Basic Helping Skills

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Basic Helping Skills

Prepared by: Nerisa T. Gonzalo, RGC

Empathy: Higit pa sa malasakit

“If you judge people, you have 2. Use short responses
no time to love them”-Mother
3. Gear your response to the
Empathy is the ability to enter
Empathy in Action: Creating a
into and understand the world of
Mattering climate.
another person and to
communicate this understanding Visibility
to him/her. Ensure that you are there and
Three Important points to that help is visible and
consider to be good at being available.
Empathic: Valuing
“True Empathy The Core Message- What is the Make the person feel that they
requires that you “message” being expressed. matter and that you value
step outside your Feelings – How clients talk about helping him/her.
own emotions to their feelings and what they Offering Help
view things entirely express in the encounter.
A simple “how may I help
from the Experiences and Behavior - you?” can give a person in
specific experiences and distress a certain sense of
perspective of the
behaviors that underlie a assurance.
other person.” person’s feeling.
Anonymous Establishing Professional and
Some Hints to Improve the Personal relationship
quality of Empathy:
Make the person feel that you
1. Give yourself time to think are there as a professional and
a person.
Basic Helping Skill: Active Listening
“The one who truly listens is the 1. Listen with the EYES and
one who listens with the heart” EARS to the non-verbal.
Listening is being silent Certain emotions are conveyed
with another person in through the tone of voice or
an active way. gestures, active listening
Listening is participating. requires that we are sensitive
to these.
Why Listen?
2. Listen with the mind.
It is a basic human need. because people will often talk
How to Listen Effectively about three things;
experiences, behaviors, affect.
Basic Helping Skills
How to listen effectively (continuation)
3. Identify and handle b) Evaluative Listening –
DEFECTIVE judgment
LISTENING. Having a judgmental attitude
Principal Forms of defective while listening will let you miss
listening: out on an accurate understanding
of the person’s situation.
a) Inadequate Listening
Check on these factors that
contribute to defective listening c) Sympathetic Listening –
such as attraction, physical distortion/blinded
condition, concerns, over- Becoming too emotional over
eagerness, and similarity of
what the person is sharing can
problems also hinder one’s focus on what
the person is saying.

Final words on listening

“Listening is an art
Skilled helpers ask themselves from time to time during
that requires conversations/encounter whether there is anything affecting their ability
attention over to be with and listen to their clients.
talent, spirit over The ability to focus almost exclusively on a client while forgetting yourself
ego, others over and then to return to productive self-consciousness comes with both
Next, establish how much time and
experience and maturity. money you can spend on your
newsletter. These factors will help
determine how frequently you publish
the newsletter and its length.
Use the body of your school newsletter
to keep parents apprised of major
assignments and class events, as well as
of any school district news.

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