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La Importancia de Aprender un Idioma

Labinia Quintero Gómez

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Notas de Autor

Labinia Quintero Gómez, Formación Titulada Virtual, Tecnólogo en Negociación

Internacional, Centro para el Desarrollo Agroecológico y Agroindustrial del Atlántico,

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA


La Importancia de Aprender un Idioma

- ¿Qué problema de comunicación encontró entre las dos partes?

The lack of knowledge on the part of the presenters of the show in languages , (they

interviewed in Spanish language) and in this case they are completely unaware of

the English language, they deduced the responses given by the members of the

group interviewed since they spoke in their English language and as a result, the

interview was derisory. On the other hand, the interviewees responded according to

the questions in their language, which is presumed to be; they interpreted the

Spanish language but they don't speak it.

- ¿La información dada por los locutores fue correcta?

The interpretation was totally incorrect, since they deduced the interviewees'

responses by associating the phrases they heard in English with Spanish without

clarifying the actual vocabulary; i.e. the meaning of each word, so the information is

totally wrong.

- Enumere otras situaciones similares que conozca donde se presente este


One situation I can present is my own case, given that I have long neglected English

and it is quite complex. I had the opportunity to interact with foreigners who spoke to

me in English and did not achieve a minimum dialogue.

- ¿Qué concluye de esta situación?

Definitely becomes essential to learn another language and in this case learning

English is very important because for the technological career we are making it is

absolutely necessary and for life.

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