Baumbach proposed 14 9 with some adeantare #0 White 4 Nas 1s ps6 16 Besos me Baumbach gives 17 Be2 as tne proper solution. After the ext lack gains the bishop pa WN Wier Nes woe 6 me Bhs 29 Neds Ont BONG RASS te resigned. vir LOMBARD-GLIGORIC Olympiad 1970, ro ra ana Br aa ae Sh oo 6 is I opening the diagonals ‘ack has a» particular” pas sbi min a0 ons 6 HOB pus RNa hes Nats 28 QxNS_QuT is abo in acs Favour Bo RM Mes Bet 208 OMT Ne 0°26 Knt Ben RAB On Rae By playing this move Waite prevents » eS and forsee his ‘Opponent to went oter lines. ba ‘The mos popular response, provoking 65. ‘Black thereby ‘opens the Zong diagonal fies the pan ene and has a ‘shoice of Further sotinuations, 78s 7 aeS Qa8 8 BAD (or 8 Q82 aue89 eS Rab). QS 9 NB Bs# followed by .. Bx and. No6 gives Black an easy 7 ” (flowing snermd

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